Bcom I
Bcom I
Bcom I
Outlines of Tests,
Syllabi and Courses of Reading
B.Com. Part-I
(Semester I & II)
(2014-15, 2015-2016 & 2016-2017 Session)
ftfdnkoEhnK bJh Io{oh jdkfJsK
1 fJe nekdfwe ;kb s' tX/o/ ;w/A d/ ;zrfms fe;/ e'o; ftu, id'A e'Jh ftfdnkoEh dkyabk b?D T[gozs
gqhfynk fdzdk j? sK T; ;w/A gqufbs nfXnkd/;a nekdfwe ;kb d/ d"okB iK nzs ftu j'Jh gqhfynk bJh
bkr{ ;wM/ ikDr/ go :{Bhtof;Nh nfXnkd/;aK nXhB nfijh e'Jh ;aos$pzd;a BjhA fe ;zrfms e'o; ftu
dkyb/ T[gozs :{Bhtof;Nh tb' ;zpzXs nfXnkd/;aK ftu e'Jh sowhw BjhA ehsh ik ;edh. b'V nB[;ko,
;'X/ j'J/ nfXnkd/P Bt/A iK g[okD/ jo fe;w d/ ftfdnkoEhnK s/ fJe ;wkB bkr{ j'Dr/.
3 i/ e'Jh ftfdnkoEh fJe' ;?;aB ftu d' fJwfsjkBK (Major and Minor) bJh gqhfynk dkyabk cakow$cah;
Godk j? sK v/N^;ahN ftu fwshnK d/ fe;/ Neok dh ;{os ftu T[j e/tb fJe jh fJwfsjkB ftu p?m
;e/rk. nfijh jkbs ftu T[; dk e'Jh ekB{zBh jZe BjhA fe T[j fJe' jh ;w/A d' fJwfsjkB d/ ;e/. fJ;
;{os ftu d{;oh gqhfynk bJh iwQk eotkJh cah; tkg; BjhA ehsh ikt/rh.
4 fiZE/ :{Bhtof;Nh d/ nkgD/ ekoDK eoe/ ftfdnkoEh dk Bshik b/N x'f;as j[zdk j?, T[ZE/ g[Bo^w[bKeD d/
e/;K B{z SZv e/ nrb/ fJwfsjkB bJh ckow$cah; d/D fjZs ftfdnkoEh B{z Bshik ekov s/ nzfes fwsh s'A
15 fdB dk ;wK fpBk b/N cah; s' fdZsk ikt/rk. T[gozs f;afvT{b nB[;ko pDdh b/N cah; ukoi ehsh
ikt/rh. ftfdnkoEh d/ nkgD/ ekoDK eoe/ b/N x'f;as BshfinK ftu fe;/ th wzst bJh fpBK b/N cah; s'A
e'Jh ;wK BjhA fdZsk ikt/rk go nfij/ e/;K ftu g[Bo^w[bkeD dh fJikIs BjhA j't/rh.
5 e'Jh ftfdnkoEh fe;/ gqhfynk bJh e/tb gqhfynk dkyabk cakow$cah; d/D$iwQK eotkT[D Bkb jh
gqhfynk$nrbh gqhfynk ftu p?mD dk jZedko BjhA j't/rk.
6 fiBQK ftfdnkoEhnK B/ j/mbh gqhfynk gzikp ;e{b n?ia{e/;aB p'ov$gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh s'A fJbktk fe;/ j'o
p'ov$:{Bhtof;Nh s'A gk; ehsh j't/, T[BQK B{z nkgD/ n;bh gqwkD gZso, ft;fsqs nze^fpT{ok^ekov, fvroh
ns/ wkJhrq/;aB ;oNhfce/N nkfd gqhfynk dkyabk cakow d/ Bkb d/D/ j'Dr/, fiBQK d/ nkXko s/ T[BQK B/
gqhfynk d/Dh j?/. nfijk Bk eoB s/ T[BQK dh gqhfynk bJh gksosk oZd eo fdZsh ikt/rh.go i/eo e'Jh
ftfdnkoEh wkJhrq/;aB ;oNhfce/N ;w/A f;o BjhA G/idk sK T[j 1000$^ o[gJ/ (iK T[; ;w/A i' th bkr{ j't/)
i[owkBk cah; Bkb G/I ;edk j?.
7 i/eo gqhfynk dkyabk cakow ftu e'Jh so[N Z h gkJh rJh, fit/A ftfdnkoEh d/ j;skyao iK gqhfynk dkyabk
cakow s;dhe eoB tkb/ nfXekoh d// j;skyao, nj[dk s/ w'jo dk Bk j'Dk, ofi;Nq/;aB Bzpo, gfjb/
fJwfsjkBK d/ o'b Bzpo, gqhfynk e/Ado d/ fJzdoki dk Bk j'Dk, n;bh nze^fpT{ok^ekov iK fvroh dk BK
d/DK, iK gqhfynk cah;$b/N cah; xZN iwQK eotkJh j'Dh nkfd, sK nfijhnK so[N Z hnK d{o eotkT[D fjZs
ftfdnkoEh tZb'A dcaso B{z b'VhAd/ d;skt/ia g/;a eoB ;w/A 200$^ o[gJ/ ( iK ;w/A s/ i' th bkr{ j't/) dh
so[ZNh cah; tZyoh iwQK eotkT[Dh j't/rh sK jh T[j soZ[Nh gqhfynk dkybk cakow ftu'A d{o ehsh
ikt/rh.ftfdnkoEh fJj so[N Z hnK gqfynk bJh dkyabk cakow$ cah; gqkgsh dh nzfsw fwsh s'A gfjbK^gfjbK
b'VhAd/ d;skt/iK dh g{osh eod/ j'J/ T[go do;kJh soZN [ h cah; Bkb d{o eotk ;ed/ jB. nzfsw fwsh s'A
pknd, ft;a/;a jkbks ftu, so[ZNh d{o eotkT[D dh cah; uhca e'^nkovhB/No gqhfynktK tZb'A w"e/ s/ bJ/
ca?;b/ nB[;ko tZyo/ s"o s/ fBoXkfos ehsh ikt/rh.
8 ftfdnkoEh g{oh ch; p?Ae vokcN okjha G/i/. p?Ae vokcN ofi;Noko, gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk d/
Bkw j't/ iK cah; :{Bhtof;Nh yaikBuh, gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk e'b ekTA{No s/ th iwQK eotkJh ik
;edh j?.
9 gqhfynk dkyabk ckow GoB s'a gfjbK ftfdnkoEh fJj iao{o iKu bt/ fe ubzs gkm^eqw (f;b/p;) eh j?<
gqhfynk Bkb ;zpzfXs Bt/A fB:w eh jB< fJj fB:w w[yh, gpbhe/;aB fpT{o', gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh,
gfNnkbk gk;' fB;afus ndkfJrh d[nkok jk;b ehs/ ik ;ed/ jB.
10 ;kbkBk gqhfynk ;w/A g{o/ ftf;anK dh gqhfynk d/D T[gozs oh^nghno nkT[D bJh fBoXkfos gfjb/ w"e/
bJh T[;/ ;kb dh ;kbkBk gqhfynk dk f;b/p; bkr{ j't/rk. go oh^nghno d// d{;o/ w"e/ bJh nrbh
;kbkBk gqhfynk dk ukb{ (Current) f;b/p; bkr{ j't/rk, c/bQ, fJzgo{tw?AN, ft;a/;a w"ek nkfd e/;K ftu th
T[;/ ;kb dk ukb{ (Current) f;b/p; bkr{ j't/rk.
