Tom's Trinkets and Temptations: Written By: Aysel Atamdede
Tom's Trinkets and Temptations: Written By: Aysel Atamdede
Tom's Trinkets and Temptations: Written By: Aysel Atamdede
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Master’s Guild
It’s a humble shop, nestled between an extravagant Everything about Tom should be difficult to pin down, from
apothecary and a bustling potions factory. At first glance, his appearance to his personality to his past.
the average adventurer might not even think the shop is When roleplaying Tom, his most memorable quirk is
open for business, as the door is shut and the curtains on how he speaks. Tom will always refer to himself in the
the window slightly drawn. Yet, the few wares displayed third person, even in writing. This helps him keep a level of
are of a curious nature – some appear as glittering detachment from relationships and familiarity, though he
contraptions, others as figurines of strange and fascinating will greet returning customers with warmth and controlled
shapes. excitement.
The sign that hangs out front does little to announce Tom’s physical appearance is an average human male
the shop’s nature, as it is an iron construction which somewhere in his 30’s, with short-cropped brown hair and
simply reads TOM. And yet, it stands out in travelers’ hazel eyes, and light brown skin. Nothing about him
minds, who swear they’ve seen the exact same shop in a stands out as particularly memorable or remarkable, save
neighboring city, distant kingdom, or even another for his odd speech pattern and the wares he is capable of
continent. Now, this wouldn’t be too curious for a creating and selling. He is a savvy and intelligent
franchise, but those who have gone inside to browse the businessman, immediately aware of the quality of a sale or
goods are met with the same purveyor behind the counter, deal. The only times he will get annoyed or even angry is
no matter the shop’s location. Tom is a simple man with when someone attempts to cheat him or deceive him on a
simple goods, he tells his customers. All for a fair price. transaction, steal from him, or harm his shop or its
contents and employees. And, while he’s out to make a
Using This Supplement profit first and foremost, he will occasionally agree to
trades of equivalent value or quality should an adventurer
This shop introduces a convenient way for DMs and not have the coin to pay in full.
players to meet and encounter a recurring magic item Tom is an artificer, with specialty training in crafting
vendor, no matter where their adventure takes them. potions and items of mundane and magical natures. He
Sometimes, after an arduous journey through a dungeon has many connections to blacksmiths, artisans,
or an intense battle for the fate of a king’s soul, weary apothecaries, and other specialists to assist him in his
adventurers will find comfort in a familiar face. creations, but at the core it’s all his designs.
The first section in this supplement describes the
mysterious shopkeeper Tom and ways to implement him Al
in existing or custom settings, and the second section Tom doesn’t have many employees due to his small shop.
details some examples of items that he can sell or create. At most, he will have one or two assistants to help stock
Dungeon Masters should feel free to customize his the shelves, conduct transactions, or advertise outside.
inventory based on campaign needs and player requests, But, as his wares can be expensive or one-of-a-kind, he
but when setting prices or roleplaying interactions, it is does have need of an intimidation factor to protect the
important to remember that Tom is a businessman first premises when he’s in the back… or to do some heavy
and always. lifting when restocking.
Being an artificer, Tom has constructed a mechanical
assistant named Al to help him with various activities. Al is
Tom the Shopkeep rarely, if ever, seen outside the shop, and sometimes
never even in the front room. It can be glimpsed, however,
The owner and purveyor of Tom’s is, of course, Tom. He’s
not an indulgent or self-important man; he simply figured when the door to the back storeroom or office is left open.
that the easiest way to make a name for himself against Al is a towering eight-foot tall construct of high-quality
the competition was to make his shop his name. He is metals and powerful magic. It resembles a lanky human
polite and business-oriented, offering the best of customer with overly-long arms and fingers, and its most distinctive
support to ensure returning patrons, always eager to feature is the single telescopic eye-like orb in the center of
procure, produce, and sell items of unique and impressive its otherwise blank face. It does not speak or react to most
quality. stimuli, but it is autonomous and capable of functioning as
Business is business, in Tom’s mind. He is fiercely an individual without Tom needing to dictate its every
protective of his shop and reputation and has a number of action. It is capable of writing to convey information, but
security measures in place to guard against deception and does not have a personality. When describing or
thievery. His enigmatic smile reveals little of his inner roleplaying Al, the descriptor “robotic” should be all-
thoughts, and while he is more than willing to engage in encompassing.
