Metals Nonmetals Worksheet

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1. Which one of the following is not a member A) Na2SO4

of the alkali metals group? B) NaBr
A) Li C) NaCl
B) Ba D) NaI
C) Na E) NaNO3
D) K
E) Rb
8. Why do Li, Na and K float in water?

2. Which one of the following atoms has the A) Low areas

smallest volume? B) Volumes
A) Li C) Low densities
B) Na D) Masses
C) K E) Physical states
D) Rb
9. How are alkali metals kept from reacting with
E) Cs
O2 in the air?
A) In water
3. What is the color of sodium ion in the flame
test? B) In base

A) Blue C) In acid

B) Green D) In alcohol

C) Red E) In kerosene

D) White
E) Yellow 10. Which metal salt is used in the production of
4. Which one of the following metals is
A) Li
radioactive? B) Rb
A) Li C) Na
D) Cs
B) Na
E) Fr
C) Fr
D) K
E) Cs 11. Who first found elemental sodium?
A) Lussac
5. What is the common charge of alkali metals? B) Davy
C) Down
A) +1 D) Mendeleyev
B) +2 E) Boyle
C) +3
D) +4
E) -1

6. Which one of the following metals is the most 12. Which one of the following is used in making
active? tincture?

A) Rb A) LiCl
B) CaI
B) Fe C) NaI
C) Cs D) RbF
D) Li E) KI
E) Na

13. What is the name of the method used to

produce sodium today?
7. Which one of the following compounds of
A) Hess
sodium is the most widely used in daily life? B) Davy
C) Down
D) Humphry A) sodium hydroxide
E) Bohr
B) sodium carbonate
C) lithium hydroxide
14. I. Electrolysis of molten NaCl D) sodium bicarbonate
II. Electrolysis of NaCl solution E) potassium carbonate
III. Electrolysis of NaOH solution
Which of the above is/are used to produce 20. Which of the following statements is incorrect
metallic sodium in industry? for alkali metals?

A) I Only A) They are kept in kerosene since they are very

B) II Only reactive.
C) I and II B) They have one valence electron.
D) I and III
C) They have greater densities than water.
E) I, II and III
D) Francium is a radioactive member of alkali
15. Which one is accepted to be hydride?
E) Sodium is the most abundant alkali metal.
A) NaH
B) Na2S
C) NaCl 21. Which compound is known as baking soda?
D) Na2O2
B) Na2CO3
16. Which alkali metal is used in lamps for street
lighting? C) Li2CO3
A) lithium E) LiHCO3
B) sodium
C) potassium
D) rubidium
E) cesium

17. Which compound is used in the production of

22. Which of the following matches is wrong?
Substance Use
A) NaNO3
A) Li in storage batteries
B) KI in medicine
C) KClO3
C) KClO3 in fireworks
D) KBr
D) Cs in photocells
E) Na2CO3
E) Li2O in soaps
18. Which one of the following statements is wrong
for alkali metals?
23. Which alkali metal can react with nitrogen in
A) They have very low ionization energy. air?
A) lithium
B) They do not react with bases. B) sodium
C) potassium
C) They can form salts with halogens. D) rubidium
D) They can be found in pure form in nature. E) cesium

E) Their densities are less than water.

24. Which is the most abundant in the earth's

A) Be
B) Mg
19. Which one of the following is the caustic soda? C) Ca
D) Sr
E) Ba
A) Hydrogen
25. Which member of group 2A is the least active B) Hydrogen sulfide
metal? C) Sulfur dioxide
D) Oxygen
A) Barium E) Sulfur trioxide
B) Strontium
C) Beryllium
D) Calcium 31. Which is not a property of alkaline earth
E) Sodium metals?

26. Which of the following solutions is used in X- A) They react with water
ray photography? B) They react with acids to produce H2 gas
A) CaSO4 C) They do not conduct heat and electricity.
B) BaSO4 D) They are active metals.
C) Ba(NO3)2
D) SrO E) They are in group 2A of the periodic table.
E) CaO
32. Which one is used in fireworks?

