Metals Nonmetals Worksheet
Metals Nonmetals Worksheet
Metals Nonmetals Worksheet
A) Blue C) In acid
B) Green D) In alcohol
C) Red E) In kerosene
D) White
E) Yellow 10. Which metal salt is used in the production of
4. Which one of the following metals is
A) Li
radioactive? B) Rb
A) Li C) Na
D) Cs
B) Na
E) Fr
C) Fr
D) K
E) Cs 11. Who first found elemental sodium?
A) Lussac
5. What is the common charge of alkali metals? B) Davy
C) Down
A) +1 D) Mendeleyev
B) +2 E) Boyle
C) +3
D) +4
E) -1
6. Which one of the following metals is the most 12. Which one of the following is used in making
active? tincture?
A) Rb A) LiCl
B) CaI
B) Fe C) NaI
C) Cs D) RbF
D) Li E) KI
E) Na
26. Which of the following solutions is used in X- A) They react with water
ray photography? B) They react with acids to produce H2 gas
A) CaSO4 C) They do not conduct heat and electricity.
B) BaSO4 D) They are active metals.
C) Ba(NO3)2
D) SrO E) They are in group 2A of the periodic table.
E) CaO
32. Which one is used in fireworks?
67. Which of the following is not used in the 72. What is the color of carbon element (coke)?
preparation of hydrogen? A) Red
B) White
A) Metal - acid reactions C) Green
B) Metal - water reactions D) Blue
C) Electrolysis of water E) Black
D) Burning of water gas
E) Decomposition of hydrocarbons
73. Which is/are the oxide(s) of carbon?
A) I only
B) I and II
C) I, II and III
D) I and III
E) II and III
74. Which of the following names is/are I. As fuel
incorrect? II. As a reducing agent in the extraction of
Compound metals from their ores
——————— —————————— III. In many organic synthesis reactions
I. CO(g) Carbon monoxide Find the correct suggestion(s) for uses of CO
II. CO2(g) Carbon dioxide
III. CO2(s) Dry ice given above.
A) II only
B) I and II
C) II and III
A) I and II
D) I and III
B) III and IV
E) I, II and III
C) I, II and III
D) I, II and IV
E) None of them
75. Which of the following define(s) carbon I. As a fire extinguisher.
element? II. In soft drinks.
I. It has a crystalline lattice structure. III. As refrigerating agent.
Which of the above is/are correct uses of carbon
II. Coke and diamond are allotropes of
carbon. A) I only
B) I and II
III. It takes oxidation states between - C) I and III
4 and +4 D) II and III
A) I only E) I, II and III
B) II only
C) III only
80. Which formula is incorrect?
D) I and II
A) SiC
E) I, II and III
B) CaC2
76. Which one of the following is incorrect? C) Al3C4
A) Diamond is more expensive than graphite. D) C2H2
B) Carbon is used in steel industry. E) CH 4
C) Printers use carbon substances.
D) Carbon burns in oxygen. 81. What is the common compound found in
E) Carbon has only 500000 compounds. nature?
A) SiCl4
77. B) SiO 2
I. ZnO(s) + CO(g) → Zn(s) + CO2(s) C) SiF 4
D) Na2SiF6
II. 2CO(g) + 02(g) → 2CO2(g) E) None of them
III. H2O(g) + CO(g) → H2(g) +
CO2(g) 82. What is the formula of silica (sand)?
A) SiO 2
IV. CuO + CO(g) → Cu(g) +
B) SiCl4
C) Na 2SiO 3
Which reaction(s) given above do(es) not take
D) Na2SiF6
E) CaSiO3
A) I and II
B) III and IV
C) III only 83. Which one of the following acids is not
D) IV only stored in glass bottle?
E) All of them
A) HNO 3
C) HBr
D) HCl
B) I and II
C) I, II and III
D) II and IV
E) All of them
NOTE:You are
responsible about
symbol and names of
common elements.