Analysis of Vibration Response From High Damping R

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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Analysis of vibration response from high damping rubber bearing and

lead rubber bearing for using in high rise building foundations subjected
to earthquake
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2020 The 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials Applications IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 855 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/855/1/012004

Analysis of vibration response from high damping rubber

bearing and lead rubber bearing for using in high rise
building foundations subjected to earthquake

N Alifani 1, a and W Nirbito 1 , b *

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia,
Kampus Baru UI Depok, Depok 16424, Indonesia

[email protected]; b [email protected]

Abstract. Vibration due to earthquakes that occur in a high rise building like hospital building
can disrupt the comfort, as well as operation of the hospital, and can cause casualties because
usually, the building response to the earthquake is of a cantilever movement. The solution from
a mechanical vibration point of view is to change the response of buildings to earthquakes so
that hospital buildings are not destroyed by earthquakes by controlling the response of vibrations
that produce lateral movement responses. One technology that is used to increase the resilience
of buildings that subjected to earthquake, as well as control vibration response is the application
of rubber bearing base isolation on the building foundations. High damping and lead rubber
bearings base isolation are used on high rise building foundations which are designed to give
lateral motion due to the base isolation construction. The results of computer simulation using
ANSYS software have shown that the rubber bearing base isolation gave vibration response in
lateral motion.

1. Introduction
The impact of a strong earthquake response on a hospital building which is full of patients, medical
personnel and medical care facilities, as well as many modern sophisticated types of equipment, is very
dangerous. This can happen since the hospital building is rigid so the vibration response to the
earthquake will be in cantilever motion. The solution to controlling such a vibration response is applying
the principle of mechanical vibration that will respond in a lateral movement. One of the earthquake-
resistant structural building is by using rubber bearing base isolation on the foundation. The types of
high damping rubber bearing and lead rubber bearing base isolation. However, it is not yet known how
the real vibration response of rubber bearing base isolation types will be when an earthquake occurs. So,
therefore, virtual reality simulation using ANSYS software was conducted to determine the vibration
response of the high damping and lead rubber bearing base isolation due to the earthquake.

2. Analysis model

2.1. Specifications of high damping rubber bearing

The base isolation type high damping rubber bearing used in the hospital building studied is made of
natural rubber sheets affixed to steel plates alternately which has no lead core in the center with the
damping ratio (𝜁) on the base isolation type high damping rubber bearing is 0.240 [1] and has the

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2020 The 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials Applications IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 855 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/855/1/012004

following specifications presented in Table 1. High damping rubber bearing is modeled as in Figure1.
With the red layer being the rubbers and the black layers being steel plates. [2]

Table 1. Design characteristics of high damping rubber bearing [1]

Component Value
Outer diameter d0 mm 800
Number of rubber layers n - 37
Thickness of rubber layers tr mm 5.4
Height H mm 422.2
Shear modulus Geq N/mm2 0.620
Spring constant K 103 kN/m 1.56

2.2. Specifications of lead rubber bearing

The base isolation type lead damping rubber bearing used in the hospital building studied is made of
natural rubber sheets affixed to steel plates alternately which lead core in the center with the damping
ratio (𝜁) on the base isolation type lead damping rubber bearing is 0.300 [1] and has the following
specifications presented in Table 2. Lead rubber bearing is modeled as in Figure 2. With the red layer
being the rubbers, the black layers being steel plates and the green being lead. [3]

Table 2. Design characteristics of lead damping rubber bearing [1]

Component Value
Outer diameter d0 mm 800
Number of rubber layers n - 37
Thickness of rubber layers tr mm 5.4
Height H mm 422.2
Outer diameter of lead plug dl mm 180
Shear modulus Geq N/mm2 0.385
Spring constant K 103 kN/m 2.01

Figure 1. High damping rubber Figure 2. Lead rubber bearing

bearing modeled in autodesk modeled in autodesk inventor

3. Simulation parameters
Base isolation used in hospital building totaled 161, but in this study, only one base isolation was
simulated and analyzed, so the mass of hospital building used in calculations and simulation was the
mass of hospital building for one base isolation. It is calculated that the mass of the hospital building is

2020 The 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials Applications IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 855 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/855/1/012004

259,989.666 kg with the maximum earthquake acceleration based on Figure 3 is 0.554 g during the
earthquake period (T) of 0.57 seconds, so the earthquake frequency (fp) is 1.75 Hz.

Figure 3. The earthquake excitation ( [4]

To determine the earthquake excitation force using the following the Eq. (1).
𝐹(𝑡) = 𝐹𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔𝑡 (1)
The desired earthquake excitation is at the time of the maximum earthquake, so the value of 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔𝑡 is
1. To determine the maximum earthquake excitation using the following Eq. (2). The result of the
maximum earthquake excitation force (F(t)) is 1,412,976.237 N.
𝐹 =𝑚∙𝑎 (2)
To analyze the vibration response of the base isolation type high damping rubber bearing and lead rubber
bearing are with a frequency ratio using the following Eq. (3). The result of the frequency ratio at the
time of earthquake frequency (fp) is 1.75 Hz at base isolation type of high damping rubber bearing is 4.6
while the type of lead rubber bearing is 4.16.
𝜔𝑓 𝑓𝑝
𝛽=𝜔 =𝑓 (3)
𝑛 𝑛

Based on the magnification factor vs frequency ratio graph in Figure 4, the vibration response on the
base isolation type of high damping rubber bearing and lead rubber bearing that occurs when the
earthquake frequency (fp) is 1.75 Hz is very small, which means the vibration amplitude is very small.
The magnification factor value produced is very small due to the small value 𝜔𝑛 . The cause of the small
value 𝜔𝑛 is due to base isolation that is not rigid.

