The ROH Trust
The ROH Trust
The ROH Trust
Deed of Trust 2
Irrevocable Common Law Contract for the Purpose Trust herein known as the ROH Trust, herein written 3
as the Trust. 4
WHEREAS, We, Keith Edward Livingway and Sam Germain Betancour de Valencia Halpern, Grantors of 6
the Trust Indenture, do hereby testify, affirm, acknowledge and declare, we are testamentary stewards 7
under the High Blessing and authority of the Most High, fully vested with holding power and right 8
pursuant to the common law of the land, holding all assets herein identified, received, transferred and 9
assigned free and clear of any encumbrances, to be settled in Trust, pursuant to this irrevocable 10
common law contract for the Purpose Trust. 11
BY THE TRUST INDENTURE, all the herein contained provisions, agreements, covenants, 13
procedures, and International Notices and service of process are established, bound, duly recorded, 14
executed and made known to all men by these presents, of the Trust Agreement, whereas, 15
Grantors 17
Section 1 18
We, Keith Edward Livingway and Sam Germain Betancour deValencia Halpern herein identified as 19
Testamentary stewards under the authority of the Most High, are the makers, grantors and settlors of 20
the asset known as the rural free delivery routes pursuant to the Trust agreement. 21
Section 2 22
Settlors shall have no further administrative responsibilities or liabilities pertaining to the Trust after 23
the making and execution of this Deed of Trust by Granting/transferring the rural free delivery routes to 24
the general post office to be held in Trust and stored as a bonded warehouse and the purpose of the 25
rural free delivery routes shall be administered by affirmed general post masters for the benefit of the 26
qualified people within this Purpose Trust Agreement. 27
Section 1 29
We, the Executive Branch, and legislative Branch of the Articles of Confederation, as amended, are 30
hereby appointed Trustee of this Irrevocable Common Law Contract for the Purpose Trust. 31
Section 2 32
Trustee shall appoint at least one alternate Trustee immediately to secure the office of Trustee in the 33
event of vacancy or absence for any reason and to stand by in the event the above-named Trustee 34
becomes physically or mentally incapacitated, and may appoint other Trustee (s) as he/she deems 35
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expedient through paper ballot election by the qualified people as beneficiaries. 36
Alternate Trustee shall assist with administering the articles of the Trust in any manner, 37
subject to the wishes of the Trustee. Trustee shall have right to appoint as many alternate Trustees as 38
necessary he/she shall deem worthy to secure the administration of this Deed of Trust. 39
Section 3 40
Trustee shall have full powers to administer and exercise all matters related to the Trust. Each 41
Trustee, Assigns and Successors shall exercise the herein enumerated full powers pursuant to the law of 42
this Deed of Trust and shall remain in force and effect without any limitation whatsoever. 43
Section 4 44
The Trustee shall during the Trust Period hold the Trust Funds on behalf of the beneficiaries and the 45
income thereof for use and delivery of private messages, packages or any other form of communication 46
of the specified Beneficiaries herein identified as the people for the support and cause of their 47
continued service and security. 48
Section 5 49
The Trustee may pay, distribute, or apply the whole or any part of the income, capital, equity, interest, 50
use, assigns of value of whatever nature, to or in any manner which is in their opinion for the benefit of 51
all or any parties and successor assigns pursuant to the General Post Articles and any other express 52
agreement. 53
Section 6 54
The Trustee may transfer, assign or convey any part of the asset described as the rural free delivery 55
routes to Independent Holding Trusts, created either by the Trustee, or by qualified people 56
within the following metes and bounds provided the Trustee is satisfied that the transfer is for the 57
benefit of all or any one or more of the, or the continued service, support and cause of their specified 59
Purpose mission. 61
The metes and bounds for The United States of America are currently made up of the rural free 63
delivery routes abutting Canada to the North, Mexico to the South, the Atlantic Ocean to the east 64
and the Pacific Ocean to the West without land lock, and seaward boundaries 12 miles past the 65
baseline. The rural free delivery routes are classified as easements abutting the judicial districts of 66
the United States or any Grand Lodge claims for the purpose of establishing States as defined: 67
These facts include effective control over a clearly defined territory and population; an organized 69
governmental administration of that territory; and a capacity to act effectively to conduct foreign 71
relations and to fulfill international obligations. 73
Furthermore: 75
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1. The Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States was a treaty signed at 77
Montevideo, Uruguay, on December 26 1933. 79
The convention set out the definition, rights and duties of statehood. Most well-known is Article 1, 80
which set out four criteria for statehood, as quoted below. 82
The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: 84
A: a permanent population; 86
B: a defined territory; 88
C: government; and 90
D: capacity to enter into relations with the other states. 92
Article 3 of the Convention also declares that statehood is independent of recognition by other 94
states, so a country can exist even if other countries don't recognize it. 96
2. The Declarative theory of statehood is based on the 4 criteria specified in the Montevideo 98
Convention. 100
3. The constitutive theory of statehood defines a state or country as a person of international law if, 102
and only if, it is recognized as sovereign by other states. This means that so long as enough other 104
countries recognize you as a country, you ARE a country, even if you don't have control over your 106
territory or a permanent population. 108
So, you can see that the two definitions allow for different numbers of countries to exist. 110
Today a common way to define a country is to avoid these two definitions and say that if it's a 112
member of the United Nations, it's a country. However, the Holy See, or Vatican, isn't a member of 114
the United Nations, but it certainly is a country. The United Kingdom is a member of the United 116
Nations, but the countries of England, Scotland and Ireland aren't, so by the UN rule, they aren't 118
countries. 120
That of course goes against what the UK government states on the Prime Minister's web site, where 122
it declares that " The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and 124
Northern Ireland. " 126
