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QA Level 3 Award in

First Aid at Work (RQF)
Course Overview and Lesson Plans
(including catastrophic bleeding)

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
QA Level 3 Award in
Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF) – Overview

Unit 1 – Emergency First Aid in the Workplace

0900-0915 Assembly and introductions

Role and responsibilities of first aider:

Role, responsibilities, infection control, consent, first aid equipment, incident reporting

Incident and casualty assessment:

Scene survey, primary survey, calling for help/information needed

1005-1020 Break

CPR and AED:

Unresponsive casualty not breathing normally

1205-1235 Lunch

Unconscious casualty breathing normally:

1235-1320 Recovery position
Management of a seizure

Choking casualty
Recognition and treatment

Types, recognition and treatment

1410-1425 Break

External bleeding:
Types and treatment
Minor injuries:
Small cuts, grazes, bumps and bruises, small splinters, minor burns and nosebleeds

Note: Move
Note: Add 30 minutes at the end of the previous session if including the extra topic
timings for next
(life-threatening bleeding)
two sessions

1550-1615 Multiple choice question paper/theory/written assessment

1615-1630 Course evaluation and closure

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Lesson Plan
Course: QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF)
Unit 1: Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
Subject: Assembly and introductions
Materials: Learner register, Training commitment, marker pens, name labels, course books
Time: 15 mins
Aim: Recognise health and safety requirements of the classroom environment, know what is required of
Learners during the course, and that their physical and emotional needs are catered for

Trainer Learners
Welcome and Introduce self, organise Learner register, name labels Fill in name on register and
introductions for Learners. Check Learner’s photo ID and record it labels.
on Learner register.
Show/give out Training commitment.
Give out course books.
Health and safety Fire regulations, evacuation plans/fire escapes and Listen.
assembly points.
Course start/finish times, Explain and expand. Listen.
breaks, lunch, etc.
Toilets Give directions. Listen.
Smoking policy Explain rules of the venue. Listen.
Mobile phones/electronic Explain our policy. Switch off all devices unless
equipment absolutely necessary.
Special requirements Check dietary requirements and that any special Listen/inform Trainer, in
needs are catered for, if applicable. confidence, of any special
Important – ask Learners if they have any pre- requirements.
existing injuries/conditions that may affect their
ability to do practical work. Learners should not to
do anything that may worsen a condition. Make
reasonable adjustments when possible.
Requirements for the Explain Learners do not need good literacy skills to Listen.
course be a good first aider but there will be written question Ask for assistance, in
papers. Encourage any Learner who may experience confidence, if necessary.
difficulties reading/writing to ask for assistance, in
confidence, as the papers can be taken verbally if
needed. Note: If assessment is completed verbally,
submit a reasonable adjustment form.
Learner introduction Ask Learners to introduce themselves. Information Introduce self.
could include where they work, what they do, why
they are on the course (did they volunteer?). Have
they attended a first aid course before?
Difficult course content Explain the nature of the course requires covering Listen.
some objectives that some Learners may find
difficult, particularly if they have had personal
experiences. Explain this is normal and if someone
needs to leave the room for a minute at any time that
is acceptable, except not during the theory/written
assessment, unless it is an emergency.
Assessment process Explain you will assess Learners during the course as Listen. Ask any questions.
in Qualsafe Awards (QA):
• Guide to Assessing First Aid Qualifications
• Multiple Choice Question Paper Guidelines

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Lesson Plan
Course: QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF)
Unit 1: Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
Subject: Role and responsibilities of a first aider
Materials: Flip chart, PC and projector, first aid equipment
Time: 20 mins
Aim: 1.0 Understand the role and responsibilities of a first aider

