Inquiry Lesson Plan
Inquiry Lesson Plan
Inquiry Lesson Plan
Preliminary Information
Teacher Name: Chayla Hair Date: 6/22/21
Add two TPEs to your lesson and justify how you have met them in your lesson.
Standards: List the 1 or 2 standards that are the focus of your learning segment.
TPE 1.5 Promote students’ critical and creative thinking and analysis through activities that provide
opportunities for inquiry, problem solving, responding to and framing meaningful questions, and reflection.
It is important to use a student’s background and assessment of prior learning. Students learn in different
ways and it is important to provide multiple opportunities for students to deepen their understanding of the
Content standards:
Social Studies Standard
1.4 Students compare and contrast everyday life in different times and places around the world and
recognize that some aspects of people, places, and things change over time while others stay the same.
1.4.3 Recognize similarities and differences of earlier generations in such areas as work (inside and
outside the home), dress, manners, stories, games, and festivals, drawing from biographies, oral
histories, and folklore.
ELA Standards
CCSS.ELA.RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key detains in a text.
CCSS.ELA.RI.1.2 Use the main topic and key details of a text.
CCSS.ELA.RI.1.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas.
CCSS.ELA.W.1.8 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or
gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
CCSS.ELA.SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media.
CCSS.ELA.SL.1.4 Describe people, places, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and
feelings clearly.
ELD Standards
Interpretive 7: Evaluating how well writers and speakers use language to support ideas and opinions
with details or reasons depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area.
Productive 11: Supporting own opinions and evaluation others’ opinions in speaking and writing.
ELD/ELA Language objectives: After the lesson students will state orally or in writing their opinion if they
would rather live life today or in the past and to elaborate on their reasonings when prompting with DOK
TPE 3.5: Adapt subject matter curriculum, organization, and planning to support the acquisition and use of
academic language within learning activities to promote the subject matter knowledge of all students,
including the full range of English learners, Standard English learners, students with disabilities, and students
with other learning needs in the least restrictive environment.
I am able to plan, deliver, assess and reflect on content-specific instruction for all students that is consistent
with the California Common Core State Standards.
Vocabulary: Identify academic language (words and structures) These are all important academic words that students
essential to learning the content of this lesson.
will need to be able to understand and properly use
Past, present, family, history, generation, culture, for this lesson. In order for them to master these
tradition, holiday words, I will use explicit, direct instruction to show
them what it looks like to use these words. I will
clarify what each of them mean and how they can be
used in conversation, as well as in writing. I will do
this by using a word quilt tool. I will list the
vocabulary being taught, translate the vocabulary into
a different language (if needed), define the word
using a picture or in writing, and the use the word in
a sentence.
Inquiry Rubric:
Dimension Below Expectations - 1 Point At Expectations - 2 Points Above Expectations - 3 Points
Standard or
Student engages in a topic about life Student engages in a topic and Student engages in a topic and identifies the
Standard today or life in the past. identifies a question he/she wishes pros and cons of a question or concern from
to explore, in regard to, life today living in the present compared to living in
and life long ago. the past.
Student develops a guiding question on Student develops and explores Student develops and explores multiple
Standard the topic of life today and live long ago guiding questions on 1-3 levels of guiding questions at each level of the
at level 1 -2 of the taxonomy the taxonomy on the topic of life taxonomy on the topic life today and life
today and life long ago. long ago.
Student gathers some evidence that Student gathers 2-3 sources of Student gathers multiple sources of evidence
Standard he/she considers for finding the answer. evidence that he/she considers for that he/she considers for finding the answer.
finding the answer.
Student produces a product (ex. Poster, Student produces a product (ex. Student produces a product (ex. Poster,
Standard readers theater, poem) and shares with Poster, readers theater, poem) readers theater, poem,) with an e-project
real audience. including an e-product with a few with multiple resources to add data and
additional resources and shares information beyond the typical class
their opinion with real audience. presentation and shares their opinion with
real audience.
Accommodations: Note any accommodations you will need to make to the assessment for students with special needs.
Student Feedback: How will you provide students with feedback (their strengths and next steps)? What is your plan for helping students to
use this feedback to extend their understanding?
Strategy for Feedback: You have to evaluate a product based on your rubric and provide feedback (in 24 hours) for 2-3 students.
