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Subjective : Risk for Short term Goal: Short term Goal:

Chief complaint: Impaired Gas After an hour of - Provide health - This includes the After an hour of
on and off cough Exchange health teaching teaching importance the health teaching
about the client’s regarding the proper and about the client’s
Vital signs: status, medical patient’s timely status, medical
Bp: 90/60 treatment the client status and compliance treatment the client
T: 37 will able to state medication manner of taking was able to state
understanding of the the medication, understanding of the
Diagnostic tests: health teaching prevention of health teaching
PTB chest x-ray- spread of the
both upper lobes Long term Goal: disease, and Long term Goal:
importance of
Xpert MTB/RIF: After 3-6months of enough After 3-6months of
+MTB medication the knowledge about medication the
Not detected patient will: the patient’s patient was:
RIF status.
- Report - Disseminate - Report
absence of medication as - Start of proper absence of
dyspnea per medication will dyspnea
- Demonstrate physician’s help to eliminate - Demonstrate
improved order C/O TB bacteria and improved
ventilation DOTS prevention of ventilation
- Free of antibiotic - Free of
symptoms of resistance symptoms of
respiratory - Encourage respiratory
distress. breathing - Will promote distress.
- Laboratory exercises better airway - Laboratory
tests shows patency and tests shows
negative strengthen lung negative
results from capacity. results from
TB - Promote bed TB
rest, decrease - Will help to the
activity, and recovery of the GOAL PARTIALLY
promote self- patient and MET
care promote better

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