Unit Objective –
Trainer Learners
Ref. That the learner can:
1.1 Identify the role and Identify and discuss the goals of First Aid i.e. Listen and discuss.
responsibilities of a preserve life, alleviate suffering, prevent further
first aider illness or injury (the situation from worsening),
and promote recovery.
The European Resuscitation Council define a
first aider as someone trained in first aid who
• Recognise, assess and prioritise the need
for first aid
• Provide care using appropriate
• Recognise limitations and seek additional
care when needed
Ask the Learners in pairs to identify and list In pairs identify and list some
the basic requirements of a first aider. Include basic requirements of a first
common sense, remaining calm and being aider and feedback to rest
confident amongst the discussion. of group.
Identify and discuss the role and responsibilities
of a first aider. Emphasise at least the following:
protect from danger, identify the illness or injury,
decide priorities of care, ensure dignity, arrange
transportation as appropriate, make sure there
is good communication to casualty, helpers
and other medical professionals, complete
good documentation (incident recording) and
managing own post incident stress.
1.2 Identify how to Ask the Learners in small groups to identify and In small groups identify and list
minimise the risk of list different types of infection risk in the first aid some of the possible infection
infection to self and setting and how these might be overcome. risks in a first aid setting.
others Explain undertaking hand hygiene, using Listen and discuss.
personal protective equipment and disposing
of soiled items in domestic waste bags or
clinical waste bags (yellow or orange bags)
can minimise the spread of infection.
1.3 Identify the need for Explain the importance of introducing Listen and discuss.
consent to provide first yourself to the casualty and asking if they are
aid happy for you to help them. If unconscious,
then implied consent as duty of care, see
Resuscitation Council (UK) guidelines*.
Trainers: Should give a brief recap and undertake formative assessment throughout the session. They should be
confident that all Learners have achieved all of the objectives (assessment criteria) prior to moving to the next topic/
requesting certification.
*Resuscitation Council (UK) guidelines: The legal status of those who attempt CPR September 2015
http://www.resus.org.uk/pages/legal.pdf (but keep it very simple for the Learners!)

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Lesson Plan
Course: QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF)
Unit 1: Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
Subject: Incident and casualty assessment
Materials: Flip chart and pens, PC and projector, image of first aid scene
Time: 30 mins
Aim: 2.0 Be able to assess an incident

Unit Objective –
Trainer Learners
Ref. That the learner can:
2.1 Conduct a scene Ask the Learners in small groups to consider In small groups listen, observe
survey a first aid scene, real or simulated, and to the image or scenario and list
identify and list the potential hazards and their possible hazards and how they
management if possible. Provide an image if might be overcome. Discuss
possible of a scene for more impact. and feedback to the rest of
2.2 Conduct a primary Introduce DRABC (danger, response, airway, Listen, observe and discuss.
survey of a casualty breathing and circulation) on a PowerPoint
slide, flip chart or board and explain its
meaning with any considerations.
Emphasise that life threatening conditions
should be identified as soon as possible.
Manage each step fully before moving on to
next. You may not get as far as ‘C’ particularly
if you need to start CPR.
2.3 Summon appropriate Explain the importance of summoning Listen and discuss.
assistance when assistance early from a bystander:
necessary • To call the emergency services (999/112)
• To get a defibrillator/AED
Explain if a first aider is alone they should use Listen and discuss.
the speaker phone function if possible.
Trainers: Should give a brief recap and undertake formative assessment throughout the session. They should be
confident that all Learners have achieved all of the objectives (assessment criteria) prior to moving to the next
topic/requesting certification.

