ERP Lesson Plan
ERP Lesson Plan
ERP Lesson Plan
1145-1150 Break
1300-1400 Lunch
Health and safety Fire regulations, evacuation plans/fire escapes and Listen.
assembly points.
Course start/finish times, Explain and expand. Listen.
breaks, lunch, etc.
Toilets Give directions. Listen.
Smoking policy Explain rules of the venue. Listen.
Mobile phones/electronic Explain our policy. Switch off all devices
equipment unless absolutely
Special requirements Check dietary requirements and that any special needs Listen/inform Trainer, in
are catered for, if applicable. confidence, of any
Important – ask Learners if they have any pre- existing special requirements.
injuries/conditions that may affect their ability to do
practical work. Learners should not to do anything that
may worsen a condition. Make reasonable adjustments
when possible.
Requirements for the Explain Learners do not need good literacy skills to be Listen.
course a good Emergency responder but there will be written Ask for assistance, in
question papers. Encourage any Learner who may confidence, if necessary.
experience difficulties reading/writing to ask for
assistance, in confidence, as the papers can be taken
verbally if needed. Note: If assessment is completed
verbally, submit a reasonable
adjustment form.
Learner introduction Ask Learners to introduce themselves. Information Introduce self.
could include where they work, what they do, why they
are on the course (did they volunteer?). Have they
attended a Emergency Respond Plan course before?
Difficult course content Explain the nature of the course requires covering Listen.
some objectives that some Learners may find difficult,
particularly if they have had personal experiences.
Explain this is normal and if someone needs to leave
the room for a minute at any time that is acceptable,
except not during the theory/written assessment,
unless it is an
Assessment process Explain you will assess Learners during the course Listen. Ask any
• Multiple Choice Question Paper Guidelines questions.
1.2 Workplace emergency A workplace emergency is an unforeseen situation that Listen and discuss.
threatens your employees, customers, or the public;
disrupts or shuts down your operations; or causes
physical or environmental damage. Emergencies may
be natural or manmade and include the following
1.3 Emergency Response The Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is an "action Listen and discuss.
Plan plan" to organize employer and employee actions
during workplace emergencies. Well-developed
emergency plans and proper employee training will
result in fewer injuries and less structural damage to
the facility during emergencies. On the other hand, a
poorly prepared plan may lead to a disorganized
evacuation or emergency response, resulting in
confusion, injury, and property damage. Putting
together an ERP that deals with those issues specific
to your worksite is not difficult.
It involves taking what was learned from a workplace
evaluation and describing how employees will
respond to different types of emergencies. It takes
into account your specific worksite layout, structural
features, and emergency systems. You will find it
beneficial to include a diverse group of
representatives (management and employees) in the
planning process and to
meet frequently to review progress and
responsibilities. The commitment of all employees is
critical to the plan's success in the event of an
emergency so ask for their help
1.4 Components of an At a minimum, the EAP must include the Listen and discuss.
effective Emergency following elements:
Response Plan
ways to report fires and other emergencies
1.5 How do I evaluate my The best way to protect yourself and others is
workplace to prepare for an emergency before it
happens by doing a thorough assessment of
the workplace.
1.6 Steps in developing Drafting an ERP is not enough to ensure the safety of
the ERP your employees. When an evacuation is necessary, you
will need responsible, trained individuals who can
supervise and coordinate activities to ensure a safe and
successful evacuation. An EAP will be useful only if its
content is up to date and employees are sufficiently
educated and trained before an actual evacuation.
Conduct the following steps to successfully develop
and implement your plan:
Establish authority
Trainers: Should give a brief recap and undertake formative assessment throughout the session. They should be
confident that all Learners have achieved all of the objectives (assessment criteria) prior to moving to the next topic/
requesting certification.
2.3 Develop rescue and Unless you are a large employer handling hazardous Listen and discuss.
medical assistance materials and processes or have employees regularly
strategies, working in hazardous situations, you will probably
choose to rely on local public resources, such as the
fire department, who are trained, equipped, and
certified to conduct rescues. Make sure any external Listen and discuss.
department or agency identified in your plan is
prepared to respond as outlined in your plan. Untrained
individuals may endanger themselves and those they
are trying to rescue.
Most small employers do not have a formal internal
medical program and make arrangements with
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medical clinics or facilities close by to handle
emergency cases and provide medical and first-aid
services to their employees. If an infirmary, clinic, or
hospital is not close to your workplace, ensure that
onsite person(s) have adequate training in first aid.
The American Red Cross, some insurance providers,
local safety councils, fire departments, or other
resources may be able to provide this training.