So, if you really want to know how many countries there are, first select the definition you want to 128
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use, then allow for where you are and what political views you have, then you have a chance of 129
making an educated guess at the answer! 131
Section 7 133
The Purpose Trust shall be in perpetuity with one exception; if any time a deficit 134
greater than the total sum of value of the Trust assets, holdings and funds aggregate, absolute 135
liquidation of all Trust funds and assets shall be commenced and dissolution shall occur at once by the 136
Trustee and the Trust shall cease to exist. Once the Trust no longer exists the rural free delivery routes 137
shall revert back to the original Grantors Estates to be held until which time the Trust can be re- 138
established and settled. Deficit shall be equally divided for settlement by any and all of the 139
beneficiaries, associated with the Trust after liquidation. 140
Section 8 141
Distribution of beneficiary interest held in any Trust Fund account of deposits and monies of whatever 142
nature shall be at the discretion, request and agreement of the designated Beneficiaries herein. Absent 143
a specific designated Beneficiary by nature of this Purpose Deed of Trust, Trustee shall exercise good 144
faith discretion for the distribution of any Trust Fund account and monies whatsoever on deposit. 145
Section 9 146
Upon receiving and acceptance by Trustee, all ownership of Title in allodium of all assets of whatever 147
nature and kind, the beneficial interest, equity, property, claim, use, control, rights and assignment 148
rights shall be held in trust for general post office and beneficiary use, for the Beneficiaries with no 149
reservation of any beneficial interest, equity, property, claim, use, control, rights and assignment rights 150
whatsoever, to any corporation, entity, agency or instrumentality, statutorily thereof or otherwise, that 151
is not an interested beneficiary to this Deed of Trust. 152
Section 1 154
Trustee shall never be personally liable for any taxes, or any other liabilities by ordinary course of 155
administrating the assets and funds of this Deed of Trust, however, shall make every effort to ascertain 156
the legitimacy of any that attempt to have a claim against ownership of Title in allodium and or the 157
property, rights, claim, interest, use, control, and beneficiary assignment rights, of the Purpose Trust 158
as identified herein. 159
Section 2 160
Engaging in any statutory revenue taxable activity from which a tax liability and/or reporting 161
requirement could accrue to the Trustee or the Purpose Trust is prohibited. 162
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Section 1 165
The Trust is created with the express understanding, and notice given hereof, that no funds or other 166
assets of the Trust shall be held for speculative trades or investment for profit and interest generating, 167
banking or corporate institution account, or otherwise. All Trust Fund accounts, bank accounts shall be 168
Trust fund holding accounts, serving as Stewards to the purpose of this Deed of Trust. 169
Section 2 170
It is the intention and declaration that all assets, including the Full Title paper money exchanged, buy 171
and sell assets, settled in the Trust by the Settlor, or future acceptance by the Trustee of transfers and 172
assigns of property and assets pursuant to the ordinary course of business of administrating this Trust, 173
are WITHOUT RECOURSE TO THE MAKER, meaning: the maker of the paper, and any and all 174
instrumentalities and agencies absent of being a party to this Trust, whom have no recourse and interest 175
in the ownership of the Title in allodium, property, rights, claim, interest, use, control, and assignment 176
rights held in Trust, neither its assets, the Trustee, nor the Purpose Trust. 177
Section 3 178
Transferring and assignment in Trust without recourse, forever denies any and all interest in the 179
ownership of the Title in allodium, Property, Rights, Claim, Interest, Use, Control, and Assignment 180
Rights held by Trust and its assets, and serves to keep the Trust assets and funds private, outside the 181
bankruptcy of any statutory entity, political jurisdiction or instrumentality thereof. 182
Section 4 183
All Title to assets and Trust Fund accounts in whatever holding entity, shall be identified by name of the 184
current Trustee, ending with the Title of the word, Trustee. 185
Section 1 187
Utilizing any beneficial property or asset of the Trust in any way which would minimize, hinder or 188
inhibit any Citizen, National or globally from whatever country, their commitment, loyalty or discipline 189
and well-being is prohibited. 190
Section 2 191
The property, rights, claim, interest, use, control, and assignment rights and assets of the Trust shall be 192
used for the promotion of the establishment of Societies, States, Nations and countries and Statuses of 193
family estates, for promotion of security, leadership, education, science, literature, law and art, for 194
expenditures and advancement of global prosperity and peace, for ordinary and/or extraordinary 195
expenses incurred for the benefit of the chosen beneficiaries, to deal in private property and land, to 196
receive and accept, assign and or release coin, bullion and additional assets and combine such assets 197
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into additional Trust(s), provided, however, that the Trustee(s) shall directly manage all Trust activities 198
and shall not engage the Trust, nor Trust assets and funds, in any illegal activities. 199
Section 1 201
The Trustee shall be vested with ownership of Title in allodium of all assets for the use, interest, and 202
benefit, pursuant to this Deed of Trust. 203
Section 2 204
Ownership of Title in allodium to all property and assets herein indentified or received and accepted in 205
the future of this Trust, shall be absolutely received, assigned, transferred, granted, conveyed and upon 206
acceptance by the Trustee, shall be vested in the Trustee, reserving no rights or interest whatsoever, to 207
any corporation, entity, agency or instrumentality thereof. 208
Section 3 210
Upon the transfer, assignment and release of any or all ownership of Title or interest therein, property, 211
rights, claim, interest, use, control, and assignment rights, having been received and accepted by the 212
Trustee or assigns hereunder, said parties or entities whatsoever shall exclusively treat the transferee 213
and assignment of such as being vested with stewardship and sole ownership in allodium of said 214
accounts/funds/assets without recourse or reservation of any interest or rights to any entity or 215
instrumentality thereof, not party to the transfer and assignment. Absent proper authorization 216
hereunder, no party other than said Trustee is authorized to make any such transfer. The said entities 217