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Lesson Plan
Course: QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF)
Unit 1: Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
Subject: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and AED
Materials: Flip chart and pens, PC and projector, adult and baby manikins, wipes and mats, visual clip of
agonal gasps, AED, AED pads and the QA CPR and safe use of an AED practical assessment paper
Time: 105 mins
Aim: 3.0 Be able to provide first aid to an unresponsive casualty

Unit Objective –
Trainer Learners
Ref. That the learner can:
3.1 Identify when Briefly explain the difference between a heart Listen and observe.
to administer attack and cardiac arrest. Discuss agonal
Cardiopulmonary gasps and seizure like episodes and the
Resuscitation (CPR) importance of starting and continuing CPR.
Show video clip if available.
3.2 Demonstrate CPR Demonstrate CPR (including correct Listen and observe.
using a manikin placement of AED pads) and follows AED
instructions) on manikin emphasising hand
position, depth and speed, also when to stop.
When demonstrating the use of a defibrillator/
AED as a standard part of CPR (complete
2 cycles of 30:2. Then demonstrate pad
placement and emphasise following AED
Assist in placing manikins round
Place manikins around the room, make sure the room.
wipes are available and kneelers or mats as

Emphasise cleaning manikins each time they

are used and cross infection issues.
Ask the Learners in small groups to practise In small groups practise CPR
CPR after 2 practices, demonstrate pad and using an AED on the
placement and emphasise following AED manikins.
instructions, observe and assess. Clean the manikin ready for next
Learner each time it is used.
Explain and demonstrate the skill of:
• Child CPR** Listen and observe.
Define age, over 1 year
• Infant CPR**
Define age, under 1 year
Listen and observe.
Tell Learners the modifications to CPR
(including correct placement of AED pads)
and follows AED instructions) for children.
Trainers: Assess CPR and AED during this session using the QA CPR and safe use of an AED practical assessment
paper. See QA Guide to Assessing First Aid Qualifications for further guidance.
Trainers: Should give a brief recap and undertake formative assessment throughout the session. They should be
confident that all Learners have achieved all of the objectives (assessment criteria) prior to moving to the next topic/
requesting certification.
**Please refer to: Resuscitation Council (UK); Resuscitation Guidelines 2015, Adult BLS and Paediatric BLS,
available online.

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Lesson Plan
Course: QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF)
Unit 1: Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
Subject: Unconscious casualty and management of a seizure
Materials: Flip chart and pens, PC and projector, adult and baby manikins, wipes and mats, QA Unconscious
casualty practical assessment paper
Time: 45 mins
Aim: 3.0 Be able to provide first aid to an unresponsive casualty

Unit Objective –
Trainer Learners
Ref. That the learner can:
3.3 Justify when to place Ask the Learners in pairs to identify and list as In pairs identify and list causes
a casualty into the many causes of unconsciousness they can. of unconsciousness you can,
recovery position feedback and discuss.

3.4 Demonstrate how to Reinforce DRAB (danger, response, airway and Observe, listen and discuss.
place a casualty in the breathing), explain and demonstrate the open
recovery position airway position, then ask the Learners to repeat
and practise.
Recovery position is a position that maintains
a stable open draining airway.

Observe the Learners, in pairs, as they In pairs practise placing each

practise the recovery position and subsequent other in the recovery position.
Make sure you assess them at the same time.
Demonstrate alternative recovery position with Observe and listen.
a baby manikin.
3.5 Identify how to Briefly explain a seizure, the types, signs, Listen, observe any visual aid
administer first aid symptoms and its management including the examples and discuss.
to a casualty who is ‘do nots’ as well as post seizure care. Show
experiencing a seizure any visual aids of seizures.
Trainers: Assess recovery position during this session using the QA Unconscious casualty practical assessment
paper. See QA Guide to Assessing First Aid Qualifications for further guidance.
Trainers: Should give a brief recap and undertake formative assessment throughout the session. They should be
confident that all Learners have achieved all of the objectives (assessment criteria) prior to moving to the next topic/
requesting certification.

