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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.4, July-Aug. 2012 pp-2431-2433 ISSN: 2249-6645 2431 | Page

Evany Nithya S.
, Dr. Rajesh Prasanna P.

*(Civil engineering Department, Anna University of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India)
** (Civil engineering Department, Anna University of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India)

ABSTRACT: Structural analysis for a base isolated
four storied moment resisting frame with elastomeric
seismic isolation bearing has been studied using
SAP2000 software. Dynamic analysis was performed for
the moment resisting frame with base isolation and the
results were compared with the results obtained for
moment resisting frame without base isolation. The
isolating elastomer is a rubber and its total stiffness is
calculated to be 3169 kN/m. The spectral displacement
for the first mode suffered by the isolated building was
calculated using the response spectrum curve, and found
to be 0.121 m/sec
. The thickness of required rubber
material is calculated to be 0.121 m, assuming 100%
maximum shear strain. The analysis showed that the
displacement in the frame has decreased when the base
isolator is added. This means that the force transferred to
the building is reduced due to the presence of base
isolator. The frame with base isolator produced a shear
of 71.79kN a significant shear reduction of around
88%. Thus, using rubber elastomer for base isolation, it
is possible to avoid large plastic deformation of moment
resisting frame and reduce shear resulting from large
scale earthquake.

Keywords: Seismic Analysis, Seismic Base Shear, Base
Our intuition tells us strengthen to resist damage. But it
is an illusion because when the foundation is rigidly fixed
to the superstructure, the earthquake force will be directly
transferred to the superstructure without any change in
frequency resulting in heavy damage. In a base isolated
structure the seismic protection is achieved by shifting its
natural period away from the range of the frequencies for
which the maximum amplification effect of ground
motion is expected. In this way the input seismic energy
introduction in to the structure is significantly reduced
and consequently it is possible to avoid large plastic
deformation and related damage phenomena due to non-
linear response. In the base isolation strategy, at the same
time it is possible to obtain a considerable reduction of
large displacements attained at the base level as a
consequence of the energy dissipation due to damping
and hysteretic properties of isolation device. In simple
words the basic concept in this approach is to uncouple a
structure from the ground by interposing a flexible
element/bearing between the structure and foundation.
Many buildings have been constructed on some type of
rubber bearings, and such structures have shown superior
performance in earthquakes.

The system that has been adopted most widely in recent
years is typified by the use of elastomeric bearings, the
elastomer is made of either natural rubber or neoprene. In
this approach, the building or structure is decoupled from
the horizontal components of the earthquake ground
motion by interposing a layer with low horizontal
stiffness between the structure and the foundation. This
layer gives the structure a fundamental frequency that is
much lower than its fixed-base frequency and also much
lower than the predominant frequencies of the ground
motion. The first dynamic mode of the isolated structure
involves deformation only in the isolation system, the
structure above being to all intents and purposes rigid.
The isolation system does not absorb the earthquake
energy, but rather deflects it through the dynamics of the
The inclusion of base isolation means that a building is
cushioned against the shocks of earthquakes. Instead of
designing the building to resist high earthquake forces,
the isolation system is designed to allow the building to
stay more or less still while the ground moves underneath
it in strong earthquakes. As a result the building need
only be designed for much smaller forces. A seismic base
isolator is a flexible support of a building, which should
fulfill the following requirement:
The material is stiff under low service loads like
wind and small tremors.
Period of vibration of the system is increased
sufficiently so as to reduce the seismic force
It should have the ability to with stand the large
displacement and pulse-type base motions from near-
fault earthquakes.
It should have a parallel damping mechanism such
that the relative deflection between the building and
the ground is reduced.
To start with we have to calculate the load
coming on the column. In this paper we have design the
base isolation for the four storied moment resisting frame,
when it is located in zone V. The frame taken for study
was moment resisting frame with shear wall. Moment
frames consist of beams and columns in which bending of
these members provides the resistance to lateral forces.
Moment-resisting frames are detailed to ensure ductile
behavior of the beam-to-column joints and are normally
used in zones of higher seismicity. It has 4 bay at a
spacing of 5m in the X direction and 3 bay in the
direction of Z at a spacing of 6m, 4.5m, 4.5, respectively.
It has ground plus three stories. The height of the ground
Moment Resisting Frame with Rubber Base Isolation for
Development of Earthquake Resisting Structures
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.4, July-Aug. 2012 pp-2431-2433 ISSN: 2249-6645 2432 | Page
floor is 4.5m and the heights of the rest of the three floors
are 3.2m each as shown in Figure 1.

