Final - PE 4.2 Physical Fitness, 2 Lessons PDF

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UNIT 2: Physical Fitness

Table of Contents

Introduction 2

Lesson 1: Health-Related Fitness Components 4

Learning Targets 4
Let’s Warm Up! 4
Learn about It! 5
Check Your Understanding 9
Let’s Play! 10

Lesson 2: Skill-Related Fitness Components 11

Learning Targets 11
Let’s Warm Up! 11
Learn about It! 13
Check Your Understanding 17
Let’s Play! 18

Ready, Set, Go! 20

Self-Check 21

Bibliography 23

Glossary 23


Physical Fitness

Fig. 1. Kids playing active games

Photo from

What makes you run fast during a race? What makes you hang in monkey bars during
playtime? A physically fit body enables you to do physical activities with ease and enthusiasm.
Physical Fitness is the ability to perform specific tasks efficiently without easily getting tired.

When you are physically fit, you’ll be able to do things at your best and can become excellent
at tasks in the future.

In this unit, we’ll discover the different components of physical fitness and the ways we can do
to enhance them.

Lesson 1: Health-Related Fitness Components

Learning Targets
In this lesson, you should be able to:
● describe the indicators of physical fitness; and,
● discuss the different health-related fitness components.

Let’s Warm Up!

Physically Fit Mind Map

Create a mind map which describes a physically fit body. In a sheet of paper, write the words
“Physically Fit Body” and connect single-words which best explain it. Share your output in

Learn about It!

What does it take to become physically fit? How can we

perform tasks at our best? There are five components
which we consider when describing a physically fit person.
He/she must have cardiovascular endurance, muscular
endurance, muscular strength, good flexibility, and
proper body composition. These components enable a
person to function efficiently with ease. These are the
different components of health-related fitness.

The component that makes you last a five-minute dancing routine or climb stairs and run an
errand is the cardiovascular endurance component of health-related fitness. Cardiovascular
endurance is the ability of the body to perform tasks which require increased oxygen intake
for a prolonged period. When you have cardiovascular endurance, your heart will be efficient
in its functions of supplying oxygen to the body. Aerobic activities such as brisk walking,
jogging, running, biking and swimming are good exercises for cardiovascular endurance.
When you have good cardiovascular endurance, you will be able to sustain continuous tasks
without easily getting tired.

Fig. 2. Swimming as a good form of exercise for cardiovascular endurance.
Photo from

Some of our daily tasks require us to use our muscles in a sustained period. This calls for
muscular endurance. Muscular endurance is the ability of our muscles to use its strength
continuously or repetitively. This component enables us to carry our hiking bags during
outdoor activities or walking for long durations to reach a specific destination. Exercises such
as jogging squats lunges and other weight-bearing activities can help build muscular

Fig. 3. Hiking as good exercise for muscular endurance.

Photo from

Muscular strength is the amount of force our muscles exert to perform a certain task. This
component is usually necessary for lifting, pushing or pulling heavy objects. Muscular strength
can be enhanced through exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, curl-ups and the like.

Fig. 4. Tug of war as a muscle-strengthening activity

Source: Virginia State Parks staff, Tug o war (5798655160), CC BY 2.0

Our ability to move body parts in a wide range of motion is called flexibility. This component
enables us to move without getting injured effectively. Exercises such as stretching and yoga
are good at enhancing flexibility.

Fig. 5. Gymnastics as a good flexibility exercise

Source: Rick McCharles from Calgary, Canada, Spagat gymnastics, CC BY 2.0

Our body composition plays a vital role in our overall physical fitness. Body composition is
the built of the body concerning lean tissues (muscles, bones, vital tissues and organs) and fat
tissues (fats stored beneath the skin or around the organs of the body). When the body has
more fat tissues than the lean tissues, the person will be more likely to have high risk in
developing diseases. Engaging in different physical activities in recommended levels (at least
30 minutes per day on most days of the week) will contribute to a healthy and fit body

Check Your Understanding
A. Write True if the statement is correct. Write False if the statement is incorrect.

