1. Which one of the following does not belong 1) The element whose inorganic minerals are
to alkaline-earth metals? not much abundant in earth crust:
(a) Be (b) Ra
a) Li b) N
(c) Ba (d) Rn c) Na d) O
2. The oxides of beryllium are 2) One of the following is applied on walls as
(a) acidic (b) basic white wash: (LHR-2011)
(c) amphoteric (d) none of these a) Lime water b) Milk of lime
3. Which ion will have the maximum value of c) Milk of magnesia d) Lime stone
heat of hydration? 3) Which one of the following does not belong
(a) Na+ (b) Cs2+ to alkaline earth metals?
(c) Ba2+ (d) Mg2+ (LHR-2012-I, 2017), (DGK-13, 18),
4. Which one of the following is not an alkali (MTN-15, 17, 18), (GRW-15),
metal? (FSD-14, 17, 18)
(a) Francium (b) Caesium a) Be b) Ra
(c) Rubidium (d) Radium c) Ba d) Rn
10 | Page Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) Chemistry [Part-II]
4) Dolomite is: (LHR-2012-II) 14) The element deposited at Cathode during
a) CaCO3 b) MgCO3.CaCO3 electrolysis of brine in Diaphragm Cell is:
c) MgCO3 d) Na2CO3 (BWP-2016), (FSD-14), (DGK-15), (SGD-18)
5) Which of the following sulphates is not a) Cl2 b) Na
soluble in water? (LHR-2013-I) c) O 2 d) H2
a) Sodium sulphate 15) Borax has the chemical formula:
b) Potassium sulphate (BWP-2017)
c) Zinc sulphate a) KNO3 b) NaNO3
d) Barium sulphate c) Na2B4O7.10H2O d) Na2CO3.H2O
6) Which is not an alkali metal?(LHR-2012-II), 16) Elements of group IIA are called :
(SGD-13), (DGK-16), (SAH-17), (RWP-18) (FSD-2014)
a) Francium b) Caesium a) Alkali metals
c) Rubidium d) Radium b) Alkaline earth metals
7) Which element has lowest melting point? c) Coinage metals d) Halogens
(LHR-2014-I) 17) The word alkali is derived from which
a) Beryllium b) Magnesium language? (RWP-2016)
c) Calcium d) Barium a) Arabic b) Greek
8) Elements of group IA are called: c) French d) German
(LHR-2014-II) 18) Down’s cell is used to prepare: (DGK-2011)
a) Alkali metals b) Metalloids a) Sodium metal b) Na2CO3
c) Calcium d) Barium c) Na2CO3 d) NaHCO3
9) The mineral CaSO4 . 2H2O has the general 19) Beryllium reacts with sodium hydroxide to
name: (BWP-14), (LHR-2016-I), form: (DGK-2012)
(MTN-16, 18), (SGD-16) a) BeO + NaH b) Na2BeO2 + H2
a) Dolomite b) Gypsum c) BeO2 + H2 d) Be (OH)2 + Na
c) Calcite d) Epsom salt 20) Natron has the chemical formula:
10) Which ion will have the maximum value of (DGK-2015-II)
heat of hydration? (FSD-13), a) NaNO3 b) KNO3
(LHR-2017), (GRW-17), (BWP-15, 17) c) Na2CO3.H2O d) CaCO3
a) Na+ b) Cs2+ III) From Entry Test:-
c) Ba2+ d) Mg2+
(1) Magnesium is present in:
11) The oxides of beryllium are: (GRW-2014)
(a) Ascorbic acid (b) Cyanocobaltamine
a) Acidic b) Basic
(c) Chlorophyll (d) Haemoglobin
c) Amphoteric d) None of these
(2) What is the composition of Witherite?
12) Chile saltpeter has the chemical formula: (a) BaSO4 (b) BaCO3
(GRW-2016), (LHR-10, 14, 15, 19), (c) SrSO4 (d) Na2CO3.10H2O
(BWP-14), (DGK-17), (RWP-18) (3) Which one of the following is not an alkali
a) NaNO3 b) KNO2 metal?
c) Na2B4O7 d) Na2CO3 (a) Fr (b) Cs
13) ______ elements is not present abundantly (c) Rb (d) Ra
in Earth’s crust: (MTN-2017) (4) Beryllium metal is as hard as:
a) Silicon b) Aluminium (a) Fe (b) Cu
c) Sodium d) Oxygen (c) Zn (d) Diamond
Chemistry [Part-II] Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) 11 | Page
A strong alkali NaOH and a weak acid H2CO3
SECTION II are formed. Due to formation of NaOH, solution
SHORT QUESTIONS of Na2CO3 is alkaline in nature.
3. (i) Lithium carbonate is heated:
From Exercise:- ∆
Li CO → 2 3Li O + CO 2 2
QUESTIONS Lithium oxide
1. Compare the chemical behaviour of lithium with (ii) Lithium hydroxide is heated to red-hot:
magnesium. ∆
2LiOH → Li O + H O
2 2
2. Why the aqueous solution of Na2CO3 is alkaline Lithium oxide
in nature?
(iii)Beryllium is treated with sodium hydroxide:
3. What happens when: ∆
Be + 2NaOH → Na BeO + H
2 2 2
(i) Lithium carbonate is heated.
Sodium beryllate
(ii) Lithium hydroxide is heated to red-hot. (iv) Lithium hydride is treated with water:
(iii)Beryllium is treated with sodium hydroxide. ∆
LiH + H2O → LiOH + H2
(iv) Lithium hydride is treated with water.
Lithium hydroxide
4. Give formulas of the following minerals:
4. (a) Dolomite MgCO3 . CaCO3
(a) Dolomite
(b) Halite NaCl
(b) Asbestos
(c) Asbestos CaMg3 (SiO3)4
(c) Halite
(d) Natron Na2CO3 . H2O
(d) Natron
(e) Beryl Be3Al2(SiO3)6
(e) Beryl
(f) Sylvite KCl
(f) Sylvite
(g) Phosphorite Ca3(PO4)2
(g) Phosphorite
(h) Chile saltpeter NaNO3
(h) Chile saltpeter
5. (a) Alkali and alkaline earth metals are
5. Answer the following question briefly: electropositive because they can easily loose
(a) Why alkali and alkaline earth metals are one and two electrons from their valence
among the reactive elements of the periodic shell, respectively. Their electropositive
table? character and low ionization energy make
them reactive elements of periodic table.
1. As Li and Mg have diagonal relationship so they II) From Punjab Boards:-
resemble in chemical properties which are given
below: 1. Justify that BeO is amphoteric in nature.
(i) On heating in air, both Li and Mg form (GRW 2010), (BWP-18)
normal oxides. 2. Why lithium show peculiar behaviour?
(ii) Carbonates and phosphates of both Li and (LHR 2013)
Mg are insoluble in water.
3. Why alkali and alkaline earth metals are among
(iii)Both Li and Mg react with N2 to form the reactive elements of the periodic table?
(LHR 2012)
6Li + N2 → 2Li3N
3Mg + N2 → Mg3N2 4. Give advantages of Down’s cell. (LHR-2012-I)
(iv) Both Li and Mg give only monoxides Li2O 5. Write formulas of: (a) Beryl (b) Asbestos.
and MgO. (LHR-2015-I)
2. When Na2CO3 is dissolved in water 6. Write any two points of difference of Be with its
Na2CO3 + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2CO3 family members? (LHR-2016-GII)
12 | Page Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) Chemistry [Part-II]
7. What are the advantages of preparation of 4. We can face two major problems during the
Sodium by Down’s cell? (GRW-2015) working of Nelson’s cell:
8. Wite the formulas of soap stone and barite? (i) Chlorine produced can react with hydroxide
(MTN-2014) ions in cold giving hypo-chlorite ions.
9. Give the two major problems during the working − −
of a diaphragm cell. (MTN-2017) Cl 2(g) + 2OH aq → OCl aq Cl aq + H2 O
10. Give formulas of the following minerals: (ii) Hydroxide ions may be attracted towards
(RWP 14) anode, where they can be discharged
(a) Phosphorite (b) Chile saltpeter releasing oxygen gas. This oxygen gas may
11. BeO is amphoteric oxide. Show with two contaminate the chlorine and renders it
suitable reactions. (SGD-2016, 2017) impure.
ANSWERS 4OH− → 2H2O + O2 + 4e−
5. Advantages of process:
1. Generally oxides of metal are basic in nature. In (i) The metallic fog is not produced.
a group the basic character of the oxide increases (ii) Liquid sodium can easily be collected at
down the group with increase in the metallic 600ºC.
(iii)Material of the cell is not attacked by the
Being the 1st member of group IIA, beryllium products formed during the electrolysis.
show least metallic character in the group.
Therefore BeO is amphoteric in nature and it 6. (a) Beryl: Be3Al2(SiO3)6
reacts with both acids and bases. (b) Asbestos: CaMg3(SiO3)4
BeO + H2SO4 → BeSO4 + H2O 7. Beryllium is lightest member of series and
differes from group II−A elements.
BeO + 2NaOH → Na2BeO2 + H2O
(i) Beryllium is as hard as iron and can sratch
Sodium beryllate
2. In many of its properties, lithium is quite
(ii) Melting and boiling points of Be are higher
different from other alkali metals. It is due to the
than alkaline earth metals.
following reasons.
(iii)Be reacts with alkali forming sodium
(i) The atomic radius of lithium very small.
beryllate others don’t.
(ii) Due to greater nuclear attraction it is far
less electropositive than other alkali metals. Be + 2NaOH → Na2 BeO2 + H2
(iii) Due to high I.E, it is less reactive than 8. Preparation of lime mortar: lime mortar is
other members. prepared by mixing freshly slaked lime with
sand and water to form a thick paste. Mortar is
(iv) Li+1 has very small size and its nuclear
made by mixing by mixing slaked lime (one
charge is screened only a shell of two
volume) with sand (3or 4 volumes) and water to
make a thick paste. This material when placed
(v) Due to high electronegativity its between the stones and bricks hardens or sets,
compounds show more covalent character. thus binding the blocks firmly together. The
3. Reactivity of metals; equation for the chemical reactions that take
The reactivity of a metal depend upon the place when mortar hardens are:
tendency of metal to lose electron and the CaO + H2O → (Ca(OH)2
tendency to lose electron depend upon the
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2O
ionization energy.
Ca(OH)2 + SiO2 → CaSiO3 + H2O
Due to low values of ionization energies alkali
and alkaline earth metals have strong tendency to 9. (i) Metallic fog is not produced.
lose electrons. Hence alkali and alkaline earth (ii) liquid suction can be easily called at 600°C.
metals are among the most reactive elements of (iii) The material of the cell is not attached by
the periodic table. the products during electrolysis.
Chemistry [Part-II] Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) 13 | Page
10. Soap stone (talc) H2 Mg3 (SiO3)4 7. Lithium differs from other group IA elements in
Barite BaSO4 many ways. Give four main points of difference.