27. Which color is observed when Mg is burnt? A) Hydrogen

B) Gold
A) Yellow C) Magnesium
B) Blue
C) Red D) Oxygen
D) Gray E) Silver
E) White
33. What is the formula of limestone?
28. Which gas is produced when an alkaline
earth metal reacts with water? A) CaO
A) Oxygen B) CaCO3
B) Hydrogen
C) Carbon dioxide C) Ca(OH)2
D) Nitrogen D) CaSO4.2H2O
E) Chlorine E) CaI2

34. Which of the below react(s) with calcium at

29. Which of the following does not react easily? normal conditions?
I. Cl2
A) Be II. H2O
B) Mg III. Na2O
C) Ca
D) Ba A) I only
E) Sr B) III only
C) I and II
D) II and III
30. Which gas is produced when calcium reacts E) I, II and III
with sulfuric acid?
form in nature.
35. Which one does not contain zinc metal?
D) Charge of zinc is always 2+ in its
A) Zinc sulfate
B) Brass
E) CO is used to produce pure Zn metal from
C) Bronze ZnO
D) Zinc oxide
E) Hematite
37. Which of the following metals is in the same
36. Which one is not a property of zinc? group with Fe?
A) Zinc is an active metal. A) Al
B) Zinc Blend is the common ore of zinc. B) Ba
C) Na
C) Generally, zinc is found in pure metallic D) Ni
E) Li A) Al
38. Lack of which element is the reason for B) Ti
anemia? C) Fe
A) Fe D) Cr
B) Al E) Li
C) Ca
D) Sn
E) Pb
42. Which of the following is the greatest
39. Which element is the basic element for oxidation number that Cr may take?
manufacturing steel? A) 7
B) 5
A) Fe
C) 4
B) Br2
D) 3
C) Mg
E) 6
D) C
E) Zn
40. Which element is similar to Cd 43. What's the group of Ti in the periodic table?
according to its chemical properties? A) 1A
A) Zn B) 1B
C) 4A
B) Na
D) 3B
C) Ca E) 4B
D) Ba
E) Sn

41. Which of the following elements gives extra

color to emeralds?
E) All react
44. Which substance is produced by the reaction
of Al203 and Na0H?
47. Which one of the following is not an earth
A) Na20 metal?
B) AlO3 A) Al
C) NaAlO2 B) Ga
C) In
D) H2 D) Tl
E) Al(OH) 4 E) Si

48. Which one of the following metals can not

be handed for a long time as a solid?
A) Al
45. Which one of he following metals is/more B) Ga
active than aluminum? C) Fe
D) Zn
A) Cr
B) Cu E) Pb
C) Ag
D) Ca 49. What is the place of the Al among the metals
E) Fe exist in the earth's crust by abundance?
B) 2
46. Which one doesn't react with aluminum? C) 3
D) 4
A) HCl
E) 5
B) S
C) P
50. Which one of the following is the first member 56. Why is the aluminum metal not found in
of the group 3A? elemental form in the earth's crust?
A) Tl A) It has a tendency for oxygen
B) In B) Because it is an active metal
C) Ga C) It has amphoteric property
D) Al D) It is unstable
E) Because it is not an active metal
E) B

57. Which of the following do(es) not give

reaction with aluminum?
51. Which one of the following is not amphoteric
metal? I. HCl
A) Al
C) Cr IV. CO
D) Br A) I only
E) Sn
B) I and II
C) I, III and IV
52. What is the name of the compound, D) IV only
Na3Al03? E) I and II

A) Aluminum sodium oxide

B) Sodium aluminate 58. Which one of the following has covalent bond
in its compounds?
C) Sodium aluminum oxide
D) Aluminum (III) Sodium oxide A) Al
E) Complex oxide B) Ba
C) B
D) Pt
53. Which element is produced at the end of the E) Ag
termite reaction?
59. Which one is not correct for hydrogen?
A) Al A) Its symbol is H.
B) K B) Its atomic number is 1.
C) Fe C) Its electron configuration is 1s1.
D) Li D) It has no neutron
E) F E) It has five isotopes.
60. Which of the following is/are isotopes of
54. Which one of the following is the most
I. Hydrogen,
important compound of aluminum used in
II. Deuterium,
commercial life?
III. Tritium
A) Al2(SO4)3
A) I only
B) Al2O3
B) I and II
C) Al2(SO3)3
C) II and III
D) AlCl3
D) I and III
E) Al2(CO3)3
E) I, II and III
55. Although copper is a better conductor
of electricity than aluminum, Al is used in
cables.Why? 61. Which of following is wrong for the isotopes of
A) Because of durability and resistivity toward hydrogen?
the corrosion A) There are three of them.
B) Because of number of electrons in the left B) All hydrogen isotopes are stable.
energy level C) The most abundant one is 1H.
C) Because of abundance in nature D) The least abundant is 3H.
D) Because it's lighter and cheaper E) 2H is found in the structure of heavy water.
E) None of them
62. What kinds of compounds are the main 68. Which of the following is/are exactly correct
sources of hydrogen in industry? about all neutral hydrogen atoms?
A) Hydrocarbons I. All possess 1 proton.
B) Alkali metals II. All possess 1 electron.
III. All have a mass of 1 amu.
C) Halogens
D) Peroxides and Superoxides
A) I only
E) Acids
B) I and II
C) I and III
63. Which of the following is not true for hydrogen?
D) II and III
A) It occurs in the form of free diatomic
E) I, II and III
B) It occurs in the form of compounds.
C) It is the most abundant element in the
D) It is found as a component of hydrocarbons. 69. Which one of the following is not a use of
E) It is the most abundant element in the earth's
A) In the synthesis of methanol
64. Which of the following compounds are B) In the reduction of metals
hydrides? C) In the synthesis of NH 3
D) In preparing margarines
I. MgH2
E) In preparing pesticides
II. H2Se
70. Which one of the following is not member
of carbon family?
A) I and II
A) C
B) II and III
B) Si
C) II and IV
C) Ge
D) I and III
D) Hg
E) I, II, III and IV
E) Pb
65. Which is not correct for hydrogen?
71. Which one of the following is/are correct?
A) It is the most abundant element in the
universe. I. Carbon is a nonmetal.
B) It is an alternative energy resource. II. Germanium is a
C) It forms hydrides with active metals. metalloid.
D) It reacts with inert metals.
E) It reduces inert metals from their oxides. III. Silicon is a metalloid.
A) I only
66. Which substance does not contain hydrogen? B) II only
C) I and II
A) Water
D) I and III
B) Ammonia
E) I, II and III
C) Alcohols
D) Acids
E) Table salt