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Lesson Plan
Course: QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF)
Unit 1: Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
Subject: Choking casualty
Materials: Flip chart and pens, PC and projector, suitable choking rescue trainer/manikins, QA Choking casualty
practical assessment paper
Time: 35 mins
Aim: 4.0 Be able to provide first aid to a casualty who is choking

Unit Objective –
Trainer Learners
Ref. That the learner can:
4.1 Identify when choking Ask the Learners in pairs to list different types In pairs listen, identify, list and
is: of airway obstructions. feedback possible types of
• Mild airway obstructions.
• Severe
Explain difference with emphasis on the Listen, observe and discuss.
fact that a casualty with a partial airway
obstruction should be able to cough.
4.2 Demonstrate how to Explain and demonstrate with manikins Listen, observe, discuss and
administer first aid and a choking rescue training device the practise management of
to a casualty who is stepwise approach including cough, back choking on choking rescue
choking blows, abdominal thrusts and chest thrusts. trainer/manikins.
Emphasise differences with abdominal thrusts
and chest thrusts in regard to infants and
children, especially no abdominal thrust
on infants.
Assess the Learners as they practise.
Trainers: Assess choking during this session using the QA Choking casualty practical assessment paper. See QA
Guide to Assessing First Aid Qualifications for further guidance.
Trainers: Should give a brief recap and undertake formative assessment throughout the session. They should be
confident that all Learners have achieved all of the objectives (assessment criteria) prior to moving to the next topic/
requesting certification.

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Lesson Plan
Course: QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF)
Unit 1: Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
Subject: Shock
Materials: Flip chart and pens, PC and projector
Time: 15 mins
Aim: 6.0 Know how to provide first aid to a casualty who is in shock

Unit Objective –
Trainer Learners
Ref. That the learner can:
6.1 Recognise a casualty Define shock and how and why it develops. Listen and discuss.
who is suffering from
Ask the Learners in small groups to discuss Listen, identify and list some of
what the casualty will look like and feel like. the signs and symptoms of a
casualty in shock.
6.2 Identify how to Explain how to manage shock, emphasise Listen and discuss.
administer first aid casualty positioning.
to a casualty who is Reinforce how the body compensates for Listen and observe.
suffering from shock blood loss and the critical amounts.
Demonstrate the positioning for shock, i.e.
lay the casualty on their back (legs elevated
where there is no evidence of trauma) back
with legs elevated.
Ask the Learners in pairs to lay each other In pairs practise placing each
down and elevate their legs, observe and other in the correct position
assess. for shock.
Trainers: Should give a brief recap and undertake formative assessment throughout the session. They should be
confident that all Learners have achieved all of the objectives (assessment criteria) prior to moving to the next topic/
requesting certification.

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Lesson Plan
Course: QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF)
Unit 1: Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
Subject: External bleeding and minor injuries
Materials: Flip chart and pens, PC and projector, bandages, dressings and slings, examples of minor injuries,
burns and scalds, cling film, QA Wounds, bleeding and shock practical assessment paper
Time: 85 mins
Aim: 5.0 Be able to provide first aid to a casualty with external bleeding
7.0 Know how to provide first aid to a casualty with minor injuries

Unit Objective –
Trainer Learners
Ref. That the learner can:
5.1 Identify the severity of Define the different types of bleeds: arterial, Listen, observe and describe
external bleeding venous, capillary. the nature of blood flow
Ask the Learners to try and describe the type of associated with each.
blood flow caused by each. Consider different surfaces and
Emphasise the difficulties estimating blood loss materials to gain an idea of how
dependant on surface or materials involved. blood loss looks on different
surfaces and materials.
5.2 Demonstrate how Introduce treatment (sit or lay, examine, Observe and try to identify what
to control external pressure and dress) on a PowerPoint slide, flip each step requires and why.
bleeding chart or board and ask the Learners to identify
what is required for each step.
Explain its significance and demonstrate its Listen, observe and discuss.
use in a simulated example.
Demonstrate managing a casualty with Observe and discuss.
external bleeding using appropriate dressings.
Ask the Learners to practise on each other, In pairs practise managing
observe and assess. simulated wounds and bleeding
scenarios on each other with
appropriate dressings.