polite conversation, he expertly maneuvers around For its size and appearance, Al is surprisingly flexible
questions that get personal. and dexterous, able to navigate the clustered aisles of the
shop with ease without fear of dislodging items on the
Establishing Tom
The most important thing to remember when roleplaying Tom in Combat
Tom is that he is, to put it simply, strange. Wary players
may find him difficult to trust at first based on his Tom will rarely willingly engage in combat, but will defend
demeanor and speech patterns, but he will never lie or his shop, belongings, and employees fiercely. The
deceive characters when discussing business matters. premises are riddled with traps, both magical and
mundane, in addition to runes and sigils both inside and Flaw. “Business comes first. This is my trade and my
outside. Tom also rarely leaves the shop, so if he is forced livelihood, and I will do everything I can to protect it.”
into combat while inside, the interior premises is
considered his lair for Lair Actions. He is a capable fighter, Tom and Al’s stat blocks are detailed at the end of this
though self-admittedly a bit out of practice since his shop’s document. If you wish to instead build Tom with class
reputation can help prevent vandalism. features, he is a 9th-level battle smith artificer.
He’s not a pacifist, but Tom will avoid lethal combat or
damage if possible. The faster combat can be ended,
whether through incapacitation or simply moving the Tom’s Shop
action outside the building, the more preferable in his Tom’s shop is curious for many reasons, but primarily
opinion. As an artificer, he has a number of resources and because his exact same shop seems to be located in
skills to employ to keep himself safe. multiple locations miles apart… and Tom is seen
Regardless of when the party first encounters him, Tom conducting business in all of them.
will begin with a CR of 9. He can remain stable, or a DM The secret behind Tom’s franchise and his odd ability
can level him up as needed to fit the party’s needs for to appear at any shop when needed is the special portal
combat or artificer abilities. built into the entryway to his personal office. A specialized
version of a teleportation circle, it’s the first thing Tom
establishes whenever he’s building a new shop. It’s only
Befriending Tom under very unique or special circumstances that he will
Convincing him to accompany a party on an adventure or allow others to travel with him through this portal, and he
into combat is a very difficult endeavor. At a DM’s primarily uses it to check in on his various locations or
discretion, players can engage in roleplay to build towards answer requests when called on. He never lets on about
a persuasion spectrum. DMs should make it clear to how the portal functions, but all security to his shop is tied
players that, should they want to recruit Tom as an ally, to special keys he created using his artificer skills.
they will need to build a good rapport with him through All of his shops are separate locations, functioning
making purchases or trades, repeatedly visiting him, or independently of each other, connected through the
completing quests to retrieve certain items or resources he teleportation sigils inscribed into his office’s doorjamb.
may offer to them. Determining Tom’s agreement to an Though he is loathe to do so, he will sacrifice one location
adventure or fight should be more than a single to prevent this means of travel from being taken
Persuasion roll, encouraging conversation and natural advantage of.
connection between him and characters. Depending on Each location is functionally identical. Tom likes
the relationship established and Tom’s attitude towards simplicity this way. He’ll know exactly where everything is
the party, rolls can be made at disadvantage or located. Some shops might carry local specialties or
advantage. custom items, but his basic inventory will be the same.
Should a DM want to, they can track Tom’s demeanor Consistency makes a happy customer, in his view.
towards a party as they interact with him. To build towards
a convince spectrum, DMs can consider each successful Shop Features
trade or purchase as a bonus to a roll or a subtraction
from a base DC. Additional quests he may give out can When describing the shop, the most important features to
count towards this DC as well, depending on how well a note are the entrances and doorways. There is one entry
party was able to complete his request. door in the front, one door behind the back counter that
When a party wants to persuade Tom to take a certain leads into a stock room, and two doors in the stock room –
action contrary to business transactions or endeavors, he one that leads to Tom’s office, and one that leads to the
should start with a base DC of 17 for Persuasion checks exterior behind the shop. Each doorway is rigged with
and a base DC of 20 for Intimidation checks. As players several kinds of traps, magical and mundane. Some are
get on his good side, Persuasion should become easier more obvious than others, and intentionally so.
while Intimidation becomes more difficult. These DCs The exterior entryways, front and back, are rigged with
could become malleable depending on individual glyphs of warding. A DM can choose the specific nature of
interactions, with some less-than-successful deals or how these glyphs function, but they’re all meant to trigger
conversations could result in him becoming annoyed or when the lock is picked or the door is forced open any
angry. other way than with Tom’s keys once locked. Tom rarely
ever lets anyone into his office, though anyone peering
through the door when it’s open sees nothing out of the
Tom’s Traits ordinary.