11 o?r{bo, gqkJht/N iK gZso^ftjko f;Zfynk ftGkr okjhA gqhfynk d/D tkb/ ;ko/ ftfdnkoEh nkgDhnK 5%4
;?ANhwhNo ;kJhia dhnK fpBk r'rbia s' fJe' B?r/fNt s'A fsnko ehshnK BthBsw c'N'nk gqhfynk dkyabk
cakow ftu fB;afus EK s/ fugekT[D. fJBQK c'N'nK s/ ftfdnkoEh nkgD/ j;skyao eo/rk s/ fgsk dk BK,
gqhfynk ns/ gqhfynk e/Ado dk Bk fby/rk. ;ik:kcask iK b/N ekfbi ftfdnkoEhnK d/ e/; ftu fJjBk
c'N'nK s/ T[jh nfXekoh j;skyo eo/rk fi; B/ gqhfynk dkyabk cakow s;dhe ehsk j't/.
12 o'b Bzpo ikoh j'D d/ pkti{d th gksosk pko/ ojh e'Jh so[ZNh B'fN; ftu nkT[D s/ gqhfynk bJh gksosk
ns/ gqhfynk dkybk cakow fe;/ th ;w/A oZd ehsk iK ;edk j?/. nfij/ e/;K ftu fiazw/tkoh ftfdnkoEh dh
nkgDh j't/rh.
13 gqhfynk e/Ado pdbD bJh fBoXkos ckow s/ fdZsh rJh jo soQK Bkb w[ezwb noiah s/ jh r"o ehsh
ikt/rh. fBoXkos fpB?^ckow, d' s;dhe^P[dk c'N'nK ns/ 1,000$^ o[gJ/ (iK ;w/A s/ i' th bkr{ j't/) dh
cah;, i' ofi;Noko, gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk d/ Bkw p?Ae vokcN okjhA iK :{Bhtof;Nh yaikBuh e'b
iwQK eotkJh rJh j't/, dh o;hd ;fjs fvgNh ofi;Noko (gqhfynktK), gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk B{z
ofi;Nov vke okjh G/fink ikt/. gqhfynk e/Ado pdbD bJh fpB?^gZso gqhfynk bJh cakow$cah; gqkgsh
dh nzfsw fwsh s'A gfjbK^gfjbK dcaso ftu g[ZiDk ukjhdk j?. uhca e'^ nkovhB/No gqhfynktK s'A
gqhfynk e/Ado pdbD dh gqtkBrh dh fuZmh fwbD s'A fpBK fe;/ ftfdnkoEh dk gqhfynk^e/Ado fJe EK s'A
d{ih EK pdbD dh gqfefonK gZeh BjhA wzBh ikt/rh. i/ e'Jh ftfdnkoEh :{Bhtof;Nh tZb'A nbkN ehs/
gqhfynk e/Ado dh pikJ/ fe;/ j'o gqhfynk e/Ado ftu fJwfsjkB fdzdk j? sK T[; dhnK T[Zso^ ekghnK oZd
do fdZshnK ikDrhnK. gqhfynk e/Ado pdbD bJh p/Bsh T[Zs/ e/tb fJBQK ;{osK ftu jh ftuko ehsk
ikt/rkL ftfdnkoEh dh B"eoh ftu spkdbk, wksk fgsk iK rkovhnB dk spkdbk, ftfdnkoEh dh fpwkoh
fi; bJh T[; B{z ;oekoh j;gskb s'A w?vheb ;oNhfce/N iK B"eoh dk spkdbk^;oNhfce/N ;p{s ti'A
d/Dk j't/rk.
gqhfynktK d/ fe;/ wzst Bkb ;pzXs ftfdnkoEhnK tZb' G/i/ nX{o/ cakow fpBK fe;/ ;{uBk d/ oZd eo fdZs/
ikDr/. fJe tkoh Goh j'Jh cah; tkg; BjhA ehsh ikt/rh ns/ Bk jh fe;/ nrb/ fJwfsjkB bJh wzBh
ikt/rh, p/;aZe ftfdnkoEh B/ ckow Bk th G/fink j't/ iK ftfdnkoEh fJwfsjkB d/D d/ :'r Bk j't/ iK
gfjbK G/i/ gqwkD gZsoK d/ nekdfwe foekov nB[;ko T[; B{z fJwfsjkB ftu p?mD dh wBkjh j't/.
ftfdnkoEh tZb'A G[b/y/ ekoB fBoXkfos s'A finkdk cah;$ia[owkBk cah; nkfd iwQK eotkT[D s/ tkX{ iwQK
eotkJh oew dh e'Jh n?vi;Nw?AN iK tkg;h BjhA j't/rh.
16 fijV/ ftfdnkoEh n?w aJ/ a dk fJwfsjkB gqkJht/N ftfdnkoEhnK Bkb ;zpzXs nfXfB:wK nXhB d/Dk
ukj[zdk jB, T[AjBk B{z nkgDk n;bh nze^fpT{ok^ekov tr?ok gqhfynk dkyabk ckow Bkb d/D/ j'Dr/ Gkt/A
T[AjBK B/ j/mbk fJwfsjkB gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh s' jh feT[A Bk gk; ehsk j't/.
17 gqkJht/N ftfdnkoEhnK Bkb ;pzXs fB:wK nXhB n?w a J/ a dh gqhfynk d/D tkb/ fiBQK ftfdnkoEhnK dh
j/mbh gqhfynk$ ;pzXs ft;a/ d/ gqkgs ehs/ nzeK dh gk; gqsh;assk b'VhAdh gk; gqsh;assk s'A xZN ofjD
ekoB T[j n?w aJ/ a Gkr^gfjbK bJh gZso^ftjko f;Zfynk ftGkr ftu dkyabk b? e/ gqhfynk fdzd/ jB, T[BK
B{z T[;/ ebk; d/ Gkr^d{ik dh gqhfynk th gZso^ftjko f;Zfynk ftGkr ftu dkybk b? e/ d/Dh j't/rh, nfij/
ftfdnkoEhnK B{z Gkr^d{ik dh gqhfynk gqkJht/N s"o s/ d/D dh nkfrnk BjhA j?.
18 n;b ftfdne :'rsk ;oNhfce/Nk s'A fpBK ftfdnkoEh d[nkok fdZs/ j'o ;ko/ n;b d;skt/ia i' gqhfynk
bJh T[; dh gksosk gZeh eoB Bkb ;zpzfXs j'Ad, tkfg; Bjha ehs/ ikDr/. ftfdnkoEhnK B{z fJj ukjhdk
j? fe T[j T[BK gqwkD gZsoK dh Beb nkgD/ e'b oZyD. gqhfynk dkyabk cakow Bkb BZEh ehs/ n;b
d;skt/iK d/ t/oftnK dk fJzdokia gqhfynk dkyabk cakow ftu fdZsh EK s/ io{o ehsk ikt/. nfijk Bk eoB
dh ;{os ftu fe;/ d;skt/ia d/ r[zw j' ikD pko/ ftfdnkoEh dk e'Jh dkntk BjhA ;[fDnk ikt/rk. i/
ftfdnkoEh B{z T[; tZb'A gqhfynk bJh gksosk gZeh eoB fjZs dcaso B{z G/i/, ftfdne :"rsk d/ n;b
;oNhfce/N ;pzfXs gqhfynk dk Bshik x'f;as j'D T[gozs fJe wjhB/ d/ nzdo^nzdo BjhA w[Vd/ sK Tpj
s[ozs ofi;Nov vke okjhA dcaso B{z ;{fus eo'. fJ; fgZS"A :{Bhtof;Nh dcaso tb'A T[; dk e'Jh dkntk
BjhA ;[fDnk ikt/rk.
19 fijV/ ftfdnkoEh nkgDk gqhfynk dk dkyabk cakow fBZih s"o s/ g[ZS^frZS (Inquiry) ;akyk ftu iwAK
eotkT[d/ jB sK T[j cakow d/D ;w/A o;hd iao{o b?D. nfijk Bk eoB dh ;a{os ftu T[jBK dk gqhfynk
dkyabk cakow r[zw j' ikD pko/ e'Jh dkntk BjhA ;[fDnk ikt/rk.
