Warm Up Manual
Warm Up Manual
Warm Up Manual
Stephan du Toit
Human Movement Sciences (Biokinetics (Hons))
Western Province Rugby Union
Boundary Road, Newlands
Cape Town
Tel.: +27 (0) 21 659 4500
Fax: +27 (0) 21 659 4601
Mobile: (0) 82 850 3366
[email protected]
Rugby Union has been described as a sport consisting of multiple activities at different velocities and
intensities. Due to the high incidence of injuries in rugby, the focus has shifted from participating and
coaching, to the implementation of strategies which contribute to a reduction in the risk of injury. One
such strategy is the warm-up before training or matches. Although the inclusion of a proper warm-up is
not something new to the rugby environment, due to the limited time the coach has with the team, the
warm-up is sometimes compromised, resulting in an increased risk of injury. It is important that all the
support staff and the players understand the importance of the warm-up so that it can become part of
the routine preparation.
A structured warm-up should consist of progressive activities combined with dynamic flexibility
(stretching within active movements) and followed by specific movements that are close to the motor
mechanics (rugby movement patterns) of the sport. However, when asking players and coaches why
they complete a warm-up you often hear them comment, I heard it is important. If well planned and
executed, stretching becomes an important tool, be it assisting in injury prevention or increasing player
performance during a match or coaching session.
The objectives of the warm-up are as follows:
Assisting in injury prevention by executing functional movements. Functional movements are any
movements that are normally done within the sport and are replicated in the warm-up at different
speeds. Examples include straight-line running, stepping, jumping, accelerating, jumping for a
ball, falling down, getting up, and backwards running.
Physical preparation
Mental preparation
The warm-up should meet the needs of the individual and the team. If the coach is going to involve
physical contact during the training session, it is important that contact preparation is included in the
warm-up. For example, double shield hits, 1-1 scrumming and eventually a 3-on-3 scrum would be the
progression in preparation of the forwards to prepare them for a scrumming session later in the coaching
session. During the match warm-up, movements that have been the focus during the coaching sessions
earlier in the week, in preparation for the match, can be rehearsed. Such movements may include
anything from running patterns (lines), contact skills or specific activities like stepping, swerving, turning,
The type, duration and intensity of every warm-up will be manipulated by the type of coaching session
(static, active or collision-type), the objective of the coaching session or match (what are the goals of the
session?), the time allocation (how long is the coaching session and how much time is available?) and
the equipment available.
An increase in body temperature will cause a slight sweat on the forehead. As soon as
this happens, one can be sure that an optimal core temperature (the internal
temperature of the body) has been reached and that there are other physiological
benefits which accompany an increase in body temperature.
A warm muscle can move through a larger range of motion at a higher speed compared
to a cold muscle.
Specificity in both the coaching drills and in the warm-up is crucial. For example, 1-on-1
and 2-on-1 grids and exercises represent attacking and defensive situations in rugby.
By completing these drills, the player mimics the exact movements needed for the
match and is thus physically prepared for the 1-on-1 and 2-on-1 demands. For the best
effect the movements have to be completed at the same speed during the warm-up, as
they would be done during a match. The match warm-up should include all important
components of the skills that were trained during the week leading up to that match. For
example, if the ball has to be passed over 15 metres during the match, the warm-up
during coaching sessions in the week should focus on a warm-up that includes distance
passing. If the match is going to be played on a wet surface, the warm-up should
include time passing a wet ball.
Stimulates the Cardiorespiratory (heart and lungs) and Central Nervous Systems (CNS)
The cardiovascular system and the central nervous system (the network in the body that
transmits messages to and from the brain and muscles) is the bodys engine and
needs to be in excellent condition to send messages back and forth, and to generate
horsepower for the needs of the sport. The warm-up prepares these systems to
function optimally during the coaching session or match. The section THE WARM-UP
EFFECTS AND HOW LONG IT SHOULD LAST identifies the benefits and negative
variables as a result of achieving intensities during the warm-up that are either too high
or too low. In summary, the goal of the warm-up should be to transfer the physiological
changes induced by the warm-up into the training session or match therefore the
timing of the warm-up has to be carefully planned.
Muscle coordination requirements in rugby are similar to those of gymnasts and circus
experts, who also have to do more than one movement at a time. A circus juggler
handling 3-5 balls at once is a good example of hand-eye coordination. In the case of
muscles, it is important to have muscle synergy in achieving movement goals. Consider
the situation where a player on attack has defenders coming from the side. He steps
left, then steps right, accelerates through the gap, hands off an opponent on the right
(while shifting the ball from the right hand to the left) and then swerves around an
opponent to score a try. Muscles working together in such a way that they maintain
balance, slow down, accelerate and then swerve, is an example of muscle coordination.
Warmer muscles are better coordinated than cooler muscles.
There are many examples of attacking and defending situations in a rugby match where
improved reaction time is advantageous for performance.
The fitter the player, the more intense the warm-up can be. Players who are not fit will
get premature fatigue during the match if they warm up at a high intensity. Less fit
players need more rest and lower intensity during the warm up.