11. Problems During Working of Cells: (SGD-2013)
Chlorine produced can react with hydroxide ions 8. Explain peculiar behaviour of Be. (SGD-2016)
giving hypochlorite ions. 9. Give any eight differences of lithium from other
− − − alkali metals. (SGD-2017)
Cl2 + 2OH → OCl + Cl + H2O
Hydroxide ions may be attracted towards anode 10. Write four points of differences between
where they can be discharged releasing oxygen beryllium and its group. (SAH-2014),
gas which contaminate the chlorine and renders (LHR-14, 18), (GRW-14, 18),
it impure. (FSD-15), (DGK-15),
− −
4OH →2H2O + O2 + 4 e (SGD-16, 18), (MTN-17)
12. (a) Phosphorite Ca3(PO4)2 11. Discuss the peculiar behaviour of Lithium with
(b) Chile saltpeter NaNO3 respect to the other members of alkali metals
13. Generally oxides of metal are basic in nature. In (any eight). (SAH-2017), (LHR-13),
a group, the basic character of the oxide (BWP-17), (FSD-17), (SGD-17), (RWP-18)
increases down the group with increase in the
metallic character.
Being the 1st member of group IIA, beryllium Chapter — 3
shows least metallic character in the group.
Therefore, BeO is amphoteric in nature and it
reacts with both acids and bases. GROUP III A AND GROUP IV A
BeO + 2NaOH → Na2BeO2 + H2O
Sodium beryllate
Multiple Choice Questions
I) From Exercise:-
LONG QUESTIONS 1. Which metal is used in the Thermite process
because of its activity?
1. Describe the manufacture of NaOH by
diaphragm cell. (LHR-2013-II) (a) Iron (b) Copper
2. State chemical properties of alkali metals. (c) Aluminium (d) Zinc
(GRW-2010) 2. Aluminium oxide is:
3. What is Nelson’s cell? Draw its diagram and (a) Acidic oxide
show its working. (GRW-2013), (LHR-12) (b) Basic oxide
4. Describe commercial method for preparation of (c) Amphoteric oxide
sodium hydroxide by diaphragm cell. (d) none of these
(MTN-2015), (DGK-18) 3. Chemical composition of colemanite is:
5. Describe commercial preparation of sodium (a) Ca2B6O11.5H2O
hydroxide by diaphragm cell. (FSD-2014) (b) CaB4O7.4H2O
(c) Na2B4O7.4H2O
6. Explain the preparation of sodium metal by
(d) CaNaB5O9.8H2O
Down’s cell. (RWP-14, 15, 16, 18),
4. Which element forms an ion with charge +3?
(DGK-11), (FSD-13), (BWP-15), (a) Beryllium (b) Aluminium
(GRW-11, 15), (MTN-16, II-18), (LHR-17) (c) Carbon (d) Silicon
14 | Page Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) Chemistry [Part-II]
5. Which electronic configuration corresponds 4) Kaolin is a mineral of: (LHR-2014-I)
to an element of Group-IIIA of the periodic a) Carbon b) Magnesium
table: c) Silicon d) Aluminium
(a) ls2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p1
5) Which of the following elements is not
(b) ls2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p6,4s2 present abundantly in earth's crust?
(c) ls2,2s2,2p6,
(LHR-2017), (MTN-17, 18)
(d) ls2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p3
(a) Silicon (b) Aluminium
6. Which element among the following belongs
to Group IVA of the periodic table: (c) Sodium (d) Oxygen
(a) Barium (b) Iodine 6) Basic lead chromate is formed when lead
chromate is boiled with: (GRW-2010)
(c) Lead (d) Oxygen
a) Dilute alkali b) Dilute acid
7. Boric acid cannot be used:
c) Strong alkali hydroxide d) Strong acid
(a) as antiseptic in medicine
7) Orthoboric acid when heated to red hot
(b)for washing eyes
gives: (GRW-2011)
(c) in soda bottles
a) Boric anhydride b) Pyroboric acid
(d) for enamels and glazes
c) Metaboric acid d) Tetraboric acid
8. Which of the following elements is not present
8) The chief ore of Aluminum is: (GRW-2015),
abundantly in earth's crust?
(SGD-16), (BWP-14), (MTN-18)
(a) Silicon (b) Aluminium
a) Na3AlF6 b) Al2O3.2H2O
(c) Sodium (d) Oxygen
c) Al2O3 d) Al2O3.H2O
9. Tincal is a mineral of:
9) Tincal is a mineral of: (GRW-2016, 2017),
(a) Al (b) B
(DGK-13), (LHR-12, 16), (BWP-14, 17)
(c) Si (d) C
a) Al b) B
10. The chief ore of aluminium is:
c) Si d) C
(a) Na3AlF6 (b) Al2O3.2H2O
10) The element having less than four electrons
(c) Al2O3 (d) Al2O3.H2O
in its valence shell but it is not a metal :
II) From Punjab Boards:- (MTN-2013)
a) B b) A1
1) Boric acid cannot be used: (LHR-2010),
c) Ga d) In
(AJK-16), (BWP-18)
11) Borax has formula: (BWP-2017)
a) as antiseptic in medicine a) KNO3 b) NaNO3
b) for washing eyes c) Na2B4O7.10H2O d) Na2CO3 . H2O
c) in soda bottles 12) Which among the following belongs to
d) for enamels and glazes group IVA of periodic table:(RWP-2017, 18)
2) Which element among the following belongs a) B b) Al
to Group IV A of the periodic table? c) Ga d) Tin
(LHR-2013-I) 13) Chemical composition of colemanite is :
(SGD-13, 18)
a) Barium b) Iodine
a) Ca2B5O. 5H2O b) Ca2B6O11.5H2O
c) Lead d) Oxygen
c) Na2B4O7. 4H2O d) CaNaB5O9
3) Which of the following element has lowest 14) Which is used in leather industry?
ionization energy? (LHR-2013-II)
a) Beryllium b) Boron a) Borax b) Boric acid
c) Carbon d) Oxygen c) Boricoxide d) Tetra boric acid
Chemistry [Part-II] Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) 15 | Page
15) Which of the following has highest boiling (7) Which metal is used in thermite process
point? (SGD-2014) because of its activity?
a) Al b) Si (a) Fe (b) Cu
c) P d) S (c) Al (d) Zn
16) Aluminium oxide is: (SGD-2017), (FSD-13), (8) Aluminium oxide is:
(SAH-18) (a) Acidic (b) Basic
a) Amphoteric b) Basic (c) Amphoteric (d) None of these
c) Acidic d) Neutral (9) Which element form an ion with charge +3?
(a) Be (b) Al
17) Which one of following is used in cosmetics?
(c) C (d) Si
(10) Which of the following elements is not
a) Talc b) Asbestos present abundantly in earth’s crust?
c) Sodium sulphate d) Aluminium sulphate (a) Si (b) Al
18) Which element forms an ion with charge +3? (c) Na (d) O
(DGK-2016), (MTN-14), (SGD-18) (11) Which of the following radicals give blue
a) Be b) Al colour (in cold and hot state) in oxidizing
c) Si d) C flame when subjected to Borax Bead test?
(a) Cu+2 (b) Co+2
19) Which metal is used in the thermite process +3
(c) Cr (d) Ni+2
because of its activity? (SAH-2017-II),
(12) Sulphur is not present in:
(LHR-13), (GRW-13), (MTN-15, 16),
(a) Onion (b) Garlic
(RWP-15), (FSD-17) (c) Egg (d) Fat
a) iron b) copper (13) Which is the formula of clay?
c) aluminium d) Zinc (a) Al2O3 . SiF4 (b) Al2O3
(c) Na2O3 . 2H2O
III) From Entry Test:-
(d) Al2O3 . 2SiO2 . 2H2O
(1) The colour of cobalt metaborate is: (14) BF3 acts as Lewis acid because it behaves as:
(a) Green (b) Blue (a) Free radical (b) Cationic specie
(c) Brown (d) Colourless (c) Electrophile (d) Nucleophile
(2) Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2O is formula of: (15) Elements which exhibits maximum
(a) Magnesite (b) Clay catenation property:
(c) Talc (d) Zeolite (a) C (b) Pb
(c) Ge (d) Sn
(3) Reaction of dil.H2SO4 on borax produces:
(a) HBO2 (b) B2O3 SECTION II
(c) H3BO3 (d) H2B4O7
(4) If saturated solution of Borax is allowed to SHORT QUESTIONS
crystallize above 62°°C, crystals obtained
From Exercise:-
(a) Decahydrate (b) Pentahydrate QUESTIONS
(c) Heptahydrate (d) Anhydrous 1. What is the action of an aqueous solution of
(5) H3BO3 is crystaline substance. Its shape is: borax on litmus?
(a) Hexagonal (b) Monoclinic 2. Give equations to represent the following
(c) Triclinic (d) Cubic reactions.
(6) Al is less dense than iron: (a) Borax is heated with CoO
(a) Two times (b) Three times (b) Al2O3 is heated with NaOH solution
(c) Four times (d) Five times 3. Why is aluminum not found as a free element?
16 | Page Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) Chemistry [Part-II]
4. How does orthoboric acid react with? 6. Give the names and the formulas of different
5. How will you convert boric acid into borax and acids of boron. (GRW 2011), (BWP 2014, 2017)
vice versa?
7. Give the names and the formulas of different
ANSWERS products formed by the thermal decomposition
1. The aqueous solution of borax is alkaline in of H3BO3. (GRW 2010)
nature due to the formation of strong alkali
(NaOH) 8. How Al finds its uses in metallurgy and
Na2B4O7 + 7H2O → 2NaOH + 4H3BO3 photoflash bulbs? (LHR 2011)
Strong base Weak acid 9. Define metalloid. Give reaction of a metalloid of
Therefore, in the solution of borax red litmus group III-A with oxygen. (LHR 2011)
becomes blue. 10. Write formulas for Bauxite and Corundum.
2. (a) Borax is heated with CoO: (LHR-2013-I)
Na2B4O7+CoO→ Co(BO2)2+2NaBO2 11. How will you convert boric acid into borax and
vice versa? (LHR-2013-II)
(b) Al2O3 is heated with NaOH solution:
12. Write the reactions of boric acid with:
Al2O3+2NaOH → 2NaAlO2 + H2O (LHR-2014-I, 2017)
3. Aluminum does not exist in free state because it (i) Ethyl alcohol (ii) NaOH
is a highly reactive metal. It is third most 13. Write down chemical formulas of colamanite
abundant element of earth crust and mostly and Bauxite. (LHR-2017)
found in the form of aluminosilicates. 14. Point out how boron is different from its own
4. (a) Sodium hydroxide: group?
4H3BO3+2NaOH → Na2B4O7+7H2O 15. How does H3BO3 act on acid? (MTN-2016)
(b) Ethyl alochol: 16. Write the names and chemical formulas of four
boric acids. (BWP-2014, 2017)
17. Under what conditions Aluminium corrodes?
5. (i) Boric acid into borax:
4H3BO3+2NaOH → Na2B4O7+7H2O 18. How carbon behaves differently from other
(Borax) members of its own group? (LHR-2013)
(ii) Borax into boric acid: 19. Show that H3BO3 is monobasic acid.
