Inv Sample Lesson Plan
Inv Sample Lesson Plan
Inv Sample Lesson Plan
Lesson plan
All resources in the ‘Aids and equipment’ column are suggestions only. Accredited course providers can utilise any other resources which they feel would be
appropriate for their audience eg, the video clips are suggestions only and the accredited course provider may wish to use other clips.
Content and tutor activity Training intent Aids and equipment Student activity
08:45– Welcome and introductions, course content and Understand the course Tutor-led discussion on Open discussion and activity
09:00 housekeeping, eg fire and emergency alarms structure and introduce the course and icebreaker if
delegate necessary
Introductory slides
introducing assessment
criteria and aims of the
Assessment criteria 1.1: Understand incident terminology, the moral, legal and financial arguments for investigations and management system
09:00– Key terminology To familiarise delegates with Slides provided, workbook Short, small-group interactive
09:15 the words used in incident session group discussion
Tutor to explain words used in incident investigation – investigation and their
‘incident’, ‘near miss’, ‘dangerous occurrence’. meanings
Ask students to think about the impact an injury and time
off work would have on them, their colleagues and
family. (Only spend two to three minutes on this activity)
Types of injury
Tutor to explain and clarify the differences between major Understanding of the way
injury, minor injury, near miss and dangerous occurrences different injuries are
09:15– Why do we investigate incidents? Understanding of the purpose Slides provided, workbook Short, small-group interactive
09:35 of investigations session group discussions, active
Why investigate? participation
The moral, legal and financial arguments for investigating Understanding of the moral,
– tutor to explain reasons in each category with reference legal and financial arguments aging/delivering/check/inve
to specific legislation such as RIDDOR for investigating incidents stigating-accidents-