Kiunna Sims Pop 1 Lesson Plan st2
Kiunna Sims Pop 1 Lesson Plan st2
Kiunna Sims Pop 1 Lesson Plan st2
Central Focus: Describe the important understandings and core TSWBAT identify first and third person point of view
concepts that you want students to develop over the course of
the learning segment/lesson. What are they going to learn?
Identify concepts and skills students will need to know, (E) identify the use of literary devices, including first- or
understand, and be able to do to reach proficiency third-person point of view;
Lesson Objective: Targets must be aligned to the TEKS and with I can…
the assessment(s); targets should be stated as measurable in
student friendly language. What will students be able to do? Use “I Identify first and third person point of view
can” statements . You cannot change the verb or content.
***Reminder - Verb alignment present in standard, objective and
Sub-Objectives: How will you connect to past learning? What key Connection to past learning (previous TEKS)
vocabulary and/or academic language needs to be reviewed or
introduced? Key Vocabulary/Academic Vocabulary to include in the
If applicable: What images will you use for key vocabulary? What lesson:
sentence starters might be helpful?
Narrator - the person telling the story
Point of view - the narrator’s perspective
Perspective - the way you see something (a story)
How will you summatively assess student mastery? Students will be given this post assessment after the
lesson to see what they have learned.
NOTE: The summative assessment might not be a part of this
lesson..You might describe your post-assessment here if it is
different from your IP.
How will you formatively assess student mastery? For formative I can informally assess students by walking around as
assessment, just generally describe what you will be doing. they are working to see who understand the concept. I
Specific questions will be included later in the lesson plan. will also ask them questions as they are working to
assess their level of understanding.
What are your plans for adjusting the pacing of the unit for I will formatively assess students and monitor their
struggling learners? reactions to and interactions with the content and
adjust pacing as needed.
Materials/Technology/Resources needed for the lesson: Materials: Anchor chart, Markers/Dry erase markers, Student
Describe the materials, technology, and resources needed Journals, Comic strip template, Pencils, Color Pencils
for the lesson
Technology: Computer, Smart Board, Projector, Powerpoint
Managing Student Behavior Can’t teach them if you can’t Behavior Expectations for the Lesson:
reach them!
How engagement will look and sound
❏ When and how will you establish rules for learning
and behavior during the lesson? The students will be listening and participating in the class
conversation. When working independently they will be
❏ What will it look and sound like if students are focused on their assignment and collaborating with their
engaged vs. compliant in the lesson? tablemates. The voice level should never raise above a 2.
❏ How will you allow for movement, transitions or brain
breaks to capitalize on engagement and performance Plan for movement, transitions, or brain breaks, if
❏ What will you use for an attention signal? applicable
Closing - Check for Write your Closure using the Launch Frame
Understanding (Describe Planning a Discussion
the activity): How will the Framework: We have been learning how to identify first and third person
lesson end and bridge to points of view with this activity. What were some of the things
learning for the future? Launch Frame that helped you see the differences?
What do you want to ❏ Opening statement
reiterate to students? Eliciting, Orienting Questions
and question to get
Based on the pacing of the
lesson and feedback from the discussion What questions did you have that were answered in today's
students, did they master started (Example, lesson?
the objective? Make sure to “We have been
revisit objectives. learning how to add Conclusion Frame
fractions in this
activity. What was The next time you're reading something, pause and think about
an important key in what point of view that story is written in.
adding the fractions
that helped you?
What have we been
learning about
Eliciting, Orienting
Questions to ask During the
❏ What eliciting,
probing, and
questions will you
ask during the
Conclusion Frame
❏ Closing statement
about what they
learned in the
lesson and what
they will be
working on next.
(Example - “We
have been adding
fractions in this
activity - In our
next activity, we
are going to
continue this
work…. or
Tomorrow, we will
begin subtracting