In the assignment guidance video, you suggested using statistics and graphics to help
strengthen your argument. If we're struggling to find graphics ourselves, we can take
written data and create our own graphics, of course referencing the primary source?
Yes, you can do this and please reference the original source below the table and in the
reference list as per normal
We think most reports will focus primarily on your field of practice because this is what interests
I can only find 1 societal and 1 economic factor to focus my discussion on, yet the
guidance says that we should focus on 2 societal and 2 economic factors. Is this ok?
This is fine. The guidance is not a rule but a guide. If you can only find 1 or 2 areas to focus on,
just make sure you have depth in your enquiry. The guide is there to ensure that you do not talk
about more than 2 societal and 2 economic factors.
Is it possible to choose a specific country that you want to discuss in your assignment?
Yes. You might also wish to think about the impact of long-term conditions on the cost of healthcare
Economic factors are PIP, benefits, unemployment, expendable incomes etc. Larger examples
are government funds etc.
Societal factors are: Social determinants etc. Green banner in health determinants.
Should I link my essay linked to the field of nursing?
This feels natural to do this. Markers will be advised that even tenuous links to nurses is
acceptable, although your guidance might reflect this, try to be specific.
Should we be using references from blogs, newspapers, books and journals?
You can use references from a variety of sources, just ensure they are used appropriately. So, if
you are exploring statistics about asthma, lung cancer, obesity. Use a relevant source, NHS,
NICE guidelines, Office of National statistics etc. If you are exploring someone's sensible advice
on climate change, management of food waste etc, this might be more anecdotal and therefore
might be in a podcast etc.
What isn’t included in the word count
Table of contents is not included. Reference list isn’t included either.
Tables and images within reports look better but do count in the word count, if very detailed
please add as an appendix. Be mindful that you need to consider are they worth adding in?
What word counts for sections within the report?
This drives anxiety. The whole report should sit at about 2000 - 2,500 words. The
recommendations and conclusions etc should make up the rest, this is a guide.
Should the report start to point towards a particular health concern or should it be linked
throughout the report?
Better reports generally thread it through the report rather than coming to the outcome at the
latter stages.
UK or global?
Because the guidance points towards global health, consider implications wider than just the
UK. Link to UN sustainability goals, ‘think global act local’. Talk about how the UK compares to,
This could work as an idea and link this to older birth rates etc. Societal stigma exists too.
Climate change and effects on children and mental health.
Can you confirm that it's just one population group then societal factors and
environmental factors that relate to it?
If it helps you write it, yes. But there are no rules. Don’t limit yourself.
Type 2 diabetes – that's ok for children's field too, this affects children too and younger people.
Think of the cause of T2DM, primarily obesity and the climbing rates and climate crisis.
Prevention is better than cure.
Depending on the topic, should link back to health promotion, theories of change etc.
Yes, data and stats should be discussed. If you have enough to discuss.
References/citation within the text count towards words. The reference list is not included in
the word count.
Yes, this could explore future proof of resources and future disease progression etc.
Obesity and children into adulthood, does this seem reasonable?
What if we did nothing? This will relate to futureproofing for practice too. See above also.
Is it that it’s the impact climate change has upon public health problems?
Yes. e.g. The impact climate change has upon obesity or respiratory disease but tackling this
means it might affect climate change. Providing services etc will have an effect.
Can I do how water affects antimicrobial resistance and the links to socioscomic
This is relevant and an approach, but don’t overcomplicate this. We might all be affected by
overuse of antibiotics etc. But living conditions will affect this further.
Linking to financial implications, water use and flood controls etc. Maybe think about which
population is most affected too? Is this more within the coastal areas?
Assessment is the linking of the concepts; do you understand public health and how climate
change might be affected? Think about the models and that you also understand sustainability.
So long as this is appropriately justified. Do you know the benefits of the model and the
relativity to your topic?
You should be aware of this for your practice. This is not necessarily assessed; your learning
helps to inform the assignment being met not the other way around. You need the
components taught despite them not being directly assessed.
Alcoholism and domestic abuse may impact climate crisis. Think about education, promotion
and potential communities impacted. Is there a particularly area affected by alcohol?
Respiratory disease and its effects on socioeconomic class and households.
Food security and illnesses, rickets, immune diseases etc. Links of particulate population and
auto immune disease. Social determinants involved too. Try not to loose focus.
Can obviously discuss both, obesity might be the first domino though and the rest will follow.
Make sure you reference the NMC code, NICE guidance for conditions/management, national
statistics, UN SDG’s
Mental health within a community/population would be better and meets the brief.