Ijpap 44 (11) 801-804
Ijpap 44 (11) 801-804
Ijpap 44 (11) 801-804
Fig. 3⎯Best fit calibration line for laser power a) less than 0.10
mW, b) 0.10 to 0.66 mW and c) 0.91 to 3.71 mW range. The
standard deviations corresponding to the fitted curves are also Fig. 4⎯Best fit calibration line for laser power (mW) in terms of
shown Lux
Table 1⎯Unknown laser power from the calibration curve instrument before taking any measurement. In our
Laser Wavelength Data logger Laser power Laser power case, the output at the final end is always adjusted to
source (nm) output (v) from our from meter 0.27 V and this is the reference level for background
system (mW) (mW) intensity and unknown radiation intensities must be
Nd-YAG 532.0 1.75 0.019 0.017 measured with respect to this reference level.
He-Ne 632.8 2.81 0.522 0.530
Diode 632.8 2.91 1.399 1.410 3 Results and Discussion
The main advantages of this optoelectronic set-up
standard laser power meter. A few cases are shown in are: (a) this is a very low cost device capable of
Table 1 establishing its reliability. Table 1 also measuring laser power in the range 7 µW to 3.71 mW.
includes power measurement for a pulse laser of 532 (b) It can be used for CW as well as in Pulse mode
nm to record our system response to such a source. radiation, though our measurement in this mode is
This Nd-YAG device is a pulsed laser of 10 ns limited to 1.5 kHz only. (c) it can be also used as a
duration with repetition frequency of 1.5 kHz. Our field instrument in a relatively wide range of
system reads its output power as 0.019 mW and temperature. (d) the system performance is
power meter shows this value as 0.017 mW, thereby satisfactory over a cycle of season. However, the
justifying our observation that this system may be main drawbacks are: (a) the range of the system is
used for pulsed laser power measurement. Now, we confined to 0.007 to 3.71 mW (b) and can be used
measure the output of the Nd-YAG in terms of energy only for a limited spectrum of frequencies.
(average) by using a Lux meter. The energy output
obtained is 7.4 Lux, which reads as 0.022 mW (Fig Acknowledgement
4). This value as it falls within our uncertainty limit; The authors acknowledge with thanks the
we have taken our measured energy output as correct. LASTEC, DRDO and UGC (SAP) for their financial
To use the system as field model, we checked its support for carrying out this work.
immunity from interference of external light radiation
noise and electrical signals during the process of 1 Health D R, Telecommunications engineer’s reference book,
calibration. We have exposed the set-up to artificial (Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd, London),
radiation from 100 kHz to 512 MHz. No interference (Ed) Fraidoon Mazda, 2nd Edn, Ch 11, 1998.
from such radiation is noticed. The system is then 2 Keys R J, ‘Optical and infrared detectors’, (Springer Verlag,
moved to a relatively uncontrolled environment and Berlin), in Telecommunications engineer’s reference book,
(Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd, London),
calibration is confirmed measuring laser radiation of (Ed) Fraidoon Mazda, 2nd Edn, Ch 11, 1998.
unknown intensity from number of unknown sources, 3 Data manual, Opto-semiconductors condensed catalog,
indicating that the model can be used as a field modei. (Hamamatsu Photonics K K, Solid-state division,
However, careful screening of background intensity is Hamamatsu City, Japan), January 1999.
4 Data manual, Compound Semiconductor Photosensor,
required and as certain background intensity will (Hamamatsu Photonics K K, Solid-state division,
produce its own initial zero level value resulting Hamamatsu City, Japan), November 2001.
erroneous output, we have to set the zero level of the 5 R S Data sheet, March 1997.