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Carcass and meat quality of three genotype population in goat breeding for
meat purposes in Thailand

Article · January 2012


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5 authors, including:

Chaiyawan - Wattanachant Takashi Amano

Prince of Songkla University Tokyo University of Agriculture


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Tokyo University of Agriculture


Carcass and Meat Quality of Three Genotype

Populations in Goat Breeding for Meat
Purposes in Thailand
Takao OISHI**** and Takashi AMANO*****
(Received November 14, 2011/Accepted March 9, 2012)

Summary:The objective of this study was to assess the carcass characteristics of three genotypes of
meat goats in Thailand, kept in a semi-intensive system with concentrated feed at 1% of body weight.
Eighteen healthy male yearlings, including Southern Thai native, two-way crosses (50% Anglo-Nubian ×
50% native) and three-way crosses (50% Boer ×25% Anglo-Nubian ×25% native) goats were randomly
selected and slaughtered after being starved for 24 h. Three-way crosses had greater ( <0.01) fasted
live weight, carcass weight and carcass length than two-way crosses and native goats in the same envi-
ronment. The dressing percentage (based on empty body weight) ranged from 50.20% to 54.28%, with
highly significant differences between genotypes. Three-way crosses had greater ( <0.01) loin eye area
than two-way crosses and native goats (16.97, 11.19, and 8.13 cm2, respectively).
  Physical properties, chemical composition of meat, and muscle microstructure of the three genotypes
were determined. There were no differences in physical properties between genotypes, except for bone
percentage. Native goats had lower ( <0.01) bone content than two-way and three-way crosses. The
muscle-bone ratio was higher ( <0.01) in native goats than in other goats, even using the criterion of edible
meat (muscle+fat-bone ratio, <0.05). The protein percentage of muscles was significantly higher in
three-way crosses (22.4%) than in two-way crosses and native goats ( <0.05). The fat percentage of
three-way crosses was higher ( <0.01) than that of two-way crosses and native goats. Genotype had a
significant ( <0.05) influence on meat quality in regard to shear force and lightness. The
had a lower shear force value than the and ( <0.05). The International
Commission on Illumination system values for the and were lower ( <0.05)
than those for the .

:goat, carcass characteristics, meat quality, physical properties, chemical composition

The Anglo-Nubian and Boer were first introduced in

Thailand in 1983 and 1996, respectively, by the Department
 The goat population in Thailand is relatively small of Livestock Development (DLD) to improve growth rate,
(383,796). With 95,000 head slaughtered annually, the an- carcass quality, and production potential. In contrast to
nual total production of goat meat is 14,250 tons1). Goats these two exotic breeds, native goats inherit good resist-
are predominantly raised by smallholders, particularly of ance to tropical parasites and diseases as well as tolerance
the Muslim community in the southern part of the coun- of the tropical climate ; however, native goats have a
try. The three breeds of goat commonly raised for meat lower meat yield compared with exotic breeds. Adult
in Thailand are the Anglo-Nubian, the Boer, and the native. native goats have a dressing percentage of 45-50 at

* Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand

** Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
*** Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
**** Department of Human and Animal-Plant Relationships, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
***** Professor emeritus, Tokyo University of Agriculture