Figure 4. Magnification factor vs frequency ratio [5]

2020 The 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials Applications IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 855 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/855/1/012004

4. Simulation preparations
To find out the vibration response of the base isolation type high damping rubber bearing and lead rubber
bearing, simplified modeling using FEA in ANSYS. In this study, two types of simulation are ran using
the harmonic response analysis tools. The first is high damping rubber bearing simulations and the
second is lead rubber bearing simulations. Simulations using models and specifications of high damping
rubber bearings and lead rubber bearings are presented in Table 1 and Table 2 and the calculated
harmonic response parameters inputted.
For a clearer visualization, a base is added at the top and bottom of the base isolation model. The top
base is assumed as the building and the bottom base as the ground. A distributed mass of 259,989.666
kg is applied vertically to the top base and an excitation force of 1,412,976.237 N is applied horizontally
at the bottom base. The pre-simulated model is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. The pre simulated model for the ANSYS simulations

5. Result and discussion

The simulation is done using FEA in ANSYS software using the harmonic response analysis tools. The
base isolation type high damping rubber bearing is modeled with 37 layers of rubber that affixed to steel
plates alternately. The vibration response that occurs in the results of the simulation base isolation type
of high damping rubber bearing in Figure 6 is the lateral movement. The lateral movement response that
occurs in high damping rubber bearing in the face of earthquake exposure allows the hospital building
to withstand the seismic impact which has the potential to destroy [6]. The results obtained from the
simulation of the vibration response of high damping rubber bearing are displacement in the horizontal
direction is 51.08 mm in Figure 6 and the vertical direction is 18.38 mm in Figure 7.

Figure 6. High damping rubber bearing simulation results at 1.75 Hz frequency in the horizontal

2020 The 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials Applications IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 855 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/855/1/012004

Figure 7. High damping rubber bearing simulation results at 1.75 Hz frequency in the vertical

The base isolation type of lead rubber bearing is modeled with 37 layers of rubber that are affixed to the
steel plates alternately and there is lead inside. The vibration response that occurs in the results of the
simulation base isolation type of lead rubber bearing in Figure 8 is the response that approaches the
cantilever movement. The response that approaches the cantilever movement that occurs can potentially
damage the structure and contents of the hospital building. A response that approaches the cantilever
movement can occur due to the addition of leads which makes the base isolation rigid. However, if seen
from the simulation results of the vibration response of the base isolation type lead rubber bearing
response that approaches the cantilever movement there is a relative motion between the layers of rubber
and steel plate which allows a slight lateral movement, so that the response that approaches the cantilever
movement on the base isolation type lead rubber bearing lead does not cause severe damage. The results
obtained from the simulation of vibration responses of base isolation type lead rubber bearing are
displacement in the horizontal direction is 33.27 mm in Figure 8 and the vertical direction is 30.57 mm
in Figure 9.

Figure 8. Lead rubber bearing simulation results at 1.75 Hz frequency in the horizontal direction.

2020 The 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials Applications IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 855 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/855/1/012004

Figure 9. Lead rubber bearing simulation results at 1.75 Hz frequency in the vertical direction.

The results of the vibration response simulation of the base isolation type high damping rubber bearing
produce lateral movement response and the base isolation type lead rubber bearing produces a response
that approaches the cantilever movement. Base isolation type high damping rubber bearing is better than
base isolation type lead rubber bearing in the face of earthquake exposure [7]. However, if the use of
base isolation type lead rubber bearing combined with base isolation type high damping rubber bearing
will make the base isolation type lead rubber bearings function as a displacement barrier, which means
the displacement that occurs is smaller than the displacement on the base isolation type high damping
rubber bearing.

6. Summary
By using base isolation type high damping rubber bearing, the vibration response during the earthquake
period (T) 0.57 seconds is merely lateral movement. Displacement in the horizontal direction is 51.08
mm and in the vertical direction is 18.38 mm which is insignificant compared to horizontal displacement.
Meanwhile, by using base isolation type lead rubber bearing, the vibration response during the
earthquake period (T) 0.57 seconds is relatively still lateral movement since the total displacement is
smaller. Displacement in the horizontal direction is 33.27 mm and the vertical direction is 30.57 mm.
The base isolation is stiffer that makes the lateral movement shorter due to the addition of lead which
makes the base isolation more solid.
If the use of base isolation is combined between types of high damping rubber bearing and lead rubber
bearing, it is recommended that the lead rubber bearings are located in the outer circumference so it will
function as a displacement barrier. Therefore total displacement is smaller than the displacement of all
high damping rubber bearings only usage.

7. References
Base Isolation High Damping Rubber Bearing. Retrieved March 15, 2019, from Doshin Rubber
Web site:
Base Isolation Lead Rubber. Retrieved March 15, 2019, from Doshin Rubber Web site :
[4] Pusat Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Pemukiman. 2019. Desain Spektra Indonesia. Retrieved
March 10, 2019, from Pusat Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Web site:
[5] Rao, S. (2011). Mechanical Vibrations (5th ed.).
[6] Makoto O., Tomoshi M., Masayuki K., Takuzo Y., Masashi Y. & Naohiro N. 2015. Finite
Element Analysis of Laminated Rubber Bearing of Building Frame under Seismic Excitation.

2020 The 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials Applications IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 855 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/855/1/012004

[7] Manasa M. S., Alice Mathai. 2017. Performance of Lead Rubber Bearing as a Base Isolator
International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 11.

This research was supported and funding by DRPM UI with grant PITTA No: NKB-
0795/UN2.R3.1/HKP.05.00/2019. We thank to Universitas Indonesia Teaching Hospital and Henki
Ashadi, PhD who provided insight that greatly assisted the research, although they may not agree with
all of the interpretations or conclusions of this paper.

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