Aps Behaviour Policy 2023 2024

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Policy Date: June 2021 Version: 1.

Policy Review Date: June 2023 Mrs Louise Underwood 15.6.2023
(Head Teacher)
Ratified by Governing Body:
Chair Of Governors C Brown 18.6.2024

Avenue Primary School Behaviour Policy

2023- 2024

Schools are places of learning and it is important that behaviour is managed so that the aims of
the school can be achieved. The purpose of a behaviour policy is to support this process through:

• The creation of a positive and orderly atmosphere where teaching and learning can take
• The creation of a safe environment for pupils and staff through the clarification of
expectations, roles, rights and responsibilities.

This policy document has been developed following consultation with the staff of Avenue Primary
School, the Behaviour Support Service, governors, parents and children.

Areas covered by this Behaviour Policy

• Shared Values and Beliefs about Behaviour
• Aims of the Behaviour Policy
• Rights and Responsibilities
• School Rules
• Shared Routines in Teaching and Learning
• Encouraging Good Behaviour
• Celebration and Reward of Achievement
• Rewards and Sanctions
• Exclusions
• Bullying and Racial Harassment
• Keeping Safe
• Special Educational Needs
• Equality of Educational Opportunity
• Parental Involvement
• Staff Code of Conduct
• Monitoring and Evaluation

Shared Values and Beliefs about Behaviour

The members of this school community believe that:
• Pupils who feel valued, cared about and successful tend to behave appropriately.
• Where the ethos of the school is positive, good quality teaching and learning will lead to
• If pupils are treated inconsistently, they are unable to distinguish between desirable and
undesirable behaviour.

Aims of the Behaviour Policy

• To encourage appropriate behaviour between all members of the school community.
• To ensure all members of the school community feel valued and secure.
• To encourage successful teaching and learning and the personal, social and moral
development of the whole school community.

Rights and Responsibilities

We believe that people have the right to feel safe, to be treated with dignity and to learn and it is
our responsibility to make sure that everyone has this right. We will develop routines to support the
opportunity to be responsible and we will develop and implement effective practical and relevant
rules in support of the above.

The School Rules (See Appendix 1)

School staff will ensure that pupils understand and are familiar with the School Rules.

The School Rules will be displayed throughout the school. Classroom rules will support and reflect
the whole school rules and are displayed in the classrooms.

Shared Routines in Teaching and Learning

Staff will establish shared routines for teaching and learning within which all members of the
school community feel secure and which enable behaviour management to be consistent and fair.
Shared routines will reflect the School Rules.

For pupils who behave inappropriately, routines offer a framework of security in which they can
succeed in relating to adults and to learning.

Routines are therefore crucial to the establishment of effective teaching and learning.

Encouraging Good Behaviour

• Acceptable standards of behaviour and respect depend on examples from everyone
• All have positive contributions to make
• Good order has to be worked for, it does not simply happen
• Set high standards
• Apply rules firmly but fairly
• Expect to give and receive respect from everyone
• Everyone at school is here for a purpose
• Treat everyone as an individual
• Good relationships are vital between everyone and at every level
Problems are normal where children are learning and testing the boundaries of acceptable
behaviour. Success is tested not by the absence of problems but by the way we deal with them.

Do not over react:

• Keep calm and address the problem
• Avoid confrontation and humiliation
• Listen and don’t shout
• Establish the facts
• Judge only when certain
• Be consistent and use sanctions sparingly
• Remember that removal of privilege is the most effective strategy

Take the initiative:

• Start conversations and greet pupils
• Set high standards of speech and manners
• Enjoy relating to children
• Use humour to diffuse situations
• Use circle time to discuss concerns and promote good behaviour
• Deal with misbehaviour immediately and be consistent

Celebration and Reward of Achievement (See Appendix 2)

All pupils will receive appropriate rewards for achievements in learning and behaviour.

Consequences (See Appendix 3)

The school will establish a system of consequences for behaviour which does not conform to the
School Rules. These consequences will be fair and reasonable for the whole school community and
will be routinely practised.

