Feedback 16036882 1
Feedback 16036882 1
Feedback 16036882 1
Module Code and Title: UZWYCB-15-1 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice Assessment component: 2000-word assignment
• Applies accurate
referencing technique
(UWE Harvard)
Faculty of Health & Applied Sciences Assessment Feedback
• Identifies the
importance of
upholding the safety
of people in their care,
identifying why
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children, young people
and adults may be
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policies and
Faculty of Health & Applied Sciences Assessment Feedback
Faculty of Health & Applied Sciences Assessment Feedback
Demonstrate how to make 20-29% 35%-39% Meets the Competent grasp Reasonably well Clear and well- Clear and Original and
use of evidence-based Some positive Some strengths, but relevant learning of main issues organised argument presented sophisticated imaginative
decision making in elements but overall not reaching outcomes but showing ability to but evaluation and argument. Sound argument and argument and
generally the minimum pass mostly begin to evaluate development of evidence of evaluation. critical evaluation.
delivering patient centred
unsatisfactory with standard due to some descriptive. Some and interpret ideas could be evaluation and Evidence of Exceptional in
practice. some irrelevant or key omissions in basic information, but improved. knowledge. insightful analysis in knowledge,
incorrect material. presentation, interpretation could be Demonstrates Evidence of clear most areas; comprehension
This can present as: Lack of discussion. argument or and evaluation strengthened. ability to evaluate understanding of convincing and creativity.
structure. Content but not very well Some analysis but somewhat relevant issues synthesis of a range Exemplary.
• Identifies appropriate 10-19% not always relevant. developed. Some evident and limited in-depth and ideas. Sound of appropriate
policies and literature Significant misunderstanding begins to develop discussion. evidence of sources.
which demonstrates or deficiencies; Likely to 30-34% of key principles argument but knowledge.
supports the use of an have insufficient, Some positive and concepts. tends to be Logical
evidence-based irrelevant or incorrect elements but missing descriptive. development of
approach (e.g. NMC material. Likely to some essential Balance between ideas presented.
code) have very poor aspects. For example, description and
structure; no may be lacking in evaluation could
discussion. focus and structure. be improved.
• Demonstrates an
ability to evaluate the Likely to have limited
quality of resources in 0-9% discussion with some
supporting the Insufficient material lack of relevance.
arguments made. presented. No
evidence of sufficient
Faculty of Health & Applied Sciences Assessment Feedback
Thank you for your submission and a relevant and important topic. You demonstrate your understanding of the topic well throughout the assignment.
You start with a good introduction to the topic and set out its importance. You link this well throughout to the relevance to nursing practice.
You have read widely and bring in a wide range of appropriate literature to support your discussion.
There are some areas that are largely descriptive, however you bring in and compare the relevant legislation that supports the practice. To increase your marks – be critical and
compare your reading. Avoid using lots of direct quotes unless it’s a pivotal statement. You need to demonstrate you can evaluate this to show understanding.
You could have been more explicit in your link from Safeguarding to person centred care, and also how we can avoid or the challenges of avoiding discriminatory practice.
Good discussion on the key principles of safeguarding supported by the relevant literature.
Well done you have articulately presented a good paper on safeguarding and how they relate to the fundamentals of nursing.
Development Points: In order to improve your work, in future submissions focus on the following:
Avoid using direct quotes
Paragraph structure, some are very short statement like, they need to flow in to one another
Develop your critical thinking and analysis of the reading
You are strongly advised to make an appointment with the first marker:
If your first marker is not available, then please contact the module leader.
Agreed Mark Name of First Marker: Name of Second Marker:
(mark available through Aimee Hilton (if applicable)
MyUWE/Bb if no mark visible
Students are reminded that marks are PROVISIONAL until ratified by the Field Board.
Faculty of Health & Applied Sciences Assessment Feedback
Things I did that attracted positive feedback: Things I did that attracted critical feedback:
Things I can do to build on the positive feedback: Things I can do to build on the critical feedback:
The single most important thing for me to do in the future on the basis of this feedback:
Faculty of Health & Applied Sciences Assessment Feedback
The single most important thing for me to avoid doing in the future on the basis of this feedback:
Critical Thinking
Digital Fluency
Innovative and Enterprising
Forward Looking
Emotional Intelligence
Globally Engaged
Faculty of Health & Applied Sciences Assessment Feedback