Na2B4O7+H2SO4+5H2O→Na2SO4+4H3BO3 (LHR-2011), (DGK-13)
(Boric acid)` 20. Define metalloid. Give reaction of a metalloid of
group III-A with oxygen. (LHR-2011)
II) From Punjab Boards:- 21. Write two uses of borax. (LHR-2012-I),
1. What is tincal. How would you prove that its (GRW-13), (BWP-14, 18),
aqueous solution is alkaline in nature? (RWP-16, 18), (SAH-16), (SGD-17)
(LHR 2015, 2016), (RWP 2016), 22. Write formulas for Bauxite and Corundum.
(DGK 2017), (SAH 2014) (LHR-2013-I)
2. How can we prepare two different polymorphic 23. What is chemistry of Borax-bead test?
forms of borax. (GRW 2012) (LHR-2013-I),
3. What is the action of an aqueous solution of (DGK-17), (RWP-18), (MTN-18), (SGD-18)
borax on litmus? (SGD 2013) 24. How will you convert boric acid into borax and
4. Why are liquid silicones preferred over ordinary vice versa? (LHR-2013-II), (DGK-14),
organic lubricants? (FSD 2014), (GRW 2016), (GRW-15)
(LHR 2017), (DGK 2018), (BWP 2018) 25. Write the reactions of boric acid with:
5. How does borax serve as a water softening (LHR-2014-I, 2017)
agent? (SGD 2013) (i) Ethyl alcohol (ii) NaOH
Chemistry [Part-II] Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) 17 | Page
26. Write down chemical formulas of colamanite used in hydraulic breaks and other hydraulic
and Bauxite. (LHR-2017), (BWP-16) systems.
27. Point out how boron is different from its own Liquid silicones are preferred over ordinary
group? (GRW-2011) lubricants due to following two reasons.
28. In what respects Carbon behaves differently. i) If the temperature is dropped from 100°C to
(FSD-2014) 0°C the viscosity of petroleum oil may
29. Under what conditions Aluminium corrodes? increase about one hundred folds, whereas
that of silicone oil will increase less than four
ANSWERS ii) In the presence of air or oxygen at
1. Tincal: temperature as high a 300°C, silicones oils
Borax is the sodium salt of tetraboric acid. remain free from acid formation, oxidation
(Na2B4O7.10H2O). It occurs as a natural deposit and similar phenomena, which frequency
called “tincal” in the dried up takes of Tibet and limit the usefulness of petroleum products.
California. 5. Borax as a water softening agent;
Borax when dissolved in water, hydrolyses as.
“Water containing higher amounts of soluble
Na2B4O7(aq)+H2O(l) →2NaOH(aq)+4H3BO3(aq) salts like CaSO4, MgSO4, Ca(HCO3)2 and Mg
In the reaction a strong alkali (NaOH) is (HCO3)2 is called hard water”.
produced, which completely ionized in water. On
the other hand, boric acid (H3BO3) is a weak acid The hardness of water can be easily removed by
and ionized to a little extent. Hence due to treatment with borax.
higher concentration of OH ions the aqueous When borax is added in hard water is ionizes to
solution of borax is alkaline in nature. give tetraborate ions, these ions react with
2. Polymorphic forms of borax; calcium and magnesium ions to form insoluble
Borax is a white, crystalline solid. If a hot tetraborates.
saturated solution of borax is allowed to + −2
crystallize above 62°C, octahedral rystals of Na2B4O7(aq) 2Na(aq) + B4O
pentahydrate, Na2B4O7 . 5H2O separate out.
(Na2B4O7 . 5H2O) = Octahedral +2 −2
Ca(aq)+ + B4O → CaB4O7(s) ↓
But if the solution of borax is crystallized below 7(aq)
62°C, monoclinic crystals of decahydrate +2 −2
Mg(aq)+ + B4O → MgB4O7(s) ↓
Na2B4O7.10H2O are formed. 7(aq)
(Na2B4O7 . 10H2O) = Monoclinic These insoluble tetraborates can be removed by
3. Borax (Na2B4O7), when dissolved in water filteration to get soft water.
hydrolyses as follows.
9. Boric acids;
Na2B4O7 + H2O → 4H3BO3 + 2NaOH
The reaction produces a weak acid (H3BO3) and a There are four important boric acids. There
strong alkali (NaOH). NaOH ionizes completely in names and formulas of different boric acids are
water producing Na and OH ions. -1 given as.
+ Name of the Empirical Molecular
NaOH(aq) Na(aq) + O − H(aq) acid formula formula
On the other hand boric acid (H3BO3) being a (i) Orthoboric H3BO3 (B2O3.
weak acid ionizes to a limited extent. So due to Acid, 3H2O)
higher concentration of OH-1 ions, the solution of (ii) Metaboric Acid, HBO2 (B2O3.
borax is alkaline in nature and turns red litmus H2O)
(iii) Tetraboric Acid, H2B4O7 (2B2O3.
4. Methyl silicones are oily liquids and are used as H2O)
lubricants in bearings, gears etc. They are also
18 | Page Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) Chemistry [Part-II]
7. Decomposition of boric acid; (a) Boron is the only element in group IIIA
When heated strongly, orthoboric acid swells to which is non-metallic in behaviour.
frothy mass losing water molecules. It is first (b) It is the only element with less than four
converted into metaboric acid, then to tetraboric electrons in the outermost shell which is not
acid and finally to boric anhydride. a metal.
100°C (c) It has ability to from molecular addition
H3BO3 → HBO2 + H2O
Metaboric Acid compounds.
140°C (d) The difference in the properties of boron and
4HBO2 → H2B4O7 + H2O those of the other members of the series is
Tetraboric Acid mainly due to the large difference in their
red hot
H2B4O7 → 2B2O3 + H2O sizes and ionization energies.
Boric anhydride 15. It is very weak acid and ionizes to a very limited
8. Aluminium is used in metallurgy because it extent mainly as a none basic acid
readily forms alloys with other metals like H3BO3 + H2O → [B(OH)4] + H+
copper, magnesium, nickel, cobalt and zinc. 16. • Orthoboric acid (H3BO3)
They are used to remove air bubbles from moltes • Metaboric acid (HBO2)
metals. ‘A’ burn in air at high temperature. This • Tetraboric acid (H2B4O7)
reaction causes evolution of heat and intense
• Pyroboric acid (H6B4O9)
white light so it is used in flash flight
17. The main conditions are as follows:
(i) Presence of moisture.
4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3 + Heat (ii) Presence of air or oxygen.
9. Metalloids: (iii)Presence of impurities.
The elements which have intermediate properties (iv) In this process, active metal (Al) corrodes
of both metals and non-metals are called rapidly while the other remain intact.
metalloids or semi-metals. 18. Carbon differs form the remaining members of
Metalloids are located around the diagonal line group IV-A in the following respects:
running from boron to astatine. (1) Carbon is non-metal but the other members
Reactions with Oxygen: are metalloid and non-metal.
They react with oxygen and form oxides. Oxides (2) Catenation or self linkage. Carbon has
of metalloids are amphoteric in nature. tendency to form long chains of identical
4B + 3O2 → 2B2O3 atoms.
4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3 (3) Carbon can form multiple bond with C, O, N.
4Ga + 3O2 → 2Ga2O3 H2C=CH2 , H−C≡N , O=C=O
4In + 3O2 → 2In2O3 19. Boric acid (H3BO3) is a weak acid and when it is
dissolved in water it ionizes to a very limited
10. Bauxite Al2O3.2H2O
extent as monobasic acid.
Corundum Al2O3
H3BO3 + H2O → [B(OH)4]− + H+
11. 4H3BO3 + 2NaOH → Na2B4O7 + 7H2O
20. Metalloids:
Na2B4O7 + 7H2O → 2NaOH + 4H3BO3 The elements which have intermediate properties
12. (i) Ethyl Alcohol: of both metals and non-metals are called
3C2H5OH+H3BO3→(C2H5)3BO3+3H2O metalloids or semi-metals.
(ii) NaOH: Metalloids are located around the diagonal line
2NaOH+4H3BO3 → Na2B4O7+7H2O running from boron to astatine.
13. Colemanite Ca2B6O11 . 5H2O Reactions with Oxygen:
Bauxite Al2O3 . 2H2O They react with oxygen and form oxides. Oxides
14. Boron is the first member of the group IIIA, it of metalloids are amphoteric in nature.
shows many dissimilarities with the members of 4B + 3O2 → 2B2O3
its own group. 4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3
Chemistry [Part-II] Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) 19 | Page
4Ga + 3O2 → 2Ga2O3 28. Unique behaviour of Carbon from other
4In + 3O2 → 2In2O3 members of IV-A.
21. (1) It is used to prepare borate glass, which is • Metallic Character:
heat resistant. Carbon is non-metal but others are
(2) It is used in softening of water. metalloids.
(3) It is employ in borax bead test, for the • Catenation:
detection of metallic cations. Carbon can form catenation but others do
(4) It is used in metallurgical operations. not.
(5) It is used as a flux in welding and metallurgy. • Multiple bonds:
22. Bauxite Al2O3.2H2O Carbon can form multiple bonds with other
Corundum Al2O3 Carbon atoms.
23. Chemistry of Borax Bead Test: 29. The main conditions are as follows:
Borax, when fused, is decomposed into sodium (i) Presence of moisture.
metaborate and boric anhydride. (ii) Presence of air or oxygen.
Na2B4O7 → 2NaBO2 + B2O3 (iii)Presence of impurities.
The metallic oxide formed from the substance, (iv) In this process, active metal (Al) corrodes
under examination, combines with B2O3 giving rapidly while the other remain intact.
the coloured metallic borates. With cupric oxide,
the beads are coloured blue in the oxidizing SECTION III
flame because cupric metal borates are blue in LONG QUESTIONS
CuO + B2O3 → Cu(BO2)2 (Blue bead) 1. How and under what conditions does aluminium
react with? (L:HR-2015-I)
CoO + B2O3 → CO(BO2)2 (Blue bead)
i. O2 ii. NaOH
With CoO, blue bead of cobalt metaborate is iii. H2SO4 iv. N2
2. Write down two methods for the preparation of
24. 4H3BO3 + 2NaOH → Na2B4O7 + 7H2O borax. Also explain the action of heat on borax.
Na2B4O7 + 7H2O → 2NaOH + 4H3BO3 (LHR-2015-II), (GRW-15)
25. (i) Ethyl Alcohol: 3. Write a note on aluminium silicate.
3C2H5OH+H3BO3→(C2H5)3BO3 + 3H2O (LHR-2016-II)
(ii) NaOH: 4. Write two preparations and two chemical
2NaOH + 4H3BO3 → Na2B4O7 + 7H2O reactions of Borax. (GRW-2016)
26. Colemanite Ca2B6O11 . 5H2O 5. Describe four points of peculiar behaviour of
Bauxite Al2O3 . 2H2O Boron. (MTN-2015)
27. Boron is the first member of the group IIIA, it 6. What is boric acid? Give its properties.
shows many dissimilarities with the members of (FSD-2015)
its own group. 7. (i) How will you convert boric acid into Borax
(a) Boron is the only element in group IIIA and vice versa? (RWP-2016)
which is non-metallic in behaviour. (ii) Explain that equeous solution of Borax is
(b) It is the only element with less than four alkaline in nature.
electrons in the outermost shell which is not 8. Give uses of borax. (DGK-2015)
a metal. 9. Give one method for the preparation of H3BO3.