shall be responsible, accountable and liable, in acting upon any notice or other instrument or 218
communication, to determine that said notice/instrument/communication is in fact valid, binding and 219
executed within proper jurisdiction and law, and not in violations of any provision herein or Right 220
invoked/retained hereby. 221
Section 1 223
Operations and activities by the Trustee of the Trust are subject to the original common law of the land, 224
which has been well-settled judicially to be part of and the principles of Nation Building and the 225
Scriptures. All controversies, questions, legal issues, tax collection issues, debt, securities, liens, 226
litigation, civil and criminal of whatever Nature, regarding ownership of Title in allodium, and property, 227
rights, claim, interest, use, control, and assignment rights, between the Trustees and any Beneficiaries, 228
whatsoever, shall be adjudicated by an assembly of at least three beneficiaries . 229
Section 2 230
This irrevocable common law contract for Purpose Trust, and the Trustee hereof, shall 231
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not be limited, except as herein stated, and the governing law of the Trust shall be construed and 232
enforced as the applicable law, and with all rights reserved hereto, by the Trustee. Any other attempted 233
law shall be subject to the articles, laws, terms and conditions pursuant to the General Post Articles, the 234
Articles of Confederation, as amended, all of the laws, trusts and agreements of the reign of the heavens 235
Nation initiated by a bonafide RESIDENT DECLARATION, oath or affirmation as an American National, 236
general post master, reign national, reign Citizen, or other social compact agreement within the reign of 237
the heavens society, or within a county regardless of the type of body politic only after such law is 238
proven specifically applicable. All of the aforementioned statuses shall serve as qualification as one of 239
the people. 240
Section 3 241
Interpretation of words and meanings within the Trust shall be pursuant to the common law of Bouviers 242
Law Dictionary, 1856 Edition. 243
Section 1 245
It is reserved to the Trustee, the power and right to collect all revenue which may result from said Trust 246
assets and services, to limit the Trust assets and funds to non-revenue-taxable activities, and to collect 247
such revenue for deposit into the Trust fund. 248
Section 1 250
The Trust is irrevocable. The term of the Trust shall be in perpetuity. The Judicial Branch of The United 251
States of America and the reign of the heavens shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction of all suits. 252
Section 1 254
The Trustee shall work in harmony with the general post office to administer this Trust. The 255
above named Trustee and his/her successor(s)/appointee(s) or elected shall serve without bond and 256
carry out all terms and agreements . The remainder of the Trust may not be shared with any person 257
who is not identified as a chosen Beneficiary thereof or Trustee of this Trust, nor may it be viewed by 258
any legal authority except as provided herein. 259
Section 1 261
Each true and correct full and complete copy of this original Deed of Trust and indenture, said copy 262
bearing both a legible copy of the signature of the chosen Beneficiaries and an original signature of the 263
Trustee hereof, accompanied by a copy of such appointment bearing the attested signature of the 264
original Trustee hereof, shall be construed as a True and Correct Full and Complete Original of this 265
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Section 1 268
The Trust shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, administrators, or executors of 269
the undersigned declared beneficiaries or assigns, and shall extend binding upon the heirs, 270
administrators, or executors of the undersigned successor assigns. However, any Trustee, at the time of 271
accepting said office, shall not serve as beneficiary wherein at the time of holding office of Trustee, in 272
whatever form within the Executive or Legislative Branch, the said beneficiary status of the Trustee shall 273
be held by the registrar until such time as the time of holding office shall expire. 274
Section 1 277
1. All ownership of Title in allodium, property, claim, interest, use and assignment rights hereunder 278
shall be inalienable and free from anticipation, attachment, assignment, pledge, security, bond, 279
or control by creditors, agencies, entities, instrumentalities and/or any present or former person 280
or such beneficiary, in any proceeding at law or in equity. 281
Section 1 283
In the event certain provisions for the administration of the Trust pursuant to the laws and jurisdiction 284
of operation are found absent and lacking, Trustee reserves and maintains all rights whatsoever to 285
provide for additional provisions and amendments pursuant to the common law for lawful compliance 286
found in the General Post Articles, as amended or any other express agreement provided. 287
Makor/Steward/Settlors Acknowledgment of Purpose Trust: 289
BE IT KNOWN by our own Act and Deed, I the Makor/Steward/Settlor, do hereby 290
acknowledge the vestment of the herein settlement of assets herein identified, do grant, issue and vest 291
absolute ownership of Title in allodium, in the Trustee, of herein settled assets, to hold and administer 292
pursuant to the acts of this Deed of Trust. I declare, acknowledge, affirm, testify, and state under 293
penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the 20
day of 294
May, two thousand and thirteen in the year of our Sovereign of the reign of the heavens. 295
Settlor/Grantor 297
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America and the reign of the heavens. 302
Trustee(s): 303
office of the Governor, 305
General Post Master Council, 308
Office of the Secretary of State, 311
Office of the Treasurer, 314
The United States, in Congress assembled, 317
Notarial Tribunal 321
Registrar 326
Private Declaration of Assets and Letter of Conditions under non-disclosure for the Trustees 334
The claim as shown above has moved from the flag and seal above to other flags and seals to
protect the claim from would be thieves. The compact agreement never manifested itself into
reality, however, the claim of the rural free delivery routes remains in tact.As promised by the
orignal claimants, the claim of the rural free delivery routes have been granted to the ROH Trust
for the benefit of the beneficiaries which is defined in the ROH Trust documents. The claim of
the rural free delivery routes remain in the metes and bounds of The United States of America,
the Confederacy of 1781, as amended. The Grantors are hopinng that the sacrifices made to
preserve the claims to the general post office and the survey of the rural free delivery routes
will not be in vain.