7.1 Identify how to Explain the nature of small cuts, grazes Listen, observe and discuss.
administer first aid to a bruises and small splinters, and how best to
casualty with: treat. Show examples if appropriate.
• Small cuts Explain basic management and emphasise
• Grazes infection prevention and control measure. For
example minimal contact with bodily fluids,
• Bruises
use of PPE and hand hygiene techniques.
• Small splinters
Emphasis that a small splinter is the only
embedded object a first aider can remove.
It must be visible, not deeply embedded or
difficult to remove or over a joint.
Explain removal technique using clean
Emphasise aseptic techniques and tetanus
issues if appropriate.
N/A Administer first aid Explain the treatment for nosebleed, Listen, observe, discuss.
to a casualty with a emphasising tipping the head forward and
nosebleed nipping for a full 10 minutes.

Continued on following page

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Continued from previous page

Unit Objective –
Trainer Learners
Ref. That the learner can:
7.2 Identify how to Explain the nature of burns emphasising Listen, observe and discuss.
administer first aid to different types, depths and critical areas.
a casualty with minor Introduce the mnemonic SCALD (size, As a group identify what each
burns and scalds cause, age, location, depth) for assessing a letter of SCALD stands for
burn. Ask the Learners to try identify what and discuss.
each letter stands for and then expand the
Emphasise the importance of knowing when Listen and discuss.
to seek further medical advice.
Explain the basic management of burns and Listen, observe and discuss.
scalds emphasising cooling for a minimum
of 10 minutes, removal of jewellery, watches,
etc. and clothing that has not stuck to the
burn, dressings and what you should not do.
Give cling film wrap to the Learners and Practise placing the cling film
demonstrate the use of cling film on simulated on each other as simulated
burn. Emphasise infection risks and the burns management practise.
principles of dressings not being too restrictive.
Trainers: Assess management of external bleeding and minor injuries during this session using the QA Wounds,
bleeding and shock practical assessment paper. See QA Guide to Assessing First Aid Qualifications for further
Trainers: Should give a brief recap and undertake formative assessment throughout the session. They should be
confident that all Learners have achieved all of the objectives (assessment criteria) prior to moving to the next topic/
requesting certification.

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Lesson Plan
Course: QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF)
Subject: Catastrophic bleeding
Materials: Flip chart and pens, PC and projector, bandages, dressings and slings, a foam block, a
manufactured tourniquet, a model arm/pipe, QA Wounds, bleeding and shock practical
assessment paper (optional section)
Time: 30 mins
Aim: Be able to manage life threatening bleeding
As a direct result of the European Resuscitation Council’s guidelines on first aid, this is a
comprehensive lesson plan includes the recognition and management of catastrophic bleeding.

Note: Add 30 minutes at the end of previous session if including this topic

Unit Objective –
Trainer Learners
Ref. That the learner can:
N/A Recognise life- Emphasise that both venous and arterial bleeds Listen, observe and describe
threatening bleeding are life-threatening. When blood oozes from a the nature of blood flow
vein or spurts from an artery in large volumes, it associated with each.
pulsates in time with the heartbeat, as a result,
this can be described as pulsating bleeding.

Introduce <C>ABC using PowerPoint slide Listen and observe and discuss.
N/A Know how to control Introduce haemostatic dressings and explain Listen, observe and discuss.
life-threatening they are completely safe. Explain Celox
bleeding with dressings are made from ‘chitosan,’ an agent
wound packing and made from shrimp shells with the possibility
haemostatic dressings of allergy ‘engineered out’.

Show an example of a Celox/QuikClot/ Observe and discuss.