67. Which of the following is not used in the 72. What is the color of carbon element (coke)?
preparation of hydrogen? A) Red
B) White
A) Metal - acid reactions C) Green
B) Metal - water reactions D) Blue
C) Electrolysis of water E) Black
D) Burning of water gas
E) Decomposition of hydrocarbons
73. Which is/are the oxide(s) of carbon?
A) I only
B) I and II
C) I, II and III
D) I and III
E) II and III
74. Which of the following names is/are I. As fuel
incorrect? II. As a reducing agent in the extraction of
Compound metals from their ores
——————— —————————— III. In many organic synthesis reactions
I. CO(g) Carbon monoxide Find the correct suggestion(s) for uses of CO
II. CO2(g) Carbon dioxide
III. CO2(s) Dry ice given above.
A) II only
B) I and II
C) II and III
A) I and II
D) I and III
B) III and IV
E) I, II and III
C) I, II and III
D) I, II and IV
E) None of them
75. Which of the following define(s) carbon I. As a fire extinguisher.
element? II. In soft drinks.
I. It has a crystalline lattice structure. III. As refrigerating agent.
Which of the above is/are correct uses of carbon
II. Coke and diamond are allotropes of
carbon. A) I only
B) I and II
III. It takes oxidation states between - C) I and III
4 and +4 D) II and III
A) I only E) I, II and III
B) II only
C) III only
80. Which formula is incorrect?
D) I and II
A) SiC
E) I, II and III
B) CaC2
76. Which one of the following is incorrect? C) Al3C4
A) Diamond is more expensive than graphite. D) C2H2
B) Carbon is used in steel industry. E) CH 4
C) Printers use carbon substances.
D) Carbon burns in oxygen. 81. What is the common compound found in
E) Carbon has only 500000 compounds. nature?
A) SiCl4
77. B) SiO 2
I. ZnO(s) + CO(g) → Zn(s) + CO2(s) C) SiF 4
D) Na2SiF6
II. 2CO(g) + 02(g) → 2CO2(g) E) None of them
III. H2O(g) + CO(g) → H2(g) +
CO2(g) 82. What is the formula of silica (sand)?
A) SiO 2
IV. CuO + CO(g) → Cu(g) +
B) SiCl4
C) Na 2SiO 3
Which reaction(s) given above do(es) not take
D) Na2SiF6
E) CaSiO3
A) I and II
B) III and IV
C) III only 83. Which one of the following acids is not
D) IV only stored in glass bottle?
E) All of them
A) HNO 3
C) HBr
D) HCl

84. Which one of the following is not a use of

A) Preparation of silicon polymers
B) As a semi conductor.
C) As a cleanser in the manufacture
of steel.

D) Used in resins and synthetic

E) As cleanser.

85. I. Al4C3 II. CaC2 III. MgC2 IV. H2C2

Which one(s) of the given above is/are called
as carbide?
A) I only

B) I and II
C) I, II and III

D) II and IV

E) All of them


NOTE:You are
responsible about
symbol and names of
common elements.

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