Partner Drills
Passing skills
Catching skills
Contact skills
Soleus stretch
Lunge walk
One-leg squat
Arm rotations
Passing gauntlet
Contact drills
An example of a warm-up through the different phases, with an allowance of 15 minutes, would be the
Minute 0 4
Minute 4 10
Players focus on completing dynamic activities and active dynamic stretching. This can be mimicked
during the completion of speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) drills. The SAQ and dynamic exercises
should be completed at a moderate intensity. Phase 2 should be completed during the warm-up before
a coaching session.
Minute 10 14
If there is no contact involved during the coaching session and it is important to get the players at a
maximal running intensity, complete SAQ and movement specific drills (STEPPING ACCELERATION
SAQ) for the next 4 minutes, until at the end of the 14th minute the players rehydrate and re-energise in
preparation for the session. If you have contact included in the training session, complete contact with
intermittent sprinting in this section instead of the SAQ session.
The transfer of this warm-up should be able to last for about 55-60 minutes.
A Professional example is listed below:
Minute 0-10: Kickers & Hookers enter the field of play
Minute 10-20: Individual warm-up per position
Handling for speed, distance and accuracy with game simulative pressure
Defensive drill
Positional split
Jumping in a line-out timing, support and throwing (checking wind for the direction of throwing
and altitude for distance of throwing and/or kicking)
Kicking out of hand for touch, tactical kicking, goal-kicking and dropping out
The pre-match phase must be between 6-15 minutes and focuses largely on the sport-specific
components following the warm-up. The intensity is moderate (70-85% HR max), focusing mainly on
dynamic flexibility of controlled antagonistic dynamic flexibility work.
Sprinting repetitions during the latter part of the warm-up must be limited to 6-8, and a work:rest ratio of
1:6 for fit players; and 4-6 repetitions and a work:rest ratio of 1:8 or greater for less fit players (i.e. if it
takes 6 seconds to complete a 40m sprint then the rest period should be 48 seconds for a work:rest of
1:8. The activities (the actual sprint effort) should last between 4-10 seconds and should incorporate all
the movements, such as sharp turning and acceleration at maximal speed with maximal power.
To decide the construction of the warm-up the following questions need to be answered:
Players should aim to be back in the changeroom about 88-10 minutes before kickkick-off.
Keep in mind facilities, venue (how far from the pitch did you get dressed...will you have enough
time to get back from the dressing room to the field?).
Balls Do not complete individual skills if only a few (1-2) balls are available. Rather complete a warm-up
grid as in WARM-UP DRILLS.
Speed ladders If no speed ladders are available, use beacons to mark out the blocks needed.
Agility poles Use beacons to mark out the distances as you would have done with agility poles.
Tackle bags Seldom used in the warm-up due to the difficulty transporting them. Hit shields can
provide the same contact area.
Hit (contact) shield This piece of equipment is important for a proper warm-up as it assists in correct
tackling technique and helps with upper-body preparation. If none are available, players should start
warming up their shoulder joints with push-ups and make low-intensity tackles on their teammates, or
commit to 1-1 scrumming techniques with their fellow players.
Rugby players enjoy a change in warm-up activities, especially when they have mastered the art of the
specific activity or drill. Challenge them with more complex stages of the existing warm-up drills. Refer to
the VARIATIONS in each of the drills under WARM-UP DRILLS.
Flexibility is the ability to move a joint or series of joints smoothly and easily throughout a full range of
Stretching should be sport specific and movement specific, and directly related to the activity that will
follow. Stretching prepares the muscles for the forthcoming activity and ensures they can contract and
relax at the same match-specific intensity and speed, and at an optimal range of movement.
Restricted ranges of movement create an opportunity for injuries and decreased performance outcomes.
A sprinter with tight hamstrings will not go to full hip flexion (knee towards the chest with subsequent
knee flexion) and this will thus shorten his stride length. The lack of flexibility results in uncoordinated
movements and predisposes the player to possible muscle strains.
Stretch slowly and smoothly (if choosing static stretching) without any jerking or bouncing
movements. Remember to choose the right stretches at the right time.
When you experience pain it is a warning sign that the muscle has reached the endpoint in its range of movement.
Repeat the stretch on both sides, e.g. legs, arms and side of body.
Bony structures like calcium deposits in a joint space from a previous fracture.
Excessive fat may also limit the ability to reach the optimal range of motion. Excess fat on the
abdomen can cause a decrease in flexibility during trunk flexion.
Muscles, their tendons and their surrounding fascial sheaths can cause limiting range of
movement especially on returning after injury. Athletes who try to improve the elastic ability of
their muscles can, over time, improve the flexibility of the specific joint.
Following immobilisation for a few weeks (as would happen during a joint injury and the support
of a protective cast) ligaments and joint structures may lose elasticity. This needs to be
considered when a player returns from injury.
Athletes with very slack ligaments and joint capsules are generally referred to as hyper-flexible.
An example would be an elbow or knee that can hyperextend beyond 180 degrees (its normal
range of motion).
Age, gender and bony structures are factors that cannot be altered when it comes to striving for
an increased range of motion.
