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Cardenas, Heindrich O.

BSN Level 2
NCM 102

Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Plan of care Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: Deficient Knowledge Short Term - Ascertain level of - The individual may Short Term
“ Ngayon ko lang regarding disease, knowledge, including not be physically,
narinig ang sakit na prognosis, and After 1hr of nursing anticipatory needs emotionally, or mentally The goal was met,
ito at ngayon meron treatment needs intervention the capable at this time. After 1hr of nursing
na pala ako” may be related to patient understood intervention the
lack of information and discussed more - Provide positive - This could encourage patient understood
about her HIV status. reinforcement continuation of effort and discussed more
about her HIV status.
Objective: Long Term -Discuss medication - Enhances
- Anxious regimen, interactions, cooperation with or Long Term
-Disconcerted After series of 8hrs and side effects increases probability of
- Inquisitive nursing intervention, success with The goal was met,
-Frightened the patient will therapeutic regimen. After series of 8hrs
verbalized that she nursing intervention,
understood HIV -Maintaining a well the patient verbalized
treatment, life style balance diet will give that she understood
Measurements: changes, and -Encouraged patient to HIV treatment, life
a healthy diet proper nutrients to the
T: 36.9 C transmission of the body in order to stay style changes, and
R: 80 bpm disease. healthy transmission of the
P: 18cpm disease.
BP: 110/70 mmHg
-Corrects myths and
- Review modes of misconceptions;
transmission of promotes safety for
disease, especially if patient and others.
newly diagnosed. Accurate
epidemiological data
are important in
targeting prevention

Cardenas, Heindrich O.
BSN Level 2
NCM 102

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