FCO To PPS and Germany Gar 6300 - 6500
FCO To PPS and Germany Gar 6300 - 6500
FCO To PPS and Germany Gar 6300 - 6500
Nomor : FCO.001/B&D-INTRA/I/2023
Date : Indonesia, February 27, 2023
P.P.S Harness
325/24 Thesa 2 Rd., Nai Mueang District ,
Province 02000 Thailand
Subject : Full Coorporate Offer for Steam Coal GCV ar GAR 6500 - 6300 Kcal
Hereby our company PT. Kami Plant Internasional, according to the Letter of Intens (LoI) that your
issued, intens to offer our coal product with the following conditions :
1. Commodity : Steam Coal in bulk
2. Coal Spesifications :
Parameters Basic Typical
Gross Calorific Value (arb) 6500 - 6300 kcal
Total Moisture (arb) 30% - 36%
Inherent Moisture (adb) 24% - 26%
Ash Content (arb) 2% - 8%
Volatile Matter (arb) 30% - 50%
Total Sulphur (arb) 0,5% - 1%
Fixed Carbon (arb) 20% - 0%
Size (0 - 50 mm) 90%
4. Adjustment:
Price Adjustment : Each Shipment depend on market price;
Perkantoran Gedung Gajah Unit R-S, Jl. Dr. Sahardjo No. 111
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 12810 NIB Number : 1309220003917
[email protected] | [email protected] Tax Number : 609106992015000
5. Validity:
Validity : Within 7 (Seven) days from the date of publications; Prices be must evaluated monthly
for annual contract;
In this case the government of Indonesia will be impose a coal export tax, price unit will
increase accordingly.
To continue the above material according the plan and schedule:
Buyers agree and reply our FCO by signing and stamping company on it;
Buyers must send Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order (ICPO) to our company within 5 (five)
days after signing the FCO;
Buyer must provide with full details about his company, address, telephone, fax and bank
account detail, account number, bank address, telephone number and fax, swift code,
contact name of bankclerk;
This ICPO is part of the sale and purchase agreement (contract), which cannot be
changed or canceled. This must be followed by a sale and purchase agreement within 5
(five) working days (prepared by seller), after the seller received the ICPO and complete
company and banking details from buyer (as outlined in point above).
Thank you for your attention and corporation, we are looking forward to receive your favorable reply
at your convenient time. For Next Process : Buyer Send Sign Accepted FCO, Draft Contract (DC) &
Draft LC -> Seller Send Sign DC Sign Draft LC -> Buyer Site Visit & PSA (Ultimate Analysis) -> Seller & Buyer
Sign Final Contract at Notarial Office -> LC ON -> Delivery to MV -> Final Inspection -> Document Complete
-> LC 100% Payment -> Contract Finish.
Jakarta, January 27, 2023
Perkantoran Gedung Gajah Unit R-S, Jl. Dr. Sahardjo No. 111
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 12810 NIB Number : 1309220003917
[email protected] | [email protected] Tax Number : 609106992015000