8th Grade Science Syllabus

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EMAIL: [email protected]
WEBSITE: www.rockwithmccorkle.weebly.com

Course Description:
By the end of eighth grade, students will describe how stability and change and the process of cause and effect
influence changes in the natural world. Students will apply energy principles to chemical reactions, explore changes
within Earth and understand how genetic information is passed down to produce variation among the populations.
Student investigations focus on collecting and making sense of observational data and measurements using the
science and engineering practices: ask questions and define problems, develop and use models, plan and carry out
investigations, analyze and interpret data, use mathematics and computational thinking, construct explanations and
design solutions, engage in argument from evidence, and obtain, evaluate, and communicate information. While
individual lessons may include connections to any of the crosscutting concept s, the standards in eighth-grade focus
on helping students understand phenomena through cause and effect, energy and matter, and stability and change.

Course Goals and Expected Learning Outcomes

Eighth Grade Science Standards Articulated the State of Arizona:
Physical Science
P1: All matter in the Universe is made of very small particles.
P2: Objects can affect other objects at a distance.
P3: Changing the movement of an object requires a net force to be acting on it.
P4: The total amount of energy in a closed system is always the same but can be transferred from one energy store
to another during an event.
Earth and Space
E1: The composition of the Earth and its atmosphere and the natural and human processes occurring within them
shape the Earth’s surface and its climate.
E2: The Earth and our solar system are a very small part of one of many galaxies within the Universe.
Life Science
L1: Organisms are organized on a cellular basis and have a finite life span.
L2: Organisms require a supply of energy and materials for which they often depend on, or compete with, other
L3: Genetic information is passed down from one generation of organisms to another.
L4: The unity and diversity of organisms, living and extinct, is the result of evolution.

Required Materials – Please bring these to class every day:

 1 College Ruled Spiral Notebook (1-subeject 100 sheet notebook works best)
 1 Two-Pocket Folder (For additional papers per concept and work to go home)
 2 Pencils (Mechanical or #2 is fine, if mechanical pencils are preferred, bring extra lead)
 2 – 4 Glue Sticks (These will be used all year for scientific notebooks)

Optional Materials – I have purchased a small amount of the following materials, but they always begin to dwindle as
the year progresses. We are always in need of extra supplies to share with the classroom. Any items that you can send
from the list below would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!
 Ream of white copy paper  3x5 ruled note cards
 Colored markers  Pink erasers
 Colored pencils  Highlighter(s)
 Glue sticks  Tissue boxes
 Loose-leaf college ruled notebook paper  Sanitizing wipes
 Loose leaf 4x4 quad ruled graph paper  Paper towels
Classroom Expectations and Rules Student Responsibilities
1. Be respectful. 1. Collect your materials (notes, assignments, etc.)
2. Be responsible. from the designated areas once in the classroom
3. Follow safety procedures during lab activities. before the bell rings.
4. Carry out your student responsibilities. 2. Be in your seat, sitting quietly working on the bell
5. No cell phones during class time unless otherwise work, when the bell rings.
specified by the teacher. Cell phones will be 3. Come to class prepared and ready to participate.
taken away upon first offense (this serves as your 4. Keep track of your own books and assignments.
warning) and will be turned into the office if used 5. Start your work on time and complete all assigned
during class without permission. activities throughout the class period.
6. FOOD IS ALLOWED in class as long as it is not 6. Ask for help when you need it.
disruptive to the learning environment (crinkling 7. Do your own work.
of chip bags, etc.) or on a lab day! Students are 8. Turn your work in on time.
expected to clean up their area (including the 9. Accept responsibility for grades or other
floor) when they are finished eating. consequences.
10. Abide by all class, school, and district policies.
11. Have a positive attitude.

Grading Policy-Grading Scale:

Within the 2019-2020 school year, both Sinagua and Mount Elden Middle Schools will continue to implement standards-
based grading practices. Student progress and proficiency on science standards appointed by the College and Career
Readiness Standards can be monitored through StudentVue. The students will be assessed on their mastery of set
standards through the use of a rubric. Proficiency will be shown on a 4-point scale.

Grading Rubric Template:


IE 1 2 3 4

Insufficient Minimally Progressing Proficient Exceeding

Evidence Proficient

Insufficient evidence Demonstration of Exploring grade level Independently Independently demonstrates

to determine foundational skills standard demonstrates grade level advanced understanding of
proficiency standard grade level standard

Demonstrates little Beginning to apply key

knowledge of grade concepts, processes and skills Applies key concepts, Extends key concepts,
level standard of grade level standard processes and skills of processes and skills above
grade level standard grade level standard

I can: I can: I can: I can:

Make-Up Work
After an absence, the student is required to acquire missed work from the Weekly Assignments Folders located in the
front of the room. The student will have one day for every excused absence to turn in make-up work, including missed
tests, quizzes, and labs (i.e. If a student has excused absences on Monday and Tuesday, they will have until Thursday
afternoon to turn them in for full credit). Any previously required assignment, before the absence, are due the day of the
student returning to class. It is the student’s responsibility to make certain they have made the effort to gain, and complete
any missing assignments.

Late Work Policy

Late work will be accepted up until 2-3 weeks before the semester ends. I do not recommend for the student to wait that
long to turn in any late work primarily due to the fact that information is lost after some time. Late work will not directly
affect the student’s grade; however, if the student begins to fall behind in their homework, a correlation between
completed work and achievement on the standard may be apparent.

Quiz/Test Corrections and Retakes

In order for students to re-take a quiz or a test for a certain standard, the student must first attend a tutoring session with
Ms. McCorkle. During this tutoring session I will ensure that the student has completed all homework assignments for the
standard in which they did not meet and has corrected the questions in which they missed on that standard. Once they
have met those requirements, then and only then, will the student be able to re-take the quiz or test for that standard.

Extra Help/Tutoring
I am available most days before school, during lunch, and after school. Please make an appointment with me at least one
day in advance so I can plan to be available to assist you. Your success is important. If you feel that you don’t
understand, are struggling with the material, or falling behind, come in and ask questions! I am more than happy to help.
Starting in November, I will have designated tutoring after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Detach Here and Turn in Course Expectations Agreement to Ms. McCorkle -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Sinagua Middle School

Course Expectations Agreement

8th Grade Science Ms. Maggie McCorkle

Student Name (print): _____________________________ Period: _____________

I have read the course expectations for Ms. McCorkle’s science classroom and myself. I agree to follow the rules of the
class and understand the consequences if they are broken.

Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ________________

Parent Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _________________

Parent Contact (if applicable):

Preferred Email Address:_______________________________________________________________

Daytime Phone Number:__________________________________________

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