TheWashedUpWizardColoredv1 0

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Mine Equipment Storage ................................... 13

The Washed up Wizard ................................................ 2 Dungeon............................................................. 13

Middlerock City ........................................................ 2 Forgotten Dungeon............................................ 14

Running the Adventure ............................................ 2 Final Fight ............................................................... 14

Adventure Structure ............................................ 2 Battle Tactics .......................................................... 15

Investigative Action Points ................................... 3 Endings ................................................................... 15

Story Overview .................................................... 4 Appendix A: Items .................................................. 16

Hooks ................................................................... 4 Appendix B: NPCs & Creatures .............................. 17

Getting Lost in The City ........................................ 5 Appendix C: Tables................................................. 19

The Adventure Begins .............................................. 5 Open Gaming license ............................................. 20

The Garrison............................................................. 6
Apothecary ............................................................... 6
Whitebeard's Cauldron ............................................ 7
Middlerock’s Library ................................................ 8
Founders Statue ....................................................... 8
Josef’s house ............................................................ 9
The mines ............................................................... 10
Deep mines ............................................................ 10
Pocket Dimension Laboratory ................................ 11
The Laboratory ................................................... 11
Rodentfolk’s Laboratory..................................... 12
Dissection room ................................................. 12
Josef’s Library ..................................................... 12
Furnace room ..................................................... 13
Food Storage ...................................................... 13
Coal storage ....................................................... 13



“Bout time you lot got ‘ere. Human male, found this mornin’ by 2
little-uns mucking about in the river. Don’t think they’ll be doin’

that again any time soon. Either way, no one else has come forth
with anythin’. I got no clue who he is but he looks important so
good luck!”

In front of you there is a wet and muddy human corpse, about

5’6” in height. It appears to be an older man, dressed in brightly
coloured robes. His hair is light grey, long, and receding back
almost to the crown of his head. His long beard is partly frozen.
There are scorch marks on some parts of his clothing and other
parts seem to have dissolved away.


There is a desk at the entrance with a young human sitting

behind it, pretending to be busy. As soon as he sees you, he
As you enter the Apothecary you are instantly hit by a strong
salutes and says: “Garry Jr. at your service.” Further at the back
aroma of smokey incense. Along one wall is a large, wooden
of the room you can see Volkner who is guarding the door that
structure consisting of 100’s of tiny draws. Opposite is a wall of
leads to the morgue.
shelving, stuffed full of various sized bottles containing
everything from dried lizards, to brightly coloured powders.
Hanging from the ceiling there is a mix of colourful crystals and
dried herbs. In the middle of all of it is a kindly old Dwarven lady
with flowers woven into her beard. She turns to you with a smile
on her face and says “How ye daein dearies?”

• •


The air goes still and there is a sudden eerie silence as the room
goes cold and the light dims. Before you a shadowy figure rises
up from the floor until it is towering over them. “YOU WILL PAY
Entering the shop, you notice the interiors being fairly cramped FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!” and a fiery wall encircles both
with various magic items. Every wall is covered with a wide you and it.
bookshelf touching the ceiling to the ground, there are huge
sacks of various spell components, rolled up scrolls piled up in
boxes, and an assortment of items hanging from the ceiling. As
you walk further in, you mind your footing as there are piles of
books on the ground and empty bottles. The wizard shopkeeper
can be seen on his desk, while acknowledging your presence,
chooses to not address you and instead focus on reading
his book “T-fling: A Dwarfs first tossing”


A small sentient mushroom is

moving around the shelves dusting.
It pauses for a moment as you
enter the shop before continuing
on with its dusting.


The unmistakable smell of books fills the air as you enter.
Bookshelves cover the walls; some older books and scrolls are •
on display in protective cases in the center of the room. Near the
entrance is a desk where a man appears to be writing a copy of a •
book. He looks up as you approach and in the universal librarian

voice asks “How may I help?”