All students will receive feedback verbally and in writing after their presentation.
While the students are presenting, I will be taking notes of what the findings that the students
presented so that I can give them feedback for the entire group to look over. If there is something I
find that is important for the student to hear on a one on one then I will do that shortly after
presentations are completed.
The students that are watching the presentation will also be given a slip that can allow the students in
the class to also give their peers feedback.
Next steps/improvement:
Students will be working in partners during a think-pair-share when discussing their opinions and reasonings.
“Think about what you have already learned and how that can deepen your understand to provide you with
ways to justify your response.”
“How can you elaborate on the reason____?”
I will keep students focused by circulating around each table to check up on their progress, answer any
questions, and provide feedback or any additional help that students may need during the research portion.
This will serve as a model for students, and any misconceptions will be addressed and corrected. If students
are having a difficult time during the whole-group instruction. In addition, students will gain feedback from
peers to support their findings using the sandwich feedback worksheet.
3. Instructional Plan
Introduction/Prior Knowledge: How will you access prior knowledge and get students interested in the content?
Earlier in the week I sent home a letter to the families for them and the student to fill out and return to class
for a discussion. I will begin to talk about the prior three lessons. We will finish filling out the KWL chart as
Instruction: How will you engage students with the content? (Instructional model, engagement strategies, use of technology, purposeful
practice, grouping strategies, closure) Attach all instructional resources used at the end of this lesson plan.
Instructional Model: Inquiry Lesson Model
The Inquiry lesson body must utilize all levels of the DOK Question Stems or the Cognitive Taxonomy Question Stems
List teaching steps clearly.
TPE 1.1 Apply knowledge of students, including their prior experiences, interests, and social-emotional
learning needs, as well as their funds of knowledge and cultural, language, and socioeconomic backgrounds,
to engage them in learning.
Step 1:
Explain the topic and pose questions from each taxonomy level as you practice with students. Discuss your topic
using these questions stems. Students should get comfortable with using each level of question.
Demonstrate possible answers for different levels of questions so students get the gist of thinking at different
cognitive levels.
Boys and girls, we have learned about “Life Long Ago” in our previous lessons. We have discovered
many differences and similarities about life long ago and life today. We have also learned how we can
categorize more generally how life today compares to life long ago including our own information we
gathered about our family. We are going to be creating our own questions regarding life long ago and life
today. It can be a question about anything! To begin, we are going to go over 6 levels whereby we can ask
questions. I will show you a chart that we can refer to when coming up with our questions to answer. With
your elbow partner, I want you to formulate random questions using these sentence frames. Ready, go!
TS- “How did the students get to school in the past and how do we get to school today?”
S3- “In the past, the students had to walk a long way. Today we can ride cars or busses.”
Step 2: Add possible question stems (DOK/Cognitive) on the topic as examples for students:
Level 1: Knowledge
What is the past?
Describe something kids did in the past?
How did they get to school in the past?
Level 2: Comprehension
How do the photos help you describe life long ago?
How would you compare schools today to schools in the past?
How would you organize that information?
Level 3: Application
How is _____ similar to what we do today?
Why is learning about the past important?
What facts would you select to support your opinion on living in the past or living in the present?
Level 4: Analysis
How can the text help you to infer what an artifact is?
Where did students of all ages study together? (Their school had only one room.” DOK 2
How did students read long ago? How do they read today? DOK 3
Level 5: Synthesis
What can you infer from this text?
Why does the text say kids don’t play with Hula-Hoops as much as their grandparents did?
How has technology changed the way you have fun?
Level 6: Evaluation
How will you show what you have learned?
Do you agree with S1 that it was better to live in the past? Explain.
Students will begin in a whole group to go over previous lessons and ask any questions they still have.
I will place students in small groups 3-4 to discuss which questions they would like to answer. They will be required to
choose one question from each level. If they finish and have more time remaining, they may choose to answer more
The students will be grouped in different levels. I want them to be able to have someone in their group that can also help
the ones that still need extra support.
Step 4: Provide resources and a format for recording information for students as they do the research and answer the
questions they have selected.
Students will write down on their worksheet Level 1-6 and then write down the number within each level they have chosen
to answer.
Students will also have their Social Studies weekly journals to look back to as a reference.