20 ftfdnkoEh ;g;aN o{g ftu dZ;' fe T[; d/ ft;a/$gou/ ftubh nkg;aB fejVh j?.300$^ o[gJ/ (iK ;w/A s/ I'
th bkr{ j't/) dh so[N
Z h cah; Bkb fpB? T[gozs gqtkBrh jkf;b eoe/, I' b'V gt/ sK ftfdnkoEh nkgD/
gqhfynk dkyabk cakow ftu ft;a/$gou/ dh nkg;aB pko/ gqhfynk bJh cakow$cah; gqkgsh dh nzfsw fwsh s'A
gfjbK^gfjbK pdb ;edk j?. T[; s'A pknd e'Jh ft;ak iK gou/ dh nkg;aB pdbD dh nkfrnk Bjha
j't/rh. nzfsw fwsh s' pknd, ft;/a;a jkbks ftu, ft;ak iK gou/ dh nkg;aB pdbD dh cah; uhc
e'^nkovhB/No gqhfynktK tZb'A w"e/ s/ bJ/ cA?;b/ nB[;ko tZyo/ s"o fBoXkfos ehsh ikt/rh. f;oc
fpB?^gZso iK cah; iwQK eotkT[D Bkb jh ft;a/$gou/ dh nkg;aB$pdbh gZeh BjhA wzBh ikt/rh.
21 gqkJht/N ftfdnkoEh gqhfynk dkyabk ckow ftu fdZsh ;{uBk nB[;ko :{Bhtof;Nh nfXeko^y/so ftu
nkT[Ad/ T[; ;afjo B{z nkgDk gqhfynk e/Ado pDkT[D, fiE/ T[j gqhfynk dkyabk cakow GoB t/b/ fgSb/
pkoK wjhfBnk s'a ofj oj/ j'D. i/eo :{Bhtof;Nh tZb'A T[; EK gqhfynk e/Ado BjhA pDkfJnk iKdk sK
gqhfynk dkyabk cakow ftu ftfdnkoEh tZb'a fdZsh ;{uBk nB{;ko fojkfJ;a d/ B/V/ dk e/Ado fdZsk ikt/rk.
22 i/ fe;/ ftfdnkoEh dk Bshik o'fenk frnk j't/ sK T[; B{z g[Bo^w[bKeD eokT[D dk ekbi ftu dkyb/ bJh
Bshi/ pko/ nkoih ;{uBkk fdZsh ikt/rh. fJ; soQK T[; B? Gkt/A g{oh gqhfynk gk; Bk ehsh j't/, T[j
:{Bhtof;Nh fB:wK nB{;ko ;wA s/ T[j ;kohnK T[gukfoesktK g{ohnk eo ;edk j?, I' dkyab/ ns/ nrbh
gqhfynk bJh iao{oh jB. ;aos fJj j? fe T[j T[; wzst bJh pkeh jo soak Bkb :{Bhtof;Nh nfXnkd/;aK
nB[;ko :'r j't/. i/ ftfdnkoEh j/mbh gqhfynk fB;afus ;w/A ftu gk; Bjha eodk sK Bshi/ pko/ T[go'es
nkoiah ;{uBk nkgD/ nkg oZd ;wZMh ikt/rh.
23 fi; ft;a/ ftu ftfdnkoEh B/ T[u/oh ebk; dh gqhfynk gk; ehsh j'Jh j't/ iK T[;/ ft;a/ ftu T[~u/oh ebk;
d/ fe;/ fJe Gkr dh gqhfynk gk; ehsh j'Jh j't/ iK g/go d/ fojk j't/ iK fe;/ Gkr u'A oh^nghno nkJh
j'Jh j't/, nfijk ftfdnkoEh T[;/ ft;a/ ftZu j/mbh ebk;a dh fJzgo{tw?AN dh gqhfynk BjhA d/ ;edk. go
i/eo T[Zu/oh gk; gqhfynk$oh^nghno dh gqhfynk ns/ j/mbh ebk; dh fzJzgo{tw?AN dh gqhfynk dk ft;ak
fJe' BjhA, fGzB j?, sK nfijh e'Jh pzfd;a BjhA j't/rh.
24 oh^nghno ftfdnkoEhnK B{z nrb/ ;?;aB dh oh^nghno gqhfynk bJh ns/ c/bQ ftfdnkoEhnK B{z nrbh
;kbkBk gqhfynk bJh dkyabk cakow ns/ cah; fBoXkfos ;afvT{b nB[;ko ;w/A f;o GoBh j't/rh. nfij/
ftfdnkoEh g[Bo^w[bKeD bJh th ngbkJh eo ;ed/ jB go oh^nghno ftfdnkoEhnK B{z g[Bo^w[bKeD
eokT[D ekoD nB[g{oe$;kbkBk gqhfynk bJh fpBK i[owkB/ s'A gqhfynk dkyabk cakow ns/ cah; GoB dk bkG
Bjha fdZsk ikt/rk. Id'a fe g[Bo^w[bKeD dk Bshik x'f;as j'D T[gozs fiBQK gohfynkoEhnK dh eg?f;Nh
ca/b s'a oh^nghno iK gk; pD iKdh j? T[j gqhfynkoEh g[Bo^w[bKeD dk Bshik fBebD dh fwsh s' 10
fdBK (;w/s S[ZNhnK) d/ nzdo^nzdo th nrbh gqhfynk bJh fpBK b/N cah; s'a nkgDk cakow$cah; iwQAK
eotk ;ed/ jB. T[; s'A pknd ubzs ;afvT{b nB[;ko b/N cah; bZrr / h.
25 gqhfynk e/Ado ftu fe;/ j'o ftfdnkoEh B{z nkgDh EK g/go d/D fjZs rbs sohe/ ngDkT[d/ j'J/ Bk
fpmkfJnk ikt/. Beb eoB bJh ;jkJh ;kwkB fit/A fe w'pkfJb c'B, g/iao ns/ j'o fe;/ th soQK dh
fJsokia :'r t;s{ gqhfynk e/Ado ftu fbikD dh wBkjh j?. i/eo jdkfJsK fto[ZX fe;/ ftfdnkoEh s'A
fJj ;kwkB gqhfynk e/ado ftu gkfJnk iKdk j? sK e/Ado fBrokB$T[vB^d;s/ tZb'A w"e/ s/ iaps eo fbnk
ikt/rk ns/ Bkb jh ftfdnkoEh s/ nB[fus ;kXBK dh tos'A dk e/; th pDkfJnk ikt/rk. i/eo e'Jh
ftfdnkEh fe;/ j'o ftfdnkoEh dh EK g/go fdzdk j? iK gouk jzb eoB bJh fe;/ ftfdnkoeh e'b'A e'Jh
;jkJh ;wkB gkfJnk iKdk j? sK T[; fto[ZX th :{ a n?w a ;h a e/; pDkfJnk ikt/rk, fi; sfjs ftfdnkoEh
B{z :{ an?w a;h a fB:wK nXhB gzi ;kb sZe fe;/ th :{Bhtof;Nh gqhfynk ftu p?mD s' tzfus ehsk ik
;edk j?.
26 All disputes arising from examination form or documents connected therewith are subject to
the territorial jurisdiction of courts situated at Patiala only to the exclusion of all other
Lower/session Courts in India.
27 ph aJ/ a (n?vh;aBb ft;a/) bJh fJ; :{Bhtof;Nh s'A fJbktk gzikp :{Bhtof;Nh, uzvhrVQ ns/ gzikp oki
dhnK j'o :{Bhtof;Nh d/ rq?i{J/N; jh gqhfynk d/ ;eDr/. gzikp oki s'A pkjo dh fe;/ :{Bhtof;Nh s'A
r?qi{J/;aB eoB tkb/ ftfdnkoEhnK B{z fJj gqhfynk d/D dh nkfrnk BjhA j't/rh. jo/e ftfdnkoEh B{z
ubzs (Current) f;b/p; nB[;ko Gkr 1, 11ns/ 111,(fszB/ GkrK) dh gqhfynk d/Dh gt/rh/ g?qeNheb tkb/
ftf;anK dh gqhfynk d/D dh nkfrnk BjhA j't/rh/ phH J/H n?vh;aBb fJe ft;a/ dh gqhfynk nB[g{oe gqhfynk
d"okB ns/ d' ftf;anK dh gqhfynk ;kbkBk gqhfynk d"okB bJh ikt/rh.
