Hhgyhukctmgfvhc, Ucv

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2 of materials

> 2.3 Why elements react

to form compounds
In thi st iC
• of it withthat

• explain imic areformed


of lithit_mis 2, I _
strt_xlureof this
of is 2.7.
pu dram them, themwitha
dra s.
h t energy
whi ch the peri odi cTa bl eea ch Of thes e
is in
Be to withthe

60 >
2.3 Why react to

Thinking about atomic structure

M -mgcd slwlls
the with highest
outsideof It is outermost ek•ctron shell.

In shells, is first
slæll, in eight m

of atcmis of
in _
telE in

of —l a c'm-ge o f 4-

A of

m by

Why do elements react together?

QI) is full of
elm tsm 8, gm. t]wir mgy
of full, t}wy
do to
AIl gmul"do full of they
to In doing fill
with Theel—ts in by
be in tm.
2 of rials

Losing electrons
with el—ts by
this happ«.s,

a loss from which

his is full.So, is stable
We write symbol a as N".

is 'Egatiwly
el«tm So, mite symbol a Nu'_

Gaining electrons
An by wining
In in the Pericxiic
Table, out—t
el«tron s'wlls full. In 7 , el—us such
in cwt—t Tofillits
shell,a an a
s heliln ful l ,

2.3 Why el —ts to

We mite symbol a Cl. a ch

it el«tm atom,
rww pc%itiwly
So, write symbol a chlcvim Cl -

Ionic bonding
A nd a chlorirR
to fom an ionic bond
the pc»itiwly

u. 11

atcm nd a
it 10 II Thi s II
ch«gB the Sut 10 frcm
This that a
ch«ge of -e _ fM a is N. • .
fMa as 12.8]•
gailB a
it 18 17 This 17
chargB fn-m but 18 regatiæ m
T his that chlorirR a el«tricul
of — I _ Cl -
of fcwm a
to f'_M-n chlcyide, NH Cl.
m Gmup I with Gmup 7 el—us a similM way.
ewpk, with
4 lithim chloride
+ lithim nwride
2 of materials

elxtron by the cfw-ge
ch«ge in
shell of is frc_mthe
it is to I is difficult for
in in the to in
it diffmltto

are in shællsby

of to additi€Mul
2.3 Whyel—ts to mpounds

What el«trcmic of a
What the of a icm?

of a

Why this?
8 is it gain
Why is th

Other ionic compounds

Ionic co mmnmds that made fm
metal R-«ts with a
In el—mts gaimi_epic;
with to oxide, MgO_

its An six m its

l. two

02- _ to nd form
to fcwm MgO_
2 of m ate ri als

with tofcm

mt«ial: with
of f'_wrÄf_

magr—m tm. fm its

f. amagÄm Mg>_ gain
nd 2 CF. two
to fcwm to
chlcyi&, M
diag. to explain of an of
is of
10 m-ly of —t with of to form

11 Wrne calcim chic-wide

Wnte calcim
2.3 Whyel—ts to


You wi l l
card.glue. ruler,
s}æetof of

I In pairs, of k:

2 of the ng n chlorine

Ma kea to i l l us tra tethe of Of

ea—ts is
Make o' t}æi r
of its
Peer asses Sm
your it with

could to t}-æir

87 >
2 of m ate rials

Sharing electrons
with they do by
to fill ti-æir

Hydrogen and chlorine

An eple of this is to

a its
shell; in this first is
d its slwll;
in this el«trm feweight
shue a of
sEælls full of
of chlcxide its is _

in a dot
chl as This of diagram
a dot and cross diagram _
tyß of ealkd
covalent b«md_

Hydrogen and hydrogen

Cova fcmå of join
to of
join tOB'ther_
2.3 Why el —ts to compounds

Forepk, of join to a
of its
this cully
a of
tm. in el«tm is full
sta ble
a of 112.

Hydrogen and nitrogen

of a ar—iu_ This
tm m this shell
of nitrogcm an of 7, it tm
the in its
el«trcm eight
of with of
of all tirir
sfælls full of e I« tm
a of its is
2 of m ate ri als

chkYide, —ia a Iw
of too.

13 Which of in diagram
14 Draw a dot m d to slww a
of ch is
15 Is chlcvide a
? Giw a
Write a of a of
dioxide a of nitnvn.