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The office of the Post Master General for The United States of America
Office hours: 9 A.M- 8:30 P.M. Monday Friday
Phone: 1-951-389-0313
Email: [email protected]
Universal Postal Union
International Bureau
P.O. Box
3000 BERNE 15
Director General of the International Bureau:
It has come to the attention of the office of the Post Master General for The United States of America
that according to the archives of the Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States
of America 1776-1949 Compiled under the direction of Charles I. Bevans LL.B. Assistant Legal Advisor
Department of State Volume 1 Multilateral 1776-1917 Department of State Publication 8484
Washington, DC : Government Printing Office, 1969 that The United States of America was invited to
sign the original Treaty concerning the formation of the General Postal Union. It appears that a
Representative of The United States of America was not present to sign the Treaty at the time.
The office of the Post Master General for The United States of America would like to introduce to the
Director General of the International Bureau one: Leonard William McLaughlin, the authorized
Representative for the general post office for The United States of America and is authorized to sign the
Treaty concerning the General Postal Union of October 9
, 1874, changed to the Universal Postal Union
in 1878.
The office of the Post Master General for The United States of America hereby approves the signing of
the General Postal Union Treaty of October 9
, 1874 by the authorized Representative.
Furthermore, For the United States of America: JOSEPH H. BLACKFAN was not the authorized
Representative for The United States of America at the time, although the entities look similar, the
entities were not the same.
Due to the new information now presented, the office of the Post Master General for The United States
of America does not see where it is required that a vote of the general post office for The United States
Intellectual Property Copyright@2012
of America to be admitted into the Universal Postal Union and would not be entirely necessary at this
time. If the Director General of the International Bureau disagrees with this conclusion by the office of
the Post Master General for The United States of America, please forward those concerns to the
authorized Representative or please continue with the voting process of admission of the general post
office for The United States of America into the Universal Postal Union. Otherwise, the office of the Post
Master General for The United States of America hereby accepts the open invitation to Treaty and
hereby remains a party to the General Postal Union of October 9th, 1874, now for then.
The office of the Post Master General for The United States of America,
Treaty Concerning the Formation of a General Postal Union, Concluded Between Germany,
Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, Spain, The United States of America,
France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Luxemburg, Norway, The Netherlands, Portugal,
Roumania, Russia, Servia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey.
The undersigned, plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the countries above enumerated, have by
common consent, and subject to ratification, agreed upon the following Convention:
The countries between which the present treaty is concluded shall form, under the title of General
Postal Union, a single postal territory for the reciprocal exchange of correspondence between their
The stipulations of this treaty shall extend to letters, post-cards, books, newspapers, and other printed
papers, patterns of merchandise, and legal and commercial documents originating in one of the
countries of the Union and intended for another of those countries. They shall also apply to the
exchange by post of the articles above mentioned between the countries of the Union and countries
foreign to the Union whenever such exchange takes place over the territory of two at least of the
contracting parties.
The general Union rate of postage is fixed at 25 centimes for a single prepaid letter.
Nevertheless, as a measure of conversion, the option is reserved to each country, in order to suit its
monetary or other requirements, of levying a rate higher or lower than this charge, provided that it does
not exceed 32 centimes or go below 20 centimes.
Every letter which does not exceed 15 grammes in weight shall be considered a single letter. The
charge upon letters exceeding that weight shall be a single rate for every 15 grammes or fraction of 15
The charge on unpaid letters shall be double the rate levied in the country of destination on prepaid
The prepayment of post-cards is compulsory. The postage to be charged upon them is fixed at one-half
of that on paid letters, with power to round off the fractions.
For all conveyance by sea of more than 300 nautical miles within the district of the Union, there may
be added to the ordinary postage an additional charge which shall not exceed the half of the general
Union rate fixed for a paid letter.
The general Union rate for legal and commercial documents, patterns of merchandise, newspapers,
stitched or bound books, pamphlets, music, visiting cards, catalogues, prospectuses, announcements
and notices of various kinds, whether printed, engraved, lithographed, or autographed, as well as for
photographs, is fixed at 7 centimes for each single packet.
Nevertheless, as a measure of conversion, the option is reserved to each country, in order to suit its
monetary or other requirements, of levying a rate higher or lower than this charge, provided that it does
not exceed 11 centimes or go below 5 centimes.