28 fiE/ g/go d/ 100 nze jB, T[; ftZu fJzNoBb n;?;w?AN 20 nzeK dh j't/rh. fJ; ftZu 02 n?~wHn?~;HNhH
j'Dr/. fi; N?;N ftZu ftfdnkoEh tZX nze gqkgs eo/rk, T[; N?;N B{z ftukfonk ikt/rk ns/ fJ; d/ 10
nze j'Dr/. pkeh 10 nze ftfdnkoEhnK d/ jkIohnK d/ nkXko s/ fdZs/ ikDr/. fiE/ g/go d/ 50 nze jB,
T[; ftZu fJzNoBb n;?;w?AN 10 nze dh j't/rh.
(T) fJzgo{=tw?AN e/tb ;kbkBk gqhfynktK d"okB ubzs (Current) f;b/p; nB[;ko jh ehsh ik ;edh j?.
fJzgo{tw?AN bJh gqhfynk d/ tZy^tZy GkrK bJh fJe' cakow Gfonk ikt/. fiBQK GkrK dh fJzgo{tw?AN
eoBh j?, b'V nB[;ko, T[BQK dh pDdh e[Zb cah; fJe' o;hd$p?Ae vokcN okjhA Goh ikt/. fJzgo{tw?AN
bJh jo ebk;$e'o; d/ jo/e Gkr bJh, fBoXkfos gqfynk cah; s' 50# tZX cah; Goh ikt/.
fJzgo{tw?AN jo e'o; ftu d' ;kbK ftu d' uK; nXhB ehsh ik ;edh.
(n) fJzgo{tw?AN bJh fiBAK ebk;K$e'o;K ftu ftt;Ek j?, T[BQK ftu fiZE/ 5 g/go jB T[BQK ftu'A e/tb 2
fET{oh g/go, gqfs Gkr, ns/ fiZE/ 5 s'A tZX g/go jB T[BQK ftu' e/tb 3 fET{oh g/go, gqfs Gkr,
fJzgo{tw?N ehsh ik ;edh j/. fe;/ th ebk;$e'o; dh cakJhBb gqhfynk gk; eoB T[gozs Bkb brd/
2 ;kbK ftu 2 w"fenK ftu fJzgo{tw?AN ehsh ik ;edh j?. fJ; ntXh T[gozs ftfdnkoeh B{z
fJzgo{tw?AN dk e'Jh j'o w"ek BjhA fdZsk ikt/rk. gq?eNheb g/goK ftufJzgo{tw?AN Bjha ehsh ik ;edh.
(J) fi; ft;a/ ftu ftfdnkoEh B/ T[Zu/oh ebk; dh gqhfynk gk; ehsh j'Jh j't/ iK T[;/ ft;a/ ftu T[Au/oh
ebk; d/ fe;/ fJe Gkr dh gqhfynk gk; ehsh j'Jh j't/ iK g/go d/ fojk j't/ iK fe;/ Gkr u'
oh^nghno dh gqhfynk ns/ j/mbh ebk; dh fJzgo{tw?AN dh gqhfynk dk ft;ak fJe' Bjh, fGzB j?, sK
nfijh e'Jh pzfd;a Bjha j't/rh.
fJ; ;zpzXh fe;/ th soQK dh tX/o/ ikDekoh bJh g[ZS^frZS ns/ ;{uBk e/Ado (w/B r/N), gzikph
:{Bhtof;Nh e?Ag; Bkb N?bhc'B Bz a 0175^3046366,3046367 s/ ;zagoe ehsk ikt/. Bshi/ ;zpzXh
ikDekoh bJh u?Ze eo' www.universitypunjabi.org :{Bhtof;Nh N?bhc'B n?e;u/Ai Bzpo
0175^3046598, 99 a
ezNo'bo gqhfynktK
1. B.Com is an integrated course comprising three parts spread over three years. Each part will
consist of two semesters. The course of study of B.Com shall be divided in six semesters and
university examination will be held at the end of every semester in the months of
December/January (for semester I,III &V) and April/May (for semester II, IV & VI) or as fixed by
the Vice-Chancellor.
2. The examination in B.Com. Part-I shall be open to a student who produces the following
certificates to the Principal of the college.
(i) of having passed at least +2 examination of Punjab School Education Board or any other
examination recognized as equivalent thereto with at least :
(a) 40% marks in the aggregate in case of students who have passed 10+2 Commerce
(b) 45% marks in the aggregate in case of students who have passed 10+2 in Humanities
group with at least two out of Commerce/Accounts/Math/ Economics/Management
(c) 50% marks in the aggregate in case of students who have passed 10+2 but not covered
under (a) and (b) above.
(d) Students who opt for any of the vocational subjects in the B.Com. course should have
passed with atleast 50% marks, 10+2 examination from Punjab School Education Board
or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto.
Note: Candidate placed under reappear in one or more subjects in 10+2 examination of Punjab
School Education Board or any other examination, recognized as equivalent thereto shall not be
eligible for admission to B.Com. Part-I Course.
(ii) of having remained on the rolls of a college admitted to the privileges of the University for the
academic year preceding the examinations.
3. A candidate must complete and pass the whole course of three years within a maximum of five
years from the date of admission in B.Com first semester.
4. Semester examinations will be open to regular candidates who have been on the rolls of a college
affiliated to this University and meet the attendance and other requirements as prescribed in
the ordinances of the course.
5. Subject to fulfillment of requirement of House examinations, the attendance requirements and
these ordinances, there will be no condition of passing papers for promotion from odd semester
to even semester in an Academic Session.
To qualify for admission to 2nd year of the Course, the candidate must have passed 50% of total
papers of the two semesters of the 1st year. Similarly, to qualify for admission to 3 rd year of the
course, the candidate should have passed 50% of total papers of four semesters of the earlier
two years.
A candidate placed under reappear in any paper, will be allowed two chances to clear the
reappear, which should be availed within consecutive two years/chances i.e. to pass in a paper
the candidate will have a total of three chances, one as regular student and two as reappear
The examination of reappear papers of odd semester will be held with regular examination of
the odd semester and reappear examination of even semester with the even semester. But if a
candidate is placed under reappear in the last semester of the course, he will be provided
chance to pass the reappear with the examination of the next semester, provided his reappear
of lower semester does not go beyond next semester.
6. Attendance Requirements
Every candidate will be required to attend a minimum of 75% lectures delivered to that class in
each paper as well as 75% of the laboratory work, seminars etc, separately. Provided that a
deficiency in attendances may be condoned for special reasons, as per the relevant ordinances
on the subject.
7. To be eligible to appear in the semester examination a candidate must have obtained in the
house examination at least 25% marks in each paper; 33% marks in the aggregate of all subjects
of the semester. The Principal at his discretion may allow a special test to a candidate who could
not appear in the House examination owing to unavoidable reasons or fails to secure the
minimum marks as prescribed above.
8. Late college students: A candidate who has completed the prescribed course of instructions for a
semester but has not appeared in the examination or having appeared, has failed in the
examination, may appear as a late college student within the prescribed period.
9. The pass and reappear students of B.Com Part-II and III from any other recognized University
shall be treated at par with the corresponding students of this University. But in case such a
student is admitted in B.Com Part-II semester III or V in this University, he/she will be required
to clear deficient papers, if any.
10. Applications for admission to the examination shall be made on the prescribed form attested by
the competent authority as per University rules.
11. Amount of examination fee to be paid by a candidate for each semester shall be as fixed by the
University from time to time.