(c) It has ability to from molecular addition How does it react with C2H5OH, NaOH, Na2CO3?
compounds. (DGK-2016)
(d) The difference in the properties of boron 10. (i) Explain Borax bead test with its chemistry.
and those of the other members of the series (DGK-2016-II)
is mainly due to the large difference in their (ii) Discuss effect of heat on Boric Acid.
sizes and ionization energies.
20 | Page Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) Chemistry [Part-II]
II) From Punjab Boards:-
Chapter — 4
1) At 18ºC the specific gravity of H2SO4 is:
ELEMENTS a) 1.891 b) 1.834
c) 2.101 d) 1.740
SECTION I 2) Among group V A elements, the most
electronegative is: (LHR-2012-I),
Multiple Choice Questions
(SGD-13), (RWP-15), (MTN-16), (FSD-17)
I) From Exercise:- a) Sb b) N
1. Out of all the elements of group VA, the c) P d) As
highest ionization energy is possessed by 3) When sugar is treated with conc. H2SO4 it
(a) N (b) P becomes black due to: (LHR-2013-I)
(c) Sb (d) Bi a) Decolourization b) Dehydration
2. Among group VA elements, the most c) Hydrolysis d) Hydration
electronegative element is
4) Laughing gas in chemically:
(a) Sb (b) N
(c) P (d) As (LHR-2013-II, 2019),
3. Oxidation of NO in air produces (FSD-13), (BWP-15), (DGK-16, 18),
(a) N2O (b) N2O3 (GRW-13, 17), (SAH-18), (SGD-18)
(c) N2O4 (d) N2O5 a) NO b) N2O
4. The brown gas formed, when metal reduces c) NO2 d) N2O4
HNO3 to 5) Which of the following is a reddish brown
(a) N2O5 (b) N2O3 gas? (LHR-2014-I), (GRW-14),
(c) NO2 (d) NO (AJK-16), (SAH-17)
5. Laughing gas is chemically a) N2O b) NO
(a) NO (b) N2O c) N2O5 d) NO2
(c) NO2 (d) N2O4
6) Oxidation of NO in air produces:(LHR-2016-I),
6. Out of all the elements of group VIA, the
(MTN-17, 18), (SGD-18)
highest melting and boiling points is shown
by the element a) N2O b) N2O3
(a) Te (b) Se c) N2O4 d) N2O5
(c) S (d) Pb 7) Which catalyst is used in contact process?
7. SO3 is not absorbed in water directly to (LHR-2017), (FSD-15), (SGD-16, 17),
form H2SO4 because (GRW-13, 16), (BWP-14), (SAH-18)
(a) The reaction does not go to completion. (a) Fe2O3 (b) V2O5
(b) The reaction is quite slow. (c) SO3 (d) Ag2O
(c) The reaction is highly exothermic. 8) Active nitrating agent during nitration is:
(d) SO3 is insoluble in water. (GRW-2010)
8. Which catalyst is used in contact process? +
(a) Fe2O3 (b) V2O5 a) NO3 b) NO2
(c) SO3 (d) Ag2O c) NO2 d) HNO3
9. Which of the following specie has the 9) The highest ionization energy is possessed
maximum number of unpaired electrons? by: (GRW-2011)
(a) O2 (b) O2+ a) Nitrogen b) Phosphorus
(c) O2-1 (d) O2-2 c) Bismith d) Antimony
Chemistry [Part-II] Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) 21 | Page
10) Which halogen will react spontaneously (2) When powdered sulphur is heated, it melts
with Au (s) to produce Au ? (GRW-2014) to a mobile liquid. On further heating, this
a) Br2 b) F2 liquid changes into a thick substances. The
c) I2 d) Cl2 best explanation for the second change is:
11) The most reactive allotropic form of (a) Formation of S8 ring of sulphur atoms
phosphorus is: (MTN-2014) (b) Breaking of S8 molecules and formation
a) White b) Red of chains of s-atoms
c) Black d) None (c) Change of S8 molecule to s-atoms
12) The brown gas formed, when metal reduces (d) Change of s-atoms to S8 molecules
HNO3 is : (MTN-2015), (RWP-18), (3) Formula of fuming sulphuric acid is:
(MTN-18) (a) H2SO4 (b) H2SO3
a) N2O5 b) N2O3 (c) H2SO4 + SO3 (d) None
c) NO2 d) NO (4) Nitrogen is chemically inert to all atoms at
13) Which of the following contain 48% room temperature except:
oxygen? (BWP-2014) (a) Mg (b) Ca
a) SiO2 b) BaCO3 (c) Al (d) Li
c) CaCO3 d) H2O2 (5) Which form of Phosphorus is more stable?
14) Which metal is rendered passive by HNO3? (a) White (b) Red
(SGD-2014) (c) Black (d) All
a) Pt b) Sn (6) Fuming nitric acid contains excess of:
c) Al d) Mn (a) NO (b) NO2
15) NO2 is called : (DGK-2011) (c) N2O3 (d) N2O5
a) Nitrogen peroxide (7) Which has the lowest boiling point?
b) Nitrous oxide (a) NH3 (b) PH3
c) Nitric oxide (c) AsH3 (d) SbH3
d) Nitric anhydride (8) Conversion of white P4 to red P is
16) Aqua regia contains HNO3 and HCl in the accelerated in the presence of:
ratio of (DGK-2012) (a) Fe (b) Ni
a) 1:1 b) 1:2 (c) Br2 (d) I2
c) 1:3 d) 3:1 (9) Which of the gas cannot be dried over conc.
17) What is %age of calcium phosphate in bone H2SO4?
ash? (DGK-2015-II) (a) SO2 (b) N2
a) 20 b) 40 (c) NH3 (d) H2
c) 60 d) 80
(10) Chemical composition of Fool’s gold is:
18) Which of the following specie has the (a) FeS (b) FeS2
maximum number of unpaired electrons?
(c) Fe2S3 (d) HgS
(11) Which one the following elements occur free
(a) O2 (b) O2+
in nature?
(c) O2-1 (d) O2-2
(a) Sb (b) As
III) From Entry Test:- (c) N (d) P
(1) Dehydration of formic acid in the presence (12) Which one of the following compounds is
of Al2O3 produces: not known?
(a) CO2 + H2 (b) CO + H2O (a) SbCl3 (b) NCl3
(c) CO + CO2 (d) None (c) NI3 (d) NCl5
22 | Page Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) Chemistry [Part-II]
(13) Yellow colour of Nitiric acid is due to the ANSWERS
presence of:
1. Nitrogen differ from other elements of its group
(a) NO2 (b) NO
in following properties.
(c) N2O (d) N2O4
i) Nitrogen is a gas while other elements are
(14) Gold dissolved in Aqua regia to give:
(a) AuCl2 (b) AuCl
(c) AuCl3 (d) None ii) Nitrogen have no allotropic forms while
other elements have allotropes.
(15) When red phosphorus is heated with HNO3
it forms: iii) The valence shell of nitrogen is restricted to
(a) H3PO4 (b) HPO2 octet due to absence of d-orbitals, while all
(c) H2PO3 (d) H3PO3 other can accommodate more than eight
electrons due to presence of d-orbitals.
(16) Which of the following is used at the tips of
match stick? iv) Nitrogen occur in free state in air, while other
(a) K2Cr2O7+S+White P elements cannot exist in free state.
(b) K2Cr2O7+K + S v) Due to greater electronegativity of nitrogen,
(c) S and K (d) Sb2S3 its hydride (NH3) is capable of forming
(17) What is the number of electrons present in hydrogen bonding. It is not present in
the valence shell of P in PCl3? hydrides of other elements of the group.
(a) 4 (b) 6 2. Aqua Regia:
(c) 8 (d) 2 A solution obtained by mixing one volume of
concentrated HNO3 and three volumes of
SECTION II concentrated HCl is called aqua regia or Royal
HNO3(conc)+3HCl(conc)→NOCl(aq)+ Cl2(g)+2H2O(l)
From Exercise:-
Aqua regia is employed to dissolve gold and
QUESTIONS platinum. The NOCl present in aqua regia
1. How does nitrogen differ from other elements of decompose to give NO and Cl2.
its group? NOCl → NO + [Cl]
2. Why does aqua regia dissolve gold and The liberated chlorine gas converts noble metals
platinum? such as gold and platinum into their water
3. Why the elements of group VIA other than soluble chlorides.
oxygen show more than two oxidation states?
Au + 3[Cl] → AuCl3
4. Write down a comparison of the properties of
oxygen and sulphur. Pt + 2Cl2 → PtCl4
5. Write down the equation for the reaction 3. Oxygen with atomic number 8 have following
between conc. H2SO4 and copper and explain electronic configuration.
what type of reaction is it. 2 2 2
8O = 1s .2s .2px .2py 2pz
1 1
6. Which metals evolve hydrogen upon reaction
Due to non availability of d-orbitals, the valence
with nitric acid? Illustrate along with chemical shell of oxygen is restricted to octet. Hence
oxygen shows oxidation state ±2, as it has two
7. What is meant by fuming nitric acid?
unshared electrons.
8. Give the advantages of contact process for the
manufacture of sulphuric acid. Except oxygen the other member of group VI A
9. Why is SO3 dissolved in H2SO4 and not in water? show more than two oxidation states i.e., +2, +4
10. Describe "Ring test" for the confirmation of the and +6 due to presence of empty d-orbitals.
presence of nitrate ions in solution. +2 oxidation state is shown due to 2 unpaired
11. NO2 is a strong oxidizing agent. Prove the truth electrons in the p orbitals.
2 2 6 2 2 1 1
of this statement giving examples. 16S=1s .2s .2p .3s .3px .3py .3pz (Ground state)
Chemistry [Part-II] Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) 23 | Page
+4 oxidation state is shown when 1 electron from Oxygen Sulphur
p-orbital is promoted to the next vacant d-orbital. 7. It does not react It is readily oxidized by
2 2 6 2 1 1 1 1
16S=1s .2s .2p .3s .3px .3py .3pz .3dxy (Excited state) with acids. conc. sulphuric acid or
+6 oxidation state is shown when another nitric acid.
electron from s-orbital is also promoted to the 8. It does not react It reacts with alkali solution
next vacant d-orbital. with alkalies. and forms sulphides and
2 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1
16S =1s .2s .2p .3s .3px .3py .3pz .3dxy .3dxz (Excited state)
4. COMPARISON OF OXYGEN AND SULPHUR; 9. It shows -2 It shows oxidation states
Similarities: oxidation state. of-2,+2,+4 and +6.