1. Health-related fitness components are the building blocks of physical fitness.

2. Flexibility enables us to climb stairs without easily getting tired.
3. Accumulating excessive fat poses great harm to an individual’s health.
4. Swimming is an excellent form of cardiovascular endurance exercise.
5. Physical activity engagement can contribute to a healthy body composition.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. From which of the health-related fitness components do you need

improvement? What can you do to enhance them?
2. What do you think are the benefits of having good health-related fitness?

Let’s Play!
Luksong Baka Game

Pair up with a classmate. The game is played by jumping over an opponent who is bending

1. At the start of the game, one player from another pair should be called ‘taya’ (it), or the
2. The playing pair should avoid contact or falling over the ‘baka’ player while jumping
3. The baka player will start with a kneeling-down position (a ‘baka’ player bends over with
their hands placed on his knees).
4. The pair will jump over the ‘baka’ one at a time. Once done, the ‘baka’ player's position
will slowly rise-up.
5. Only the hands of the jumper may touch the back of the person who is bent over.
6. If a player fails to avoid contact or falls over the ‘baka’, they will then take the place as
new ‘baka’ player. The game will start in a kneeling position again, and the game
continues until all players decide to end the game.

Guide Questions:
1. What are the health-related fitness components enhanced in the activity?
2. How can activities like luksong baka and other free play benefit you as a student?

Lesson 2: Skill-Related Fitness Components

Learning Targets

In this lesson, you should be able to:

● describe the indicators of physical fitness ; and
● discuss the different skill-related fitness components.

Let’s Warm Up!

Skills Check!

Check the following skills that is appropriate for you.

_____ jumping off the highest level in Chinese

_____ sprinting garter

_____ pitching a baseball _____ walking on a balance beam

_____ escaping an opponent in tag games _____ catching a ruler

Learn about It!
Were you able to have several checks in the previous
activity? The different tasks in the activity require more
advanced movements which can be enhanced by
participating in different physical activities such as free
play and recreational games. Physical activity engagement
not only improves our health-related fitness but also
enhances our ability to do more complicated movements.
This ability can be referred to as skill-related fitness components.

There are six skill-related fitness components. These are speed, power, agility, balance,
coordination and reaction time. Improving these components can bring about a potential
career in several sports.

Do you want to be involved in sports such as basketball, swimming or boxing? Then you have
to improve your speed. Speed is the ability to perform a task in a short period of time. It is a
key element in most sports- specific skill such as fastpitch in baseball, sprinting in running
events and avoiding punches in boxing.

Fig. 6. Speed in athletics

Source: © Marie-Lan Nguyen / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY 3.0, Men 100 m French Athletics Championships 2013
t154126, CC BY 3.0

Power is necessary for sports such as cheerleading as it is a requirement for a high toss and
pyramid building. Power is the ability to exert maximum effort in a short duration of time.
Other sports-skill which requires power are smashing in badminton, a spike in volleyball and a
free kick in football.

Fig. 7. Power in spike.

Source: Interfase, Final match between Turkey and Poland at the 2015 European Games women's volleyball 3, CC BY-SA

Agility is the ability to change direction quickly. This skill-related fitness component is
necessary for changing directions to save a ball in tennis, to have a successful hit in fencing
and to successfully drive a shot towards the goal in basketball without giving the opponent a
chance to steal.

Fig. 8. Agility in basketball.

Source: Sven Mandel, USA vs France (73-79) - 2018090203521 2018-03-31 Basketball Albert Schweitzer Turnier USA -
France - Sven - 1D X MK II - 078 - AK8I1241, CC BY-SA 4.0

Stance, or the way a person establish a standing position, is critical in performing tasks
especially in doing a skill in a specific sport. Just like in basketball, a proper stance is essential
in making a successful shot. And, to be able to maintain a proper stance, one should have the
right balance. Balance is the ability to maintain stability even against forces and other
disturbing factors. A right balance is necessary for specific sports tasks such as a backpedal
(running backward) while in defense in football, performing a skill in ice skating, skateboarding
or surfing.

