LP - Science - Q1 - W1 - Components of A Scientific Investigation
LP - Science - Q1 - W1 - Components of A Scientific Investigation
LP - Science - Q1 - W1 - Components of A Scientific Investigation
GRADE LEVEL: _________________ Learning Plan in Science
This plan is developed for you as a facilitator to guide the learner during the conduct of this module entitled Components of a Scientific
Investigation. You will check the specified outputs of the learner, and afterward, ensure and keep the answer key with you.
You will guide/assist the learner to attain the following objectives which highlight the cognitive (thinking), psychomotor (physical/kinesthetic), and
affective (social/emotional/feeling) skills. Answer Sheets will be used to answer the questions/activities given.
This plan is developed to guide you in your learning journey as you will describe the components of scientific investigation. Follow the steps in the
column for activities and assessment using the modules entitled Components of a Scientific Investigation. Consult your facilitator at home as you go on
with the activity. You can also contact me as your teacher on FB Messenger___________________ and through text __________________. Please be guided
with our class schedule even if you are at home.