Comparison of Breast Muscle Meat Quality in 2 Broiler Breeds
Comparison of Breast Muscle Meat Quality in 2 Broiler Breeds
Comparison of Breast Muscle Meat Quality in 2 Broiler Breeds
*Institute of Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China;
and †State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Beijing 100193, China
ABSTRACT On the basis of meat quality traits, muscle contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated
fiber characteristics, and nutrient components and con- fatty acids, protein, or amino acids. Breast muscle fiber
tents in chickens at market age, 120-d-old Beijing-you diameter was significantly smaller (~55.76%) and fiber
2356 Zhao et al.
lished by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Bei- Deliman Biochemical Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing,
jing, China). One-day-old female hatchlings, 48 each of China).
AA (Dadongliu Broiler Company, Beijing, China) and
BJY (Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy Analysis of Compositions of Fatty Acids
of Agricultural Sciences), were used. Individuals within
and Amino Acids
each breed had the same genetic background.
All birds entered the experiment at the same time Six breast muscle samples (2.0 g) from the total of
and were randomly distributed into 4 replicate groups 12 harvested in each breed were randomly selected, and
for each breed; each group comprised 12 BJY birds and the composition of fatty acids was determined using
12 AA birds. Birds were raised in an environmentally gas chromatography according to the method of Sukh-
controlled room with 8 floor pens. Feed and water were ija and Palmquist (1988). Breast muscle samples were
provided ad libitum during the experiment. Diets for freeze dried and ground for extraction and methylation
the starter (1–21 d) and grower (≥22 d) phases were of fatty acids before analysis using an HP6890 gas chro-
A 2.0-g sample of each breast muscle (n = 12) was Analysis of Muscle Structure
homogenized and extracted (Folch et al., 1957). Then,
triglyceride (TG; Hatch, 1968; Okazaki et al., 1982) Samples (~2 cm3) of 6 randomly selected birds were
and phospholipid (Bergmeyer et al., 1974; Kimura et removed from consistent locations on the breast muscle
al., 1996) contents were measured with kits (Beijing from 12 birds harvested from each breed. The samples
were oriented for transverse fiber sectioning and mount-
ed on cork disks using the OCT Tissue-Tek (Sakura Fi-
netechnical Co., Tokyo, Japan). Serial cryostat sections
Table 1. Ingredients and calculated chemical composition of (10-μm; −20°C) were cut and stained with hematoxy-
starter and grower diets lin and eosin (Cumming et al., 1994). For each bird,
Starter Grower muscle fiber size was estimated by measuring the mini-
Item (% unless noted) (1–21 d) (22–120 d) mum fiber diameter of 100 fibers using image analysis
software, and the density of muscle fibers (fibers/mm2)
Corn (7.8% CP) 60.00 63.54 was estimated by point-counting stereology using 500
Soybean meal (43% CP) 32.87 27.49 points.
Corn protein powder (56% CP) 1.92 3.00
Soybean oil 1.50 2.03
Calcium phosphate 1.40 1.72 Statistical Analyses
Limestone 1.36 1.24
Salt 0.30 0.32
l-Lysine hemifumarate 0.20 0.13
Data were subjected to 1-way ANOVA using SAS
dl-Methionine 0.20 0.11 version 8.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Statistical sig-
Choline chloride (50%) 0.19 0.20 nificance was accepted at P < 0.05.
Mineral premix 0.06 0.20
Multivitamin mix 0.02 0.02
Nutrient composition
CP 20.00 19.00
Crude fat 4.00 5.10 Nutritional Components of Breast Muscle
Calcium 1.00 0.90
Total phosphorus 0.69 0.63 The content of TG was slightly, but not significantly,
Available phosphorus 0.45 0.40 higher in BJY than in AA chickens. The content of
Lysine 1.05 1.00
Methionine 0.48 0.43 phospholipids and its relative ratio to TG in BJY chick-
Threonine 0.74 0.76 ens were both more than twice (P < 0.05) the values in
Tryptophan 0.22 0.23 AA chickens (Table 2). Phospholipids, important com-
ME (MJ/kg) 12.01 12.55
ponents of cell membranes, are made up of glycerol,
Table 2. Phospholipid (PL) and triglyceride (TG) contents in (214.65 g/kg) and AA (223.15 g/kg) chickens. Simi-
breast muscle of Beijing-you (BJY) and Arbor Acres (AA) chick- larly, no significant differences were found in contents
of individual amino acids (Table 4). With few excep-
PL TG PL/TG tions (threonine, cystine, and histidine), contents of
Breed (g/kg) (g/kg) (%) most amino acids, the essential amino acids, and those
BJY 5.77 ± 0.30a 9.25 ± 0.51 62.38a related to flavor were slightly lower in BJY chickens;
AA 2.14 ± 0.26b 8.81 ± 0.72 24.29b lysine content was significantly lower in BJY chickens.
BJY/AA ratio 2.70 1.05 2.57
Muscle tissue mainly consists of muscle fiber, contain-
a,bMeans within a column with different superscripts differ signifi-
ing a large amount of protein, and is an important food
cantly (P < 0.05).
1Data are means ± SD (wet weight, n = 12). source for humans (Lawrie, 1991; Warriss, 2000). In
addition, amino acid is one of the main precursors of
meat smell (Farmer, 1999), and the content of protein
fatty acid, phosphoric acid, choline, or cholamine and in meat affects different flavor substances (Chevance
Figure 1. Typical transverse sections (stained with hematoxylin and eosin) of breast muscle in (A) Beijing-you and (B) Arbor Acres chickens.
Photomicrographs are shown at 40× magnification. Color version available in online PDF.
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