I will provide students with a Chromebook (one for each group). They can use the resources that have been given in the
previous lessons.
Step 5: Explain the Rubric for assessing the research product. Use the Inquiry rubric above. Make it fit your topic.
The rubric provided will help me to assess each level of my students’ critical thinking skills. I will walk around the room as
they are in their small groups and ask questions as well as take notes while the present their findings to their peers aloud.
Student develops a guiding question on the Student develops and explores guiding Student develops and explores multiple guiding
topic of life today and live long ago at level 1 questions on 1-3 levels of the taxonomy questions at each level of the taxonomy on the topic
-2 of the taxonomy on the topic of life today and life long life today and life long ago.
Student gathers some evidence that he/she Student gathers 2-3 sources of evidence Student gathers multiple sources of evidence that
considers for finding the answer. that he/she considers for finding the he/she considers for finding the answer.
Student produces a product (ex. Poster, readers Student produces a product (ex. Poster, Student produces a product (ex. Poster, readers
theater, poem) and shares with real audience. readers theater, poem) including an e- theater, poem,) with an e-project with multiple
product with a few additional resources resources to add data and information beyond the
and shares their opinion with real typical class presentation and shares their opinion
audience. with real audience.
Differentiation/Extension: How will you provide access to key concepts by all students at their ability levels?
Note: In the Inquiry lesson differentiation happens according to the questions each student selects.
Learning Need Supports: What are your plans for supporting IEP/504 students?
I will allow a verbal response if writing is an issue.
Modify worksheet by providing pictures cues for key words.
When giving directions for the activities, make sure that the expectations are very clear to the student.
TPE 1.6: Provide a supportive learning environment for students' first and/or second language acquisition by using research-
based- instructional approaches, including focused English Language Development, Specially Designed-Academic Instruction in
Language Need Supports: What are the supports your EL students need? Refer to the ELD Framework and the strategy suggestions.
Ask guiding questions to help students compare the past from today.
I will help the students generate adjectives to describe the differences of certain items from the past and the present.
They will be given dictionaries and sentences frames when needed.
Gifted/Advanced Need Supports: What are your plans for advanced learners and gifted students? How can they learn the material differently? This activity
should be related to the learning objective and extend students’ understanding of the topic.
I will encourage my gifted students to use more academic vocabulary when answering the questions.
Encourage them to discuss further ways that they can learn about the past.
Challenge students by thinking of others things that have changed over time.
What Ifs: Be proactive. What are common misconceptions related to the learning objectives? Consider what might not go as planned with the
lesson in regard to students learning content. What will you do about it?
If students are not understanding the requirements for the inquiry project the directions can be
explained once more if needed. Also, the lesson can be explained individually to the student
allowing the student to ask questions if needed.
There may be some students that do not want to talk about their families with their peers. They
may be embarrassed or ashamed and may not do that portion of the assignment. If that happens, I
will have that student interview myself and ask questions about my family, traditions, and culture.
If they are comfortable to do so, I will have them present that aloud to the classroom.
Technology, Resources and Materials: Describe the instructional resources/materials/technology used to engage students in learning.
Scholastic News SN2-Sept2019-LongAgo-LEXILE-HIGHER.pdf (
California Studies Weekly (Week 11)
KWL Chart
DOK Question Stems
Critical Thinking Skills Chart
Fill out one work sheet for the assignment for this lesson plan
Level 1: Knowledge - Identification and recall of information.
My Answer: Most schoolhouse were built to serve students within four to five miles, which was considered close enough for them
to walk.
My Answer: The best way that I have found to compare and contrast a specific topic is by using a graphic organizer called the
Venn Diagram.
My Answer: It is important to learn about the past because the past affects the present, about the people we come from, and about
the struggles and accomplishments of our ancestors.
My Answer: The text describes things that people have made and used in the past. It provides us with images of each artifact.
Question: How has technology changed the way you have fun?
My Answer: Technology has brought us a lot of great ideas and new ways to have fun and enjoy the things around us. I am able to
listen to my favorite music from my cell phone or in my car. I can read some of my favorites book on the computer or my tablet.
My Answer: An opinion is something that someone believes or feels good about. There are many ways to support your opinion. I
will support my own opinion by using the sentence starters of first of all, second of all, and finally. I will provide you with strong
reasons to persuade you to agree with my opinion.