12. The last date by which examination forms and fees must reach the Registrar shall be as follows.
Semester Without With late With late With late With late
late fee fee of Rs. fee of fee of fee of Rs.
800/- Rs.1200/- Rs.5000/- 10,000
13. University medal will be awarded to a candidate who secures first position in the University on
the basis of the marks of all the six semesters taken together. The general rules and conditions
of the University for the award of medal/prizes etc. will be applicable in the award of University
medal to the topper of this examination.
14. Viva Voce/ Practical examination shall be conducted by a Committee consisting of the following:
15. All the question papers except Punjabi and English will be set both in English and Punjabi and
candidates can answer the questions either in English or Punjabi or Hindi. The paper in Punjabi
language will be set in Punjabi only and candidate will be required to answer in Punjabi only.
16. The minimum number of marks required to pass each semester examination will be 35% in each
paper and 40% in the aggregate of the semester examination. Provided that in papers with
practicals, the percentage shall be required separately in written and practical/lab work. The
candidate shall also be entitled to grace marks as admissible under the general ordinance
relating to the 'Award of Grace Marks'.
16 A. The Assessment in each semester of B. Com. course will be 30% internal and 70% external for
each written paper. The result of the Internal Assessment shall be conveyed to the
students/examination branch by the Head of the Department according to prescribed
CLASS TEST (40%) 12 Marks
(Two tests in each semester out of which one
best will be taken for internal assessment)
Note: If a case comes to notice of Controller of Examinations where the marks awarded by the Teacher
are on a very Higher/Lower side, the award will be got moderated by the following committee.
1. Dean of Faculty concerned
2. Controller of Examination
3. Principal/Head of the Department concerned.
4. If considered necessary a member can be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the
recommendations of Dean of Faculty concerned
16 B. The students of B.Com. Course will have to pass a paper on Environmental Studies as prescribed
by the university, in semester IV. This paper is a qualifying paper and marks obtained in this
paper will not be added in the total marks obtained in the B.Com. degree.
17. The successful candidate shall be classified on the basis of aggregate marks secured in all the six
semesters B.Com taken together as under:
SYLLABUS (2014-15, 2015-16 & 2016-2017 Session)
Semester Wise Papers Marks
BC-101: Punjabi 50
BC-101-A Punjabi Compulsory(Elementary Knowledge)-I 50
( Special Paper in lieu of Punjabi)
BC -102: English(Communication Skills) 50
BC -103: Financial Accounting-I 100
BC -104: Business Laws - I 100
BC -105: Principles of Economics - I 100
BC -106: Computer Applications in Business 100
STREAM - I Office Management & Secretarial Practice 100
BC -107:Typewriting & Shorthand-I
Add on Courses:
Semester Wise Papers Marks
BC -201: Punjabi 50
BC- 201-A Punjabi Compulsory(Elementary Knowledge)-II 50
( Special Paper in lieu of Punjabi
BC-202: English(Communication Skills) 50
BC -203: e Accounting 100
BC -204: Business Laws - II 100
BC -205: Principles of Economics - II 100
BC -206: Business Statistics 100
STREAM - I Office Management & Secretarial Practice 100
BC -207: Typewriting & Shorthand-II
Add on Courses :
(i) The students studying in any of the vocational courses (except Computer Application)
will be exempted from ‘Principles of Economics’ Paper (BC -105 and BC -205 in
Sem I & II respectively).
(ii) The students studying in vocational course 'Computer Applications' will be exempted
from the paper Computer Applications in business in sem- I and Business Statistics
in sem- II.
(iii) The students studying in vocational paper " Principles and Practice of Insurance" will
not be allowed to take the Add on Course/Paper "Risk Management and Insurance"
(iv) The students studying in vocational paper "Computer Applications" Will not be
allowed to take the Add on Course Paper "Computerised Accounting".
(v) The students studying in vocational paper "Office Management and Secretarial
Practice" will not be allowed to take the Add on Course Paper "Office Management
and Secretarial Practice."
Note : Evaluation on 'ON THE JOB TRAINING' for vocational subjects will be as under
B.COM. PART-I (Ist Semester)
3H Gkr T ftZu'Al
(i) fe;/ ejkDh dk ftPk^t;s{$;ko$b/yeK d/ :'rdkB iK ejkDh ebk (fszB ftZu'A fJZe) 5 nze
(ii) gkso ;zpzXh ikDekoh. (gzi ftZu'A d') 2%3 & 6 nze
4H Gkr n^1 fe;/ ftP/ s/ fBpzX fbyD bJh fejk ikt/rk. (fszB ftZu'A fJZe) & 4 nze
2 d/ d'tK GkrK ftu'A fJe^fJe gqPB g[ZfSnk ikt/rk ns/ ftfdnkoEh B/ d'tK
ftu'A fJe gqPB eoBk j'tkrk.
5 nze
5H Gkr ^J eEk ozr ns/ ftnkeoD tkb/ Gkr ftZu'A ;zy/g T[~soK tkb/ 15 (gkm g[;se eEk ozr)
ftZu'A 7 ns/ ftnkeoD ftZu'A 8) gqPB g[ZS/ ikDr/. ftfdnkoEh B/ ;ko/ gqPBK d/ ;zy/g T[~so d/D/
j'Dr/. jo/e gqPB dk 1 nze j't/rk. 15% 1 & 15 nze
;jkfJe gkm^;wZroh
1H joehos f;zx, Gk;ak ftfrnkB ns/ gzikph Gk;ak, pkjoh gpfb;aoia, fdZbh, 1973H
2H pbd/t f;zx uhwk, gzikph Gk;ak ftfrnkB ns/ ftnkeoB (seBheh ;apdktbh dk ft;ak e';a),
gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk, 2000H
3H p{Nk f;zx pokV, gzikph ftnkeoB L f;XKs s/ ftjko, u/sBk gqek;aB, b[fXnkDk, 2008H
4H gq/w gqek;a f;zx, f;XKse Gk;ak ftfrnkB, wdkB gpfb;aoia, gfNnkbk, 2002H
5H gq/w gqek;a f;zx, gzikph Gk;ak dk ;q's s/ pDso, gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk, 1996H
6H gq/w gqek;a f;zx, o{g ftfrnkB, wdkB gpfb;aoia, gfNnkbk, 2002H
7H i'frzdo f;zx g[nko ns/ j'o, gzikph Gk;ak dk ftnkeoB, (.,.. ns/ ...), gzikph Gk;ak nekdwh, ibzXo.
8H ;[yftzdo f;zx ;zxk, gzikph Gk;ak ftfrnkB, gzikph Gk;ak nekdwh, ibzXo, 1999H
9. y'i gfsqek (rbg ftP/P nze), gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbkH
10H vkH pbd/t f;zx Xkbhtkb, gzikph ejkDh dk fJfsjk;, gzikph nekdwh, fdZbhH
B.COM. PART-I (Ist Semester)
;jkfJe gkm ;wZroh
1H ;fsBkw f;zx ;zX{, nkU gzikph f;yhJ/, gpbhe/PB fpT{o', gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk, 2009H (fjzdh s'A
gzikph f;ZyD bJh)
2H ;fsBkw f;zx ;zX{, r[ow[yh f;Zy', gpbhe/PB fpT{o', gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk, 2011H (nzro/Ih s'A
gzikph f;yD bJh)
3H ;hsk okw pkjoh, gzikph f;yhJ/, gpbhe/PB fpT{o', gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk, 2002 (fjzdh)
4H okiftzdo f;zx, gzikph frnkB ;hHvhH (ezfgT{No n?gbhe/PB N{^boB n?Av Nhu gzikph), gpbhe/PB fpT{o',
gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk 2011H
5H Hardev Bahri, Teach Yourself Punjabi, Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, Patiala, 2011.
6. Henry A. Gleason and Harjeet Singh Gill, A Start in Punjabi, Publication Bureau, Punjabi University,
Patiala, 1997.
