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Comparison of Breast Muscle Meat Quality in 2 Broiler Breeds

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Comparison of breast muscle meat quality in 2 broiler breeds

G. P. Zhao,*†1 H. X. Cui,*†1 R. R. Liu,*† M. Q. Zheng,*† J. L. Chen,*† and J. Wen*†2

*Institute of Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China;
and †State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Beijing 100193, China

ABSTRACT On the basis of meat quality traits, muscle contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated
fiber characteristics, and nutrient components and con- fatty acids, protein, or amino acids. Breast muscle fiber
tents in chickens at market age, 120-d-old Beijing-you diameter was significantly smaller (~55.76%) and fiber

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(BJY) chickens (the Chinese local breed) had distinct density was higher (~174.86%) in BJY chickens than
breast muscle features when compared with 42-d-old in AA chickens (P < 0.05). In this study, breast muscle
Arbor Acres (AA) chickens (the genetically improved from 120-d-old BJY chickens was judged to have bet-
broiler line). The phospholipid (P < 0.05) and essential ter quality of phospholipids and essential fatty acid
fatty acid (P < 0.05) contents in BJY chickens were sig- contents and muscle fiber characteristics than breast
nificantly higher than those in AA chickens. No differ- muscle from 42-d-old AA chickens.
ences (P > 0.05) were found between the breeds in the
Key words: Beijing-you chicken, Arbor Acres broiler, breast muscle, nutrient component,
muscle fiber characteristic
2011 Poultry Science 90:2355–2359

INTRODUCTION Previous studies on meat quality of the BJY chicken

and other breeds have mainly focused on appearance
Chickens used for meat production in China include and physical traits of the carcass, pH values, water-
introduced and genetically improved broiler strains, du- holding capacity, or muscle fiber characteristics. Some
al-purpose breeds, and numerous native breeds. Criteria studies have examined chemical traits such as intra-
for meat quality vary in different countries and areas muscular fat content and fatty acid composition at the
and reflect dietary habits. In general, however, chicken same day of age (DeVol et al., 1988; Cherian et al.,
meat quality traits consist of 3 categories: appearance 2002; Matteo et al., 2007; Zhao et al., 2007; Chen et
(i.e., flesh color), physical (i.e., muscle pH, water-hold- al., 2008; Jiang et al., 2011). As the living standards
ing capacity, and organizational structure, underlying of consumers have improved, an increase has occurred
the texture and tenderness of meat), and chemical [i.e., in demand for perceived quality in meat products and
protein and crude fat contents and their composition in consumer preference for indigenous chicken breeds.
(amino acids and fatty acids; Lawrie, 1985)]. Genet- However, little is known of other nutritional components
ics is a major factor influencing meat quality of chick- and muscle fiber characteristics in both BJY chickens
ens (Lawrie, 1985; Cisneros et al., 1996), and native and AA broilers at their market ages. The objective of
Chinese breeds are considered to have superior quality the present study was to compare meat quality traits,
compared with rapidly growing imported broilers (Lu including nutrient components and muscle fiber char-
et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2007; Li et al., 2009). The acteristics, between BJY chickens and AA chickens at
Beijing-you (BJY) chicken is an indigenous breed in market ages of each breed. Because breast meat is one
China, 1 of 27 rare breeds listed in Zheng (1988), and of the major high-value cuts, it was examined in the
has a special appearance and quality in egg and meat present study.
products. When compared with the Arbor Acres (AA)
broiler, the BJY chicken is highly liked in China be-
cause of its taste, rich fragrance, and tenderness.
Birds, Diets, and Sample Collection
©2011 Poultry Science Association Inc. The present study was approved by the Institute of
Received February 21, 2011.
Accepted June 14, 2011.
Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sci-
1 G. P. Zhao and H. X. Cui contributed equally to this work. ences (Beijing, China) and carried out in accordance
2 Corresponding author: [email protected]
with the Guidelines for Experimental Animals estab-