Chitogauze dressing but avoid learners
playing with Chitosan (Celox) dressings as it
can mildly irritate the eyes (very fine particles
that form a gel when in contact with moisture).
Explain it is preferable to practise with a crepe Examine the different
bandage for this reason (in addition to being a examples.
cheaper option).
Pass examples of unopened Celox/QuikClot/ Listen and discuss.
Chitogauze dressings round for Learners to
familiarise themselves with the packaging.
Discuss which employers should consider Listen, observe and discuss.
providing haemostatic dressings (and which
Discuss the importance of identifying the
exact point of pulsating bleeding which may
be inside a wound. Explain a deep wound
may need mopping out to find the exact point
of bleeding. Emphasise direct pressure may
be sufficient at this point.
Ask Learners in pairs to identify areas of the In pairs, list areas of the body
body where effective direct pressure is not where effective direct pressure
achievable. is not achievable.

Continued on following page

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Continued from previous page

Discuss the difficulty of direct pressure on Feedback and discuss.

abdominal wounds and junctional injuries
(arm pit, groin, neck), hence the need for
wound packing and haemostatic dressings.
Explain packing a wound even with an
ordinary dressing may be needed to control
life-threatening bleeding.
Discuss stab and gunshot wounds.

Demonstrate how to control a bleed and pack Listen and discuss.

a wound (ideally with a haemostatic dressing)
using a foam block or other suitable wound
packing trainer.
Discuss why Z fold dressings are best Observe and discuss
(runaway bandage rolls).
Cover direct pressure times once the Listen and discuss.
haemostatic dressing is in place which is 3
mins for Celox/QuikClot/Chitogauze (Qualsafe
books say 5 mins because all types of
haemostatic agents need to be referred
to in the book).

Explain that if a normal dressing is used to Listen and discuss.

pack the wound, apply pressure for at least
10 minutes.
Emphasise the haemostatic dressing Listen and discuss.
packaging must be tucked into the bandage
to secure it in place (so doctors know exactly
what type of product is in the wound).
Use the Qualsafe PowerPoint slides for Observe and discuss.
haemostatic dressings to make sure all
important points have been covered.

Know how to control Explain the reason for the change in Listen and discuss.
life threatening guidelines (New worldwide evidence-based
bleeding using a practice guidelines were produced in 2015).
tourniquet Explain there is a lot of evidence from recent Listen and discuss.
military conflicts that demonstrates how
the use of tourniquets saves lives (Civilian
application of tourniquets in the Boston
marathon bombing saved 3 lives).
Identify the risks (it can be in place for 2 hours
without risking the limb). Providing urgent
transport can be arranged, that leaves one
big risk which is not tightening it enough,
explain why, e.g. squeezing veins but not
arteries will increase bleeding.

Continued on following page

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Continued from previous page

Use a model arm or plastic pipe, not a Listen, observe and discuss.
Learner to demonstrate either application of
a CAT or MAT tourniquet and an improvised
Discuss positioning, particularly if the first Observe and discuss.
tourniquet which is over a single bone
(femur or humerus). It is more important to
emphasise tightening and good application
than the exact position of the tourniquet.
Position at least 5cm above the wound as Observe and discuss.
damaged arteries can constrict.
It is extremely important to keep improvised Listen and discuss.
tourniquets as simple as possible. Fast,
effective, simple application is essential.
Explain it will hurt, so first aiders need to Listen and discuss.
explain to the casualty that the pain will
subside but it has been applied in an attempt
to save their life. Emphasise that once a
tourniquet has been applied, it should never
be loosened, regardless of the pain (Only in
the extraordinarily unlikely circumstance of this
type of injury occurring AND having no hope of
getting help should this even be considered).
Discuss which employers should consider Listen and discuss.
buying manufactured tourniquets e.g. high risk
workplaces and/or potential terrorist targets.
Reemphasise that a triangular bandage and a Listen and discuss.
strong pen equals a tourniquet (metal cutlery
is best but using a pen means improvised
tourniquets are already in the workplace).
Explain manufactured tourniquets can be
quicker to apply and leave less room for error;
so environments at risk of severe bleeds
should strongly consider purchasing them.
Use the PowerPoint slides for tourniquets Listen, observe and discuss.
to make sure all important points have been
Demonstrate how to Split Learners into pairs. In pairs, take turns to practise
control life threatening Provide 3 activity stations and allow Learners all three skill stations, on a
bleeding using to take turns practising each skill. model arm or pipe.
haemostatic dressings
Note: DO NOT allow Learners to practise
and a tourniquet
applying improvised or manufactured
tourniquets on each other. A model arm or
pipe must be used.
Activity Station 1 Activity Station 1
Ask Learners to practise packing a wound In pairs practise packing
with a ‘pretend’ haemostatic dressing (use a a wound with a ‘pretend’
Z-folded crepe bandage). haemostatic dressing (use a
Z-folded crepe bandage).