Every packet which does not exceed 50 grammes in weight shall be considered a single packet. The
charge upon packets exceeding that weight shall be a single rate for every 50 grammes or fraction of 50
For all conveyance by sea of more than 300 nautical miles within the district of the Union, there may
be added to the ordinary postage an additional charge which shall not exceed the half of the general
Union rate fixed for articles of this class.
The maximum weight of the articles mentioned above is fixed at 250 grammes for patterns of
merchandise, and at 1000 grammes for all the others.
There is reserved to the Government of each country of the Union the right to refuse to convey over its
territory or to deliver articles specified in the present Article with regard to which the laws, orders, and
decrees which regulate the conditions of their publication and circulation have not been observed.
The articles specified in Article 2 may be registered.
Every registered packet must be prepaid.
The postage payable on registered articles is the same as that on articles not registered.
The charge to be made for registration and for return receipts must not exceed that made in the interior
service of the country of origin.
In case of the loss of a registered article, except in the case of vis major(4), there shall be paid an
indemnity of 50 francs to the sender, or, at his request, to the addressee, by the Administration of the
country in the territory or in the maritime service of which the loss has occurred-that is to say, where
the trace of the article has been lost,-unless, according to the legislation of such country, the
Administration is not responsible for the loss of registered articles sent through its interior post.
The payment of this indemnity shall be effected with the least possible delay, and, at the latest, within a
year from the date of application.
All claim for an indemnity is excluded if it be not made within one year, counting from the date on
which the registered article was posted.
Prepayment of postage on every description of article can be effected only by means of postage-stamps
or stamped envelopes valid in the country of origin.
Newspapers and other printed papers unpaid or insufficiently paid shall not be forwarded. Other
articles when unpaid or insufficiently paid shall be charged as unpaid letters, after deducting the value
of the stamped envelopes or postage-stamps (if any) employed.
No additional postage shall be charged for the re-transmission of postal articles within the interior of
the Union.
But in case an article which has only passed through the interior service of one of the countries of the
Union should, by being re-directed, enter into the service of another country of the Union, the
Administration of the country of destination shall add its interior rate.
Official correspondence relative to the postal service is exempt from postage. With this exception, no
franking or reduction of postage is allowed.
Each Administration shall keep the whole of the sums which it collects by virtue of the foregoing
Articles 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Consequently, there will be no necessity on this head for any accounts
between the several Administrations of the Union.
Neither the senders nor the addressees of letters and other postal packets shall be called upon to pay,
either in the country of origin or in that of destination, any tax or postal duty other than those
contemplated by the Articles above mentioned.
The right of transit is guaranteed throughout the entire territory of the Union.
Consequently, there shall be full and entire liberty of exchange, the several Postal Administrations of
the Union being able to send reciprocally, in transit through intermediate countries, closed mails as well
as correspondence in open mails, according to the requirements of trade and the exigencies of the
postal service.
Closed mails and correspondence sent in open mails must always be forwarded by the most rapid
routes at the command of the Postal Administrations concerned.
When several routes offer the same advantages of speed, the despatching Administration shall have the
right of choosing the route to be adopted.
It is obligatory to make up closed mails whenever the number of letters and other postal packets is of a
nature to hinder the operations of the re-forwarding office, according to the declaration of the
Administration interested.
The despatching Office shall pay to the Administration of the territory providing the transit, the sum of
2 francs per kilogramme for letters and 25 centimes per kilogramme for the several articles specified in
Article 4, net weight, whether the transit takes place in closed mails or in open mails.
This payment may be increased to 4 francs for letters and to 50 centimes for the articles specified in
Article 4, when a transit is provided of more than 750 kilometers in length over the territory of one
It is understood, however, that in any case in which the transit is already actually gratuitous or subject
to lower rates, those conditions shall be maintained.
Whenever a transit shall take place by sea over a distance exceeding 300 nautical miles within the
district of the Union, the Administration by or at the expense of which this sea-service is performed
shall have the right to a payment of the expenses attending this transport.
The members of the Union engage to reduce those expenses as much as possible. The payment which
the Office providing the sea-conveyance may claim on this account from the despatching Office shall
not exceed 6 francs 50 centimes per kilogramme for letters, and 50 centimes per kilogramme for the
articles specified in Article 4, (net weight. )
In no case shall these expenses be higher than these now paid. Consequently, no payment shall be made
upon the postal sea routes on which nothing is paid at the present time.
In order to ascertain the weight of the correspondence forwarded in transit, whether in closed mails or
in open mails, there shall be taken, at periods which shall be determined upon by common consent, the
statistics of such correspondence during two weeks. Until revised, the result of that labor shall serve as
the basis of the accounts of the Administrations between themselves.
Each Office may demand a revision,-
1st. In case of any important modification in the direction of the correspondence;
2d. At the expiration of a year after the date of the last account.
The provisions of the present Article are not applicable to the Indian mail, nor to the mails conveyed
across the territory of the United States of America by the railways between New York and San
Francisco. Those services shall continue to form the object of special arrangements between the
Administrations concerned.
The relations of the countries of the Union with countries foreign to the Union shall be regulated by the
separate conventions which now exist or which may be concluded between them.
The rates of postage chargeable for the conveyance beyond the limits of the Union shall be determined
by those conventions; they shall be added, in such case, to the Union rate.
