Apo Nid124756 PDF
Apo Nid124756 PDF
Apo Nid124756 PDF
Section Page
Foreword Three
Introduction Four
Why design quality is important and how auditors can help Five
5. Minimise operation and maintenance costs, and environmental impact Twenty Eight
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The design of public buildings is not just a technical issue or a matter of aesthetics.
Good design has a key role to play in improving the quality of services provided by
the public sector. A well designed building can, for example, help patients to recover
from illness more quickly or encourage better learning among schoolchildren. It can
also benefit the service deliverers who work within it, by contributing to staff
recruitment, retention and motivation. In short, good design can increase the value
for money that the building provides across its whole life.
Auditors are frequently called upon to make judgments on the quality of public
construction projects at various stages of the procurement process. When doing so,
it is important that they consider wider issues than just the initial capital cost. Value
for money in construction involves completing a project to time, cost and a level of
quality that meets the need. A good project will continue to provide value for money
and meet user needs throughout its lifetime, and will contribute to the environment
in which it is located with a wide range of social and economic benefits. An early
This guide has been developed by the National Audit Office (NAO), the
Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), and the Office of
Government Commerce (OGC), in association with the Audit Commission. Its purpose
construction, and a firm basis for examining whether good design has been achieved
and suggests the types of evidence that will help to answer those questions.
We therefore hope that the audit community will find this guide useful, and that
it will contribute to the design of better buildings across the public sector.
This publication is primarily intended to guide internal and external auditors to
making sound judgements when auditing public sector construction projects at all
stages of the procurement process. For the purpose of this guide ‘construction
projects’ is taken to mean all public sector building projects including new build,
open space.
good design should Government policy and approach to achieving whole-life value for money from
When auditing construction projects to assess their value for money, auditors
wherever they are,
should check that the Achieving Excellence principles are being followed.
should be able to
Departments have agreed collectively to two strategic targets as measures for their
benefit from good
success in achieving whole-life value for money. These can be found at Appendix C.
design.” OGC has suggested a range of Areas for Action that departments should consider for
inclusion in their Action Plans for implementing Achieving Excellence and against
Better Public Buildings –
which they can judge their compliance level. Auditors may consider these as a
Rt Hon Tony Blair MP,
starting point.
Prime Minister
creative design is an essential ingredient in achieving value for money. Value for
money in construction is about more than delivering a project to time and cost.
located, deliver a range of wider social and economic benefits and be adaptable
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The ultimate aim is to deliver construction projects that meet the requirements
of the business and all stakeholders, particularly the end users. An early investment
in design quality can make service delivery significantly more efficient and will
enhance the working environment for all those who use our public buildings.
Green Book and tools such as the Construction Industry Council’s Design Quality
Indicators, this guide reflects an increasing awareness of the benefits delivered by
well designed construction projects and the need to consider whole-life values.
efficiency, structural integrity, sustainability, lifetime costing and flexibility as value for money in
well as responsiveness to the site and its setting. construction projects.”
Good design can be summarised as a mix of the following attributes:
● Functionality in use: Does it optimise the operational cost of core services Sir John Bourn,
The Design Quality Indicator (DQI) is an online tool that helps define and
one percent – but contribute to staff recruitment, retention and motivation and increase value
the building and its lifetime of a building, the construction costs are unlikely to be more than 2-3% of
total costs, but the costs of running a public service will often constitute 85% of the
surroundings perform.”
total. On the same scale, the design costs are likely to be 0.3-0.5% of the whole-life
Sir Stuart Lipton, costs, and yet it is through the design process that the largest impact can be made
minimising the use of resources. Value can be described as the function of the
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This report, published by CABE, draws together key research from the UK and abroad to
demonstrate how investment in design quality impacts on outcomes in the areas of:
● Healthcare ● Educational environments
● Housing ● Civic pride and cultural activity
● Business ● Crime prevention
One way of describing the factors critical to the delivery of value through the project is through the use of value drivers.
The details of these and their relative importance will vary from project to project depending on the benefits required from the
building. The degree to which the design satisfies each of the value drivers is a measure of the quality of the building design.
The better the quality of design, the higher will be the satisfaction of the value drivers.