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slaughter ; hence, the native goat is a preferred source taining 16% crude protein) at levels increasing gradually
for breeding. Boer goats have high muscle and low bone to 1% of body weight per head per day. Green grass,
content, with a muscle-bone ratio (MBR) of 4.7, and their hay, and tree leaves were also provided.
dressing percentage exceeds 50. Individual variation in
meat tenderness indicates the possibility of improving  ⑵ Slaughter procedure and carcass evaluation
the trait through selection2-4).  The goats were slaughtered at the Prince Songkla Uni-
 The project Research and Development of Thai Meat versity slaughterhouse, following overnight withholding
Goat in the South, aimed at establishing a new breed of of feed. The animals were slaughtered according to the
Thai meat goat well adapted to the environment in the Muslim practice by severing both jugular veins with a
south of the country and with high growth performance sharp knife without prior stunning. After complete
and excellent meat quality, was supported from 1995 by bleeding, the head was removed at the atlanto-occipital
the Agricultural Research Development Agency. These joint and weighed. Blood was collected and weighed after
goats have been developed by crossbreeding Anglo-Nubian the animal stopped bleeding. The skin was cut along the
and native goats to produce two-way crosses, with selec- limbs and down the abdomen, and then removed manu-
tion focused mainly on achieving high growth rates. ally and weighed. The fore and hind limbs were removed
Two-way cross does were then crossed with Boer bucks using a knife, and each was weighed with the skin. The
to produce three-way crosses, which showed higher pro- tail was separated at the first intercoccygeal articulation
ductivity5). It is believed that crossbreds derived from and weighed. After dressing and evisceration, the offal
the mating of exotic breeds and native goats will be both was individually weighed. The alimentary tract was
more productive and suitable for local conditions. There weighed and then cleaned of its contents (fill) and re-
have been considerable effects on body size, growth rate, weighed. The weight of fill was subtracted from the
and meat production as well as adaptation to the local slaughter weight to determine the empty body weight
environment when exotic breeds were crossed with native (EBW). The kidneys and their surrounding fat were left
goats6). attached to the carcass. The carcass was stored in a
 Goat meat evaluation has received little attention, and chilling room at 4℃ for 24 h, following which the cold
knowledge of its yield and quality is consequently limited carcass weight was recorded. Dressing percentage of the
when compared with that of pig and cattle meat. How- carcass was calculated based on fasting body weight and
ever, this situation is changing because of increasing de- EBW. Carcass length was measured from the point of
mand for goat meat in Thailand. The Muslim market─ the hock to the point of the neck.
the largest in Thailand─demands male yearling goats with  The left side of each carcass was separated into eight
two permanent teeth and no visible physical changes (i.e., prime cuts : loin, hind leg, chump, rack, shoulder, foreleg,
not castrated or deformed). Slaughtering must meet Halal breast, and neck, as described by the Thai Agricultural
standards. To satisfy market requirements and increase Commodity and Food Standard7). The prime cuts were
profitability, further evaluation of carcass characteristics chilled at 4℃ for 24 h and, after weighing, each cut was
and their improvement is required. The objective of this separated into muscle, bone, and subcutaneous fat. Loin
study was to assess the genetic potential of our native, eye area was measured between the 12th and 13th ribs.
two-way, and three-way cross goats in regard to their  Moisture content was determined by the oven method8),
carcass characteristics in order to determine the effects while protein content was determined by the Kjeldahl
of genotype on these characteristics, and hence meat method8). Fat content was determined by the soxhlet
quality, at a predetermined age. apparatus method, and ash was determined following
treatment in a furnace at 600℃8).
Materials and Methods
 ⑴  Animals and their management  ⑶ Physical properties analysis
 Southern Thai native, two-way cross (50% Anglo-  Meat samples were dissected from the chump after
Nubian ×50% native), and three-way cross (50% Boer × chilling. The skin was removed, and obvious fat and con-
25% Anglo-Nubian ×25% native) goats were used for the nective tissue were trimmed off. The samples were cut
carcass comparison study. Eighteen healthy male year- into sections 3.0×4.0×1.5 cm before analysis of physical
lings were randomly selected from the flock at the DLD properties.
Livestock Testing and Research Station in the southern  Meat color was determined using a colorimeter (Color
part of Thailand. The climate there is humid and tropical, Flex ; Hunter Lab, Reston, VA, USA), and values derived
with a rainfall of 2400 mm per annum. The animals were from the complete International Commission on Illumina-
raised on pasture and given a concentrated feed (con- tion (CIE) color profile system were reported as lightness

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Carcass and Meat Quality of Three Genotype Populations in Goat Breeding for Meat Purposes in Thailand 65

(L*), redness (a*), and yellowness (b*). analyzed using Duncan s new multiple range test11) and
 Cooking loss was expressed in terms of weight loss as the least significant difference test for sensory evaluation
a percentage of initial weight. The samples were placed data.
in a tightly sealed plastic bag and cooked in a water bath
Results and Discussions
at 80℃ for 10 min. After cooking, the samples were cooled
in cold water at 10℃. They were then removed from  ⑴ Carcass characteristics
the container, blotted with filter paper, and weighed to  Table 1 shows the effect of genotype on slaughter and
determine cooking loss. carcass weights and percentages of certain dress-off
 The samples were cut into sections 1.0×2.0×0.5 cm for items. Three-way crosses had heavier slaughter and
shear force analysis, which was measured using a tex- carcass weights ( <0.01) and greater length ( <0.01)
ture analyzer equipped with a Warner-Bratzler shear ap- than two-way crosses and native goats. The significantly
paratus. Shear force was measured perpendicular to the longer carcass of three-way crosses may be related to
axis of the muscle fibers. The peak of the shear force the larger size and enhanced capacity of Boer goats com-
profile was regarded as the shear force value9). pared with native goats. However, hot or chilled dressing
percentages based on EBW were less for three-way crosses
 ⑷ Statistical analysis than for the other groups ( <0.01), but hot dressing per-
 Data were analyzed using the General Linear Model pro- centage based on slaughter weight did not differ signifi-
cedures of SAS10). Significant differences were further cantly. Van Niekerk and Casey2) reported that significant