In conformity with the stipulations of Article 9, the Union rate shall be apportioned in the following
1st. The despatching Office of the Union shall keep the whole of the Union rate for the prepaid
correspondence addressed to foreign countries.
2d. The receiving Office of the Union shall keep the whole of the Union rate for the unpaid
correspondence originating in foreign countries.
3d. The Office of the Union which exchanges closed mails with foreign countries shall keep the whole
of the Union rate for the paid correspondence originating in foreign countries and for the unpaid
correspondence addressed to foreign countries.
In the cases mentioned under the Nos. 1, 2, and 3, the Office which exchanges the mails is not entitled
to any payment for transit. In all the other cases the transit rates shall be paid according to the
stipulations of Article 10.
The exchange of letters with value declared and of Post Office money orders shall form the subject of
ulterior arrangements between the various countries or groups of countries composing the Union.
The Postal Administrations of the various countries composing the Union are competent to draw up, by
common consent, in the form of detailed regulations,(5) all the measures of order and detail necessary
with a view of the execution of the present treaty. It is understood that the stipulations of these detailed
regulations may always be modified by the common consent of the Administrations of the Union.
The several Administrations may make amongst themselves the necessary arrangements on the subject
of questions which do not concern the Union generally; such as the regulations of exchange at the
frontier, the determination of radii in adjacent countries within which a lower rate of postage may be
taken, the conditions of the exchange of Post Office money orders and of letters with declared value,
etc., etc.
The stipulations of the present treaty do not involve any alteration in the interior postal legislation of
any country, nor any restriction of the right of the contracting parties to maintain and to conclude
treaties, as well as to maintain and establish more restricted unions with a view to a progressive
improvement of postal relations.
There shall be organized, under the name of the International Office of the General Postal Union, a
central office, which shall be conducted under the surveillance of a Postal Administration to be chosen
by the Congress, and the expenses of which shall be borne by all the Administrations of the contracting
This office shall be charged with the duty of collecting, publishing, and distributing information of
every kind which concerns the international postal service; of giving, at the request of the parties
concerned, an opinion upon questions in dispute; of making known proposals for modifying the
detailed regulations; of giving notice of alterations adopted; of facilitating operations relating to
international accounts, especially in the cases referred to in Article 10 foregoing; and in general of
considering and working out all questions in the interest of the Postal Union.
In case of disagreement between two or more members of the Union as to the interpretation of the
present treaty, the question in dispute shall be decided by arbitration. To that end, each of the
Administrations concerned shall choose another member of the Union not interested in the affair.
The decision of the arbitrators shall be given by an absolute majority of votes.
In case of an equality of votes the arbitrators shall choose, with the view of settling the difference,
another Administration equally disinterested in the question in dispute.
The entry into the Union of countries beyond sea not yet forming part of it, shall be effected on the
following conditions:-
1st. They shall make their application to the Administration charged with the management of the
International Office of the Union.
2d. They shall submit to the stipulations of the treaty of the Union, subject to an ulterior understanding
on the subject of the cost of sea conveyance.
3d. Their adhesion to the Union must be preceded by an understanding between the Administrations
having postal conventions or direct relations with them.
4th. In order to bring about this understanding, the managing Administration shall convene, if there be
occasion, a meeting of the Administrations interested, and of the Administration desiring admission.
5th. When the understanding has been arrived at, the managing Administration shall give notice of the
same to all the members of the General Postal Union.
6th. If in a period of six weeks, counting from the date of that communication, no objections are
presented, the adhesion shall be considered as accomplished, and notice thereof shall be given by the
managing Administration to the Administration joining the Union. The definitive adhesion shall be
completed by a diplomatic act between the Government of the managing Administration and the
Government of the Administration admitted into the Union.
Every three years at least, a Congress of plenipotentiaries of the countries participating in the treaty
shall be held with a view of perfecting the system of the Union, of introducing into it improvements
found necessary, and of discussing common affairs.
Each country has one vote.
Each country may be represented either by one or several delegates, or by the delegation of another
Nevertheless, it is understood that the delegate or delegates of one country can be charged with the
representation of two countries only, including the one they represent.
The next meeting shall take place at Paris, in 1877.
Nevertheless, this meeting may be held sooner, if a request to that effect be made by one-third at least
of the members of the Union.
The present treaty shall come into force on the 1st of July, 1875.
It is concluded for three years from that date. When that term shall have passed, it shall be considered
as indefinitely prolonged, but each contracting party shall have the right to withdraw from the Union on
giving notice one year in advance.
After the date on which the present treaty comes into effect, all the stipulations of the special treaties
concluded between the various countries and Administrations, in so far as they may be at variance with
the terms of the present treaty, and without prejudice to the stipulations of Article 14, are abrogated.
The present treaty shall be ratified as soon as possible, and, at the latest, three months previous to the
date on which it is to come into force. The acts of ratification shall be exchanged at Berne.(6)
In faith of which the plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the countries above enumerated have
signed it at Berne, the 9th of October, 1874.
For the United States of America: JOSEPH H. BEACKFAN
For Hungary: M. GERVAY & P. HEIM
For Denmark: FENGER
For Egypt: MUZZI BEY
For France: (May 3, 1875,) B. D HARCOURT
For Great Britain: WM. JA s PAGE
For Greece: A. MANSOLAS & A. H. BETANT
For Luxemburg: VON ROEBE
For Norway: C. OPPEN
For Sweden: W. Roos
For Switzerland: EUGENE BOREL & NAEFF & DR. J. HEER
For The United States of America: Leonard William McLaughlin September 9
, 2012
The undersigned plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the countries which have to-day signed the
treaty concerning the formation of a General Postal Union, have agreed as follows:
In case the French Government, which has reserved to itself the open protocol, and which appears in
consequence in the number of the contracting parties to the treaty without having yet given to it its
adherence, should decide not to sign it,(7) this treaty shall be no less definitive and obligatory for all
the other contracting parties whose representatives have signed it to-day.
