LP in Eng 4 FINAL DEMO (Checked)
LP in Eng 4 FINAL DEMO (Checked)
LP in Eng 4 FINAL DEMO (Checked)
Molina College
I. Objectives
To start our class this morning, let us have first our prayer.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, Amen. Spirit of Jesus, guide us to witness to truth and In the name of the Father and of the Son
charity, and lead us always to do the Father’s will, Amen. In and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Spirit of Jesus,
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, guide us to witness to truth and charity, and
Amen. lead us always to do the Father’s will,
Amen. In the name of the Father and of the
b. Greeting Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
c. Attendance
Kindly say present when your name is called. (Each pupil will say present when his/her
name is called.)
(The teacher will call the students by name.)
Class, arrange your chairs and sit properly. Nobody should
roam around especially when the class starts. Listen
attentively so that you will understand our lesson. If you
have something to ask or something to say just raise your
hand or say, “Excuse me Sir.”
d. Review
Before we proceed to our new lesson this morning, who can Our lesson last meeting was all about
tell our lesson last meeting? Adverb.
Very good! Our lesson last meeting was all about adverb.
Where is it?
Is it here?
Is it there?
Is it under the chair?
Is it up?
Is it down?
Is it maybe on the ground?
I don’t know
I don’t know
But it must be somewhere
Is it here?
Is it there?
Is it under the chair?
Here, there, tell me where?
Up, down, on the ground!
Where is it?
Very good! And what are those underline word? Here, there, under, down, up and
Again, why is it that the adverb of place is “on the table” Because, it tells where the verb happens.
in the sentence?
Good job!
Direction: Under the tree you can find a broken mango all
you have to do is collect all the pieces and form a mango
fruit and paste it on the board. Underline the adverb of
place used in the sentence.
Group 2 (Harvesting)
Why is it that the word “under the tree” is the adverb of because it explains where the verb
place used in the sentence? happens.
What is the adverb of place in the sentence? “Outside the house” Teacher!
Why is it that the word “outside the house” is the adverb of because it explains where the verb
place used in the sentence? happens.
Another example, Amy left her bag inside the classroom. “inside the classroom” Teacher
Wow! You did a great job today class, everybody clap your
IV. Evaluation
10. My parents are talking inside the room. 10. inside the room