2356 Zhao et al.

lished by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Bei- Deliman Biochemical Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing,
jing, China). One-day-old female hatchlings, 48 each of China).
AA (Dadongliu Broiler Company, Beijing, China) and
BJY (Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy Analysis of Compositions of Fatty Acids
of Agricultural Sciences), were used. Individuals within
and Amino Acids
each breed had the same genetic background.
All birds entered the experiment at the same time Six breast muscle samples (2.0 g) from the total of
and were randomly distributed into 4 replicate groups 12 harvested in each breed were randomly selected, and
for each breed; each group comprised 12 BJY birds and the composition of fatty acids was determined using
12 AA birds. Birds were raised in an environmentally gas chromatography according to the method of Sukh-
controlled room with 8 floor pens. Feed and water were ija and Palmquist (1988). Breast muscle samples were
provided ad libitum during the experiment. Diets for freeze dried and ground for extraction and methylation
the starter (1–21 d) and grower (≥22 d) phases were of fatty acids before analysis using an HP6890 gas chro-

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formulated (Table1) to be intermediate between recom- matograph (Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, CA).
mendations for the 2 breeds (NRC, 1994; Ministry of Six breast muscle samples (2.0 g) from the total of
Agriculture of P. R. China, 2004). Birds were slaugh- 12 birds harvested from each breed were randomly se-
tered at typical market ages: AA broilers at 42 d old lected, and the composition of amino acids was deter-
and BJY chickens at 120 d old. Following a 12-h over- mined on a Beckman 6300 amino acid analyzer (Beck-
night fast, 3 birds of similar weight from each replicate man Instruments Corp., Brea, CA) using ninhydrin for
were electrically stunned and killed by exsanguination. postcolumn derivatization and norleucine as the inter-
The breast muscle (pectoralis major) from one side was nal standard. Before analysis, samples were hydrolyzed
frozen at −20°C for further chemical evaluation. with 6 N HCl for 24 h at 110°C. Methionine and cyste-
ine were determined as methionine sulfone and cysteic
Determination of Phospholipids acid after cold perfomic acid oxidation before hydroly-
and Triglycerides sis (method 994.12; AOAC, 1990).