Where incidents are of a serious nature the normal procedures are superseded.

Before excluding a child a range of strategies for promoting good behaviour should have been used
but this should not prevent immediate action being taken to protect other pupils and staff if

A decision to exclude a child should only be taken:

• In response to serious breaches of the School Rules once a range of strategies have been
tried and failed.
• If allowing a pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the
pupil or others in the school.

When pupils do not respond to school actions a Pastoral Support Programme (PSP) should be
drawn up to help pupils manage their behaviour by the class teacher and behaviour and learning
Bullying and Racial Harassment
• Bullying and racial harassment are not acceptable behaviour in the school.
• Every effort will be made to identify bullying and racial harassment within the school
• Bullying and racial harassment will be monitored and will be dealt with as soon as they
• All identified incidents of bullying or racial harassment will be reported to the Head teacher.
• The Head teacher will keep a record of all reported incidents of bullying or racial
• See separate anti-bullying policy for further information.

Keeping Safe (See Appendix 4)

All members of the school community will be kept safe through effective procedures for child and
adult protection, following all government and LA guidelines.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

This policy adheres to the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice. Where appropriate, individual
children are removed from the Good to be green scheme and individual rewards/consequences will
be used as stated on their SEND targets.

Equality of Educational Opportunity (See Appendix 5)

Equality of educational opportunity will be ensured as far as is practicable for all children who are
behaving inappropriately.

Parental Involvement (See Appendix 6)

We encourage parents to be positively involved in all aspects of their child’s behaviour in school
and we will keep parents informed about their child’s behaviour at school. We expect parents to
model appropriate behaviour whilst on the school premises and to actively support the School

Staff Code of Conduct (See Appendix 7)

School staff should model good behaviour and the successful management of relationships at all

Monitoring and Evaluation

The success of this policy will be measured against the following outcomes:
• Appropriate behaviour is maintained by all members of the school community.
• All members of the school community feel valued, secure and are successful in teaching and

This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis.

Addendum to the Policy in relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic


This addendum is for use as children return to school and the threat of Covid-19 is still with us. It
is to ensure that we keep pupils and staff as safe as possible, physically and emotionally. It is
impossible for us to deal with behaviour in the same way as children need to remain contained in
their own group ‘bubble’ at all times.

New rules that we must impose for safety are as follows:

Safety area Expectations

Arrival and departure Children arrive at the allocated time and wait patiently in a 2 metre
distanced line with their parent / older sibling until temperature is
taken. They bring nothing except a lunch box (KS2 children only) and
filled water bottle. The children will stand on designated spots, which
are socially distanced, within the playground until they have all been
registered and will then separate into their bubbles.
At the allocated time children will stand on their designated spots and
leave school in a distanced ordered fashion when their parent appears
at the gate.
Different entrances are used for different year groups:
Lorne Road : reception / nursery children
Avenue Road Extension : Year 1
Lytton Road : Key worker and vulnerable.

Children who arrive beyond their allocated window will not be

admitted to school that day as the office area is closed and the gates
will be closed after the children have arrived.
Handwashing and Handwashing must be done diligently as we have instructed on entry
hygiene. to school, after using the toilets and when instructed to do so by the
‘bubble’ leader (teacher / level 3 TA)

School equipment must not be placed in the mouth and children must
try not to touch their noses, eyes and mouth.

Tissues will be used and placed in a lidded bin which has been double
bagged. Hands will be washed, supervised by school adults

Socialising in school Pupils must not leave their group bubble and will not be able to
socialise with children in other bubbles.
Moving around the Children must stay in their allocated areas and move around the
school school as instructed by the signs and the adults within the ‘bubbles’.

Sneezing and Children must catch it, bin it and kill it in a tissue. Hands must then
coughing be washed. If a tissue cannot be reached in time they must sneeze
into their elbow.

Illness If a child is unwell they must tell an adult immediately.

Water bottles Children must use their own water bottle only and must not put their
mouth near the tap in the bathrooms. Water bottle must be kept on
child’s work station.