Table 1 Least square means and standard errors for carcass yield characteristics stratified by genotypes

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differences between various goat genotypes for dressing corded higher MBR ( <0.01) and edible meat/bone (mus-
percentage based on live weight were mainly attributed cle+fat-bone ratio) ( <0.05) than the other groups. HOGG
to variations in the weight of stomach and intestinal con- .12) explained that the differences in fat content, and
tents at slaughter. The dressing percentage (based on consequently of bone and meat of different joints, are a
slaughter weight) was reported to be about 46%-48% in reflection of the pattern of fat deposition and stage of
different goat breeds12). BROWNING 13)
reported that maturity of the animal.
the dressing percentages of Boer goats at 8-10 and 24
months of age were 48% and 50%, respectively. Breed  ⑶ Loin eye area
affected the dressing percentage, which ranged from  Loin eye area was measured between the 12th and 13th
42.5% to 44.6% based on slaughter weight and from 54.3% ribs and analyzed using Photoshop CS3 Extended (Adobe
to 55.8% based on EBW14). Systems Inc., San Jose, CA, USA). Carcasses from three-
 The percentage contributions of various visceral organs, way crosses showed a significantly larger ( <0.01) loin
lungs and trachea, spleen, heart, diaphragm, testis and eye area (16.97 cm2) than those from the other two groups,
penis, and gastrointestinal tract (based on EBW) did not greater also than the TACFS7) (Table 3). JOHNSON .18)
differ significantly. Native goats had a significantly reported significant differences between different goat
greater ( <0.01) percentage of head, blood, feet, and kid- genotypes in the loin eye area, which is in agreement
ney compared with other genotypes. GIBB .15) found with the findings of the present study. Rib eye area, fat
a significant effect of breed type on the weights of vis- thickness, and total tissue depth differed by genotype.
ceral organs, as a proportion of live weight. Rib eye area of genotypes fed grainless diets ranged
from 6.4 to 8.3 cm2 14).
 ⑵ Carcass composition
 There were differences between goat genotypes for  ⑷ Proportion of primal cuts
carcass tissue mass (kg) (Table 2). When the weights of  Carcasses were separated into loin, hind leg, chump,
carcass muscle, fat, and connective tissue were expressed rack, shoulder, foreleg, breast, and neck prime cuts. The
as a percentage of carcass weight, the effect of genotype effect of genotype on the percentage of carcass components
was not significant ( >0.05), except for bone percentage. for hot carcass weight is reported in Table 4. Carcasses
Native goats had less ( <0.01) bone content than both from native and two-way crosses had higher ( <0.01) loin
two-way and three-way crosses. Similar results were also percentage than those from three-way crosses. Carcasses
reported by PRALOMKARN .16), while SANTOS .17) from three-way crosses had higher ( <0.01) breast per-
reported that carcass bone content (20.4%-21.4%) did not centage and higher ( <0.05) chump percentage. No dif-
differ significantly between genotypes. Native goats re- ferences ( >0.05) were found among groups for leg, rack,

Table 2 Least square means and standard errors for dissected carcass composition stratified by genotypes

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Carcass and Meat Quality of Three Genotype Populations in Goat Breeding for Meat Purposes in Thailand 67

Table 3 Least square means and standard errors for loin eye area stratified by genotypes

Table 4 Least square means and standard errors for carcass yield components (primal cuts) stratified by genotypes

shoulder, and neck percentages. Differences in joint per- and showed no difference between genotypes, which was
centages of carcasses from several breeds were reported within the normal range for goat muscle21, 22).
by TSHABALALA .19) and SANTOS .17).  SCHONFELDT .23) found a cooking loss of 18%-22%, but
BABIKER . and JOHNSON .18) reported a loss of 30%-
 ⑸ Chemical composition and physical properties of 35% in cooked goat meat. The average cooking losses in
muscles some Ethiopian indigenous goats (29%) were lower than
 The chemical composition of muscles from native goats, in Australian Capretto goats (35%) of similar slaughter
two-way crosses, and three-way crosses is shown in Table weight. Higher cooking loss (62.2%) was reported for
5. The protein percentage in three-way crosses (22.40%) Nanjiang yellow goats. The variation in cooking loss
was significantly higher than that in two-way crosses reported by various workers can be attributed to differ-
(20.54%) and native goats (20.96%) ( <0.05). SUKNIAM ences in time and temperature of cooking, ultimate pH, and
.20) reported that muscles from 50% Anglo-Nubian×na- the muscle cut used. In general, the lower the cooking
tive goats had a significantly lower fat content than those loss, the higher the juiciness of the meat.
from native goats ( <0.05).  Tenderness values for goat meat (2.8 kg/cm2) are often
 The physical properties of muscles of native goats, within the acceptable range, but lower than those for
two-way crosses, and three-way crosses are shown in lamb (4.8 kg/cm2)23). Shear force values tend to follow
Table 6. Percentage cooking loss from the similar trends to tenderness ratings. In the above studies,
and was in the range 24.07%-25.61% the had a lower shear force than the