In faith of which the undersigned plenipotentiaries have prepared the present final protocol, which shall
have the same force and value as if the provisions it contains were inserted in the treaty itself, and they
have signed one copy of it, which shall remain in the archives of the Government of the Swiss
Confederation, and a copy of which shall be given to each party.
BERNE, October 9, 1874
For Hungary: M. GERVAY & P. HEIM
For Denmark: FENGER
For Egypt: MUZZI BEY
For the United States of America: JOSEPH H. BLACKFAN
For Great Britain : w. J. PAGE
For Greece: A. MANSOLAS & A. H. BETANT
For Italy : TANTESIO
For Luxemburg: V. DE ROEBE
For Norway: C. OPPEN
For Sweden: W. Roos
For Switzerland: EUGENE BOREL & NAEFF & DR. J. HEER
For The United States of America: Leonard William McLaughlin September 9th, 2012
[For text of regulations for execution of the treaty, see 19 Stat. 592.]
(1) For text of regulations for execution of the treaty, see 19 Stat. 592. Back
(2) The proces-verbal of exchange of ratifications (including that of the United States) at Bern dated
May 3, 1875, contains French conditions and reservations, assented to by the other contracting parties.
For text of these provisions, see footnote 6, p. 37. For complete text of proces-verbal, see 19 Stat 590.
(3) Post, p. 51. Back
(4) A greater or superior force. An unpreventable immediate loss from a natural cause. (Note added by
The Avalon Project). Back
(5) See footnote 1,above. Back
(6) Exchange of ratifications delayed by Common consent. Back
(7) The convention was signed for France on May 3, 1875, subject to conditions and reservations
assented to by the other contracting parties. These conditions and reservations, recorded in the proces-
verbal of exchange of ratifications of May 3, 1875 (19 Stat. 590), read, in translation, as follows:
"France gives its adhesion to the Treaty, subject to the approval of the National Assembly ....
"1st. This convention may enter into effect, so far as France is concerned, as late as the 1st of January,
"2d. The compensation to be paid for territorial transit shall be adjusted according to the actual route
traversed, but at the same rates as those established by the Treaty constituting the General Postal Union.
"3d. There shall be no modification made in relation to the tariffs established in the Treaty of the 9th
October, 1874, except by the unanimous vote of the countries of the Union represented at the
Congress." Back
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Shi pment
DHL Express Worl dwi de Letter
Shi p To:
Di rwector General of the I nterneti o
Uni versal Postal Uni on
Wel tpoststrasse 4
BERNE, 3015
Package ID: 91460 64.37
Tracki ng : 7437907816
TAX 0.00
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Leonard McLaughl i n
#134254 01:37 PM
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The office of the Secretary of State for the reign of the heavens
Office hours: 9 A.M- 8:30 P.M. Monday Friday
Phone: 1-951-389-0313
Email: [email protected]
Comes Now for then:
American Nationals for The
United States of America as
amended from the united
States of America as
amended from the thirteen
United States of America of
the citizens of the reign of
the heavens of the
Nationals of the reign of
the heavens of the
Sovereign of the reign of
the heavens.
The citizens of the United
States of the United States
of America of the State of
Great Britain of the Holy
See of the Vicar of Christ of
World International Public Notice
1: The citizens of the United States,
under oath or affirmation hereby
have 90 days to produce a superior
claim, over the claim of the
affirmed American Nationals claim
to the metes and bounds of The
United States of America.
2: The citizens of the United States,
under oath or affirmation have 90
days to produce evidence of the
authority to create 49 States and
call those States the private
property of the citizens of the
United States of the United States
of America.
3: The citizens of the United States,
under oath or affirmation have 90
days to produce any authority,
claim or right to sign the General
Postal Treaty of 1874.
After 90 days,
notwithstanding, the citizens
of the United States, under
oath or affirmation forfeit
any and all claims to all
addresses and postal zones
claimed by the citizens of the
United States, including any
jurisdiction or venue claims
or any property rights claims,
forfeited to the possession
of the general post office for
The United States of America
to be held in Trust for the
people who are willing to
affirm or oath to one of the
49 States or The United
States of America.
So Noticed, Served and
challenged on the 7th day of
February in the year
6015/2013, in the name of
the Sovereign of the reign of
the heavens.
Affirmed American Nationals and general post masters for the general post office for The United States of
The office of the Secretary of State for the reign of the heavens
Office hours: 9 A.M- 8:30 P.M. Monday Friday
Phone: 1-951-389-0313
Email: [email protected]
Page two
Certificate of Service
for the
Challenge for the citizens of the United States
I hereby certify that the Challenge for the citizens of the United States was sent to the
Federal Reserve of the United States;
St. Louis
One Federal Reserve Bank Plaza
Broadway and Locust Streets
St. Louis, MO 63102
Postal mailing address (USPS):
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis, MO 63166-0442
Universal Postal Union by email.