Equipment Pupils must use their own equipment allocated to them and keep in
zipped wallet at their work station.

Play areas Pupils must stay in their designated zoned areas. They must attempt
to stay socially distanced and not leave the designated area.

Toilets Pupils must flush the toilets after use and wash hands thoroughly.

Coughing and Pupils absolutely must not cough in anyone’s face. They must cough
spitting into their elbow. Spitting is forbidden.

Behaviour at home Pupils must demonstrate the same respect for the teachers remotely as
doing distance we expect in school. There should be no over familiarity.

Racism Children will not make racist slurs around the origins of Covid-19.

What happens if a child breaks these rules?

Allowances will be made for the age of the children and any underlying issues but deliberate
flouting of the rules will lead to an immediate collection and a three day “stay away” from school.
If the poor behaviour continues then the child will not be allowed to attend school in this period.
The safety of all will be the priority. If a child requires escorting from the classroom then the Head
Teacher will enter wearing PPE. The child will be escorted to the SENCo room where parents will be
contacted and the child will need to leave school as soon as possible.
Parents of children with specific needs, including behaviour, will need to sign an individual risk
assessment before their child is allowed to return to school – this will take place during a meeting
with the SENCo.

Rewards for good behaviour and effort

Children at school will be given team points. There will be weekly certificates for the pupil/ s who
the teacher judges to have engaged the best with home learning. (We will leave it to parents to
reward the good behaviour at home.)
Appendix 1:
Avenue Primary School Rules

• We listen

• We follow instructions

• We are kind and respect others

• We care for our school

• We walk in school
Appendix 2: Celebration and reward of achievement

At Avenue Primary School we recognise that all children can achieve. We celebrate achievement in
learning and behaviour side by side.

Rewards include:
• verbal praise
• sharing achievement with other children and adults
• informing parents
• displaying work
• sharing and achievement assemblies where good learning is shared and certificates are
awarded for consistently good behaviour
• sharing children’s out of school achievements in assemblies.

Good to be green rewards:

• ‘Good to be Green’ stickers received weekly by children who have remained ‘Green’ all week.
Stickers will be put on a class chart. Every 2 stickers will be rewarded with 1 green counter
which will be collected in a class jar. These counters can be exchanged for class prizes.
Rewards are as follows; 60 counters for box of games, 100 counters for a sports activity or art
box and 150 counters for an DVD*/Ipad/class choice afternoon.
• When a class is green all week, each child will receive a reward e.g. stationery, wrist band.
These will be presented and celebrated in a fortnightly assembly.
• ‘Good to be Green’ badges or pencils received by children who have remained ‘Green’ for the
half term.
• ‘Good to be Green’ certificates to be awarded at the end of the academic year for those children
who have remained ‘Green’ all year.
* A maximum of 2 DVD afternoons can be chosen as a reward.

Team points:
• ‘Team Points’ assemblies where team points are counted and winning team receives a trophy.
• ‘Team Points’ winners to receive ‘special’ prize at the end of each term.

School staff to follow the ‘Good to be Green’ system for reinforcing rules and routines and the
following guidance must be followed:

• all children must be included and have opportunity for success

• systems are to be monitored to ensure that the same children are not constantly rewarded
• nothing is to be displayed that could be detrimental to the self-esteem of individuals or groups
of children.
Appendix 3: Consequences

Consequences of breaking the School Rules should:

• be immediate
• relate to the behaviour, not the child
• be consistent and perceived as fair
• provide an opportunity to put things right

1. A verbal reminder of the rule/rules broken.

2. A second verbal reminder (to be recorded somewhere in the classroom)

3. A ‘Yellow’ card will be given to the child which is displayed in a wall chart in the classroom.

4. A ‘Red‘card to be given to the child. Followed by 15 minutes (key stage 1) or 30 minutes (key
stage 2) ‘Think Time’ the following lunchtime.

5. Continued misbehaviour after a ‘red’ card has been awarded will result in the child going to
another class for the remainder of the day.