Auditors need to be able to assess how well the project value drivers are satisfied in order for them to assess the value
delivered by the project. To enable them to do so, this guide sets out key questions for each of the main value drivers.
This guide should be used as a contribution to the framework around which audits are conducted. It is not meant to replace
existing auditing practices, nor is it exhaustive. It will not, therefore, supplant or supersede an auditor’s experience. The guide
includes some key questions to explore the extent to which ‘value for money’ is delivered. Auditors should use the guide to help
them direct their analysis towards subject areas that are important to a particular project, using the guide’s contents to inform
1. A description of six value drivers that, together, will deliver value through good design.
2. A list of key questions for each value driver. The questions will stimulate a response to help the auditor assess whether
each of the value drivers has been considered and how well it has been met. The auditor should use these questions
as a starting point. If not fully satisfied by the responses, the auditor should ask supplementary questions, drawn from
his/her experience.
3. Case studies highlighting projects where some or all of the value drivers have been met.
4. A Value Assessment Tool (Appendix A) that helps auditors to assess the relative importance of each value driver to
a particular project and the extent to which each value driver has been met. The tool provides a weighted assessment
of value for money overall as well as the performance against each individual value driver. A worked example of the
assessment tool demonstrates how it should be used. It should be stressed, however, that the tool represents just one
way of assessing performance against the value drivers, and should not be seen as a mandatory approach.
initial business case assessment to readiness for service and post-occupancy. They will help auditors assess the most appropriate
balance between benefits and resources and should be seen to complement existing Government initiatives and policies such as
Some metrics are easier to quantify than others. For example a value driver relating to financial performance is easy to quantify
using a metric such as "Net Present Value". Non-monetary value drivers, such as ‘Impact positively on the locality’, rely on more
subjectively assessed metrics such as surveys. Conducting a survey over a large sample can confer a degree of objective
The value drivers and some suggested metrics are outlined below. Taken together, they may be used to balance the financial
and functional requirements of a building to deliver best value for money. They are listed in no order of importance.
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but the building should allow it to be undertaken efficiently, economically and effectively.
Good design should ensure that the building is readily accessible by all who use it, and that the inter-relationship of spaces
encourages efficient use. The building should be easily adaptable for future uses and be flexible to accommodate short, medium
While the costs of owning and operating a building will vary, research has shown that they can be expressed by an approximate
ratio of 1:5:2002, where 1 represents the cost of construction; 5 the cost of building operation and maintenance (e.g. lifetime costs
of heating and lighting); and 200 the business operating costs (e.g. staff and service delivery costs). With business operating costs
outweighing construction costs by as much as 200 times this value driver has a significant impact on whether the building provides
accommodates and the interrelationships between different functional zones and spaces. Circulation spaces should be places in
their own right allowing efficient circulation within an uplifting environment. Increasingly there will be spaces in buildings that
may be part of the circulation and / or be multi-functional. Evaluating the efficiency that these spaces provide for and how they
navigate around the building. The external landscape should contribute to the ease of accessibility. There should be good access
to public transport and/or sufficient parking, depending upon the location of the building and facilities for the delivery of goods,
2. Evans R, Haryott R, Haste N & Jones A, ‘The long-term costs of owning and using buildings’, p.5
● The building should provide a comfortable, healthy environment. Factors affecting the internal environment include the temperature,
air quality, acoustics, space and storage. There should be a good balance of daylight and artificial lighting reflecting the
different user requirements. The building systems should be easy to operate by those who are authorised to do so and be
a day, week or year, but also into the future as user requirements change. This will include short and medium term changes as
Key Questions
1. Will the building satisfy the operational requirements of the brief? Will it work well? Do spaces in the building have a rationale
for their use and design and contribute to the users’ requirements, helping them be efficient?
3. Will the design aim to enhance how staff feel and behave, and improve morale and quality of life?
4. Will the building be easily adaptable to meet the future needs of users including expansion and change of use?
5. Are the vision and objectives for the design of the building clearly set out to enable effectiveness to be maintained throughout
its life?