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Table 5 Least square means and standard errors for chemical composition of muscles stratified by genotypes

Table 6 Least square means and standard errors for physical properties of muscles stratified by genotypes

( <0.05). Cooked meat from three-way because this helps to maintain quality and an attractive
crosses had a lower ( <0.05) shear force value (2.07 kg/ appearance by preventing the meat from drying.
cm2) compared with native goats (3.38 kg/cm2) and two-
Conclusions and Recommendations
way crosses (3.42 kg/cm2). Similar results (3.7-4.6 kg/cm2)
have also been reported by DHANDA .21), while BABIKER  The three goat genotypes studied significantly affected
. reported shear force values ranging between 4.6 carcass characteristics. Native goats generally had the
and 6.7 kg/cm2. The difference in shear force values be- lowest values for muscle characteristics and lightest
tween breeds may be due to variation in connective tis- weights. Crossing native goats with Anglo-Nubian and
sue content. The variation in shear force values reported Boer goats (three-way crosses) appeared to improve car-
by various workers may also be attributed to differences cass characteristics and bettered the composition of the
in nutrition, age, time and temperature of cooking, and former. The advantage of three-way crosses is primarily
the muscle tested. JOHNSON reported that there their higher slaughter carcass weight, carcass length,
were no significant differences in shear force values be- loin eye area, and acceptable quality at a predetermined
tween breeds. age compared with two-way crosses and native goats.
 The CIE color profile system calculated the values of However, native goats had a higher MBR and edible meat
lightness, redness, and yellowness of the meat, which proportion. Genotype also had an influence on shear
were found to be lower for the ( <0.05) force and lightness values of meat.
than for the . There were no effects of
genotype on lean color or surface discoloration (redness
and yellowness values), although genotype did influence  This research was supported by the Agricultural Re-
( <0.05) lightness value. Three-way crosses showed search Development Agency (ARDA) of Thailand under
lower ( <0.05) muscle color lightness value compared the ARDA Golden Jubilee Ph.D. Scholars Program. We
with the other groups. Meat color is an important would like to thank Dr. Napavarn Noparatnaraporn, Di-
parameter of meat quality, being determined largely by rector of ARDA, and Mr Preecha Somboonprasert, Director
the content of myoglobin and its derivatives. It is normal General of the Department of Livestock Development
for meat to change color depending on the presence or (DLD), for granting study leave and providing encour-
absence of air. For instance, exposed meat changes color agement.
due to reactions between myoglobin and oxygen. Hence,
butchers prefer carcasses to have at least some fat cover References
(subcutaneous fat) evenly distributed over the carcass 1)
 FAOSTAT (2009) Food and Agriculture Organization Sta-

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Carcass and Meat Quality of Three Genotype Populations in Goat Breeding for Meat Purposes in Thailand 69