I of

2.4 Si mpl e gi a nt

> 2.4 Simple and giant

In thi sto i C


Getti ng
Explain of toget}ær gra phi te
if it helps to exFAain_
to this is deferentfrom
jointoget}ærto an

Be answers With class.

2 Prope-tiæ of materials

Giant structures in ionic compounds

chlomleis an ims of Na-,
Cl- charges ttæy
to foræs,
Kt all md
in nukea km a


In a , by six
chloride witha regulu
—ged a mgulM

Giant covalent structures

of simple
nd Thisis
the stmg but
in term o Qular forces.

2.4 Simple

Giant structures of carbon

in a gimt s Euh
ms stmlg
is FMth.It fM
it is cutting drilling It
of rigid, of

2 of materi

f. a gin t fM very era*ite-

Graphite fM m fM
puts mmchiÄ

with atcm_
fom layers,which slide
the stmg.
mk laya-sslide each
euily Thismak% it my.
make a parW.

2.4 Simple

Bui l di nggi a nts tmcturæ

as glue, sticky
stm or wiresto
balls COma ke

Ina of three, make of ant of ch ,

sho% a listof
its Wri tea n o' s træture i s l i nked
of of giant
When have
to group it


diffæt fm-I a
2 a witha a
3 join to
4 What a Giw
2 of m ateri als

Covalent and ionic substances have

different properties
Melting and boiling points
high GEIting mints boilingpoints
is stmg Iding
mde fm-msimple low melting
nd boilingpoints ultimgh holding
the the —

— 'lhs onlya
ofmgy to in to
Ques tions
to 5—9




Is a simple
with t fcx
Is a simple WithmJent
Give f'N
Is —ia a Solid, liquid at
Whydo oxide high B'ints?
9 Whydo hm
2.4 Si mpl e d s tructures

at this of

of thissut"tm
A a of 3078 oc a boiling of
0C. of it a
12 dicmide a
It is chmical It is a hard
with a næltingpoint of 1610oc Which of
it a
Conducting electricity
lcmic will electricity
if di.lwd in
if to a liquid _

clurge to charge
Cm•aknt nude fm do
2 Prop«tiæ of ma teria l s

Think likea scientist

IMic cond«ting electricity
I gloves, Wires, ,
knife, of aptals of copfA
of of A'Ifate

oys tak Sol utiorESuch s ul fa tea re i rri tM'tsTa
_ ke
using mid towhing glasses.

up in the page,but the

to the Start.
a of of ionic in a
3 to do not
final link until
Re-Fka tthi sfor a n are

7 of costae in
Ta ke cræ are

R%Eat thisfor allthe crptals


I Did al Sol utions el ectri ci ty?

2 Explain
2.4 Simple

3 Did c conductelectricity?
4 Expla
S with whatWould if useda Subs tancei n

Summary of the properties of ionic and covalent substances

SukBtæ s i mpl e
very miting æints
h nts iling nts thæ are

hi gh rml ting

imic Simple not

mter they electricity

Summary Checklist
can f.å_
I of
ælate of to
2 of materia's

Pro •ect:Bui l di n the peri odi cTa bl e

tryto of of by similar
things Forexaaxle, types together as

With elerw'tsas and discovered.

to Ta bl etha t us e
a l i ttl e their and
makea a LEing a in other
Way 01 Table. the
ca n do thi s Of tm or

Jofw Dmi triM

of triads' eighth el —ts a

Dobereiær inthrees their

this his of
At a fird out of the of

This Of triads.The arethe the

pota%iwn 39

In 1864, 63 of the
of a ttNns s, tMtingwi th He ei ghthel —t in
this a This
pattern through el—ts_
2 of

In 1869, Drni tri JOSHI He kit
of of eights the
el erwts wi ths i mi l a r

fi l l i n hi s tabl e'_ to correct.

His tawe the peri cxdiTa
c bl e
Here is a list Of

a information Johann
as: was ? W}ære he When he
Expl a i nh
JOSmNewlimds by DOEx2reiner's
a httle inf.tic_m ak_mt Joim
Sæh as: did
did the patternof table
a httJe ak_mt Dmitri
Sæh as ? did wcwk? the?
Dmitri table.
why table
HON many elements today?
Of Tryto of of —est el
M ake your presentation to the

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