1. Both oxygen and sulphur have same outer 5. When Cu metal is reacted with hot concentrated
2 4
electronic configuration of ns np solution of H2SO4, it produce copper sulphate,
2. Both oxygen and sulphur are usually water and SO2.
divalent. Cu(s)+H2SO4(aq)→ CuSO4(aq)+2H2O(l)+SO2(g)
3. Both oxygen and sulphur exhibit allotropic The reaction of Cu metal with conc. H2SO4 is a
forms. redox reaction. In this reaction, Cu metal is
4. Both have polyatomic molecules, oxygen has oxidized from zero oxidation state to +2 in
diatomic O2 while sulphur has S2 and S8 CuSO4, and S is reduced from +6 oxidation state
molecules. in H2SO4 to +4 in SO2.
5. Both combine with metals in the form of O-2 6. Active metals like magnesium, calcium and
and S-2 with oxidation state -2. manganese (which have sufficiently high values
6. Both combine with non-metals and form of oxidation potential) liberate hydrogen gas on
covalent compounds, e.g, H2O and H2S, CO2 reaction with dil. HNO3.
and CS2, etc. Mg(s)+2HNO3(aq) → Mg(NO3)2(aq) +H2(g) ↑
7. Both are typical non-metals. Ca(s)+2HNO3(aq) → Ca(NO3)2(aq) + H2(g) ↑
8. Both are found in free and combined states Mn(s)+2HNO3(aq) → Mn(NO3)2(aq) + H2(g) ↑
on earth. 7. Fuming nitric acid;
Dissimilarities Concentrated nitric acid is a colourless volatile
liquid having pungent smell. When conc. HNO3
Oxygen Sulphur is mixed with nitrogen peroxide (NO2) gas it
1. There are two There are 3 allotropic forms a reddish colour liquid. (due to reddish
allotropic forms of forms of sulphur i.e. brown colour of NO2). This mixture fumes
Oxygen i.e. O2 and rhombic, monoclinic strongly in air and hence called an fuming nitric
O3. and plastic sulphur. acid.
2. It is gas at ordinary It is solid at ordinary 8. Advantages of contact process;
temperature. temperature. Sulphuric acid is manufactured commonly by
3. Oxygen is Sulphur is not soluble contact process. This process has the following
sparingly soluble in in water. advantages.
water. (i) Sulphuric acid obtained in contact process is
almost 100% pure.
4. Oxygen helps in Sulphur is itself
(ii) Sulphuric acid of any required concentration
combustion. combustible.
can be prepared.
5. It is paramagnetic It is diamagnetic in (iii)In contact process, final product is oleum
in nature. nature. (H2S2O7) which is an oil like substance. It is
6. It does not react When steam is passed relatively easy to handle during storage and
with water. through boiling transportation.
sulphur a little (iv) Catalyst used in contact process is V2O5
hydrogen sulphide and which does not mix with SO3 during
sulphur dioxide are oxidation of SO2 and is not attacked by
formed. poisons.
24 | Page Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) Chemistry [Part-II]
9. In contact process, the SO3 gas produced is 4. Discuss different allotropic forms of
dissolved in 98% H2SO4 to get oleum or phosphorous? (LHR 2011)
pyrosulphuric acid (H2S2O7). 5. How does nitrogen differ from other elements of
SO3(g) + H2SO4 → H2S2O7(l) its group? (SAH 2014 , 2017)
Oleum 6. Why does aqua regia dissolve gold and
Reason; platinum? (LHR 2011, 2017),
SO3 is not dissolved in water due to following (GRW 2011, 2015), (MTN 2013),
reasons. (BWP 2016), (FSD 2013),
(i) The reaction is highly exothermic. (RWP 2016, 2017), (SGD 2013, 2018),
(ii) Sulphuric acid fog is produced which is very (DGK 2012, 2013, 2017)
difficult to condense. 7. Why the elements of group VIA other than
(iii)SO3 is less soluble in water at high oxygen show more than two oxidation states?
temperature. (LHR 2013)
(iv) 100% pure sulphuric acid is not obtained. 8. Write down the similarities between oxygen and
10. Ring test; sulphur. (SGD 2014), (LHR 2019)
Ring test is performed for the confirmation of 9. Write down the dissimilarities between oxygen and
nitrate (NO3 ) radial. sulphur. (LHR 2013, 2014, 2017),
In the test freshly prepared FeSO4 solution is (GRW 2013), (DGK 2014, 2015), (FSD 2018)
added to the original solution of salt and then 10. Write down the equation for the reaction between
added conc. H2SO4 along the sides of the test conc. H2SO4 and copper and explain what type of
tube. A dark brown ring is formed at the junction reaction is it. (GRW 2016, SGD 2016)
of two layers. 11. Which metals evolve hydrogen upon reaction
Chemistry of Ring Test: with nitric acid? Illustrate along with chemical
The conc. H2SO4 liberates NO gas on reaction equations. (SGD 2016)
with salt solution. This gas (NO) combines with 12. What is meant by fuming nitric acid?
FeSO4 and form a complex called nitrosyl (MTN 2014), (DGK 2019)
ferrous sulphate, which forms brown ring. 13. Give the advantages of contact process for the
NO(g) + FeSO4(aq) → FeSO4 . NO manufacture of sulphuric acid. (DGK 2014)
(Brown ring) 14. Why is SO3 dissolved in H2SO4 and not in water?
nitrosyl ferrous sulphate (MTN 2013), (BWP 2014, 2017)
11. NO2 is a strong oxidizing agent and oxidizes H2S (FSD 2014, 2017), (RWP 2016, 2017),
to sulphur and ferrous sulphate to ferric sulphate (DGK 2014)
and KI to I2. 15. Describe "Ring test" for the confirmation of the
presence of nitrate ions in solution.(GRW 2010),
i. H2S(g)+NO2(g) → H2O(l) + S(s) + NO(s)
(DGK 2011, 2016), (SAH 2017)
ii. 2FeSO4(aq)+H2SO4(aq)+NO2(g)→Fe2(SO4)3(aq)+H2O(l) 16. NO2 is a strong oxidizing agent. Prove the truth
+NO(g) of this statement giving examples, (LHR 2015),
iii. 2KI(aq)+2NO2(g) → 2KNO2(aq)+I2(s) (MTN 2016, 2017), (FSD 2013),
(RWP 2014), (DGK 2017)
II) From Punjab Boards:- 17. Write down the chemical equations and names of
1. Explain the electron dot structures of nitrous acid the products formed as a result of the of reaction of
and nitric acid. (LHR 2013) HNO3 with arsenic and antimony. (MTN 2016)
2. Nitrous acid is a reducing as well as oxidizing 18. How nitrogen dioxide is prepared from:
agent justify giving chemical reaction. (LHR-2010)
(LHR 2012, 2015) (a) Lead Nitrate
3. What is laughing gas? (SAH 2014) (b) Cu+HNO3
Chemistry [Part-II] Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) 25 | Page
19. Justify that conc. H2SO4 acts as dehydrating 2. HNO2 as oxidizing agent;
agent by writing two equations. (LHR-2010, 19) When nitrous acid is reacted with strong
20. Give two reactions which show oxidizing reducing agents like HI and SO2, it act as an
behaviour of NO. (LHR-2012-II) oxidizing agent.
21. Give the name of four elements which do not 2HNO2(aq)+2HI(aq)→ 2NO(g) + 2H2O(l) + I2(s)
react with nitric acid. (LHR-2013-II) 2HNO2(aq) + SO2(g) → 2NO(g) + H2SO4(aq)
22. Write any four uses of nitric acid. (LHR-2014-I) HNO2 as reducing agent;
23. Justify that H2SO4 is a king of chemicals. Nitrous acid decolourizes acidified KMnO4
(LHR-2014-II) solution and bromine water. So it behaves as a
24. Give reaction of Cu with dil. HNO3 and conc. reducing agent.
HNO3. (GRW-2015) 2KMnO4(aq) + 3H2SO4(aq)+ 5HNO2(aq) →
25. Give four uses of sulphuric acid. (GRW-2014) K2SO4(aq)+ 2MnSO4(aq)+ 3H2O(l)+ 5HNO3(aq)
26. “N2O supports combustion”. Give two reactions HNO2(aq)+Br2(aq)+H2O(l) → 2HBr(aq)+
in favour of the statement. (GRW-2014), HNO3(aq)
(DGK-2018) 3. Laughing gas;
27. Give examples of two important oxyacids of Dinitrogen oxide or nitrous oxide is a colourless
nitrogen while giving their structures.(GRW-2010) gas with a faint pleasent smell, and is known as
28. How does orthoboric acid react with? (GRW-2010) “laughing gas”.
(a) Sodium hydroxide (b) Ethyl alcohol If mixture of nitrous oxide (NO2) with a little
29. Write the behaviour of Al with conc. HNO3? oxygen, is inhaled for a sufficiently long time it
produces hysterical laughter. Therefore it is
called as laughing gas.
30. Write down structure of N2O and NO2.
4. Allotropes of Phosphorous;
Phosphorous can exist in at least six different
31. Write two methods for preparation of dinitrogen solid allotropic forms, of which three are
oxide (N2O) (MTN-2014) important.
32. Describe ring test for confirmation of nitrate ions (i) White Phosphorous:
in solution? (BWP-2014)
White phosphorous is a very reactive, poisonous,
33. Give names and formulas of oxycids of volatile, waxy, yellowish white substance. It
phosphorus. (BWP-2016) exists in the form of tetra atomic molecules (P4),
34. How does HNO3 react with (a) Cu (b) Mn which have tetrahederal structure.
(FSD-2014), (GRW-2018 (ii) Red Phosphorous:
35. Give molecular structure of red phosphorous. How it Red phosphorous is much less reactive and less
is prepared from white phosphorous? (RWP-2014) poisonous than white phosphorous. It is prepared
36. Give reactions of conc. H2SO4 with oxalic acid by heating white phosphorous in the presence of
and formic acid. (RWP-2014) a little iodine or sulphur as a catalyst upto 250°C
ANSWERS in vacuum.
(iii) Black Phosphorous:
1. There are two important oxyacids of nitrogen.
i.e; Nitrous acid and Nitric acid. Black phosphorous is the third form which is
most stale under ordinary conditions. Black
There electron dot structures can be written as. phosphorous is prepared by heating red
(1) Nitrous acid O phosphorous to high temperature and pressure.
(HNO2) H O N 5. Nitrogen differ from other elements of its group
O in following properties.
(2) Nitric acid +
H O N − i) Nitrogen is a gas while other elements are
O solids.
26 | Page Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) Chemistry [Part-II]
ii) Nitrogen have no allotropic forms while 8. Similarities:
other elements have allotropes. 1 Both oxygen and sulphur have same outer
iii) The valence shell of nitrogen is restricted to electronic configuration of ns2 np4
octet due to absence of d-orbitals, while all 2. Both oxygen and sulphur are usually divalent.
other can accommodate more than eight 3. Both oxygen and sulphur exhibit allotropic
electrons due to presence of d-orbitals. forms.
iv) Nitrogen occur in free state in air, while other 4. Both have polyatomic molecules, oxygen has
elements cannot exist in free state. diatomic O2 while sulphur has S2 and S8
v) Due to greater electronegativity of nitrogen, molecules.
its hydride (NH3) is capable of forming 5. Both combine with metals in the form of O-2
hydrogen bonding. It is not present in and S-2 with oxidation state -2.
hydrides of other elements of the group. 6. Both combine with non-metals and form
6. Aqua Regia: covalent compounds, e.g, H2O and H2S, CO2
A solution obtained by mixing one volume of and CS2, etc.
concentrated HNO3 and three volumes of concentrated 7. Both are typical non-metals.
