Inv Sample Lesson Plan

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NEBOSH HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation

Unit INV1: Introduction to incident investigation

Lesson plan

General information ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

Lesson plan ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Assessment criteria 1.1: Understand incident terminology, the moral, legal and financial arguments for investigations and management system requirements. ........... 3

NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Health and Safety Leadership Excellence

Unit INV1 Lesson Plan
Version: v1
Published: April 2019

© NEBOSH 2019 Unit INV1 lesson plan

General information

Tutor: Qualification title: NEBOSH HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation

Number of adult learners: Knowledge/ability assumed:

The qualification will provide students with knowledge and skills to carry out an investigation of a non-complex
incident. The students will learn the 4-stages of incident investigation as well as good interviewing technique.
Lesson aims - the aims of the session are to:
As per the guide to the NEBOSH HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation
Objectives (learning outcomes) - by the end of the session students should be able to:
As per the guide to the NEBOSH HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation
Assessment of Learning – how will I tell whether learning has taken place? By:
Continuous assessment through Q&A, observation of discussions and the formal assessments, based information gathering and analysis, that will be marked
by the appointed course tutor (internal assessor) throughout the course delivery
Brief reasoning for the way the lesson has been planned:
This lesson plan is very detailed but flexible - it should be tailored to a group’s prior learning. There are more activities included than you could comfortably
use, so just choose a selection, depending on time. The speed of progress may be more rapid with some groups than with others (this also depends on
numbers too, of course). The emphasis should be on active learning (that is, where students have to undertake activities which help them apply the learning
and so help them construct their own understanding) and also giving feedback. Feedback is an essential part of assessment; it enables communication on
performance, correction of misunderstandings, and reinforcement of good points but must of course be acted upon to make a difference. Feedback should
be given not only from the tutor but also from students – peer review of assessment responses is actively encouraged.
Differentiation: some students will be more advanced than others. Choose who should be present what/scribing/feedback and what activities should be done
by which students sensitively depending on their experience and confidence (e.g. more challenge for the more confident students). One aim is to build
confidence – so giving positive feedback is a constant theme.

© NEBOSH 2019 Unit INV1 lesson plan 1

Any constraints:
• If only a small number of students, you may have to adapt the group work – it will also take less time.
Suggested equipment/aids to be used:
• Computer, projector, speakers, screen, flipchart, flipchart pads, flipchart pens. Internet access is also desirable.
• Use of PowerPoint slides and supporting qualification textbook (as noted later in the lesson plan).
Other notes
For all activities the option is for a tutor led group discussion OR for the individual to consider the question/s (responses can be written against the relevant
activity in the course book) and then get individuals to feedback to the group.

All resources in the ‘Aids and equipment’ column are suggestions only. Accredited course providers can utilise any other resources which they feel would be
appropriate for their audience eg, the video clips are suggestions only and the accredited course provider may wish to use other clips.

© NEBOSH 2019 Unit INV1 lesson plan 2

Lesson plan

Content and tutor activity Training intent Aids and equipment Student activity

08:45– Welcome and introductions, course content and Understand the course Tutor-led discussion on Open discussion and activity
09:00 housekeeping, eg fire and emergency alarms structure and introduce the course and icebreaker if
delegate necessary

Introductory slides
introducing assessment
criteria and aims of the

Assessment criteria 1.1: Understand incident terminology, the moral, legal and financial arguments for investigations and management system

09:00– Key terminology To familiarise delegates with Slides provided, workbook Short, small-group interactive
09:15 the words used in incident session group discussion
Tutor to explain words used in incident investigation – investigation and their
‘incident’, ‘near miss’, ‘dangerous occurrence’. meanings
Ask students to think about the impact an injury and time
off work would have on them, their colleagues and
family. (Only spend two to three minutes on this activity)

Types of injury

© NEBOSH 2019 Unit INV1 lesson plan 3

Content and tutor activity Training intent Aids and equipment Student activity

Tutor to explain and clarify the differences between major Understanding of the way
injury, minor injury, near miss and dangerous occurrences different injuries are

09:15– Why do we investigate incidents? Understanding of the purpose Slides provided, workbook Short, small-group interactive
09:35 of investigations session group discussions, active
Why investigate? participation
The moral, legal and financial arguments for investigating Understanding of the moral,
– tutor to explain reasons in each category with reference legal and financial arguments aging/delivering/check/inve
to specific legislation such as RIDDOR for investigating incidents stigating-accidents-

© NEBOSH 2019 Unit INV1 lesson plan 4

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