WLP q2 WK 2
WLP q2 WK 2
WLP q2 WK 2
Differentiate the:
1. epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;
MELCs 2. intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude;
3. active and inactive faults
DAY 1 1. Determine the correct answer Summative Test 1 Begin with classroom routine: HOME-BASED
on the given questions based A. Prayer ACTIVITIES
Nov on the discussion. B. Checking of Attendance
21,2022 2. Analyze and choose the best A.RECALL (ELICIT)
answer to the questions
asked. Conduct a short recapitulation of the topics
3. Show honesty all throughout discussed in the module.
the test. Remind the class that they will be given an
assessment about the concepts they’ve learned
through the given time.
Recording and analyzing how the scores of students
went through, this result will be used as basis for
class remediation just in case many were not able to
get the passing target of 75%.
Day 2 K: Differentiate an epicenter from a Earthquakes and Fault Preliminaries: Prayer, Checking of attendance, IATF protocol
Nov S: Use model to show the different Awareness: How are you going to relate fault movements
22,2022 types of fault models. from earthquake? What are the terms usually heard from
A: Relate how movements along the the news when an earthquakes occur?
fault affect the surrounding.
Activity: 1 Distribute the photocopied Fault Model
Giving of general instruction for the activity to perform
“where does an earthquake start?”
Using the fault model from the previous lesson ask the class
to answer the following questions:
1. Where is the first movement of earthquakes occur?
2. Make a comparison of an epicenter and a focus. Describe
both using your model.
3. Point out the fault line, fault plane, focus and epicenter
using the model.
4. What is felt near epicenter and a focus?
Assignment: What is intensity of an earthquake
DAY 3 K: Describe the strength of an Earthquakes, Intensity and Preliminaries: Prayers , checking of attendance an IATF
earthquake in two ways: intensity and Magnitude Protocol
Nov magnitude.
23,2022 S: Present a scenario showing Awareness:
different levels of intensity and Video Presentation: 2013 EARTHQUAKE VIDEO BOHOL CEBU
magnitude. 7.2 Magnitude compilation footage Philippines
(rubric) (youtube.com)
A: Show cooperation during the
activity Activity:
The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
(PHIVOLCS) uses the following scale to describe the
intensity of earthquakes in the Philippines.
Group the class and assign numbers to brainstorm.
Organize a discussion on the tables.
Each group will present their output in front of the class.
1. What is intensity?
2. What is its importance?
3. Why do we need to familiarize with this numbers?
4. What is magnitude?
5. How it is determined?
How do we distinguish intensity and magnitude of an
Suppose an earthquake occurred in Luzon. Would the
intensity be the same all over the Philippines?
A) When an earthquake occurs, where would shaking be
B) Where would damage be more?
C) Based on your answers to Questions A and B, where
would the intensity be higher? Near the epicenter or away
from the epicenter?
Research on the latest earthquake in the country, include its
intensity and magnitude. Enumerate damages it caused the
K: Determine active and inactive fault
Nov using the map of distribution of active Earthquakes, Active and Preliminaries:
24,2022 faults in the Philippines. Inactive Faults
S: Locate active and inactive faults Prayers , checking of attendance an IATF Protocol
using the map of distribution of active
faults in the Philippines. Awareness:
A: Appreciate the integral part of Ask the class the significant of History. Why do we need to
PHIVOLCS in locating active and study this subject?
inactive faults in the Philippines.
Show the map of active faults in the Philippines.
Ask the class to familiarize the location together with their
group members.
Study the map and find out where you live. Is there an
active fault passing by your town, province, or region? If so,
are you and your family prepared for the occurrence of an
What is an active fault?
(An active fault is one that has moved in the past and is
expected to move again. Put in another way, an active fault
has generated earthquakes before and is capable of causing
more in the future.)
What is the importance of knowing the location of fault?
1. How many active and inactive faults did you list in region
2. Name the specific city, town, and barangay where it is
3. Make marks and assign colors in your map for easy
4. What preparations will you list in your notes in case there
is a sudden movement of faults located near our community
or city?
5. Describe the lines found in the map. (Solid lines tell us
exactly where the active faults are. Heavy dashed lines tell
us the approximate location of active faults)
Make a list of suggestions on what to do before, during and
after an earthquake?
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