Treatment of a serious injury should begin within 3 to 4
minutes of the accident. Consult with a physician to
order appropriate first-aid supplies for emergencies.
Establish a relationship with a local ambulance service
so transportation is readily available for emergencies.
2.4 Identify methods for Dialing 911 is the most common method for reporting Listen and
reporting fires and other emergencies if external responders are utilized. Internal observe.
emergencies, numbers may be used. Internal numbers are
sometimes connected to intercom systems so that
coded announcements may be made. In some cases,
employees are requested to activate manual pull
stations or other alarm systems.
Alerting Employees, Make sure alarms are distinctive and recognized by all Listen and
employees as a signal to evacuate the work area or observe.
perform other actions identified in your plan.
Sequences of horn blows or different types of alarms
(bells, horns, etc.) can be used to signal different
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responses or actions from employees.
2.6 Conducting Drills and If training is not reinforced it will be forgotten. Consider In pairs identify
Retraining retraining employees annually. and list causes of
Once you have reviewed your emergency action plan you can, feedback
with your employees and everyone has had the proper and discuss.
DASCO/HR-IM-01 Rev. No. 00 Dated: 23/04/2022 Page |
training, it is a good idea to hold practice drills as often
as necessary to keep employees prepared. Include
outside resources such as fire and police departments
when possible. After each drill, gather management
and employees to evaluate the effectiveness of the drill.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your plan and
work to improve it.
Trainers: Should give a brief recap and undertake formative assessment throughout the session. They should be
confident that all Learners have achieved all of the objectives (assessment criteria) prior to moving to the next topic/
requesting certification.
4.1 Duties and The ERP may specify different actions for employees .
Responsibilities depending on the emergency. For example, employers
of the ERP Team may want to have employees assemble in one area of the
workplace if it is threatened by a tornado or earthquake Listen, observe and
but evacuate to an exterior location during a fire. discuss.
4.2 Determine specific . Most employers create maps from floor diagrams with Listen, observe and
evacuation routes and arrows that designate the exit route assignments. These discuss
exits, maps should include locations of exits, assembly points
and equipment (such as fire extinguishers, first aid kits,
spill kits) that may be needed in an emergency. Exit routes
should be clearly marked and well lit, wide enough to
accommodate the number of evacuating personnel,
unobstructed and clear of debris at all times, and unlikely
to expose evacuating personnel to additional hazards.
4.3 Assisting People Employees designated to assist in emergency evacuation Listen, observe and
During Evacuations procedures should be trained in the complete workplace discuss
layout and various alternative escape routes.
4.4 Accounting for all Accounting for all employees following an evacuation is Listen, observe and
Employees & Visitors, critical. Confusion in the assembly areas can lead to discuss
delays in rescuing anyone trapped in the building, or
unnecessary and dangerous search-and-rescue
operations. To ensure the fastest, most accurate
accounting of your employees, consider taking a head
count after the evacuation. The names and last known
locations of anyone not accounted for should be passed
on to the official in charge
Trainers: Should give a brief recap and undertake formative assessment throughout the session. They should be confident
that all Learners have achieved all of the objectives (assessment criteria) prior to moving to the next topic/ requesting
4.2 Determine who is in When emergency officials, such as the local fire
charge, department, respond to an emergency at your
workplace, they will assume responsibility for the
safety of building occupants and have the
authority to make decisions regarding evacuation
and whatever other actions are necessary to
protect life and property. The highest-ranking
responder will assume the incident command
role and will work with the onsite emergency
coordinator, but will be responsible for directing
all response activities.
Trainers: Should give a brief recap and undertake formative assessment throughout the session. They should be confident that
all Learners have achieved all of the objectives (assessment criteria) prior to moving to the next topic/ requesting certification.
Unit Objective –
Ref. Trainer Learners
That the learner can:
Trainers: Should give a brief recap and undertake formative assessment throughout the session. They should be confident that
all Learners have achieved all of the objectives (assessment criteria) prior to moving to the next topic/ requesting certification.
a. natural
b. technological
c. human
d. social
a. Fire extinguishers are required, and employees will evacuate during a fire
b. A trained employee fire brigade will fight fires
c. Employee actions are not planned for a fire or emergency
d. Local emergency responders will be contacted if an emergency occurs
5. What is the best way to protect yourself and others from emergencies?
8. EAP evacuation policies and procedures, emergency reporting, and alarm systems should
be .
What action should be taken when the ERP changes in facility design or layout,
equipment, or hazards occur?