Study On Deep Beams
Study On Deep Beams
Study On Deep Beams
Deep beams are mostly used for the load bearing structures.
The deep beam width does not take an active part in load bearing criteria and are
mostly used in the industrial factories and main buildings.
This paper is used for the length based research for the deep beams of successive
lengths, the load bearing and crack patterns that are obtained in the deep beams are
found and concluded for their results.
1. Cement : OPC53 grade is used for the construction of deep beams.
2. Fine Aggregate : It consists of natural sand or crushed stone with most particles
passing through 0.375inch sieve. Table I shows the details of fine aggregate used in the
preparation of deep beams.
3. Coarse Aggregates : Aggregates are the most mined material in the
world. aggregates are a component of composite materials such as
concrete and asphalt concrete, the aggregate serves as reinforcement to
add strength to overall composite material. Coarse aggregate are
parti cles greater than 0.19 inch but ranges between 0.375 and 1.5 inch in
diameter. table ii shows the details of coarse aggregate used for the
constructi on /casti ng of deep beams.
4. Water : The water is collected from the nearby tap. The pH value for the water is as
good as it is used for the construction of concrete.
5. Reinforcement of Fe 500 : The reinforcement provided for the deep beams are of
Fe 500 with 12mm, 10mm, 8mm steel bars.
Fine Coarse
Grade of Cement w/c
aggregate aggregate
concrete (Kg/m3) 3 3 ratio
(Kg/m ) (Kg/m )
M30 437.7 665.52 1127.58 0.45
B. Design of Deep Beam Specimens : Three deep beams were casted with same
reinforcement but with different lengths of 1200mm, 1100mm, 1000mm and depth
600mm and width 200mm. Clear cover provided was 25mm. According to IS 456-
2000,calculated load was 408kN, 427kN, 459kN and specimens were tested at a single
point load and two supports of simply supported on loading frame.
Fig. 3: Loading Frame with Deep Beam Fig. 4: Casing of steel reinforcement
1. The Load obtained for the deep beam of length 1000mm is 837kN and is more
when compared to other deep beams and concluded that the load obtained by the
deep beams experimentally is more compared to the load calculated by using code.
2. The deflection obtained for the 1000mm length beams is also satisfactory when
compared to other beams.
3. The crack obtained in this deep beam is less when compared to other beam and
the width of crack is about 6.78mm and the first crack obtained at 640.3kN load.
4. As per the experimental work the load obtained is very high compared to analytical
work, which was calculated as per Is code.
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