A 2.0-g sample of each breast muscle (n = 12) was Analysis of Muscle Structure
homogenized and extracted (Folch et al., 1957). Then,
triglyceride (TG; Hatch, 1968; Okazaki et al., 1982) Samples (~2 cm3) of 6 randomly selected birds were
and phospholipid (Bergmeyer et al., 1974; Kimura et removed from consistent locations on the breast muscle
al., 1996) contents were measured with kits (Beijing from 12 birds harvested from each breed. The samples
were oriented for transverse fiber sectioning and mount-
ed on cork disks using the OCT Tissue-Tek (Sakura Fi-
netechnical Co., Tokyo, Japan). Serial cryostat sections
Table 1. Ingredients and calculated chemical composition of (10-μm; −20°C) were cut and stained with hematoxy-
starter and grower diets lin and eosin (Cumming et al., 1994). For each bird,
Starter Grower muscle fiber size was estimated by measuring the mini-
Item (% unless noted) (1–21 d) (22–120 d) mum fiber diameter of 100 fibers using image analysis
software, and the density of muscle fibers (fibers/mm2)
  Corn (7.8% CP) 60.00 63.54 was estimated by point-counting stereology using 500
  Soybean meal (43% CP) 32.87 27.49 points.
  Corn protein powder (56% CP) 1.92 3.00
  Soybean oil 1.50 2.03
  Calcium phosphate 1.40 1.72 Statistical Analyses
 Limestone 1.36 1.24
 Salt 0.30 0.32
  l-Lysine hemifumarate 0.20 0.13
Data were subjected to 1-way ANOVA using SAS
  dl-Methionine 0.20 0.11 version 8.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Statistical sig-
  Choline chloride (50%) 0.19 0.20 nificance was accepted at P < 0.05.
  Mineral premix 0.06 0.20
  Multivitamin mix 0.02 0.02
Nutrient composition
 CP 20.00 19.00
  Crude fat 4.00 5.10 Nutritional Components of Breast Muscle
 Calcium 1.00 0.90
  Total phosphorus 0.69 0.63 The content of TG was slightly, but not significantly,
  Available phosphorus 0.45 0.40 higher in BJY than in AA chickens. The content of
 Lysine 1.05 1.00
 Methionine 0.48 0.43 phospholipids and its relative ratio to TG in BJY chick-
 Threonine 0.74 0.76 ens were both more than twice (P < 0.05) the values in
 Tryptophan 0.22 0.23 AA chickens (Table 2). Phospholipids, important com-
  ME (MJ/kg) 12.01 12.55
ponents of cell membranes, are made up of glycerol,
Table 2. Phospholipid (PL) and triglyceride (TG) contents in (214.65 g/kg) and AA (223.15 g/kg) chickens. Simi-
breast muscle of Beijing-you (BJY) and Arbor Acres (AA) chick- larly, no significant differences were found in contents
of individual amino acids (Table 4). With few excep-
PL TG PL/TG tions (threonine, cystine, and histidine), contents of
Breed (g/kg) (g/kg) (%) most amino acids, the essential amino acids, and those
BJY 5.77 ± 0.30a 9.25 ± 0.51 62.38a related to flavor were slightly lower in BJY chickens;
AA 2.14 ± 0.26b 8.81 ± 0.72 24.29b lysine content was significantly lower in BJY chickens.
BJY/AA ratio 2.70 1.05 2.57
Muscle tissue mainly consists of muscle fiber, contain-
a,bMeans within a column with different superscripts differ signifi-
ing a large amount of protein, and is an important food
cantly (P < 0.05).
1Data are means ± SD (wet weight, n = 12). source for humans (Lawrie, 1991; Warriss, 2000). In
addition, amino acid is one of the main precursors of
meat smell (Farmer, 1999), and the content of protein
fatty acid, phosphoric acid, choline, or cholamine and in meat affects different flavor substances (Chevance