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to desks
● Space utilisation ratio
● Productivity rating eg. using
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HM Treasury, London
Refurbishment of the HM Treasury building has brought a new lease
The design challenge for the architects was to re-model the building
to make use of the myriad corridors, unused light wells, staircases and
of internal walls, has provided an extra 25 per cent of useable space for
over 1,200 Treasury and Central Support staff. Views through the building
and water features to create an internal garden area that can be used
construction and procurement process, from the minute that the need for a building
Creating Excellent Buildings: Construction principles. Departments, their Agencies and NDPBs should be able
A Guide for Clients to demonstrate compliance, such as by evidence of the use of OGC’s suggested
helps clients through the ● Non-expert clients should ensure that they draw on the services of an
development process. It Independent Client Adviser in the very early stages of the project.
identifies ten keys to being a ● The project team should be selected because they have the necessary technical
successful client: competence to produce a building that is well designed and constructed. They
1. Provide strong client should not be selected on the basis of cost alone.
leadership ● The project team should exhibit a high level of integration, coordination and
2. Give enough time at the communication to cover all aspects of a complex construction project.
right time ● The project team should be involved from the earliest stages of the project.
3. Learn from your own and ● In addition to working well together, the project teams should communicate well
other successful projects with all stakeholders. They should involve users, contractors and other members
4. Develop and communicate of the supply chain at appropriate times throughout the design and construction
5. Make a realistic financial ● The project team should follow recommended best practice for the construction
6. Adopt integrated processes ● The project team should develop a project execution plan, describing what is
7. Find the right people for the required from the building (the brief or output specification), the organisation
job of the project team and the plan for executing the project.
8. Respond and contribute to ● The effectiveness of processes should be assessed using industry standard key
9. Commit to sustainability ● Gateway reviews should be undertaken at the relevant stages of the project.
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Key Questions
1. Is the project team using Achieving Excellence in Construction
procurement guidance to deliver the project?
2. Is the project team:
● An integrated project team that has been selected on the basis of their
OGC’s guidance
competence as well as cost;
suite builds on departments’
● Sufficiently skilled and resourced to deliver the project successfully;
experience of implementing
● Responsible and accountable for their design inputs?
Achieving Excellence and
3. Does the project team demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement?
reflects recent developments in
4. Has sufficient time been allowed to ensure that the design meets user requirements,
construction procurement. It
that design options and iterations were fully tested and that the client signed off the
consists of three core and eight
design at key stages? Was the design and construction process thoroughly planned?
supporting guides together with
5. Is there effective communication with stakeholders? Has the project team consulted
two high level briefings.
with users, outside bodies, contractors and members of the supply chain?
6. Has the design, construction and delivery programme been complemented by a
programme of engagement with users to help them adapt and adopt practices to
ensure they get the most value out of the new facility? Has the process helped Possible metrics
ensure positive cultural change and development for the client organisation?
7. Has the project team considered ease of construction, use of sustainable ● Good project management
8. Is the project being procured using one of the three preferred procurement routes? Standards of Design
9. Does the project team regularly measure its effectiveness in terms of process recommendations
and outcomes? (see Appendix D)
10. Are Gateway Reviews being applied to the relevant stages of the project?
11. Does the design team apply construction industry best practice?
12. Is there a Project Execution Plan (PEP) describing the key features and Examples of
organisation of the project? Does the PEP include: value metrics
● The project objectives; ● Achieving Excellence
● The brief or output specification; Action Areas
● A project directory; ● Achieving Excellence strategic
● A communication plan; targets
● Lines of decision-making; ● Construction industry standard
● A logic-linked programme? key performance indicators
13. Have all risks been identified and assessed? Is risk being effectively managed? ● Successful Gateway Reviews
Is risk allocated to appropriate parties?
14. Was the design reviewed by the client and third parties at key stages to test that
quality was being offered and delivered?
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per day, was a world first that wouldn’t have been achieved without the
providing a local traffic lane, the other a combined cycle path and
buildable design
● Development of the target price
● Refinement of the detailed design
and benefits to the organisation that uses it. The budgeted cost figure should
accurately reflect the optimum balance between the required functionality and the
identify how much the organisation can afford to invest in the construction,
terms. It should also account for how the design will impact on the business
of the building must deliver the functionality required of it. The details of this
affect the user business. The budgets for both capital and whole-life costs,
should be stated in the business case and be sustainable and affordable over
address the various options available for delivering the anticipated benefits and
in good design may outweigh small differences in initial capital and whole-
life costs.