Continued on following page

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Continued from previous page

Activity Station 2 Activity Station 2

Ask Learners to practise improvising a In pairs practise improvising
tourniquet (use a triangular bandage and a a tourniquet (use a triangular
pen) on a model arm or pipe. bandage and a pen).

Activity Station 3 Activity Station 3

Ask Learners to practise the application of a In pairs Learners to
manufactured tourniquet on a model arm or practise the application of a
pipe. manufactured tourniquet.

Assess the Learners during the practise


To keep practise time shorter, for a class of 12

working in pairs consider:
2 x foam blocks, 2 x manufactured
tourniquets, 4 x pipes/model arms,
2 x triangular bandages, 2 x pen/cutlery.
Trainers: Assess management of catastrophic bleeding during this session using the QA Wounds, bleeding and
shock practical assessment paper (optional section). See QA Guide to Assessing First Aid Qualifications for
further guidance.
Trainers: Should give a brief recap and undertake formative assessment throughout the session. They should be
confident that all Learners have achieved all of the objectives (assessment criteria) prior to moving to the next
topic/requesting certification.

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved
Lesson Plan
Course: QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF)
Unit 1: Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
Subject: Multiple choice question paper/theory assessment for Unit 1
Materials: Question papers, answer papers, marking guides, black pens
Time: 40 mins
Aim: To complete and pass appropriate multiple choice question papers, showing their overall learning on
the course is sufficient to enable the Learner to provide emergency first aid in a manner that is safe,
prompt and effective

Objective –
Trainer Learners
That the learner can:
Complete a multiple choice Before handing out the assessments, give Complete assessments
question paper/theory Learners a final opportunity to ask for a without colluding with other
assessment reasonable adjustment, e.g. because they Learners.
need the theory assessment carried out Give completed papers to
verbally. If any Learner makes a request, the Trainer.
verbal assessment will usually take place
after the other Learners have completed
the assessment. Trainers must make sure
Learners have no opportunity to collude.
Note: If assessment is completed verbally,
submit a reasonable adjustment form.
Issue the question papers and matching answer
papers (as shown on the question paper). It is
vital you make sure the correct question papers
are available and issued to Learners.
Each Learner gives their answers on a
separate answer paper.
Ask Learners to put their name, date of birth,
assessment date and their signature on their
answer paper using a black pen.
Trainers should make sure Learners
understand the format of the theory
assessment, how to complete the answer
paper, the time allowed and how to record the
correct answers or change their answer using
a black pen.
The maximum time allowed for the multiple
choice question theory/written assessment is
25 mins. The Learner must score at least 11
out of 15 to be considered for a pass.
See QA Multiple Choice Question Paper
Guidelines for further guidance.
Collect and mark the answer papers.
Complete course evaluation Issue Learner feedback forms and explain Complete forms, give them to
how to complete them. Trainer.
Course closure Tell Learners if they have passed or been Participate as needed.
referred. To ensure the security of the
assessment, DO NOT tell Learners their
individual marks/incorrect answers or allow
them access to their papers. Close the course.

L3-EFAW-CO-LP-V4 November 2017 Copyright © 2017 Qualsafe Awards. All rights reserved

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