Lesson 1 Good Citizens m13

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Date: 03/12/23 Candidate: Vanessa J Guillen

Context/Grade Level: Summarize contextual information about your students, such as English language proficiency, cultural background, funds
of knowledge, interests, reading levels, developmental learning, social emotional, and/or behavioral needs.

More than half of my students are English Language Learners.

-They all come from a hispanic background.
-They love to sing and dance to Disney songs with me.
-They are interested in many things although I have noticed that they have a special interest in the things that surround them.
-My students love to do things and move while doing so.
- I have an IEP for one of my kindergarten students (speech).
- I used to be the preschool teacher for five of my twelve students, last year.
-On the behavioral needs side, I have three students that need some extra help with being able to stay in their spot, so that they can keep their
hands to themselves and be safe.

Standards: copy and paste from: https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/


Follow rules, such as sharing and taking turns, and know the consequences of breaking them.

ELD Standards: https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/er/eldstandards.asp

ELD.PI.K.1: Exchanging
information/ideas via oral
communication and conversations.

ELD.PI.K.5: Listening actively and

asking/ answering questions about
what was heard.

ELD Goal: Define target outcome(s) based on ELD standards to refine the academic use of English, and provide students access to subject area
knowledge, skills, and abilities. (Consider terms like understand, learn, analyze, solve)
Students will be able to understand how people cooperate and work with each other. People work together at school, at
home, and in their community.

Content-Specific Objective: State what students will know and/or be able to do by the end of the lesson, how they will demonstrate the
knowledge or skills, and at what level of mastery.

Students will be able to identify what a rule is.

Academic Vocabulary: Identify specific words or phrases students will need to know, so they can engage, practice or evaluate target content.
Include both high utility or process words, such as analyze, function, or navigate and academic content words, such as acute, ecosystem, or




CalstateTEACH 3.0 Lesson Frame


Procedures How will you use students’ prior knowledge How will you provide learning experiences for How will you provide opportunities for
to engage their interest in the target students to explore and develop their students to reflect on their learning, connect
content? understanding of the target content? it to the world and/or other content areas?

I showed a picture of students playing We are going to do use our Visual We will read, “How do people
together in a school playground. Literacy skills to see the illustration that cooperate”.
I asked, what are these children doing? is titles, “The Soccer Game”.
Once we review the meaning of the word
The students had to complete the I will tell my students to look closely and cooperate, I will show my students one
sentence frame, “The children are ____ think about what the story that the more picture of two students fighting for
on the playground”. illustration is telling us. a book.
Then I had students practice being one As our discussion comes to an end, I will I will ask them to draw a way in which
of the children on the playground. How ask them how do the characters in the these children can cooperate. Then they
would they ask for a swing if they story cooperate? are going to write a sentence (The
would like to play with it? children can cooperate by______) and
label it.

Anchor What anchor competencies and teacher What anchor competencies and teacher What anchor competencies and teacher
Competencies moves will be used? Describe how. moves will be used? Describe how moves will be used? Describe how

Create Community Create a culture of engagement. Connect learning to brain.


Adaptations What differentiated content and/or What differentiated process activities will What differentiated product will specific
alternate pathway will specific students or specific students or groups of students need students or groups of students need to
groups of students need to access the to make sense of and/or process the target demonstrate their learning of target content?
target content? content?

I will code switch to my ELs. I will code switch to my ELs. My Kindergarten students will try and
sound out the words they are trying to
spell to write them.

My TK students will tell me their

sentences and I will help them identify
the beginning sound of the words they
want to say and write the rest for them
with a highlighter.

Technology How will you and your students use How will you and your students use How will you and your students use
technology to engage with the content? technology to interact with and process the technology to evaluate understanding of
content? content?

Students will view the images on my Everything will be teacher led so that my
computer through the TV. students can be engaged.

Assessment Pre-Assessment Formative Assessment as Progress Formative or Summative Assessment

How will you assess your students’ prior How will you gather data about what students How will you determine if your students met
knowledge and how might they self-assess are learning as you teach? How might the target objective? How might your
their own prior knowledge? students measure their own progress toward students self-assess their outcomes?
their objective?

I will see what they know about rules I will gather data by looking at their I will determine if my students met the
and grow their knowledge based on writing to see how they are doing. objective by looking at their writing as
what they already do know. well as what they tell me orally.

Reflection After teaching the lesson, reflect on whether or not your students met the lesson objective. What was most effective? What was least
effective? Use evidence to describe how you know.
Application Thinking about your students’ performance in this lesson, what will you include in the next lesson to support your students’ learning based
on what you observed and learned from this lesson?

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