Below are some recommended traits and qualities to draw If combat begins inside the shop, Tom can use almost
inspiration from when portraying Tom during roleplay and anything and everything the shop is stocked with to aid
combat. him in combat. Al is usually located in the back room, but
Personality. “I conduct myself with unparalleled will come immediately to assist Tom.
professionalism to ensure a quality business experience.”
Ideal. “A thriving business is only successful because of Shop Assets
its reputation. Therefore, my reputation is vital.” Display Cases. Certain items might be kept inside display
Bond. “Adventurers who show they understand the cases or behind glass-covered shelves. If someone
importance of resources will make useful partners for attempts to pick a lock keeping these cases closed, a
acquiring rare materials to turn into items.” glyph of warding will activate. These wards cast a variety
of spells the DM can choose from (any with saving throws
have a DC of 16), but Tom’s favorites tend to be web,
cause fear, or hypnotic pattern. Since this would be a trap
inside his shop, he does not wish to cause damage with
any harmful spells. All locks are enchanted with alarm
spells, alerting Tom to anyone reaching into the cases.
The locks themselves require a DC 18 Dexterity check
with Thieves’ Tools.
Remote View. Hidden in all four corners of the shop are
small stones enchanted by long-lasting arcane eye spells.
This allows Tom to check in on any of his shops, though
he can only see through one eye at a time. These eyes
are also fixed in place, as they are rooted in the stones.
Explosive Entryways. The glyphs of warding placed on
the exterior doorjambs are loaded with dangerous, spells
such as fireball or mind spike. These are all angled such
that any explosion is projected outwards and away from
the shop.
Weapons and Items. Tom knows exactly what’s in his
shop at all times and where it’s located. It takes little effort
to find and use what he’s looking for. As he stocks some
basic adventuring gear like weapons and armor, he can
make easy use of these. Sometimes he’ll have potions or
items to grab and throw, nets to trap, or spell scrolls to
cast from. He can also direct others towards specific
Lair Actions
Tom has taken care to infuse certain spells and functions
into each location to make it a formidable place to try and
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties) while inside
his shop, Tom can take one of the following lair actions:
• A creature can move up to its speed towards a
point he designates, as long as he can see it, as
he directs them towards a useful item. On the
creature’s turn, they can use the item as a bonus
action (even if it would normally require an
• The shop’s lighting changes to darkness, dim
light, or bright light. This change in lighting
remains for one minute or until he uses this
action again to choose a different brightness.
• The floor beneath a single creature Tom can see
lurches and breaks apart as magical bindings
creep up its legs. The target must succeed on a
DC 18 Strength save or be restrained for one
minute. The target, or another creature, can use
its action to make a DC 18 Strength check to free
it, ending the effect early. Tom cannot use this
action again while a creature is currently being
• Tom targets one creature he can see. The target
must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw
or be teleported to an unoccupied space on the
ground outside the shop, but within 30 feet of it.
Tom’s Wares
material components. The spell targets only the pin. The
pin remains embedded in the target of your attack until the
Tom’s wares can be customized to the needs of the spell ends. The target or a creature within 5 feet of it can
campaigns, and he’s constantly experimenting with new use an Action to remove the pin, ending the spell early.
magical concoctions or items. Some examples of his
unique creations that can be found in all his shops or on High-Velocity Impact Stick
special request are listed below. DMs can set reasonable Weapon (quarterstaff), uncommon
prices depending on the item’s rarity and functions, though A beautifully polished black walnut quarterstaff tipped on
Tom can mark up or discount prices based on his each end with ivory caps. These caps are intricately
demeanor towards the customer. carved with images of clouds and wind gusts.
You gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with
Item Descriptions this magic weapon. It has 6 charges, and regains all
expended charges at dawn. Once per turn when you hit
Items are presented alphabetically. Requirements or with an attack using this weapon, you may expend one
prerequisites are found in each item’s description. charge to deal an extra 2d8 force damage to the target. If
the target is Huge or smaller, it must succeed on a DC 16
Strength save or be pushed 10 feet away from you in a
Acu-Punch Pin straight line and land prone.
