WMS Agenda Pages Information 2022-2023 PDF
WMS Agenda Pages Information 2022-2023 PDF
WMS Agenda Pages Information 2022-2023 PDF
Telephone: 416-395-3110
Mission Statement
Woodbine Middle School fosters a commitment to excellence in a positive, supportive, caring
and accepting environment. We believe that at Woodbine, ALL students belong and matter.
We strive to meet the needs of our students by challenging them to expand their knowledge
and skills in areas of:
• Literacy
• Numeracy
• Environmental Awareness
• Social Responsibility
• Problem Solving
• Mental Health and Well-Being
September 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians;
The importance of organization is paramount to the success of our students. This information
was formerly placed in an Agenda for students. Woodbine will no longer be using Agenda’s,
instead, each teacher will have an ONLINE PLATFORM – GOOGLE CLASSROOM OR
BRIGHTSPACE. School work and classroom information will be posted daily for students and
parents to access to informed and organized.
If your child would benefit from an Agenda to keep them organized, please purchase one and
discuss monitoring with your child’s teachers. In Middle School, students will need to develop
skills of planning, time management and organization. Further, it is expected that they
record/be aware of homework assignments, due dates, and test dates as they occur during the
year. The main form of communication between parents/guardians and school staff will be
email. Please also refer to the Woodbine website for further current information about the
school. Our website is www.schools.tdsb.on.ca/woodbine.
Included in these pages are many areas of particular importance, including the Code of
Conduct. In all cases it is expected that students follow the rules, policies, procedures and
routines of our school. In so doing, students begin to take ownership for ensuring that our
school is a safe and productive environment for all. In the event that the Code is not adhered
to there will be appropriate consequences. The process for this will go through the classroom
teacher with a phone call to the parents.
This package also has the school phone numbers and website, schedules, and important dates
and information. This information is contained in the beginning section. We would like you
to review these pages with your child and take time to discuss this information. Once you
have done so, please sign below in the indicated spaces.
Thank you for your support. Through a solid partnership our students will experience
Woodbine MS is committed to providing a positive learning and working environment by
promoting our motto “Respect for All” in an environment characterized by respect,
acceptance, civility, safety, responsible citizenship and academic excellence. A positive school
climate is inclusive and accepting, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic
origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age,
family status or disability.
Equity, inclusion and respect are critical components embedded in the learning environment.
The Woodbine MS Code of Conduct is developed in accordance with the Education Act, the
Toronto District School Board’s Code of Conduct and all other TDSB operational procedures. It
reflects the values and expectations of our Woodbine community.
Consequently, the standards of behaviour outlined in the Woodbine MS Code of Conduct shall
apply to all members of the school community, including students, parents and guardians,
teachers and other school and Board staff, volunteers and visitors, while they are:
• on school property
• traveling to or from school-sponsored activities
• participating in school activities
• engaged in off-site school-sponsored activities
• in the community during school hours
• engaged in an activity which will have an impact on the school climate
Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they shall demonstrate respect
for themselves, for others, and for their civic and social responsibilities.
The following rules and expectations are based on Toronto District School Board policies and
are applicable to all Woodbine MS students:
Bullying is any repetitive, on-going physical, verbal, electronic (posts, texts), written or other
behaviour that causes harm, fear or distress to another individual, including physical,
psychological, social or academic harm, harm to the individual’s reputation or harm to the
individual’s property, or behaviour that creates a negative environment at a school for another
Any expressions of racial, cultural or gender bias, or incidences of bullying and other forms of
harassment, are against school expectations, Board policy and Provincial legislation, and are
strictly prohibited. All incidences of bullying will lead to disciplinary action!
• Our goal is to ensure that every Woodbine student will have a Device to use in the
• Most TDSB Grade 6 students will already have a device that they received in grade 5
• Students will not be allowed to use their cell phones in class in replace of a device
• Students are asked to treat the loaned device with care and respect
• Students/families could be asked to pay for damages caused by student carelessness
• YES - they may be used for music, phone calls or texting outside of instructional school
• YES - they may be used in the cafeteria before school and during lunch in the caf and
• NO - cell phones must NOT be used for picture-taking or video anywhere in the school
• NO - cell phones cannot be used in the halls
• NO – headphones, earphones and earbuds may not be worn in the halls
Students bring their Cell Phones to school at their own risk, just like any other personal item.
The school is not responsible for any loss, theft, misuse, damage, recovery, repair or
replacement of any device brought to school or on school excursions.