HCl is called Aqua regia or Royal water. 8. Both are found in free and combined states
HNO3(conc)+3HCl(conc)→NOCl(aq)+Cl2(g)+2H2O(l) on earth.
Aqua regia is employed to dissolve gold and 9. Dissimilarities
platinum. The NOCl present in aqua regia Oxygen Sulphur
decompose to give NO and Cl2. 1. There are two There are 3 allotropic
2NOCl → 2NO + Cl2 allotropic forms forms of sulphur,
The liberated chlorine gas converts noble metals Oxygen O2 and O3. rhombic, monoclinic and
such as gold and platinum into their water plastic.
soluble chlorides. 2. It is gas at ordinary It is solid at ordinary
2Au + 3Cl2 → 2AuCl3 temperature. temperature.
Pt + 2Cl2 → PtCl4 3. Oxygen is sparingly Sulphur is not soluble in
7. Oxygen with atomic number 8 have following soluble in water. water.
electronic configuration. 4. Oxygen helps in Sulphur is itself
8O = 2 2 2
1s .2s .2px .2py 2pz 1 1 combustion. combustible.
Due to non availability of d-orbitals, the valence 5. It is paramagnetic in It is diamagnetic in
shell of oxygen is restricted to octet. Hence nature. nature.
oxygen shows oxidation state ±2, as it has two 6. It does not react with When steam is passed
unshared electrons. water. through boiling sulphur a
Except oxygen the other member of group VI A little hydrogen sulphide
show more than two oxidation states i.e., +2, +4 and sulphur dioxide are
and +6 due to presence of empty d-orbitals. formed.
+2 oxidation state is shown due to 2 unpaired 7. It does not react with It is readily oxidized by
electrons in the p orbitals. acids. conc. sulphuric acid or
2 2 6 2 2 1 1 nitric acid.
16S=1s .2s .2p .3s .3px .3py .3pz (Ground state)
+4 oxidation state is shown when 1 electron 8. It does not react with It reacts with alkali solution
from p-orbital is promoted to the next vacant alkalies. and forms sulphides and
d-orbital. thiosulphate.
2 2 6 2 1 1 1 1
16S=1s .2s .2p .3s .3px .3py .3pz .3dxy (Excited state)
9. It shows -2 oxidation It shows oxidation states
+6 oxidation state is shown when another state. of-2, +2, +4 and +6.
electron from s-orbital is also promoted to the 10. When Cu metal is reacted with hot concentrated
next vacant d-orbital. solution of H2SO4, it produce copper sulphate,
2 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1
16S=1s .2s .2p .3s .3px .3py .3pz .3dxy .3dxz water and SO2.
(Excited state) Cu(s)+H2SO4(aq)→CuSO4(aq)+2H2O(l)+SO2(g)
Chemistry [Part-II] Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) 27 | Page
The reaction of Cu metal with conc. H2SO4 is a (iv) 100% pure sulphuric acid is not obtained.
redox reaction. In this reaction, Cu metal is 15. Ring test;
oxidized from zero oxidation state to +2 in Ring test is performed for the confirmation of
CuSO4, and S is reduced from +6 oxidation state nitrate (NO3-1) radial.
in H2SO4 to +4 in SO2. In the test freshly prepared FeSO4 solution is
11. Active metals like magnesium, calcium and added to the original solution of salt and then
manganese (which have sufficiently high values added conc. H2SO4 along the sides of the test
of oxidation potential) liberate hydrogen gas on tube. A dark brown ring is formed at the junction
reaction with dil. HNO3. of two layers.
Mg(s)+2HNO3(aq) → Mg(NO3)2(aq) +H2(g) ↑ Chemistry of Ring Test:
Ca(s)+2HNO3(aq) → Ca(NO3)2(aq) + H2(g) ↑ The conc. H2SO4 liberates NO gas on reaction
Mn(s)+2HNO3(aq) → Mn(NO3)2(aq)+H2(g) ↑ with salt solution. This gas (NO) combines with
12. Fuming nitric acid; FeSO4 and form a complex called nitrosyl
Concentrated nitric acid is a colourless volatile ferrous sulphate, which forms brown ring.
liquid having pungent smell. When conc. HNO3 NO(g) + FeSO4(aq) → FeSO4 . NO
is mixed with nitrogen peroxide (NO2) gas it (Brown ring)
forms a reddish colour liquid. (due to reddish nitrosyl ferous sulphate
brown colour of NO2). This mixture fumes 16. NO2 as oxidizing agent;
strongly in air and hence called an fuming nitric NO2 is a strong oxidizing agent and oxidizes H2S
acid. to sulphur, ferrous sulphate to ferric sulphate and
13. Advantages of contact process; KI to I2.
Sulphuric acid is manufactured commonly by i) H2S(g)+NO2(g) → H2O(l) + S(s) + NO(s)
contact process. This process has the following
ii) 2FeSO4(aq)+H2SO4(aq)+NO2(g) →
Fe2(SO4)3(aq) +H2O(l)+NO(g)
(i) Sulphuric acid obtained in contact process is
almost 100% pure. iii) 2KI(aq)+2NO2(g) → 2KNO2(aq) + I2(s)
(ii) Sulphuric acid of any required concentration 17. Metalloids like arsenic and antimony are
can be prepared. oxidized to their corresponding acids on reaction
(iii)In contact process final product is oleum with HNO3.
(H2S2O7) which is a oil like substance. It is Reaction with Arsenic:
relatively easy to handle during storage and As(s)+5HNO3(aq)→H3AsO4(aq)+5NO2(g)+ H2O(l)
transportation. Arsenic acid
(iv) Catalyst used in contact process is V2O5 Reaction with Antinomy:
which does not mix with SO3 during oxidation of Sb(s)+5HNO3(aq) → H3SbO4(aq)+5NO2(g)+H2O(l)
SO2 and is not attacked by poisons. Stibic acid
14. In contact process, the SO3 gas produced is 18. Preparation of NO2:
dissolved in 98% H2SO4 to get oleum or
(a) 2Pb(NO3)2 Heat
→ 2PbO + 4NO2 + O2
pyrosulphuric acid (H2S2O7).
(b) Cu+4HNO3→Cu(NO3)2 + 2H2O + 2NO2
SO3(g) + H2SO4 → H2S2O7(l)
19. H2SO4 as dehydrating agent:
Reason; (i) HCOOHConc.H → 2SO4
CO + H2O
SO3 is not dissolved in water due to following Conc. H SO
(ii) C2H5OH ———→ 2 4
reasons. 100ºC
(i) The reaction is highly exothermic. 20. 2HNO3 + NO → H2O + 3NO2
(ii) Sulphuric acid fog is produced which is very 6KMnO4+12H2SO4+10NO→6KHSO4+6MnSO4
difficult to condense. +10HNO3+4H2O
(iii)SO3 is less soluble in water at high 21. Gold(Au), Platinum (Pt), Titanium(Ti), Iridium
temperature. (Ir)
28 | Page Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) Chemistry [Part-II]
22. Uses of HNO3: (Ethyl borate)
(1) It is a good oxidizing agent. 29. Al is rendered passive by nitric acid due to
(2) It is used in the preparation of nitrogen formation of a film of its oxide over it.
fertilizers. 30. NO2:-
(3) It is used in the manufacture of explosive like N
TNT, nitroglycerine. O
(4) It is used to prepare organic dyes and N 2 O:-
varnishes. N N O
23. H2SO4 is called “king of chemicals”. The 31. • Dinitrogen oxide can be prepared by the
property of a country can be judged by the action of dil. HNO3 on metallic zinc.
production and consumption of H2SO4. It is due 4Zn+10HNO3(dil) → 4Zn(NO3)2+N2O)+5H2O
to the fact that H2SO4 is widely used for the • It is usually prepared by heating ammonium
manufacture of fertilizers, refining of petroleum, nitrate to about 200°C
electrolyte in the lead storage battery, for the NH4NO3 → N2O + 2H2O
manufacture of many dyes, drugs, plastics, paints 32. Ring test: It is used for the confirmation of
disinfectants, explosives, synthetic fibers in the nitrate radical. In this test add freshly prepared
leather industry, textile industry paper industry, FeSO4 solution to the aqueous solution of nitrate
metallurgy of iron and steel. salt. Then conc H2SO4 is added along this inside
24. Copper give nitric oxide with dilute acid and wall of test tube. A dark brown ring (FeSO4.No)
nitrogen dioxide with concentrated acid. is formed at the junction of two layers.
3Cu(s)+8HNO3(dil)→3Cu(NO3)2(aq)+2 NO(g)+4H2O(l) FeSO4 + NO → FeSO4.NO
Cu(s)+8HNO3(conc.)→Cu(NO3)2(aq)+2NO2(g) +2H2O(l) (brown ring) (Nitrosoferrous Sulphate)
25. Uses of H2SO4: 33. There are two oxyacids of phosphorus which are
given below:
(i) It is used in manufacture of fertilizers.
(ii) It is used as dehydrating agent. (i) Phosphorus acid (H3PO3)
(iii)It is used as electrolyte in the lead storage (ii) Orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4)
battery. 34. (a) 4HNO3+Cu → CO2 + 4NO2 + 2H2O
(iv) It is used in textile industry, metallurgy of (b) Mn + 2HNO3 → Mn (NO3)2 + H2
iron and steel.
35. The red phosphorus is prepared by heating white
26. N2O is not combustible but it helps in phosphorus in presence of little iodine or sulphur
combustion. For example: as catalyst upto 250°C in vacuum. Then
S + 2N2O(g) → SO2(g) + 2N2(g) phosphorous. It’s structure is
P4(s) + 10N2O(g) → P4O10(s) + 10N2 P P
27. Oxyacids of Nitrogen: There are two important P P P P
oxyacids of nitrogen, nitrous acid (HNO2) and P P
nitric acid (HNO3).
H−N H−O−N |
Conc. H2SO4
O O 36. COOH → CO2(g) + CO + H2O
Structure of HNO2 and HNO3.