III. I Calculation of horizontal stiffness of the rubber:
The total horizontal stiffness of the rubber isolators is
computed using single degree of freedom system
Horizontal stiffness ( K) was calculated using the below
From the above equation the total horizontal stiffness is
calculated as 3169.01 kN/m
III. II Calculation of the thickness of the rubber:
The spectral displacement for the first mode suffered by
the isolated building is calculated using the response
spectrum curve for the given horizontal frequency and for
the appropriate damping value and using the following
Spectral displacement: S
=Spectral displacement, S
=displacement from response spectrum curve,
=horizontal frequency.
The Spectral displacement was found to be 0.121 m /
. The thickness of the rubber material of the isolator
is evaluated using the allowable maximum shear strain
permitted for the isolator. The allowable maximum shear
strain for the isolator is taken as 100%.
Thickness of rubber = Sd / , Where, =Allowable
maximum shear strain. Thickness of rubber was
calculated to be 0.121 m. Once the thickness and shear
modulus of the rubber are know, the area of the rubber
material to produce the given amount of horizontal
stiffness is calculated using the following expression.
Where Ki = Horizontal stiffness, G =Shear modulus of
the rubber, A =Area of the rubber, tr =Thickness of the
rubber. From the above formula the area is calculated to
be 0.0247 m
From the area calculated above the diameter
(180 mm) of the rubber is calculated. Thickness of
individual layer of rubber are calculated as below,
S = D / 4*t , t = 5mm.
Total number of layers = total thickness / individual layer
thickness = 25 numbers
The shim thickness is generally taken to be not less than
2.54mm and not greater than 3.16mm. Therefore,
thickness of the shim =3mm.The end plates are usually
between 19.1mm and 38.1 mm. Therefore, thickness of
end plate =25mm.
Dynamic analysis is performed for the moment resisting
frame selected with the base isolation. The response of
the structure when base isolation is added to the structure
is compared with the response of the structure without
base isolation. The analysis of the structure with base
isolation is performed with the use of SAP2000 package.
The results are compared as follows.
Comparing the displacements:
The fig 3 and 4 clearly shows that there is a change in the
displacement of the frame. The displacement in the frame
has decreased when the base isolator is added. This
decrease in the displacement show that the force
transferred to the building is reduced due to the presence
of base isolator. When this happens then there will be a
reduction in the requirement of reinforcement in beams
and columns. In this way the input seismic energy
introduced in to the structure is significantly reduced and
consequently it is possible to avoid large plastic
deformation and will reduce the reinforcement
requirement and prove to be economical and safe.
Comparing the base shear:
Base shear can be put in simple words
as the horizontal component of the seismic shaking. The
horizontal components of shaking are the most damaging
to buildings because structures are already designed to
withstand the vertical force of gravity. From the
analysis performed for the frame with base isolator and
without base isolator in SAP2000 the base shear results
are taken. The frame with fixed base has a base shear of
618kN. The frame with base isolation has a base shear of
71.79kN. There is a decrease of 88.38% in the base shear
when the structure with base isolator is compared with
the structure without base isolator.

Fig .1 Plan and elevation of frame selected


H =
f K * 2 ^ * * 4
2 ^ * * 2 |

n f
r t
A G *
Ki =
m 4 bays at
3.2 m
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.4, July-Aug. 2012 pp-2431-2433 ISSN: 2249-6645 2433 | Page

Fig. 2 Displacement of the frame without base

Fig. 3 Displacement of the frame with base isolation
Engineers realized the importance of keeping the
superstructure stable while the foundation is being shaken
by an earthquake. So there arises a need to design a
system that puts this concept into practice. Along with
many other engineers doing independent work in other
countries, have produced a wealth of information about
base isolators and have become common knowledge to
structural engineers. By introducing base isolators the
maximum expected lateral force that will occur due to
seismic ground motion at the base of a structure is
considerably reduced. This concept has created a
breakthrough in structural design and as years go by will
prove to be a life-saving innovation of historic

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3.3 mm
3.4 mm

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