7. Ujjal Singh Bahri and Paramjit Singh Walia, Introductory Punjabi, Publication Bureau, Punjabi
University, Patiala, 2003.
B.COM. PART-I (Ist Semester)
(c) Expanding abbreviations and acronyms pertaining to Commerce, Business,
The students should be asked to attempt four of the given six from part(a) and eight out
of the given ten from part (b) and part (c) each. 4+4+4 =12 Marks
B.COM. PART-I (Ist Semester)
It will consist of essay type and numerical questions. Four questions, two theory and two
numerical, shall be set by the examiner from Unit-I of the syllabus and the candidate shall be
required to attempt two. Each question shall carry 10 marks; total weight of the section shall be
20 marks.
It will consist of essay type and numerical questions. Four questions, two theory and two
numerical, shall be set by the examiner from Unit-II of the syllabus and the candidate shall be
required to attempt two. Each question shall carry 10 marks; total weight of the section shall be
20 marks.
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
Accounting: Meaning, Scope and Importance, Branches of Accounting, Accounting Concepts
and Conventions, Double Entry System, Preparation of Journal, Subsidiary Books including
Cash Book, Ledger, Trial Balance, Preparation of Final Accounts of Sole Traders and
Partnership Firms.
Bank Reconciliation Statement, Distinction between Capital and Revenue items, Depreciation
Methods and Accounting including AS-6, Accounts of Non-Trading Concerns including
Hospital and Educational Institutions.
Accounts relating to Partnership: Admission, Retirement and Death of a Partner,
Dissolution of Partnership, Amalgamation of Firms, Sale of Firm to a Company, Gradual
Realisation of Assets and Piece Meal Distribution.
Books Recommended
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
LAW OF CONTRACT (1872): Nature of contract, Classification; Offer and acceptance;
Capacity of parties to contract; Free consent; Consideration; legality of object; Agreements
declared void; Performance of Contract; Discharge of contract, Remedies for breach of contract.
Special Contracts: Indemnity; Guarantee; Bailment and Pledge; Agency
SALES OF GOODS ACT 1930: Formation of contracts of sale; Goods and their
classification, price; conditions, and warranties; Transfer of Property in Goods; Performance of
the Contract of Sales; Unpaid Seller and his Rights, Sale by Auction; Hire Purchase Agreement.
Consumer behaviour: Utility approach , A brief outline of law of diminishing marginal
utility and law of equi-marginal utility. Indifference curve approach: Consumer equilibrium,
income, price and substitution effects. Law of demand, derivation of law of demand based on
utility analysis and indifference curve analysis; Elasticity of Demand Concept, Price elasticity of
demand and its measurement.
Concept of Production Function, Breakeven Analysis, Profit Forcasting in short run. Law
of Variable Proportions, Returns to scale, Internal and external economics and diseconomies.
Concept of Total, Average and Marginal Revenue and Elasticity of Demand. Isoquant technique
and producer's equilibrium. Price determination under prefect competition, monopoly and
monopolistic competition and oligopoly.
1. M.L. Seth : Principles of Economics
2. Stonier and Hague : A Text Book of Economics
3. ML Jhingan : Advanced economic theory: micro and macro economics
B.COM. PART-I (Ist Semester)
Computer: Introduction, Functions and Classification of Computer, Overview of
Software and Hardware, Input and Output devices, Computer Memory: RAM, ROM, Number
System and its Inter Conversion Introduction to Operating System, DOS and WINDOWS,
working with files and folder, Understanding the control panel, Opening and exiting Windows
applications, Copying and moving information between windows and learning other basic
functions of window 7.
Introduction to MS Word: Basic Features, Starting and exiting word, Creating Editing
and Saving a Word document, Inserting Pictures and Symbols, Working with text, creating a
Table, Formatting Documents, Previewing and Printing Documents.
Introduction to MS Power Point: Power Point Basics, Creating and Saving, Presentations,
Inserting Pictures and Graphics, Inserting slides from other Presentations, Slide Show View.
Introduction to MS Excel: Creating spread sheets by entering text formulas and numbers.
Introduction to financial functions in Excel, Making Graphs in Excel, Sorting data in Excel,
Conditional calculation using IF, IF... AND, if Or, Basic introduction to Internal and its
applications: Search Engines and email.
1. Microsoft Office 2000 Complete: BPB Publication.
2. Alexis Leon, Mathews Leon : Introduction to Computers with MS Office
2000, Tata McGraw
3. Implementing Tally: BPB Publication
4. PC Complete, BPB Publications
5. Jana Calabria : Windows 98-6in I, Prentice Hall
B.COM. PART-I (Ist Semester)
It will consist of essay type questions. Four questions shall be set by the examiner from
Unit-I of the syllabus and the candidate shall be required to attempt two. Each question shall
carry 9 marks; total weight of the section shall be 18 marks.
It will consist of essay type questions. Four questions shall be set by the examiner from
Unit-II of the syllabus and the candidate shall be required to attempt two. Each question shall
carry 9 marks; total weight of the section shall be 18 marks.
It will consist of 10 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 8 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks; total
weight of the section shall be 24 marks
Typerwriter- Its use and importance, a standard typewriter, Makes and categories of typerwriters.
Essential parts of a typerwriter and their use. Care and upkeep of a typerwriter. Ribbon changing and
ribbon economy, Methods of typewriting, Touch, Singht.
Horizontal, Vertical, Keyboard Operation, Need for proper type and size of tables and chairs for use by
typist. sitting postures, Material required, Injection and removal of paper, Learning the second row (Home
row) (guide keys and keys), Learning the third row (upper row).
Introduction- Origin of Shorthand with particular emphasis on Petman Shorthand, definition and
importance of stenography, qualities of a successful stenographer, writing techniques and materials.
Consonants : Definition, number, forms, classes, size, thickness, directions and joining strokes.
1. Practising Second row, third row, first row and fourth row.
2. Practising words, sentences, paragraphs and passages.
3. Use of Shift Keys and other non-character keys.
4. Typerwriting special symbols of the key Board and Punctuation marks.
1. Different kinds of drills for typing.
2. Graded Speed Test leading to accurate speed of about 30 w.p.m.
3. Typing of passages each containing 300 words in the ten minutes.
Alternative handwords, balanced handwords, same letters in different words, drills of common
words, drills of alphabetical sentences and words division drills.
1. Centering – Horizontal and Vertical.
2. Ensuring proper margining ; lines spacing.
3. Typing of different types of Headings including spaced heading.
1. Typing exercises of personal, official and business letters in different style with proper
2. Typing of applications for jobs.
3. Addressing the envelopes.
4. Using Carbon papers for taking out Multiple copies.
B.COM. PART-I (Ist Semester)
Taxation: Meaning, features, objectives, tax structure and its measure for its
improvement, Central and State Powers of taxation, Distribution of revenues between Centre and
States, Single vs, multiple tax system; Proportional vs. Progressive taxes; Arguments for and
against progressive taxation.
Direct and indirect taxes: Meaning kinds, merits and demerits.
Agriculture taxation in India: Meaning, agricultural income with non-agricultural income
for income taxation and revenue.
Direct taxes of the Central Government-Income Tax, Wealth Tax, Interest Tax Act, 1974
with effect from 1.4.1993, Expenditure Tax Act, 1987. Indirect taxes of Central Government -
Central Excise, Customs Duty, Central Sales Tax.
Taxes of the State Governments- taxes on sale and purchase of goods; tax on land and
building; Octroi duty; tax on profession, trade and business toll tax; tax on motor vehicle,
transportation; tax on advertisement; tax on luxries, entertainment and amusements; tax on
betting and gambling; tax on electricity; tax on animal; stamp duty.
B.COM. PART-I (Ist Semester)
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
Introduction to risk and insurance-Risk and the treatment of risk Recent changes in
Insurance Sector. The structure and operation of the insurance business: Insurance contract
Fundamentals, underwriting, rating, reinsurance and other functions.