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can be divided into lecithin and cephalin. Phospholip- and Farmer, 1999). Analysis of amino acid composition
ids play an important role in nervous system develop- (protein and free in breast muscle) showed no great
ment and animal development. Phospholipids contain difference between BJY chickens and AA chickens. Al-
most of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linole- though the content of lysine was lower in BJY, the
nic acid and arachidonic acid, in animal tissues; these totals (21.47 and 22.32% by weight) were within the
constitute the essential fatty acids (EFA) in human optimal range for quality meat. This may indicate that
diets. Degradation products of the phospholipids from protein would not contribute to the difference of nutri-
oxidative changes postmortem influence the composi- tion and flavor in breast muscle between BJY chickens
tion of the volatile flavor components and consequently and AA chickens at market age.
change the flavor of meat (Gandemer, 1997). In this
study, the phospholipids content in breast muscle of Muscle Fiber Size and Density
BJY chickens was 2.70 times that of AA chickens (P
< 0.05); this higher phospholipids content can improve Previous studies demonstrated the close relationship
the nutritional value of breast muscle in BJY chickens. between the muscle fiber characteristics (including mus-
Fatty acid compositions of the total lipids in breast cle fiber density and diameter) and tenderness of meat:
muscle are shown in Table 3. The major components,
accounting for 89.68% (BJY) and 89.26% (AA), were
C16:0 (palmitic acid), C18:0 (stearic acid), C18:1 (ole- Table 3. Fatty acid composition of lipids in breast muscle of
ic acid), C18:2 (linoleic acid), and C20:4 (arachidonic Beijing-you (BJY) and Arbor Acres (AA) chickens1
acid). The contents of EFA and, most notably, of C20:4, Fatty acid2 (%) BJY AA
in BJY chickens were significantly higher than in AA
chickens (P < 0.05). The content of total unsaturated C14:0 0.58 ± 0.02 0.49 ± 0.03
C16:0 23.41 ± 0.55 24.14 ± 0.39
fatty acid of BJY chickens was marginally (P > 0.05) C18:0 10.37 ± 0.12 9.66 ± 0.10
higher than that of AA chickens, whereas the percent- C20:0 0.26 ± 0.03 0.13 ± 0.04
ages of total polyunsaturated fatty acids and saturated C24:0 0.21 ± 0.02b 1.18 ± 0.08a
C16:1 1.73 ± 0.08 2.30 ± 0.10
fatty acid in BJY chickens were slightly (P > 0.05) C18:1 n-9 21.67 ± 0.89 25.68 ± 0.72
lower than those of AA chickens. A notable difference C18:1 n-7 1.92 ± 0.11 2.99 ± 0.12
was found in the content of C20:4 (arachidonic acid), C18:2 21.89 ± 1.02 20.31 ± 0.72
C18:3 n-6 0.08 ± 0.01b 0.20 ± 0.01a
which was about 50% greater in BJY chickens than in C18:3 n-3 0.73 ± 0.05 0.88 ± 0.10
AA chickens. Differences of this magnitude might un- C20:1 0.23 ± 0.02 0.29 ± 0.09
derlie flavor characteristics of the 2 breeds and indicate C20:2 0.45 ± 0.04 0.80 ± 0.02
C20:4 n-6 10.42 ± 0.88a 6.48 ± 1.19b
that the content of dietary EFA would be greater from C20:5 0.32 ± 0.06 0.42 ± 0.04
BJY meat. Essential fatty acids have an important role C22:4 n-6 2.38 ± 0.97a 1.63 ± 0.66b
biologically. Arachidonic acid is an important intracel- C22:5 1.57 ± 0.32 1.15 ± 0.29
C22:6 1.52 ± 0.33 0.93 ± 0.37
lular second messenger that directly participates in in- C24:1 0.25 ± 0.05 0.31 ± 0.01
tracellular signal transduction and affects other signal- SFA 34.83 ± 1.33 35.60 ± 1.07
ing pathways to control biological activity of cells (Bell UFA 65.14 ± 1.79 64.36 ± 1.12
PUFA 37.19 ± 0.98 37.86 ± 1.01
et al., 1996; Byung et al., 1997). These results indicate EFA 33.11 ± 0.72a 27.87 ± 0.86b
that the breast muscles of BJY chickens have more nu- Major components 89.68 ± 0.57 89.26 ± 0.71
tritional value to humans than those of AA chickens. a,bMeans within a row with different superscripts differ significantly

The method used allowed accurate measurement of (P < 0.05).

1Data are means ± SD (n = 6).
17 amino acids; however, glutamine, asparagines, and
2SFA = saturated fatty acids; UFA = unsaturated fatty acids; PUFA
tryptophan could not be determined reliably. The to-
= polyunsaturated fatty acids; EFA = essential fatty acids (including
tal content of the 17 amino acids (protein and free) in linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and arachidonic acid). Major components
breast muscle did not differ (P > 0.05) between BJY included C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, and C20:4.
2358 Zhao et al.
Table 4. Amino acid composition and total content in breast Table 5. Muscle fiber diameter and density of breast muscle in
muscle of Beijing-you (BJY) and Arbor Acres (AA) chickens1 Beijing-you (BJY) and Arbor Acres (AA) chickens1
Amino acid2 Muscle fiber Muscle fiber
(g/kg) BJY AA diameter density
Breed (μm) (fibers/mm2)
Aspartic acid 21.28 ± 0.59 22.02 ± 0.76
Threonine 8.42 ± 0.23 8.40 ± 0.27 BJY 23.7 ± 1.6a 780.4 ± 42.9a
Serine 7.48 ± 0.23 7.63 ± 0.22 AA 42.5 ± 1.2b 446.3 ± 57.9b
Glutamic acid 38.33 ± 0.58 39.44 ± 0.64 BJY/AA ratio (%) 55.76 174.86
Glycine 8.73 ± 0.30 9.48 ± 0.32 a,bMeans within a column with different superscripts differ signifi-
Alanine 12.65 ± 0.35 13.15 ± 0.36
Cystine 1.32 ± 0.10 1.25 ± 0.09 cantly (P < 0.05).
1Data are means ± SD (n = 6).
Valine 12.80 ± 0.40 13.00 ± 0.43
Methionine 5.87 ± 0.17 5.99 ± 0.11
Isoleucine 11.76 ± 0.69 11.92 ± 0.56
Leucine 22.14 ± 0.92 22.38 ± 0.89 because the quantity of sarcolemma must be greater