Parents or guardians will be contacted and must come to the school to retrieve them
School staff have the ability to take a student’s cellphone if they continue to ignore the
school rule
Monday to Thursday – School Uniform Physical Education Uniform:
Friday – Casual Day • Red Woodbine T-shirt
• Black Woodbine shorts
Regular School Uniform: • Students MUST change into the
• Green t-shirt Woodbine Phys. Ed. uniform for
• Green polo shirt (short/long sleeve) Phys. Ed. classes
• Black school vest
• Black fleece zipped sweater
• All uniform Bottoms (pants, shorts and skorts) are to be purchased from McCarthy’s
• Outside Jackets or sweaters are not to be worn over the uniform in class
• Headgear: including sports headbands, hats, hoods or bandanas are not worn inside the
Presently, we do not have enough cafeteria benches to seat all the students at the same time
during lunch.
This schedule will be for a couple of months until they arrive.
*Students are expected to clean up their eating area using the bins provided! Responsibility
and Respect are important during the lunch hour!*
In order to minimize disruptions in the hallway and to ensure that students have enough time
to travel between classes, locker access is restricted to specific times:
For security purposes, students are expected to use only the locker which has been assigned to
them and to ensure that they are using a combination lock which is closed at all times when
they are away from their lockers. Locker combinations should not be shared with other
students. Lockers are the property of the school. Each student will use only 1 locker.
Students are advised not to leave cash, phones or valuables in the Phys. Ed. change rooms, and
not to bring large amounts of money or items of great value to school. The school does not
accept responsibility for student belongings lost or stolen from lockers or change rooms.
According to the Education Act, the purpose of the Provincial Code of Conduct and each
school’s Code of Conduct is to ensure that all members of the school community are treated
with respect and dignity and to promote the safety of all people in schools. Under the
Provincial Code of Conduct, all members of the school community must:
• demonstrate honesty and integrity
• respect the rights of others
• respect the need of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and
• respect differences in people, their ideas, and their opinions
• not swear at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority
• show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others
• take appropriate measures to help those in need
• seek assistance from a member of the school staff, if necessary, to resolve conflict
• respect and comply with all applicable federal, provincial, and municipal laws
When students breach the Code of Conduct, consequences will be consistent with progressive
discipline strategies. Progressive discipline is a whole-school approach that utilizes a
continuum of interventions, supports, and consequences to address inappropriate student
behaviour and to build on strategies that promote positive behaviours. When inappropriate
behaviour occurs, disciplinary measures will be applied within a framework that is corrective
and supportive rather than solely punitive. Staff at Woodbine MS applies progressive
discipline to reinforce positive behaviour while helping students to make good choices.
Student breaches of the Code of Conduct may also be dealt with in accordance with the TDSB
Consequences of Inappropriate Student Behaviour.
We believe that homework should be a regular part of every student's day. It is important for
each student to take time daily to review the work learned that day and to complete any
homework assignments given.
Every student is expected to use a paper agenda or online to record all assignments given.
We recommend the following as a guideline for the amount of daily reading/homework each
Grade 6: 40 - 50 minutes
Grade 7: 50 - 60 minutes
Grade 8: 50 - 60 minutes
Students must be prepared to participate in every Physical Education class. Students must be
dressed in the Woodbine physical education uniform, available for purchase at the school.
Students are expected to arrive in uniform prepared to participate for each Phys. Ed. class.
Woodbine Middle School offers a wide range of opportunities for students to become involved
in co-curricular activities. School involvement enhances the student’s sense of belonging, self-
concept, school spirit, social interaction and attention to academic standards.
All students are encouraged to participate in the rich co-curricular life of our school. To be
eligible for such involvement, each student must meet the criteria of the Woodbine MS Co-
Curricular Policy.
Academic success is the primary goal at Woodbine MS. Students are expected to strive to
achieve success in all subjects and to meet all course requirements. To achieve academic
eligibility a student must meet the following criteria:
• Students must be achieving at least level 1 (50 - 59) or above in more than half their
courses. The November Progress Report Card will be the first indicator of academic
progress for the new school year and must show Progressing Well (PW) or Progressing
Very Well PVW) in more than half of the subjects
• Students MUST be responsible for all work covered and assignments missed during any
absences due to co-curricular activities
• As a good role model and ambassador for Woodbine, students must be respectful and
demonstrate appropriate behaviour to staff and students at all times
• Regular attendance and punctuality in class are imperative. Absences from class for
other than school-related activities that have not been excused by a parent/guardian
will put a student’s co-curricular eligibility at risk