General Insurance Corporation and other Insurance Institutions. Working of GIC in India;
Type of risks assumed and specific policies issued by ECGC.
Health Insurance: Individual health insurance, Group health Insurance, Insurance
marketing, Insurance Claim Settlement.
Motor Insurance: Multi line and All-lines Insurance such as Rural Insurance, Hull
Insurance etc.
General Insurance by Bickekhaupt and Magee, Published by Richard D. Irwin, Inc/,
Homewood, IIIinois, Irwin-Dores Limited: Gcorgetown, Ontario
B.COM. PART-I (Ist Semester)
Memories : RAM, ROM, Cache, Storage Device : Floppy disk, Hard disk, Compact disk,
DVD Computer Languages : Machine Language, Assembly Language, High Level Language,
4GL, Translators-Interpreters, Compliers, Assemblers. Operating System : Functions of
Operating System, Types-Batch, Multiprogramming, Timesharing.
1. P.K. Sinha and P. Sinha, Foundations of Computing, First Edition, 2002, BPB.
2. Turban Mclean and Wetbrete, Information Technology and Management, Second Edition,
2001, John Wiley & Sons.
3. Satish Jain, Information Technology, BPB, 1999.
4. Sanders, D.H., Computers Today, McGraw Hill, 2001
Add on Courses - Common For B.A/B. COM
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
Common For B.A/B. COM
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
Office organisation, relation of office to general business, modern office, concept of
office management, functions, organization and control of office routine, Centralised and
decentralised office, office accommodation and layout, office environment, Departments of
modern office.
Office Systems and Procedures, Role of Office Manager in Systems and Procedures,
Office Machines and equipment, Office Stationery and Supplies.
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
Introduction to Computer, Software and hardware, input and Output Devices, Computer
Memory, Introduction to Operating System, Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2000-Creating
spreadsheets by interning text, formula and number making graph in Excel, Using financial
functions in Excel, Conditional Calculations in Excel.
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
Taxation Meaning, Characteristics, Aims and Objectives, Indian Tax Structure Single Vs.
Multiple Tax System, Proportional Vs Progressive Texas.
Kinds of Taxes : Direct and Indirect Taxes- Meaning, Merits and Demerits.
Income Tax Act 1961- Basic Concept, Capital and Revenue, Basis of Charge, Heads of Income-
Salary, Income from House Property.
B.COM. PART-I (IInd Semestert)
4H Gkr n^1 fe;/ ftP/ s/ fuZmh$gZso fbyD bJh fejk ikt/rk. (fszB ftZu'A fJZe)& 4 nze
n^2 d/ d'tK GkrK ftu'A fJe^fJe gqPB g[ZfSnk ikt/rk ns/ ftfdnkoEh B/ d'tK
ftu'A fJe gqPB eoBk j't/rk. 5 nze
5H Gkr ^J ftu gkm g[;se tkose ftt/e ns/ ftnkeoD tkb/ Gkr ftZu'A ;zy/g T[~soK
tkb/ 15 (gkm g[;se tkose ftt/e ftZu'A 7 ns/ ftnkeoD ftu'A 8) gqPB
g[ZS/ ikDr/. ftfdnkoEh B/ ;ko/ gqPBK d/ ;zy/g T[~so d/D/ j'Dr/.
jo/e gqPB dk 1 nze j't/rk . 15%1&15 nze
;jkfJe gkm-;wZroh
1H joehos f;zx, Gk;ak ftfrnkB ns/ gzikph Gk;ak, pkjoh gpfb;aoia, fdZbh, 1973H
2H pbd/t f;zx uhwk, gzikph Gk;ak ftfrnkB ns/ ftnkeoB (seBheh ;apdktbh dk ft;ak e';a),
gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk, 2000H
3H p{Nk f;zx pokV, gzikph ftnkeoB L f;XKs s/ ftjko, u/sBk gqek;aB, b[fXnkDk, 2008H
4H gq/w gqek;a f;zx, f;XKse Gk;ak ftfrnkB, wdkB gpfb;aoia, gfNnkbk, 2002H
5H gq/w gqek;a f;zx, gzikph Gk;ak dk ;q's s/ pDso, gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbk, 1996H
6H y'i gfsqek (fBpzX nze), gzikph :{Bhtof;Nh, gfNnkbkH
7H i'frzdo f;zx g[nko ns/ j'o, gzikph Gk;ak dk ftnkeoB, (.,.. ns/ ...), gzikph Gk;ak nekdwh,ibzXo.
8H ;[yftzdo f;zx ;zxk, gzikph Gk;ak ftfrnkB, gzikph Gk;ak nekdwh, ibzXo, 1999H
B.COM. PART-I (IInd Semester)
B.COM. PART-I (IInd Semestert)
a) One essay type question with an internal alternative on theme or summary 4 marks
b) Five short answer questions to be attempted out of the given eight from the prescribed
text in about 30 words each. 5 marks
Q2. Report Writing
The student may be asked to write a report on any of the following with an internal
a) Current trends
b) Event
c) Business Reports 4 marks
Q3. Acquiring Business Skills
The following topics are to covered
a) Leadership
b) Time Management
c) Goal Oriented Tasks
d) Stress Busters
e) Risk Initiative
f) Setting New Benchmarks
The student should be asked to attempt any one of the given three topics 4 marks
Q4. Language Usage
a) Use of tenses
b) Use of verbs
c) Use of relative clauses and connectives
d) Use of articles
e) Use of Preposition and Conjunction
The Students should be asked to attempt two sentences in each part from the given four
sentences 10 marks
B.COM. PART-I (IInd Semestert)
BC 203: e Accounting
It will consist of essay questions. Four questions, two theory shall be set by the examiner from
Unit-II of the syllabus and the candidate shall be required to attempt two. Each question shall
carry 10 marks; total weight of the section shall be 20 marks.
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
e Accounting: its meaning, Features, Limitations and Advanatges, Advantages of Manual
Accounting versus Computerised Accounting: Fundamental aspects, Modules and Auditing of
Computerised Accounting: Development of Computerised Accounting system, Computer
Programmes for Accounting, Methods of System Development, BRS in Computerised Sysytem
Financial Accounting Package - Tally. ERP 9.0: Introduction of Tally.ERP 9.0, Phases
of Implementation, configuring Tally, Accounts Management (using TALLY.ERP 9.0
Software Package) : Accounts Masters including creating and altering vouchers, Accounts
Transactions and preparing and printing Trial Balance and Final Accounts and Bank
Reconciliation Statement and other Accounts Reports. Preparation and Compilation of Complete
Balance Sheet of any Industries/ Organization/Firm as a project report.
1. Computerized Accounting by Bassett
B.COM. PART-I (IInd Semestert)
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
Negotiable Instrument Act 1881: Definition of negotiable instruments, Features;
Promissory Note: Bill of Exchange and Cheque; Holder and Holder in the Due Course; Crossing
of a cheque, Types of Crossing; Negotiation; Dishonour and discharge of negotiable instrument.
The Information Technology Act 2008, Objectives, Regulatory Authorities and
Penalities, Cyber Crime-Technical Aspects, Fraud Prevention.
The Consumer Protection Act 1986: Salient features, Grievance redressal machinery.
Environment Protection Act 1986: Objectives and Scope of the act, Regulatory Authorities,
Environment Pollution- Offences and Penalities; The Right to Information Act 2005 -
Definitions, Right to Information and Obligations of Public Authorities, The Central and State
Information Commission, Powers and Functions of the Information Commissions, Appeal and
B.COM. PART-I (IInd Semestert)
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
Introduction to Macro Economics and its importance, National Income: Concepts,
Methods and problems of measurement particularly in underdeveloped countries. Classical
theory of Employment and Say's Law of Market, Keynesian Theory of Income, Output and
Consumption function: Average and marginal propensity to consume, Psychological law of
consumption. Multiplier: Concept, Operation and Limitations; Investment Function: Concept,
Operation and Limitations and Marginal Efficiency of Capital; Inflation: Meaning, Types,
Causes & Effects. Trade cycles: Meaning & phases.