Fig. 9. Balance in surfing


Coordination is the ability to use body parts or senses together or simultaneously. A
goalkeeper should have an excellent eye-hand coordination to be able to defend the goal
from a kicked ball. Same is true in hitting a baseball that requires the coordination of eyes,
limbs, and body in successfully hitting an incoming ball.

Fig. 10. Coordination and reaction time as a requirement in catching a football

Photo from

Reaction time, another component in skill-related fitness is a requirement before any bodily
movement takes place in a response of a particular stimulus (thing or event). Reaction time is
a measurement of the body parts or senses’ ability to act swiftly in reflexes (Handoko, 2014).
Sports that involve action, defense/offense such as table tennis, baseball and football require
precise reaction time.

These components are fundamental in sports skills. These components are the criteria a
coach is looking for when scouting for players in their respective sports. Skill-related fitness
components can be enhanced through sports specific drills and training to be able to be
successful in a chosen game.

Check Your Understanding

A. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect.

1. Skill-related fitness components are fundamental in sports skills.

2. Reaction time and coordination usually go hand in hand in some of the sports
3. Speed is a core component in almost all sports.
4. Power, agility, coordination, balance, speed and reaction time is necessary for
5. Agility is the ability to change direction quickly.

B. Answer the following questions:
1. Based on the knowledge you have gained from this lesson, what are the
skill-related fitness components you possess? What are the components you
need to improve?
2. What are the benefits of improving our skill-related fitness components?

Let’s Play!

Agawang Panyo!

The class will be divided into 2 groups. Members of each group will line up facing the
opponents. A number will be assigned to each player. The goal of the game is to get the
handkerchief from the teacher and bring it on their designated areas to gain a point for the
group. The teacher holding the handkerchief will stand at the center of the playing field and
will call out numbers represented by players. The game will stop until all players had been
called to play. The group who will be the first to reach 5 points will be declared as winner.

Did You Know?
A human person’s heartbeat about 100,000 times per day which means in 10 days time, it had
already beat a million times (Bradley, 2013). That is why we should always engage in aerobic
activities, as this type of activity increases the heart’s capacity to function efficiently.

Fig 11. An active and healthy heart

Ready, Set, Go!
My Physical Fitness Portfolio

Create a portfolio of pictures showing examples of real physical activities/sports that involve
the different health-related fitness and skill-related fitness components. See format below:

I. Title: My Physical Fitness Portfolio

II. Description of Physical Fitness
III. Pictures of real-life physical activities that involve health-related fitness
components (describe how the component is engaged in the activity)
IV. Pictures of real-life physical activities/games/sports that involve skill-related
fitness components (describe how the component is engaged in the activity)

This performance task will be graded according to the following rubric:

Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score

(0-12 points) (13-16 (17-20 points)

Content on Health-related
Fitness Components
(Used real-life pictures and
described each

Content on Skill-related
Fitness Components
(Used real-life pictures and
described each

Creativity and

(Creativity and
resourcefulness are evident
in using recyclable


I think I need more I have a minimal I am confident that I

Skills understanding of it. can do this with ease.
time and assistance.

I can describe
physical fitness.
I can explain the
indicators for fitness
I can explain health
and skill related
fitness components

Reflect on the lessons you’ve learned from this unit and provide the necessary information on
the table.


I find __________________________ the most interesting because ______________________.

I got ____ checks because _______________________________________________________.
I need to improve on _______________________because _____________________________.
I need to practice _________________________ because _____________________________.
I plan to _____________________________________________________________________ .

Wrap Up


Bradley, C. (2013).. “Fun Fitness Trivia That May Surprise You.” Fitness Exchange. Accessed
November 19, 2018.

Santiago, G., Defensor, M. Vergara, L. & Favila, S. 2004. MAPEH III A Worktext in Music, Arts,
Physical Education and Health. St. Augustine Publications, Inc. 2017. “Helping Students Understand The Components of Fitness”.

Accessed November 8, 2018.


Physical Fitness - is the ability of the body to perform tasks of daily living efficiently.

Health - related fitness components - composed of five components which includes are
cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body

Skill-related fitness components - include speed, power, agility, balance, coordination and
reaction time.


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