Permanent Bureau, Hague Conference in Private International Law
Scheneningseweg 6
2517 KT The Hague
The Netherlands
The International Criminal Court by email
Certified and Signed on this February 7, 2013:
general post master for The United States of America
02/08/2013 (800)275-8777 01:45:05 PM
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Phone--: 1-951-389-0313
Comes Now for then: World International Public Notice
After 90 days,
American Nationals for The
notwithstanding, the citizens
United States of America as
1: The citizens of the United States,
of the United States, under
under oath or affirmation hereby
amended from the united
have 90 days to produce a superior
oath or affirmation forfeit
States of America as
claim, over the claim of the
any and all claims to all
amended from the thirteen
affirmed American Nationals claim
addresses and postal zones
United States of America of to the metes and bounds of The
claimed by the citizens of the
the citizens of the reign of United States of America.
United States, including any
the heavens of the
jurisdiction or venue claims
Nationals of the reign of
2: The citizens of the United States,
or any property rights claims,
under oath or affirmation have 90
forfeited to the possession
the heavens of the
days to produce evidence of the
of the general post office for
Sovereign of the reign of
authority to create 49 States and
The United States of America
the heavens.
call those States the private
to be held in Trust for the
property of the citizens of the
people who are willing to
United States of the United States
affirm or oath to one of the
of America.
49 States or The United
The citizens ofthe United
States of America.
States of the United States
3: The citizens of the United States,
of America of the State of under oath or affirmation have 90
So Noticed, Served and
Great Britain of the Holy days to produce any authority,
challenged on the 7th day of
See of the Vicar of Christ of
claim or right to sign the General
February in the year
Postal Treaty of 1874.
6015/2013, in the name of
the Sovereign of the reign of
the heavens.
Affirmed American Nationals and general post masters for the general post office for The United States of
dlV01 \'v\ \
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Reg. Fee
Charge $0.00
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of Col or
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Large Env
1.10 oz.
Expected Del i ver y: Mon 03/11/13
6 ~~Regi stered $12.05
I nsured Val ue : $50.00
Ar t i cl e Val ue : $50,00
Label i t : RE364593993US
Customer Postage - $13,17
Subt ot al : $0.00
Tot al :
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sel ect Post Of f i ces.
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Postage ^ p Restricted 4 . . o .
Delivery V.W>-
Received by
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Full Value $$0-00
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Desct i pt i on
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Sal e
Mail PSA
$] Wi sdom 1 $
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Tol eware
Zone 5 Fi r st -Cl ass
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1.10 02 .
Expected Del i ver y;
I I Regi stered
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Art icl e Value :
Label is i RE36
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Pci i d by;
1 $19.95
U 04/11/13
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The/ office-- of the/ Secretary of State- for the.' rei^n of the/ heaveny
Office/ houry: 9 AM- 8:30 P.M. Monday -Friday
VhofUZ/ : 1 -951 -389-0313
Email/ ; reity%of(hhe^'ew^
ComesNow for then:
American Nationalsfor The
United Statesof America as
amended fromtheunited
Statesof America as
amended fromthe thirteen
United Statesof America of
thecitizensof thereign of
the heavensof the
Nationalsof thereign of
the heavensof the
Sovereign of thereign of
Thecitizensof theUnited
Statesof theUnited States
of Americaof the Stateof
Great Britain of theHoly
See of the Vicar of Christ of
World International Public Notice
1: Thecitizensof theUnited States,
under oath or affirmation hereby
have90 daystoproduceasuperior
claim, over theclaimof the
affirmed American Nationalsclaim
to themetesand boundsof The
United Statesof America.
2: Thecitizensof theUnited States,
under oath or affirmation have90
daystoproduceevidenceof the
authoritytocreate49 Statesand
call thoseStatestheprivate
propertyof thecitizensof the
United Statesof theUnited States
of America.
After 90 days,
notwithstanding, thecitizens
of theUnited States, under
oath or affirmation forfeit
anyand all claimstoall
addressesand postal zones
claimed bythecitizensof the
United States, includingany
jurisdiction or venueclaims
or anypropertyrightsclaims,
forfeited tothepossession
of thegeneral post officefor
TheUnited Statesof America
to beheld in Trust for the
affirmor oath tooneof the
49 Statesor TheUnited
Statesof America.
3: Thecitizensof theUnited States,
under oath or affirmation have90
claimor right tosign theGeneral
Postal Treatyof 1874.
SoNoticed, Served and
challenged on the7th dayof
FebruaryIn theyear
6015/2013, in thenameof
theSovereign of thereign of
Affirmed American Nationalsand general post mastersfor thegeneral post officefor The United Statesof
I f \ , 1
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05/08/2013 (800)275-8777 11:37:04 AM
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Qty Pri ce
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Termi nal
Mai l PSA
5c Amer
Tol eware
$1 Wi sdom
Zone-5 Fi r st - Cl ass
Large Env
1.00 02.
Expected Del i ver y: Sat 05/11/13
Regi stered Voi d
I nsured Val ue ; $0.01
Ar t i cl e Val ue : $0.01
Label : RE364594557US
Registered No
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Charge $0.00
Receipt $0,00
Delivery $0.00
I ssue PVI : $12.97
s i
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Q. Q) m
E p. %
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Customer Must Declare
Full Value $*n
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Label : RE364594557US
Customer Postage
Subt ot al :
Sat 05/11/13
Tot al ; $21.00
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Change Due:
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