Conc.H2SO4 CO + H O
28. Orthoboric Acid React with: HCOOH(aq) → (g) 2 (l)
(a) NaOH:
4H3BO3 + 2NaOH → Na2B4O7 + 7H2O
(b) Ethyl Alcohol:
1. Describe eight points of similarities of oxygen
H3BO3+3C2H5OH→ (C2H5)3BO3 +3H2O with sulphur. (LHR-2015-I)
Chemistry [Part-II] Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) 29 | Page
2. Describe Birkeland and Eyde’s process for the 6. Bleaching powder may be poduced by
manufacture of nitric acid. (LHR-2015-II), passing chlorine over
(FSD-15), (MTN-15), (DGK-15) (a) Calcium carbonate
3. How is nitric acid prepared industrially? Give all (b) hydrated calcium sulphate
equations involved. (DGK-2015) (c) Anhydrous calcium sulphate
4. Give four reactions of H2SO4 as an acid. (d) Calcium hydroxide
(RWP-2015) (e) Magnesium hydroxide
5. How Sulphuric acid is manufactured by contact 7. Which is the strongest acid?
process on industrial scale? (RWP-2016)
(a) HClO (b) HClO2
6. Write equations of the reactions of conc. HNO3
with HI, Sn, Cu, Zn. (SGD-2015) (c) HClO3 (d) HClO4
7. H2SO4 acts as an oxidizing agent and 8. Which halogen occurs naturally in a positive
dehydrating agent. Support your answer with oxidation state?
two examples each. (DGK-2015) (a) Fluorine (b) Chlorine
(c) Bromine (d) Iodine
9. An element that has a high ionization energy
Chapter — 5 and tends to be chemically inactive would
most likely to be:
THE HALOGENS AND THE NOBLE (a) an alkali metal
GASES (b) a transition element
(c) a noble gas
SECTION I (d) a halogen
Multiple Choice Questions 10. Which of the following represents the
I) From Exercise:- correct electronic configuration of the
outermost energy level of an element of zero
1. Which of the following hydrogen halide is
(VIIIA) group in the ground state?
the weakest acid in solution?
(a) HF (b) HBr (a) s2p2 (b) s2p4
(c) HI (d) HCl (c) s2p5 (d) s2p6
2. Chlorine heptaoxide (Cl2O7) reacts with II) From Punjab Boards:-
water to form:
(a) Hypochlorous acid(b) Chloric acid 1) Which one is true about melting points of
(c) Perchloric acid (d) Chlorine and oxygen halogens? (LHR-2013-I)
3. Hydrogen bond is the strongest between the a) Decrease down the group
molecules of: b) Increase down the group
(a) HF (b) HCl c) Remain same in group
(c) HBr (d) HI d) First increase then decrease down the
4. Which halogen will react spontaneously group
with Au(s) to produce Au3+? 2) Which hydrogen halide is the weakest acid
(a) Br2 (b) F2 in solution? (LHR-2013-II), (FSD-14),
(c) I2 (d) Cl2 (BWP-14, 15),(AJK-16), (DGK-16, 18),
5. The anhydride of HClO4 is? (MTN-16), (SGD-17, 18), (GRW-18)
(a) CIO (b) ClO2 a) HF b) HBr
(c) Cl2O5 (d) Cl2O7 c) HI d) HCl
30 | Page Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) Chemistry [Part-II]
3) Which of the following statement is correct?
III) From Entry Test:-
(1) Which of the following non-metals do not
a) Bond energy of F2 is less than Cl2 combine with Cl2, Br2, I2?
b) Bond energy of F2 is less than l2 (a) Carbon (b) Nitrogen
c) Bond energy of Cl2 is less than F2 (c) Oxygen (d) All of these
d) Bond energy of Cl2 is less than Br2 (2) Heat of hydration is maximum for:
4) Which halogen occurs naturally in a positive (a) F− (b) Cl−
oxidation state? (BWP-14), (GRW-10), (c) Br− (d) I−
(LHR-2016-I, 2017), (3) Which of the following halogen oxide is ionic
a) Fluorine b) Chlorine in nature?
c) Bromine d) Iodine (a) I4O9 (b) I2O5
(c) BrO2 (d) ClO3
5) The strongest acid is: (GRW-2011)
(4) Which of the following has maximum
a) HF b) HBr
vapour pressure?
c) HCl d) HI (a) HF (b) HCl
6) The anhydride of HClO4 is: (BWP-2017), (c) HBr (d) HI
(LHR-13), (GRW-16, 17), (5) Anhydride of HIO3 is:
(DGK-17), (MTN-17, 18), (BWP-18) (a) I2O3 (b) I2O5
a) ClO3 b) ClO2 (c) I O
2 7 (d) IO2
c) Cl2O5 d) Cl2O7 (6) Chemical composition of hypo is:
7) Which is the strongest acid? (DGK-13, 15), (a) Na2SO3 (b) Na2S2O3
(c) Na2S2O3.5H2O (d) Na2S2O3.3H2O
(FSD-2015, 2017, 18),(SGD-13, 15, 19),
(7) Which of the following halogen is in solid
(LHR-14, 15), (SAH-18), (RWP-18) form at room temperature:
a) HClO b) HClO2 (a) I2 (b) F2
c) HClO3 d) HClO4 (c) Br2 (d) Cl2
8) Which halogen will react spontaneously (8) Which of the halogens is most easily
with Au(s) to produce Au3+? (RWP-2017) reduced?
(a) Br2 (b) F2 (a) I2 (b) Br2
(c) I2 (d) Cl2 (c) F2 (d) Cl2
9) Bond angle of OF2 is : (DGK-2011) (9) What is the reason for lowest bond
dissociation energy of F2 among the
a) 180° b) 120° halogens:
c) 107° d) 105°° (a) Low I.E
10) Cl2O7 reacts with water to form: (DGK-2012) (b) Absence of d orbitals
a) HClO b) Chloric acid (c) Low lattice energy of salts
c) Per chloric acid d) Cl2 and O2 (d) Repulsion among non-bonding electrons
11) Which one is chlorous acid? (DGK-2015-II) (10) Which silver salt is sparingly soluble in
a) HClO b) HClO2
(a) AgF (b) AgBr
c) HClO3 d) HClO4
(c) AgCl (d) AgI
12) Which is the strongest acid? (SAH-2017-II), (11) All the halogens are coloured. The intensity
(SGD-2019) of the colour depends on:
a) HClO b) HClO2 (a) Valence electron(b) Atomic number
c) HClO3 d) HClO4 (c) Atomic mass (d) None of these
Chemistry [Part-II] Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) 31 | Page
(12) Oxidation state of Ca in Ca(OCl)Cl the oxidation state of the halogen increases, the
(bleaching powder) is: bonding electrons are shifted away from the H-
(a) +3 (b) +4 atom and tendency of the molecule to lose a
(c) +2 (d) +1 proton increases which ultimately increase the
(13) Which of the following has greater acidic character.
volatility? (b) The order of increasing oxidizing powder of
(a) CH3F (b) CH3Cl halogens is given as:
(c) CH3Br (d) CH3I I2 < Br2 < Cl2 < F2
SECTION II Reason: Oxidizing power of halogens depends
(i) Energy of dissociation.
From Exercise:- (ii) Electron affinity of atoms.
QUESTIONS (iii)Hydration energy of ion.
1. How the halogen acids are ionized in water? (iv) Heat of vaporization.
2. Why HF is weaker acid than HCl? If a halogen atom has low dissociation energy,
3. In the following sets, arrange the substances in high electron affinity and high hydration energy
order of the property indicated. Give reasons: of its ions, it will have high oxidizing power.
(a) Increasing acidic character 4. With dil. H2HO4:
HClO, HClO2, HClO3, HClO4 2CaCOCl2+dil.H2SO4→CaSO4+CaCl2+2HClO
(b) Increasing oxidizing power With conc. H2SO4:
F2, Cl2, Br2, I2 CaOCl2+H2SO4(conc.) → CaSO4+H2O+ Cl2
4. What happens when bleaching powder reacts With NH3:
with the following reagents dil. H2SO4, excess of 3CaOCl2 + NH3 → 3CaCl2 + 3H2O + N2
conc. H2SO4, NH3, HI and CO2.
With CO2:
7. Why iodine has metallic luster?
CaOCl2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + Cl2
8. Which halogen sublimes to violet vapours?
With HCl:
ANSWERS CaOCl2+2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + Cl2
1. Halogen acids ionize in water and form halide 7. Metallic luster is due to excitation of electrons.
ions and hydronium ions. e.g., When excited electrons come back they emit
HF + H2O → H3O+ + F− radiations. Due to bigger size, electrons of iodine
+ − excite at room temperature and it appears as
HCl + H2O → H3O + Cl
lustrous greyish black solid.
HBr + H2O → H3O+ + Br−
8. Among halogens iodine sublimes to violet
HI + H2O → H3O+ + I− vapours.
2. In case of halogen acids:
Acidic strength ∝ Ionization II) From Punjab Boards:-
1. What are disproportionation reactions? Explain
HF due to strong hydrogen bonding has less
with an example. (LHR 2013, ADK 2011)
ionization and HCl ionizes more than HF so, HF
is weaker acid than HCl. 2. What is bleaching power? (SAH-2014)
3. Why iodine has metallic luster?
3. (a) The order of increasing acidic character of
given acids is as following: (LHR 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019),
(GRW 2010, 2018), (BWP 2017),
HClO4 > HClO3 > HClO2 > HClO
(FSD 2014, 2018), (DGK 2016, 2017)
Reason: In case of oxyacids of halogens the
acidic strength increases with the increase in the 4. How halogen acids are ionized in water?
number of oxygen atoms or oxidation sate. As (LHR-2011), (SAH-2018)
32 | Page Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) Chemistry [Part-II]
5. Why bleaching powder show bleaching action? 3. Iodine is a non-polar molecular solid. The
(LHR-2012-II) molecules of I2 are held together by weak inter
molecular forces and are arranged in a well-
6. Write four uses of halogens. (LHR-2013-I)
defined regular pattern to form a crystal lattice.
7. Write the reaction of NaOH with Cl2 in cold Due to large size of iodine, the valence electrons
state. (LHR-2014-I) are very loosely bonded. When light falls on
8. Why HF is a weaker acid than other halogen iodine crystals, the valence electrons of Iodine
acids? (LHR-2014-I) absorb energy and get excited. These excited
9. Why flouine acts as a strong oxidizing agent? electrons then de-exited and release the absorbed
(GRW-2012) energy in the form of photons. This emitted
10. How bleaching powder is prepared by radiation produce metallic luster in Iodine.
Hasenclever’s method? (GRW-2014), (FSD-2018) 4. Halogen acids when dissolved in water they
ionized into hydronium ion and respective halide
11. Halogens are strong an oxidizing agents. Justify
it. (MTN-2016-GI)
HCl + H2O → H3O+ + Cl−
12. Why the oxyacids of chlorine are stronger than
HX + H2O → H3O+ + X−
oxyacids of bromine? (MTN-2017), (SGD-2018)
5. The bleaching action of bleaching powder is due
13. Write four uses of bleaching powder. to its oxidative character.
(BWP-2014, 2017) 6. (1) Fluorine is used for the preparation of freons.
14. Write four properties of hydrogen fluoride. (2) Fluorine is used to prepare Teflon.
(RWP-2014) (3) Chlorine is used in the manufacture of
15. What is available Chlorine? (SAH-2014), bleaching powder.
(SAH-2018) (4) Chlorine is used as disinfectant in swimming
pools and water treatment plants.
16. Reaction of chlorine with aquous solution fo
(5) Bromine is used as fungicide.
NaOH at 15ºC is a disproportionation. Justify.
(6) The major application of iodine are in
pharmaceautical industry. It is used as
ANSWERS disinfectant and germicide.