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
This small, thumbtack-like pin contains a powerful
enchantment when attuned. As part of the attunement
Quill of Respondence
process, the pin must be placed against the skin at one of Wondrous item, rare
several key pressure points on the body. Once attuned, This magical quill is infused with a limitless supply of
the pin becomes magically fused with the skin and cannot enchanted ink. When you use this quill to write or draw on
be removed unless the attunement ends. a blank writing surface such as paper or parchment, you
When attuned, a creature’s Strength score is increased can speak the name of a creature you’re familiar with and
by 2, up to a maximum of 24, while the creature’s hit point use an action to wave the quill over the finished text.
maximum is reduced by the new Strength score. This The paper curls up into a scroll and vanishes,
reduction lasts until the pin is no longer attuned. appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the
named creature with a clearly audible rustle of pages and
the smell of old books. The quill can send up to three
Bell of Recall letter-sized pages per day, after which it cannot be used
Wondrous item, rare until the next dawn. If the creature named is on a different
This tiny brass bell jingles merrily when shaken. Once per plane of existence, there is a twenty percent chance that
day, a creature can hold it up to their ear and ring it, the letter vanishes into the Astral and is lost forever.
regaining one expended spell slot up to 3rd-level.
Thimble of Mending
Wondrous item, uncommon
While wearing this thimble on a finger, you can cast the
mending cantrip on cloth items.
Wreath Potion
Wondrous item, rare
This potion is filled with a clear, viscous liquid faintly tinged
with color. As an action, you can drink this potion and
become shrouded in a swirling elemental shroud in a 5-
foot radius around you. When a creature other than you
enters this radius or ends its turn there, it takes 1d8
damage. The type of damage is determined by the kind of
potion consumed. This wreath lasts for one minute.
Frost Wreath: cold damage, blue-tinged liquid that is
cold to the touch.
Flame Wreath: fire damage, red-tinged liquid that is hot
to the touch.
Spark Wreath: lightning damage, lavender-tinged liquid
that contains a faint static charge.
Tom the Shopkeep Spellcasting. Tom is a 9th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is
Intelligence (save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). He knows the
Medium humanoid (human), true neutral following artificer spells:
Cantrips: mage hand, prestidigitation
Armor Class 14 (studded leather) 1st-level (4 slots): alarm, detect magic, heroism, identify,
Hit Points HP sanctuary, shield
Speed 30 ft. 2nd-level (3 slots): arcane lock, branding smite, warding bond
3rd-level (2 slots): aura of vitality, conjure barrage, dispel magic,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA fly, glyph of warding
12 (+1) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)
Multiattack. Tom can attack his hammer or light crossbow twice,
Skills Arcana +8, Insight +5, Investigation +8, Perception +5,
or once with each weapon.
Persuasion +7
Enhanced Light Hammer. Magical melee weapon, thrown (20/60):
Saving Throws Con +7, Int + 8
+8 to hit, reach 5 ft., 1d4 + 4 bludgeoning damage.
Senses passive Perception 15
Repeating Light Crossbow. Magical ranged weapon (80/320): +8 to
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish,
hit. Hit: 1d8 + 4 piercing damage. This weapon ignores the loading
Challenge 9 (5000 XP) PB +4
Wand of Magic Missiles (6 charges/day). Tom can use the wand to
Arcane Jolt (4/day). When Tom hits a target with a magical cast magic missile.
weapon attack, or Al hits a target, he can cause the target to either
take 2d6 force damage or heal one creature he can see within 30
feet of the target by 2d6.
Flash of Genius (4/day). When Tom or another creature he can see
Attuned Magic Items. Tom is attuned to the following items:
within 30 feet of him makes an ability check and saving throw, he
repeating light crossbow, ring of mind shielding, robe of useful
can use his reaction to add +4 to the roll.
items (DM can choose its patches), spell-refueling ring.
Mind Sharpening Armor (4/day). When Tom fails a Constitution
Linguist. Tom knows many languages and is capable of creating
saving throw to maintain concentration on a spell, he can expend
written ciphers. His ciphers can be deciphered through a successful
one charge to succeed instead.
DC 23 Intelligence check, if he teaches the code to another person,
or if magic is used.