tistical Database. Food and Agriculture Organization of of three Ethiopian goat breeds fed grainless diets varying
United Nations. (http : //faostat.fao.org/site/569/default. in concentrate to roughage ratios.
aspx#ancor ) (Accessed 2011. 10. 10) 37 (4) : 221-232.
2) VAN NIEKERK WA, CASEY NH (1988) The Boer goat. II. 15) GIBB MJ, COOK JE, TREACHER TT (1993) Performance of British
Growth, nutrient requirements, carcass and meat quality. Saanen, Boer×British Saanen and Anglo-Nubian castrated
1 : 355-368. male kids from 8 weeks to slaughter at 28, 33 or 38 kg live
3) OMAN JS, WALDRON DF, GRIFFIN DB, SAVELL JW (1999) Ef- weight. 57 : 263-271.
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traits. Sci. 77 : 3215-3218. (1995) Effect of genotype and plane of nutrition on carcass
4) MALAN SW (2000) The improved Boer goat. characteristics of Thai native and Anglo-Nubian×Thai
36 (2) : 165-170. native male goats. 16 : 21-25.
Goat genetic resources and breeding strategies in Thailand. SR, MARTINS C, AZEVEDO JMT (2007) Genotype and sex ef-
38 : 41-48. fects on carcass and meat quality of suckling kids pro-
6) FAHMY MH, SHRESTHA JNB (2000) Genetics for the improve- tected by the PGI Cabrito de Barroso . 75 :
ment of goat meat production. : Proceedings of the 725-736.
Seventh International Conference on Goats, France, pp. 18) JOHNSON DD, EASTRIDGE JS, NEUBAUER DR, MCGOWAN CH
187-190. (1995) Effect of sex class on nutrient content of meat from
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cultural Commodity and Food Standard. (http : //www.acfs. 19) TSHABALALA PA, STRYDOMB PE, WEBBC EC, de KOCK HL (2003)
go.th/) (Accessed 2010. 04. 20) Meat quality of designated South African indigenous goat
8) AOAC (1999) Official Methods of Analysis. Association of and sheep breeds. 65 (1) : 563-570.
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9) DAWSON PL, SHELDON BW, MILES JJ (1991) Effect of aseptic fect of breeds and rearing systems of goat on physical pro-
processing on the texture of chicken meat. 70 : perties and chemical composition of muscles.
2359-2367. 28 (4) : 424-433. (in Thai with English summary)
10) SAS (1996) The SAS System for Windows: Release 6. 12Ⓡ. 21) DHANDA JS, TAYLOR DG, MURRAY PJ (2003) Part 1. Growth,
SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC. USA. carcass and meat quality parameters of male goats : effects
11) STEEL RGD, TORRIE JH (1980) Principles and procedures of of genotype and liveweight at slaughter.
statistics (a biometric approach). 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill : 50 : 57-66.
12) HOGG BW, MERCER GJK, MORTIMER BJ, KIRTON AH, DUGANZICH P, PRIOLO A (2004) Effects of litter size and sex on meat
DM (1992) Carcass and meat quality attributes of com- quality traits of kid meat. 54 : 191-196.
mercial goats in New Zealand. 8 : 243- 23) SCHONFELDT HC, NAUDE RT, BOK W, VAN HEERDEN SM, SOWDEN
256. L, BOSHOF E (1993) Cooking and juiciness related quality
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of Agricultural & Environmental Research, Tennessee sition and quality attributes of goat meat and lamb.
State University, 3500 John A Merritt Blv d., Nashville, 28 : 273-277.
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RJ (2007) Growth performance and carcass characteristics tenderness of young goats. 17 : 57-63.

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タイ国における肉用ヤギ 3 集団の屠体成績と肉質
スウィト アノタイシンタウェー*・チャイヤワン ワッタナチャント**・
野村こう***・大石孝雄****・天野 卓*****
(2011 年 11 月 14 日受付/2012 年 3 月 9 日受理)

要約:濃厚飼料給与量を体重の 1 パーセントとした給餌条件下で飼育したタイ産肉用ヤギ 3 集団の屠体成績

を得ることを本研究の目的とした。南部タイ在来種,2 元交雑(50% アングロヌビアン種×50% 在来種),3
元交雑(50% ボアー種×25% アングロヌビアン種×25% 在来種)から健康な 1 歳雄 18 頭を無作為に選び,
24 時間絶食後,屠殺した。3 元交雑は 2 元交雑および在来種に比べ,屠殺前生体重,枝肉重量,枝肉長の値
が有意( <0.01)に大きかった。枝肉歩留は 50.20∼54.28%で,3 元交雑が有意( <0.01)に低かった。3 元
交雑のロース心面積は,2 元交雑や在来種に比して有意( <0.01)に大きかった(それぞれ 16.97,11.19,8.13
cm2)。屠体の物理学的特性,肉の化学組成と微細構造は,骨と肉の比率を除いて 3 集団に差はなかった。
在来種の骨量は他集団に比べ有意( <0.01)に低く,筋肉─骨比はほかの 2 集団に比べて有意( <0.01)に
高かった。また可食肉(筋肉+脂肪)─骨比も有意 ( <0.05)に高かった。肉のタンパク含量は 3 元交雑 (22.4%)
が有意( <0.05)に高く,脂肪も同様( <0.01)であった。肉の剪断力価と肉色は集団により有意( <0.05)
に異なった。胸最長筋の剪断力価は大腿二頭筋や上腕三頭筋より低く( <0.05),国際標準照度値による肉
色測定では大腿二頭筋と上腕三頭筋の肉色は胸最長筋よりも暗かった( <0.05) 。


* タイ国農務省畜産振興局
** プリンスオブソンクラ大学
*** 東京農業大学農学部畜産学科
**** 東京農業大学農学部バイオセラピー学科
***** 東京農業大学名誉教授

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