“About bloody time they sent somebody! I warned you lot, it’ll
happen again, and it has. Took you bloody long enough and don’t
even have the decency to tell me you’re here.”

A bridge crosses over the river to a small neglected square. In
the center, there is a moss-covered statue of a man standing
strong. Engraved in the plinth are the words “Henry Ironstone,
founder of Middlerock” along with a quote attributed to him, •
“There is magic in these mountains.”


The rune starts to disappear. As it does, you feel the ground
tremor. There is a distant sound of screaming coming from the
rune, it is cut short as the rune fully disappears.

All the houses in the area look uniform, yet the

house you’re looking for is somehow hidden,
tucked away at the end of the street.

Despite dressing in finery, the wizards' accommodation is rather

small and cluttered. There’s a hammock in one corner next to a
small wardrobe with well-kept clothes. The cooking area and
table have been coveted into some sort of mini workstation. The
house is a mess.

• •

• •


A dirt road out of Middlerock, takes you south, up to a man-made

plateau. As you reach this plateau, on your left, you see where a
chunk of the mountain once was, a large flat dirt space scattered
with piles of rubble, dirt, and rocks. To the right is the sacred
mountain face, which sits the single, blocked entrance to the
mine. To the left of the entrance, are some markings on the
mountain wall.
Despite the deserted exterior, the inside of the
mines looks fully operational. The mine-cart is filled with ores,
the tracks are shiny from use, and recently cleaned lanterns have
been hung up. It is hard to see anything beyond the entrance as
the light from outside doesn’t shine far into the cave.

The room suddenly turns cold and a blue glow appears from
behind one of the piles. Ice shards shoot against the ceiling and
The rune starts to disappear, as it does you feel the ground the blue glow dissipates as a small, disheveled, frantic Bunnet
tremor. There is a distant sound of screaming coming from the jumps out from behind the pile and dashes towards the exit. As
rune, it is cut short as the rune fully disappears. he leaves the chamber he starts glowing as yellow sparks
surround him.

As the portal closes behind you, you find yourselves in a room
full of mining equipment. In front of you there is a door to what
looks like a prison. To your left, there is a trail of soot starting
from the portal and leading to a simple wooden door.

As the portal closes behind you, you find yourselves in a small

library. There is some chatter coming from the room to your
right, that is obscured by a turn in the hallway. In front of you
there is a heavy door, with what appear to be some blood stains.


• •

• •


• •




As you step through the portal you find yourself in a room full of
mining equipment. In front of you a door has been destroyed and
in the room beyond it you see the terrified faces of caged
Bunnets. Their attention is not on you but rather the loud sounds
of fighting. “It this way, this way!” a voice shouts out as a door to
your left is kicked down. As a Rodentfolk wielding a strange
contraption sees you, it shouts out “LICE FEEDERS! Four

You see a trail of destruction in front of you including a broken

door, through which you can see terrified Bunnets, trapped in
cages. Their fearful eyes turn towards you as a colourful glow
emerges from a ferocious and frantic beast. As it turns the corner
into view it locks eyes with you as it lets out a horrendous
screech. Roll initiative.


Potion Cost

Healing 50gp

Greater Healing 100gp

Potion of resistance (pick damage type at point of sale) 100gp

Potion of slipperiness 50gp

Potion of stickiness 50gp

Potion of cleansing (Hair of the dog) 50g

1d4 Effect

1 Spell is cast at max level; no slot is used.

2 DC is doubled or auto critical hit, on hit.

3 Healing/Damage dice maxed out

4 Spell is reflected back to the caster.

Spell Level Availability, roll same or lower on a d100 Cost (GP)

Cantrip 80% 100

1st 80% 150

2nd 70% 300

3rd 60% 500

4th 50% 1,000

5th 25% 5,000

6th 15% 10,000

7th 10% 25,000

8th 5% 50,000

9th 1% 100,000



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