Parent Involvement and Community Partnership: Doris J. Yu School Head, Tnhs
Parent Involvement and Community Partnership: Doris J. Yu School Head, Tnhs
Parent Involvement and Community Partnership: Doris J. Yu School Head, Tnhs
• Greater strength;
• Greater impact of services through
comprehensive, integrated approach;
• Increased access to services for families.
Outdated Thinking
on Parent Involvement
• Parents should come to school only when
• Stay-at-home mothers serve as “homeroom
• Parents visit school mainly for children’s
performances and attend to grievances
• Parents help raise money for school.
Barriers to Involvement
• Lack of a school environment that supports
parent/family involvement;
• School practices that do not accommodate the
diversity of family needs;
• Child care constraints;
• Families’ past negative experiences with
schools and/or feelings of uncertainty about
“treading on school territory.”
• Cultural differences (language barriers,
attitudes toward professionals, lack of
knowledge of the American education system);
Barriers to Involvement
• Primacy of basic needs (food, clothing, and
shelter take precedence over educational
• Feelings of inadequacy associated with
difference in income or education;
• Safety, especially in inner-city school
• Uncertainty about what to do; and,
• Lack of time.
Guiding Principles
• Parents are equal partners in a child’s
• The home environment is the “primary”
educational environment.
• Schools must respect the diversity of
parents and their varied needs.
• All parents care about their children.
Guiding Principles
• Parent involvement is important through all
years of a child’s education.
• Parent involvement takes many forms and
may not require a family’s presence at
• Families, schools, and communities are
closely interconnected and must collaborate
in educating children.
Guiding Principles
• School leaders and staff need support and
training in how to encourage parent
• One size does not fit all when developing
school-family partnerships.
• Change takes time and building successful
partnerships requires much effort over time.
• Children get higher grades and
test scores.
• Children have better attitudes
a n d b e h a v i o r.
• Children complete more
• Children are more likely to
complete high school and enroll
in college
If we want the very best, most
productive education for children
today, we need to combine what
parents do best and what schools
do best.
Once you have parents involved…..
Ensure the success of your meeting by
• E s t a b l i s h i n g a f u n , f r i e n d l y, n o n -
threatening atmosphere.
• Having plenty of signs and or helpers
to guide parents to the right room as
they arrive.
• Greeting parents individually or
cordially as they enter the room .
• Avoiding questions that any parent can
a n s w e r i n c o r r e c t l y, s o t h e r e i s n e v e r a
possibility of embarrassing anyone .
• Having nametags for parents and staf f.
What if a parent still will not come out?
Send home information they will read
• Keep it shor t .
• Keep ar ticles in the document
• Make headlines exciting
• Good quality print
• Tr y i n c l u d i n g p i c t u r e s .
Try a home visit
• Don’t surprise parents-let them
know that you are coming
• Send a letter to remind them
• Be on time
• Focus on the student
• Give parents information they can
• Thank parents for allowing you to
Ideas to ponder throughout the year
• What major factors contributed to the
success of my school’s family and
community involvement ef for ts this
• What major factors limited the
success of my school’s family and
community involvement ef for ts this
• What is one of my school’s major
goals for improving its program of
s c h o o l , f a m i l y, a n d c o m m u n i t y
par tnerships over the next three
We Need Excellent Schools!
1. cultural sensitivity
2. sincerity/gratitude
3. integrity/honesty/humility
4. follow up
5. good public relations
6. two way communications
7. proper channeling
Harnessing school support from PTA