1. Disproportionation reactions; Cold
7. Cl2 + 2NaOH → NaCl + NaClO + H2O
“A reaction, in which a species (molecule, atom dil.
or ion) is simultaneously oxidized and reduced, 8. HF is weaker than the other halogen acids
is called a disproportionation reaction”. although the electronegativity difference
In cold (15°C) state chlorine will react with between H and F is more than the other
NaOH (aq) to form hypochlorite and a halide. halogens. It has greater bond energy but. It has
2NaOH(aq)+Cl2(g)→NaCl(aq)+NaClO(aq)+H2O(aq) (a) less percent ionization.
The reaction is a disproportionation reaction, HF H+ + F−
because the zero oxidation state of chlorine atom HI H+(aq) + I−(aq)
in Cl2 is converted to -1 in chloride and +1 in 9. Flourine acts as a strong oxidizing agent due to
hypochlorite. the folloing reasons:
2. Bleaching powder; (1) having low energy of dissociation.
“Bleaching powder is a yellowish white powder (2) having highly electron affinity.
with strong smell of chlorine. It is an oxidizing (3) having high hydration energy.
agent and is commonly used for bleaching 10. In the Hasenclever plant, Cl2 reacts with Ca
cotton, linen and paper pulp.” (OH)2 t o from bleaching powder iron cylinders
Bleaching powder can be manufactured by the (4−8) are placed one above the other. Slaked lime
action of chlorine on dry slaked lime. is added through the hopper in the upper cylinder.
Ca(OH)2 + Cl2 → Ca(OCl)Cl + H2O Cl2 is introduced through the lower clyinder
which reacts with Ca(OH)2 to form bleaching
Slaked lime Bleaching powder powder (counter-current principle).
Chemistry [Part-II] Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) 33 | Page
/ In cold (15°C) state chlorine will react with
Cl2 + Ca(OH)2 → Ca NaOH (aq) to form hypochlorite and a halide.
11. Following factors are responsible for the 2NaOH(aq)+Cl2(g)→NaCl(aq)+NaClO(aq)+H2O(aq) (a)
oxidizing powers of halogens: The reaction is a disproportionation reaction,
• Heat of dissociation. because the zero oxidation state of chlorine atom
• Electron affinities of the atoms. in Cl2 is converted to -1 in chloride and +1 in
• Hydration energy of the ions. hypochlorite.
• Heat of vaporization. SECTION III
All free halogens act as oxidizing agents when
they react with metals or non-metals. LONG QUESTIONS
12. An oxyacid molecule contains hydrogen linked 1. Give rules for nomenclature of oxy-acids of
to the halogen through an oxygen atom. halogens. (LHR-2015-I), (DGK-15)
O 2. What happens when bleaching powder reacts with:
i. dil. H2SO4 ii. cons. H2SO4
O iii. NH3 iv. HI
The acidic strength of oxyacids depends upon the 3. Discuss relative reactivities of halogens as
polarity of O-H bond, which depends on the oxidizing agent. (MTN-2015)
electro negativity of central halogen atom. 4. Describe preparation of bleaching powder by
Chlorine is more electronegative element Beckmann’s method. Also give chemical
therefore oxyacids of chlorine (HClO4) are equations. (MTN-2016-II)
stronger then the corresponding oxyacids of 5. How does bleaching powder reacts with NH3,
bromine and iodine. HCl, H2O, dil H2SO4? (FSD-2013)
13. The structure of halothane is given below: 6. What are the commercial uses of halogens and
Cl their compounds? (RWP-2015)
CF3 — CH — Br(2-Bromo-2-Chloro-1, 1, 1- 7. How bleaching powder is prepared by
trifluoro-ethane) Hasenclever’s method? Give its reactions with
HCl and NH3. (SGD-2016)
And halothane is used as an anaesthetic. It is the
only inhalational anaethetic containing bromine. 8. How bleaching powder is prepared? Give its uses.
It is colourless but pleasant smelling. (SAH-2015), (MTN-16)
14. (i) HF is a colourless volatile liquid.
(ii) HF have strong hydrogen bonding.
(iii) It is more viscous Chapter — 6
(iv)HF attack glass and has found application as
non-aques solvent.
15. The amount of chlorine set free is called TRANSITION ELEMENTS
“available chlorine”. The amount of bleaching
powder is measured in terms of available SECTION I
chlorine. The average percentage of available
chlorine in bleaching powder is 35-40 percent. Multiple Choice Questions
The bleaching action of bleaching powder is due
to its oxidative character. I) From Exercise:-
16. Disproportionation reactions; 1. Which of the following is a non-typical
transition element?
“A reaction, in which a species (molecule, atom
or ion) is simultaneously oxidized and reduced, (a) Cr (b) Mn
is called a disproportionation reaction”. (c) Zn (d) Fe
34 | Page Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) Chemistry [Part-II]
2. Which of the following is a typical transition 6) The colour of transition metal is due to:
metal ? (AJK-2016), (GRW-12), (LHR-14)
(a) Sc (b) Y a) d-d transition of electrons
(c) Ra (d) Co b) paramagnetic nature of transition metals
3. f-Block elements are also called? c) Ionization
(a) non-typical transition elements d) loss of s-electrons
(b) Outer transition elements
(c) normal transition elements III) From Entry Test:-
(d) None is true (1) The element with highest melting point:
4. The strength of binding energy of transition (a) Mn (b) Fe
elements depends upon (c) Cr (d) Cu
(a) number of electron pairs (2) The least paramagnetism is shown by:
(b) number of unpaired electrons (a) V 3+
(b) Cu2+
(c) number of neutrons (c) Cr3+ (d) Mn2+
(d) number of protons (3) White vitriol is:
8. The colour of transition metal complexes is (a) ZnS (b) ZnSO4
due to (c) ZnSO 4 .7H 2 O (d) ZnCO3
(a) d-d transition of electrons (4) The colour of transition metal complexes is
(b) paramagnetic nature of transition elements due to:
(c) ionization. (a) d-d transition of electrons
(d) loss of s-electrons. (b) Paramagnetic nature of transition elements
(c) Ionization
II) From Punjab Boards:- (d) Loss of s-electrons
1) Following property of transition elements (5) The strongest paramagnetism is shown by:
does not vary with a regular pattern: (a) Mn+2 (b) Cu+2
(LHR-2011) (c) Cr (d) V+3
a) Binding energy b) Melting point (6) Ferromanganese contains:
c) Covalent radius d) Cationic radius (a) Fe, Mg, C (b) Fe, Cr, C
2) Which specie has maximum number of (c) Fe, Mn, C (d) Fe, Si, C
unpaired electrons? (GRW-2015) (7) Which of the following cation has maximum
1+ unpaired electrons?
a) O2 b) O2
1− 2−
(a) Ni+2 (b) Co+2
c) O2 d) O2 (c) Mn (d) Fe2+
3) Which of the following has greatest number of (8) The black image on an exposed and
unpaired electrons? (BWP-2014) developed photographic film is composed
a) Fe b) Fe 2+
c) Mn 2+
d) Cr 3+
(a) Ag (b) Ag2O
4) Which of the following is a non-typical (c) AgBr (d) Ag[(SrO3)2]−
transition element? (SGD-2016-II, 2017),
(FSD-14), (LHR-15), (GRW-10, 17), SECTION II
(MTN-16), (RWP-18), (DGK-18), (LHR-18)
c) Mn d) Co From Exercise:-
5) The strength of binding energy of transition
elements depends upon: (SAH-2013), QUESTIONS
(GRW-13), (MTN-18) 2. Explain the following giving reasons:
a) Number of electron pairs (a) Why does damaged tin plated iron get rusted
b) Number of unpaired electrons quickly.
c) Number of neutrons (b) Under what conditions does aluminium
d) Number of protons corrode?
Chemistry [Part-II] Solved Past Papers (2011-2019) 35 | Page
(c) How does the process of galvanizing protect d-d transition after
iron from rusting? absorption of ∆E ∆E
2. (a) When iron is alone galvanic cell cannot The elements residing in the low energy d-
established and rusting is slow but when tin orbitals absorb a part of the visible light and
transmit the remaining set of wavelengths that
plating gets damaged on the surface of iron gives different colours to the ions.
then iron comes in contact with moisture of
air and a galvanic cell is established due to
which rusting proceeds more rapidly. In [Ti(H2O)6]+3, yellow light is absorbed, while
(b) The conditions necessary for aluminum most of the blue and red lights are transmitted,
corrosion are: therefore the solution of [Ti(H2O)6]+3 ion looks
(i) Aluminum is in contact with less reactive violet.
metal like Cu. 2. Galvanizing is done by dipping a clean iron sheet
(ii) Aluminum is provided with moisture by in a zinc chloride bath and heating. The iron
atmosphere or salt solution. sheet is then removed, rolled into Zinc both and
(c) When iron is coated with more reactive metal air cooled.
(like Zn) to prevent corrosion then iron is If a protective layer of zinc is damaged a
protected. When coating is damaged galvanic galvanic cell is established. Iron serves as a
cell established but iron remains intact cathode and zinc as a anode. Electrons flow from
because Zn will be rusted. So in this way zinc to iron, as a result of which Zn decays while
galvanizing or Zn coating protect iron from Fe remains intact. This is called sacrificial
rusting. It is called “sacrificial corrosion”. corrosion.
II) From Punjab Boards:- Fe+2 + Zn → Zn+2 + Fe
1. Why Transition elements compounds are coloured? 3. Genrally Aluminum sheets are corrosion free,
(LHR 2017), (GRW 2016), but when Aluminum metal is brought in contact
(MTN 2016), (FSD 2014) with Cu metal, “Al” get corroded.
2. How galvanizing helps protecting iron from rust. Reason:
(GRW 2011), (MTN 2016), (FSD 2017), (SGD 2017) When Al metal comes in contact with less active
OR metals (having high values of reduction
What is sacrificial corrosion? potential) like copper a galvanic cell is
3. Under what conditions does aluminium corrode? established. In this cell the Al metal act as a (A.J.K
4. How many un-paired electrons have Cr (24), Ag anode and changes to Al+3 ions, which attracts
(47)? (Mention also their electronic configurations) OH−1 ions to from Al(OH)3 and starts dissolving.
(LHR-2010) The H+ ion present on the Cu receive the
5. Why does damage tin plated iron get rusted electrons and released as H2. In this way
quickly? (LHR-2013-II)
6. What is tin plating and what happens when it is aluminium corrodes rapidly.
damaged? (GRW-2012) Al + 3OH-1 → Al(OH)3 + 3e-
7. What is the cause of paramagnetic behaviour? 4. Electronic Configuration of Cr: (GRW-2014
8. What are Interstitial Compounds? (RWP-2014) 2 2 6 2 6 1 5
Cr24 = 1s , 2s , 2p , 3s , 3p , 4s , 3d
9. Define Corrosion? (DGK-2014)
10. How electrochemical theory explain the
corrosion of Aluminium in the presence of 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4 s, 3dx, 3dy, 3dz, 3dx2 y2, 3dz2
copper? (AJK-2016)
Unpaired e− = 6
1. In transition elements, the d-orbitals are Electronic configuration of Ag:
responsible for the colour development in their
compounds. When these orbitals are involved in Ag47 = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10, 4p6, 5s, 4d10
bonding, they split up into two energy levels, one
set has a higher energy than the other. Unpaired e− = 1