Performance Analysis of Solar Cell
Performance Analysis of Solar Cell
Performance Analysis of Solar Cell
TABLE 3.1. Energy Gap of Some Materials. . The net p-rz junctitn .-'::;:,.
Material I_
S- Na. Energy gap (eV) S. No. Material Energy gap (e'\
iVhenR=0,i.e. V=O,thenf,=0.
.; this condition is called short-circl
C I =IL=
)pen circuit condition occur-s i.-
uJ -r.l)
tl - :
0,8 I,0 1,2 1,4 'l
,6 .1
Band Gaps in eV
Fig. 3.10. Theoretical Maximum Efficiency of Various Solar Cells. --L +l
= -,-
activate the charge carriers. In other words a certain amount of surplus photon e
is transformed into heat rather than into electrical energy. optical losses also cV
such as shadowing of the cell surface through contact with the glass surface or KT
of incoming rays on the cell surface. Other losses are electrical resistance losses in
semiconductor and connecting cable. The heat losses cannot be further redued because
inherent physical limits imposed by the materials themselves. This leads to a
maximum level of efficiency i.e. approximately 28Vo for crystal silicon. \'-I characteristic of solar cell is ._
?ower delivered to the load P = , .
?ut the value of / from equarior :
Consider the p-njunction with resistive load as shown in Fig. 3.11 Even with
bias applied to the junction, an electric held exists in the deplection or junction P = I.
when the solar cell is illuminated, electron-holes pairs are generated in the
region that will swept out producing the photocurrent f. in the reverse-bias di
For maximum power delivered t,- ,
prld be increased-
ient semiconductu
specific portion o{
; enough energy to
Fig. 3.1I.
= 0, i'e' v =.?, then 1, = 0. This is short circuit condition.
.,- ihrs condition is called short_circuit The current
current 1,,..
I =L = I ...(3.2)
::n circuit condition occurs*i.n R'_, -, the net current is zero. Then from
1= o= rL-ro["-(#)_,] ...(3.3)
r,= rol,*p$) ,l
la r Cells.
:,..r photon ener-s'
t*' =,*(#)
.:-ises also occu:
-::ice or reflectic:
,--rce losses in th:
# =,,[,.f]
'-:dued because,-'
v,, =
E:) io a theoreticr +r[r- * ...(3.4)
: ::on. ,
:haracteristic of solar cell is shown in
Fig. 3.12.
I , :r delivered to the load p
: , :r.te value = Vl
of 1 from equation (3.1)
. , Even with zer
,. junction regio: P = I, .v * t,,le^ ( cV \ .-l
c in the depletic: 17 )- ...(3.s)
:-:-bias directio:
, r\imum power derive,.o ; ;;. ,;j""ol
r).1\e load whi.: -;;
tlV =0
--:s forward-bt.
-nf"* (*)-']-. ,.,(#).-o(*) = o
Example 3.1. Calculatt
@ 'u
ing parameters
- I,v*(#) *, (*) V
'o! = 0,lJ\, ,'
r, = I o+
""r(*) Intensit
!r= =
(*) Solution.
t*?t,,,, = "tP,77:l'-
...(.1 ,'
.'\ ,,, , .
1". fa
-,+llt */") (3.7)
l .,.rrding to type oi -:. -
r,, -
t,\'. .
t " \lortocrl stallinc .
P,'lyct'r'rtall ttc .i..-'
\rttorphous si1r.
'v"' u, * l,,l
' '.)rt()Li\stlllittc
I r,, -= t. t -- Kf '' .y., ...t-1.8r
| ttt ltt, - ,,V
' n: Nlotrre ir -:..
tn ki ' . :\ t)i wai'er"s.
0 n-type semi-conductor. I
Power is zero at point A because 'I = Vm Vo.
V+ .'. iir.tlllin.' .,
Power is maximum at Point B (equal
During solidification of
Fig. 3.12. V'I Characteristic of
to area under the rectangle) Solar Cell. The size o1 crr... :
Power is zero at Point C because V =
.. icon is cooled . .,
It is preferable to operate a solar celi with *i1'T::p"";T::::l:=T.:"*i:
The point B solar cells made from p
, ,"'.tj;,:ilffHr*r* power and, rherefore, maximurn efficiency. . r'lilciencf ir I
known as maximum power point (MPP)' . -iircon film is cie'.- . '. -
Theconversionefficiencyofasolarcellisdefinedastheratioofoutputpot 0r thin ia1'er .: . . '
to incident optical power' For maximum power . ltie to 1|1g lpl .. :'
-' ihun that 01' -,
n, = P,
V* I* xl1o2o ."(
= Pin
- ,nduct()r' ilirti..-.
,,'nlin-r pltoit tl. ' -
Maximum possible current in the,solar cell = ,.,1 roltage ltn.:.
cell ie:
Maximum possible voltage in the solar = Vo" i11 :,-.i .r.' -_
(peak) power to the product of 1"" and
Filring factor is the ratio of muri-um
. 'rrcl pl.rnt. . .