Ballistic stretching = repetitive, bouncing movements. An example of this would be an uncontrolled leg
swing going past the normal range of movement. This type of stretching has been criticised due to the
high risk of injury. Injury can occur if the forces applied are higher than the tissues extensibility.
Static stretching = stretching a muscle to the point of discomfort and then holding it at that point for an
extended period of time. Recent data shows that the optimal time to hold a stretch is 30 seconds,
repeated 3-4 times.
Controlled and safe stretching methods are commonly used in injury rehabilitation of sore or strained
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) makes use of alternating contractions and stretches.
Different PNF techniques are being used for stretching, including a) Slow-reversal-hold-relax, b)
Contract-relax and c) Hold-relax. Below is an example of a hamstring stretch using the slow-reversalhold-relax technique:
The athlete lies supine (on his back, face up) with the knee extended, ankle flexed at 90 degrees while
the trainer or coach passively flexes the hip joint to the point at which there is slight discomfort.
At the point of slight discomfort the trainer holds the leg at an angle close to the end-point while
the player pushes against the trainers resistance by contracting the hamstring muscle.
The push against resistance lasts for 10 seconds, after which the hamstring is relaxed and the
agonist quadriceps muscle is contracted by the player. The trainer applies slightly more pressure
to assist the agonist (quadriceps) muscle in stretching the hamstring muscle further. The
subsequent effect is an increase in hip joint flexion.
The athlete instructs the trainer when to stop (as soon as the next muscle end-point has been
reached) applying pressure, after which the next 10-second hamstring contraction starts at the
new joint angle.
The following points are important for an effective warm up:
Create an increase in body temperature to get all the other physiological benefits.
Complete active dynamic stretches during the warm-up of a coaching session or match and
static stretches at the end of the training session or match.
Consider the outside temperature and manipulate the duration of the warm up accordingly.
To get a good physical response, complete the SAQ drill at the same tempo as in a match.
The cool-down enables the body temperature to decrease and for the heart rate to return to a resting
This period should last between 5-10 minutes but will depend on the intensity and duration of the
preceding session or match. The cool-down period is often neglected because of post match activities
or fatigue. However, this is not best practice as a cool-down initiates the recovery process (see
Two components of the cool-down are the following:
Cardiovascular activity, to promote the circulation of blood and for the heart to return to a resting
If high intensity exercise is stopped suddenly, there is pooling of blood in the legs which can cause a
decrease in blood pressure resulting in feelings of dizziness. Slow jogging and/or fast walking for at least
2-5 minutes reduces the pooling of blood and the accompanying symptoms.
Supine (Looking up to the sky) Lower Back Stretch
Lie down on your back, knees together and bent, feet on the ground, shoulders square and flat with the
neck in neutral. Move from the middle to the right, left and then back to the right rhythmically.
Starting Position
Finishing Position
Starting Position
Finishing Position
Starting Position
Finishing Position
Positional Reference
Starting Position
Finishing Position
Positional Reference
Positional Reference
Starting Position
Soleus Stretch
Start erect with the legs slightly split ( 30cm apart). The one foot will be in front of the other. The heel of
the back leg is kept on the ground while the knee joint of that same leg (backwards leg) is slightly flexed.
Complete a rhythmic up and down movement while keeping the heel on the ground.
Positional Reference
Starting Position
Finishing Position
Starting Position
Finishing Position
Hamstring Curl
Quadriceps contraction
Positional Reference
Starting Position
Finishing Position
Lunge Walk
Stand erect with the hands on the hips and feet together. Take a step forward and hold your balance for
a second. Immediately push back off the front foot into the starting position. Change feet after every
repetition. Change of stepping direction can be included.
Forward Lunge
Positional Reference
Positional Reference
Positional Reference
Left arm up
Starting Position
Finishing Position
Arm rotations
Stand erect and balanced. Point your arms sideways at 90 degrees. Point your fingers to the sky and
press your hands open as if pressing against an invisible wall. Start swinging your arms forward and then
switch to a backward rotation. At all times point your fingers up and press against the invisible wall.
Starting position
Upwards rotation
Pop and cross grid
Player from beacon 1 runs across the grid
with the ball towards the player opposite him
at beacon 3.
As soon as he reaches the other side he
Variations: Change the direction of the pass,
put in more than one ball (2-4 maximum).
On every straight the player will either pass
or catch the ball.
Banana Drill
Player at beacon 2 passes the ball to player
at beacon 3.
As soon as 2 has passed the ball he runs
towards the middle of the grid, steps off his
As soon as 3 passed to 2 he starts the same
run as the player initially at beacon 2 and gets
the ball from 4 and passes it to 1.
Variations: Change the direction of the pass,
put in more than one ball (2-4 maximum).
player 1.
He passes the ball to 7, who passes it to 8, 8
passes the ball to 9 and 9 passes it to 10.
same time.
Watch the traffic!
Passing Gauntlet
Player 1, 2 or 3 starts running with the ball
towards the first shield, draws the defender
Return to start
Cross-over Grid
Stephan du Toit is a Strength and Conditioning Trainer with the Western Province Rugby Union in Cape
Town, South Africa.