6. Parents informed by class teacher after 1 red card.

7. Parents will be sent a letter from the class teacher after 2 red cards in a half term

8. Parents will be sent a letter from the phase leader after 3 red cards in a half term.*

9. Continued, persistent breaking of the Rules (more than 3 red cards in a half term) will result in
the Head teacher arranging a meeting with parents/carers and child.

• After 3 red cards in a half term a child will not be able to take part in the next school trip
(except for religious places of worship) during that term. All children and parents will be made
aware of this consequence at the start of the term.

Removal from the Good to be Green scheme

If a child is consistently receiving red cards and is not responding to the rewards/consequences their
involvement in the scheme will be reviewed and discussed with the SENCO. In collaboration between
the pupil, parents, SENCO, behaviour mentor, class teacher and phase leader an individual plan will
be created. This will be reviewed regularly so that the child has the opportunity to return to the
Consequences during dinner time
Dinner supervisors will record misbehaviour in a book. Dinner supervisors use the good to be green
system and are able to give warnings, yellow and red cards. These sanctions are passed on to the
class teacher. More serious incidents will be dealt with by the class teacher, Phase leader or the
Learning and behaviour Mentor, who will then decide on the consequence following the ‘Good to be
Green’ system.

School Clubs

Leaders of the clubs are given guidance regarding the good to be green system. They use the
warnings, yellow car and red card to promote good behaviour. These sanctions are passed on to the
class teacher and/or the office. Children are made aware that high expectations of behaviour are in
all areas of school life. Children who receive more than 2 red cards in a term will not be able to
represent the school for sporting events.

Guidance for Dealing with Serious Incidents

Outright defiance Staff will follow the agreed behaviour

management procedures, where
appropriate, then refer to a member of
the SLT, Head or Deputy
Racist incidents Staff witnessing the incident will deal
with it immediately, log it on the
appropriate form and pass it to the
Head or Deputy who will decide if
further action is necessary. Reported
to LCC.
Other bullying incidents e.g. sexist, Staff will follow anti-bullying policy
homophobic (see anti-bullying policy) to record and deal with alleged
Leaving the premises Inform the Head or Deputy
Fighting Staff should seek support from the
Leadership Team, Head or Deputy
Stealing Staff will deal with the incident and
log it. If persistent seek advice from a
member of the Leadership Team, Head
or Deputy
Physical assault on staff Inform the Head or Deputy

Incidents of all the above should be logged and passed to the Head teacher or Deputy Head teacher.
Appendix 4: Procedures for Keeping Safe

The school will adopt child protection procedures laid down by the LA in ‘Safeguarding Children’.

If a member of staff is accused of abusing a child:

The guidelines given on suspension of staff in the government Circular 10/95 /annex ‘Teachers and
Child Protection; Teachers Facing and Allegation of Physical/Sexual Abuse; Guidelines on practice and
procedure (p.15)’ will be adhered to at all times.

Written Records
The following should be recorded on Incident Report Forms.
• Any inappropriate behaviour which involves physical contact and / or injury between pupils
and staff.
• Any serious damage to property.
• Any physical restraint used.

The account must include:

• the time and place of the incident
• the antecedents of the incident
• exactly what happened
• the consequences of the incident including a note of all injuries sustained by staff and / or
pupils and any serious damage to property
• in the case of serious injury and / or damage to property, names of all witnesses and notes of
any interviews with witnesses must be taken
• written statements must not be taken from any pupils or adults.

The Incident Report File, together with Incident Report Forms must be kept available for inspection by
the governors, any LA officials and OFSTED inspectors who have a right to see it.

Physical Restraint and Control

The LA policy and guidelines for restraining pupils will be adopted.

Any physical restraint used must conform with Team Teach guidelines and procedures, as set out in
the Team Teach Handbook, and must only be carried out by trained and accredited school staff.

