04-Chemical Periodicity
04-Chemical Periodicity
04-Chemical Periodicity
1. If the difference in electronegativities of two elements is very large, 9. For a p - block element, its 3d, 3s, 3p and 4s orbitals are completely
then filled and the differentiating electron goes to the 4p orbital. The
(a) The bond is 50% ionic element should have its atomic number in the range
(d) The bond is more ionic than covalent 10. The most common lanthanide is [AFMC 1995]
2. Which of the following elements will have the lowest electron (a) Lanthanum (b) Cerium
affinity (c) Samarium (d) Plutonium
(a) Nitrogen (b) Flourine 11. In a period, elements are arranged in strict sequence of
(c) Chlorine (d) Phosphorus [CPMT 1989]
3. The correct order of second ionization potential of carbon, nitrogen, (a) Decreasing charges in the nucleus
oxygen and fluorine is (b) Increasing charges in the nucleus
[IIT-JEE 1981; CBSE PMT 1991; MADT Bihar 1995; (c) Constant charges in the nucleus
MP PMT 2003]
(d) Equal charges in the nucleus
(a) C > N > O > F (b) O > N > F > C
12. Some of the polar crystal when heated produce electric current. This
(c) O > F > N > C (d) F > O > N > C phenomena is termed as [AMU 2001]
4. Which of the following species has the highest ionisation potential[EAMCET 1998] (a) Ferroelectric effect (b) Phyroelectric effect
(c) Antiferroelectric effect (d) Piezoelectric effect
(a) Li (b) Mg
13. Which of the following pairs has elements containing same number
(c) Al (d) Ne of electrons in the outermost orbit
5. Which of the following elements are analogous to the lanthanides [AIIMS 1998] [CPMT 1985]
(a) Actinides (b) Borides (a) N O (b) Na Cl
(c) Carbides (d) Hydrides (c) Ca Cl (d) Cl Br
6. Which of the order for ionisation energy is correct 14. Coinage metals are present in [DCE 2000]
[CPMT 1999; CBSE PMT 2001]
(a) s-block (b) d-block
(a) Be B C N O (b) B Be C O N (c) p-block (d) f-block
(c) B Be C N O (d) B Be N C O 15. In which of the following metal carbonate which metal carbonate is
7. Modern periodic table is based on the atomic number of the decomposed on heating [UPSEAT 1999]
elements. The experiment which proved the significance of the (a) MgCO3 (b) Na 2 CO 3
atomic number was [CBSE PMT 1989]
(a) Millikan's oil drop experiment (c) K 2 CO 3 (d) Pb2 CO 3
(b) Moseley's work on X -ray spectra 16. Which one of the following is the correct decreasing order of boiling
(c) Bragg's work on X -ray diffraction point [AMU 2000]
(SET -15)
652 Chemical Periodicity
1. (d) If the difference in electronegativities of two elements is very 15. (a) MgCO3 MgO CO 2
high then the bond is more ionic than covalent.
16. (c) Correct decreasing order of boiling point is,
2. (d) Phosphorus have the lowest electron affinity due to half filled p
orbital, but in nitrogen electron affinity is greater than H 2 O > H 2 Te > H 2 Se > H 2 S .
phosphorus because of large nuclear attraction in comparison
with phosphorus.
3. (c) The ionization potential increases across the period but the
second ionization potential of oxygen is highest among them
because after the removal of 1 e the 2 e is to be removed
from half filled orbital which is difficult.