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Tyrosine 3.24 ± 0.07 3.43 ± 0.10
Phenylalanine 9.51 ± 0.13 9.87 ± 0.12 in the BJY. Although extensive research has focused
Lysine 15.99 ± 0.68b 19.79 ± 0.78a on the influence of age and speed of growth on mus-
Histidine 11.05 ± 0.50 10.49 ± 0.34 cle fiber characteristics or muscle tenderness (Staun,
Arginine 16.41 ± 0.79 16.88 ± 0.85
Proline 7.69 ± 0.22 8.03 ± 0.18 1972; Swatland, 1990; Dransfield and Sosnicki, 1999;
EAA 106.41 ± 1.90 110.25 ± 1.88 Koohmaraie et al., 2002; Baryshnikova et al., 2007),
FRAA 121.63 ± 2.09 126.74 ± 1.74 this study first characterizes the muscle fiber character-
Total 214.65 ± 1.99 223.15 ± 2.23
istics of both BJY chickens and AA chickens at market
a,bMeans within a row with different superscripts differ significantly
ages and contributes to the establishment of systematic
(P < 0.05).
1Data are means ± SD (wet weight, n = 6). evaluation methods for meat quality in broilers.
2EAA = essential amino acid (including threonine, valine, methio-
nine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, lysine, histidine, arginine, and
proline); FRAA = flavor-related amino acids (including cystine, glycine, Conclusions
aspartic acid, arginine, proline, alanine, and glutamic acid).
The results from this study demonstrated differenc-
es between BJY chickens and AA chickens in several
thinner muscle, more density, better tenderness (Sifre indices related to breast meat quality. At the typical
et al., 2005). Tenderness has been noted as the most market age, the breast muscle from 120-d-old BJY
important quality attribute in determining consumers’ chickens was judged to have better quality with regard
ultimate satisfaction with a whole poultry muscle cut. to muscle fiber characteristics, contents of EFA (espe-
The results from this study showed that the diameters cially C20:4), and phospholipids compared with breast
of breast muscle fibers in 120-d-old BJY chickens (Ta- muscle from 42-d-old AA chickens.
ble 5; Figure 1) were markedly smaller (~55.76% those
of AA) and densities of fibers were accordingly greater
(~174.86%) than those of 42-d-old AA chickens; both ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
variables differed significantly (P < 0.05) between the
breeds. Thus, it is reasonable to deduce that the ten- The authors acknowledge W. Bruce Currie for mak-
derness of BJY chicken breast at the typical market age ing suggestions on the manuscript. The research was
might be better than that of AA chicken. Moreover, supported by the China Agriculture Research System
the difference in fiber density probably accounts for the (CARS-42) and the National Nonprofit Institute Re-
breed difference in phospholipids content of the muscle search Grant (China; 2010jc-1).

Figure 1. Typical transverse sections (stained with hematoxylin and eosin) of breast muscle in (A) Beijing-you and (B) Arbor Acres chickens.
Photomicrographs are shown at 40× magnification. Color version available in online PDF.
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