1. M.L. Seth : Principles of Economics
2. Stonier and Hague : A Text Book of Economics
3. ML Jhingan : Advanced economic theory: micro and macro economics
B.COM. PART-I (IInd Semestert)
Index numbers: Need, definition and limitations of Index numbers – simple and weighted
index numbers – Laspyer’s, Paasche’s and Fisher Index numbers, Criterion of ideal index
numbers, problems involved in the construction of index numbers.
Correlation: Meaning, types and measurement of correlation (Karl Pearson's methods and
Spearman's rank correlation).
Regression: Meaning, Regression Equation of X on Y and Y on X.
Forecasting Methods: Forecasting Concept, types and importance; General approach to
forecasting; Methods of forecasting; Forecasting demand; Industry Vs. Company sales forecasts;
Factors affecting company sales.
1. R.P. Hooda : Statistics for Business and Economics
2. S.P. Gupta : Statistics Methods
3. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor : Fundamentals of Applied Statistics.
B.COM. PART-I (IInd Semestert)
It will consist of essay type questions. Four questions shall be set by the examiner from
Unit-I of the syllabus and the candidate shall be required to attempt two. Each question shall
carry 9 marks; total weight of the section shall be 18 marks.
It will consist of essay type questions. Four questions shall be set by the examiner from
Unit-II of the syllabus and the candidate shall be required to attempt two. Each question shall
carry 9 marks; total weight of the section shall be 18 marks.
It will consist of 10 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 8 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks; total
weight of the section shall be 24 marks
Typewriting- Learning the first row (bottom row), Learning the fourth row (number row), Special signs
and symbols in the keyboard and their uses. Type of headings. Margin and line spacing, Use of
punctuation marks, Figures-Arabic and Roman, Paragraphs –type and styles, numbering, pagination,
Styles of typing different kinds of letters, Arrangements of tabular statements, Syllabification, foot-notes.
Computer : Introduction, functions and classification, Overview of Software and Hardware, Input and
Output devices, Computer Memory. Computer typing in MS Word 2000; Saving, copying and printing
documents, Formatting documents.
Shorthand- Grammalogues and Phraseography.
Grammalogues- definition of grammalogues and logogram, list of grammalogues, punctuation signs;
Phraseography- definition of phrase, how a phrase is written, qualities of a good phraseogram, list of
simple phrases.
1. Repeated Practice of consonants, writing each consonant from the text material with
particular attention to their formation, length, angle, size and direction;
2. Repeated practice of vowels, dipthongs, diphones and triphones by copying the text
materials and other printed shorthand books and reading book and same;
3. Repeated practice of grammalogues and phrases;
4. Repeated practice on use of circles, loops and hook;
5. Transportation from shorthand into longhand;
6. Dictation from unseen passage;
7. Variety of drills: shorthand from black-board, copying shorthand from black board, 'cold'
note reading 'delayed' writing, students dictate to the class from shorthand book, two
minute speeches by students, reading printed shorthand matter.
There will be dictation of 5 minutes and the candidate shall be required to type in 25 minutes.
B.COM. PART-I (IInd Semestert)
Central Sales-Tax Act, 1956 : Introduction, objects features, Dealer, declared goods,
goods, place of business, sale, sale price, turnover, interstate sale.
Principles for determining different categories of sales, Registration of dealers.
Levy and collection of Tax, kind of forms for availing the concessional rates.
Sales to the registered dealers against form C. Sales to the government against D form.
Punjab Value added Act : Introduction, features important terms and definitions,
Difference from Punjab Sales Tax, Incidence and levy of tax, Registration of dealers under
Punjab Value Added Tax.
Payment and recovery of tax, Refunds, liability to produce accounts, establishment of
information Collection Centres, Offences, Penalties Appeals and Revision.
B.COM. PART-I (IInd Semestert)
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
Introduction-Need for security against economic difficulties; Risk and uncertainty;
Individual value system; Individual Life Insurance. Nature and uses of Life Insurance; Life
Insurance as a collateral, as a measure of financing business continuation as a protection to
property, as a measure of investment.
Life Insurance and Salesmanship-Rules of agency; Essential qualities of an ideal
insurance salesman; Rules to convass business for prospective customers: After sale service to
policy holders.
1. Huebner, S.S. and Kenneth Black Jr. : Life Insurance (Prentice Hall Inc., Engle
Wood Cliffs, New Jersy).
2. Meher Robert L. : Life Insurance : Theory and Practice (Business
Publication, Taxas).
3. Meclean : Life Insurance
B.COM. PART-I (IInd Semestert)
It will consist of essay type questions. Four questions shall be set by the examiner from
Unit-I of the syllabus and the candidate shall be required to attempt two. Each question shall
carry 9 marks; total weight of the section shall be 18 marks.
It will consist of essay type questions. Four questions shall be set by the examiner from
Unit-II of the syllabus and the candidate shall be required to attempt two. Each question shall
carry 9 marks; total weight of the section shall be 18 marks.
It will consist of 10 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 8 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks; total
weight of the section shall be 24 marks
Concept of an Office : Purpose of an office, activities in an office, structure of an office, office
system, office manual, document flow management in an office.
Office Automation : Introduction, Today's office, need for office automation, its advantages,
disadvantages and office automation tools.
Office Automation Technology : Office equipment, workstation communication and
convergence of technologies.
Windows : Installing WINDOWS with set-up, starting and quitting WINDOWS, basic elements
of WINDOWS, working with menus dialogue boxes, window applications, program manager,
file manager, print manager, control panel, write, paint brush, accessories including calculator,
calendar, clock, card file, note pad, recorder etc.
Power Point : Making presentations, Inserting objects, narration.
MS Word : Salient features of MS WORD, file, edit, view, insert, format, tools, tables, window,
help options and all of their features, options and sub options etc., transfer of files between MS
WORD and other word processors and software packages.
Excel : Excel worksheet, data entry, editing, cell addressing ranges, commands, menus, copying
& moving cell content, inserting and deleting rows and column, column formats, cell protection,
printing, creating, displaying and printing graphs, statistical functions.
Add on Courses - Common For B.A/B. COM
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
Insurance Business in India- History and present scenario, Indian Economic policy and
its impact on insurance Business.
Present Administrative set up to GIC, LIC, provident Fund, Societies and other
organization doing insurance business, Machinery for decision making and used by insurance
organizations; statutory administrative provisions.
Insurance Act 1938, Life Insurance Corporation Act 1956, IRDA Act 1999, Consumer
Protection Act, 1986. General Motor Vehicles Act, Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation.
Regulations regarding insurance intermediaries.
Common For B.A/B. COM
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
Record Management importance, Record retention, Filing: Characteristics, Methods,
Modern Filing devices, Indexing, importance and types, Office Correspondence: Handling in
coming and outgoing mail.
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
Computerised Accounting, Introduction and Advantages, Computer Programs for
Accounting, Methods of System development. Source documents, Balancing Accounts on
Computers, Trial Balance and Final Accounts in computerised system, Bank reconcilation
statement in computerised system.
Detailed study of latest TALLY package regarding Journalising, Posting, Preparing Cash
Book, Trial Balance, Final Accounts and Book Bank Reconcilation Statement.
It will consist of 12 very short answer questions from entire syllabus. Students are
required to attempt 10 questions up to five lines in length. Each question shall carry 3 marks;
total weight of the section shall be 30 marks
Profits and Gains from Business and profession, Capital Gains, Income from other
sources, Calculation of Gross Total Income in case of Individual H.U.F. and Firm.
Central Excise Act 1944- Central Excise Duty : Nature, Scope, Important Terms and
Definitions Classification of Excisable Goods, Valuation of Excisable Goods, Registration in
Central Excise, Administrative set-up of Excise Department, Assessment procedure, Clearance
of Excisable Goods, CENVAT, Records, Return and Bonds under Central Excise.