Multiplying Lesson 6

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Subject/Grade: Math 4

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson Multiplication Facts
GOs: Students will: develop number sense
SOs: Students will: 4,5
Learning Students will:
Objectives  Become more familiar with different multiplication methods

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Observation Summative
Assessment Questioning Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Get PowerPoint on Resources: - https://junior.edumedia-
Lesson: Get online game ready
- https://junior.edumedia-
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning:
- Ask the students what are the different types of methods we can use to
o Skip counting chart, multiplication chart, fingers, closest number
too, by just knowing it, using addition, arrays
- Get the students to grab their whiteboards before the lesson starts
(have it up on the board) and clear off their desks
- Set marker expectations and what happens if they become a distraction
- Tell the students that I will let them know when to have the lids on and
- And I will be looking for their answers
- I am going to be watching you guys and if I see anyone copying answers,
I might call on you to tell me what strategy you used.
- It is 100% okay to get the answer wrong! This is to help me see what
you guys know and what else I have to teach you guys
Learning Activity 1: Review of how to use skip counters
- PowerPoint on how to use skip counting to multiply –

- Do multiplying together – students have mini whiteboards

Subject/Grade: Math 4
- Ask the students to make sure that the caps are on their markers and
eyes are up here
- Begin explaining the game
- Open class dojo while explaining and do random groups
- remind the students that I do not want to hear no’s because that’s not
very nice and this is a good opportunity to work with someone you
might not get to usually work with
- Keep your no’s on the inside so we do not hurt others feelings
- Remind the students that every time we have done random partners,
they have had fun
- Set a classroom timer and set expectation that when the timer goes off
they are to clean up and then sit in their chairs
Learning Activity 2: Multiplication Game
• Stand back-to-back with your partner
• Pick a number on one hand, then both turn at the same time and show
the number each has picked
• Multiply the two numbers and say the answer
• Repeat
• You can use your whiteboard but if I see that you are just drawing then I
will ask you to put it away
- Random teams – remind the students that I do not want to hear no’s
because that’s not very nice and this is a good opportunity to work with
someone you might not get to usually work with
- Keep your no’s on the inside

- About 5 min before class give a warning and reminder about cleaning
- Same thing at 2 and 1 minute left
- Once timer goes off remind the students to finish the one that they are
doing and then remind them that it is time to clean up and to sit once
their space is clean
- They can also put whiteboards away at this time.
Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:
Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:
- the students responded well to the lesson, and I think that the review of the different strategies and how
everyone uses different strategies
- the game went well, the partners were mostly good except some
2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
- reviewing the strategies and the online game were very fun
3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
- do less time for the game next time
- Could have gone back to the whiteboard game as a closing
4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?
- fix my timing because the kids got a little bored at the end
Subject/Grade: Math 4
5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:
- I have learned that during lessons to be more exact with what I want and to always say not to yell no
because it can hurt people’s feelings and is rude
- I loved having every thing I wanted to say and mention on my PowerPoint and my instructions

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