Adults are only authorised to use physical restraint where:

• they believe that all other alternatives have failed
• pupils are at risk of physical injury
• a pupil’s actions are placing themselves, other pupils or adults at risk of injury
• significant damage to property can be limited
• physical restraint must not endanger the physical safety of other pupils or staff.
All incidents involving physical restraint must be recorded on the correct forms and reported to the
Head teacher. All staff involved in restraining children must be given an opportunity to debrief.
Appendix 5: Procedures for Ensuring Equal Opportunities

When a pupil is sent out of a lesson:

• The School has a responsibility for maintaining access to the curriculum.

• The class teacher should ensure that appropriate work is made available to the pupil.
• Any work missed must be covered as fully as possible with the aim to reintegrate the pupil as
soon as possible.
• The teacher is responsible for monitoring the pupil’s progress and for ensuring that the work is
Appendix 6: Parental Involvement

Meeting with Parents / Carers

The following guidelines will be followed wherever practicable.

Parents/carers will be told the reason for the meeting in advance. Invitations should be positive and
welcoming. The time of the meeting will fit in with the family’s commitments if possible. The
parent/carer can bring a friend / relative or social worker. There will be an interpreter if necessary.
Information will be at hand. Greetings should be friendly and informal. It will be demonstrated that
the child is valued.

The subject for discussion will be explained and parents/carers will be asked if there is anything
further they wish to discuss during the meeting. It will be established what the school and
parents/carers want to achieve from the meeting. The meeting will start with comments in positive
terms and as non-judgemental as possible.

If the subject of the meeting is a ‘problem’ this will be explained in as positive a manner as possible.
Parents/carers opinions about possible solutions will be sought from time to time. Checks will be
made that perceptions of parents/carers match school perceptions. What has been decided will be
summarised at the end and checked that parents/carers agree.

Parents/carers will be asked if there is anything else needing to be covered. Parents/carers and school
will agree targets for further action including a further meeting if necessary.

In general, the school will try to ensure parents/carers are:

• approached in a sensitive manner
• made to feel part of the process of defining the problem, and seeking solutions
• made to feel welcome in school
• in agreement with what has been decided.

After the meeting

• a brief report will be written on what the issue was, what was agreed and targets.

Reporting to parents/carers
• the school will provide regular reports to parents about progress in learning and behaviour.

Reports will:
• concentrate on small target steps
• leave a space for parent comments
• be discussed with the child before being sent to parent.
Communications from parents will be:
• made known to all appropriate staff
• filed away carefully.
Appendix 7: Avenue Primary School Staff Code of Conduct

• Staff should treat each other with common courtesy, e.g. greet each other, pass on messages,
help each other when necessary. This should be standard good practice.

• There will be no derogatory comments about the personal life, professional competence or
commitment of any member of staff.

• Staff should not denigrate their colleagues in the presence of third parties nor should they
adversely criticise a colleague in the presence of others.

• There should be no attribution of motives, intentions or meanings to the actions, words or

decisions of any member of staff.

• There should be no circumstances where an aggressive tone or raised voice is used. Colleagues
should treat each other with respect and listen to each other carefully and without interruption.

• Personal harassment can take place in a variety of ways. Colleagues should be aware that
ignoring, marginalizing or failing to involve a co-worker is just as hurtful as direct criticism.

• All staff share responsibility for commitment to the school, for implementing school policies and
for effectively maintaining agreed school procedures, even when as an individual a staff
member may disagree with some of these.

Staff should try to resolve issues amicably but where they are unable to do so either party may
approach a member of the Senior Management Team to mediate. Criticism of conduct should be made
face to face with due notice of the meeting given to the other party in order that they have time to
consider a response.

As this constitutes the informal stage of the complaints procedure no formal records will be kept but
oral warnings may be given.

Where issues remain unresolved, are repeated or are of a serious nature the formal LA disciplinary
procedure will be initiated.

In addition, staff should:

• Always treat children with respect and operate a no shouting policy
• Ensure that they give due regard to time-keeping
• Dress in an appropriate manner presentable to children and parents
• Keep shared areas of the school clean and tidy
• Limit the use of mobile phones in the classroom to emergencies
• Refrain from smoking on school premises

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