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Key Questions
Possible metrics
1. Is there a robust business case with a clear and agreed budget that defines the
capital and whole-life costs of the building? Are whole-life cost estimates
Appropriate financial metrics are:
realistic and based on reliable evidence?
● Capital Cost
2. Is the capital cost estimate affordable and within budget? Are all resources and
● Building operating and
internal funds in place?
maintenance cost
3. Are the building operating and maintenance cost estimates within the budget?
● Net Present Value
4. Have the integrated project team defined the balance between capital spend and
● Internal Rate of Return
building operating and maintenance costs?
● Payback
5. Is there a clear brief expressed in the required output terms?
● Robust business case
6. Is there a clear statement of the economic and social values to which the project
should respond?
7. Does the investment appraisal address various options for delivering the required Examples of
benefits? value metrics
8. Has the decision to proceed taken into account the benefits of good design and ● Cost per desk/employee
whole-life values? (benchmarked against
9. Does it compare itself to cost and quality benchmarks? appropriate comparables)
10. Was the project completed within budget and programme? ● Capital Cost (benchmarked
against appropriate
● Net useable area to gross
area ratio
● £ per unit area or £ per unit
of functional area
● Net Present Value of building
● Whole-life cost of building
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The site contained many mature trees, all of which have been
together with a new lake and wildlife garden. The design meets strict
energy targets with the Office, Mess and Technical Buildings achieving
At the very beginning of the project the core contractors and client
developed and agreed a project charter setting out the key objectives
ensured that all parties, regardless of size, were paid at the same time.
The commission was awarded in January 2001 and the close involvement
of the core contractors meant that demolition and construction took just
15 months.
the people who use or visit it. Good quality architecture and urban design creates
places with distinctive character, streets and public spaces that are safe, accessible,
pleasant to use and inspiring. A well designed building will also make a positive
communal facilities.
In some cases, positive impact may arise from the very act of rehabilitating a
building that had fallen into disrepair, thus demonstrating to the local community
that they are worth the effort and investment. It is therefore important to identify
the previous use of the building or space, and to take account of the broader
and culture.
public areas.
– Quality of the public realm: to promote public spaces and routes that are
attractive, safe, uncluttered and work effectively for all in society, including
places that connect with each other and are easy to move through, putting
routes, intersections and landmarks that people find their way around.
and uses that work together to create viable places that respond to local needs.
● The building’s character comprises such issues as the way it looks, whether it
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pleases the senses and the mind and whether it provides a stimulating visual
Possible Metrics
and sensory environment that staff, users and visitors enjoy. The building may
be widely acclaimed for its quality, because it provokes thought and/or gives
● Public or private survey results
a positive impression. The building should demonstrate that there is a clear
● Views of local planning
vision behind its design.
● There should be a clarity of composition of the building in terms of form,
● Views of CABE Design Review
materials used and the quality of the detailing. It should be well detailed and
there should be an appropriate use of colour and texture.
● Design skills of delivery team
● Internally the building should be pleasing to the senses and generate an
enjoyable experience. The natural and artificial light in the building should be of
high quality, creating patterns that enhance its use. It should capitalise on the
Examples of
views available from its location. Textures and sounds within and around the
Value Metrics
building should be interesting and help create a pleasing sensory impression of ● The building has won design
the space.
● Many buildings are designed to convey the occupier’s image to the wider public ● Design Quality Indicator
and users alike. It should reflect the occupier’s organisational branding, culture
and values. The form and general building composition should reflect the
techniques. The level of innovation may enhance the image of the organisation
Key Questions
1. Does the building look good and will it be a positive environment within which
to work?
2. Are the plans, sections, elevations and details of the building visibly related
3. Does the building deliver social and economic benefits for the surrounding
5. Does the building make a generous contribution to the public realm, to benefit
6. Does the building project the image that the occupier/users wish to convey?
7. Is the building design and construction of high quality, including the detailing?
8. Can one imagine the building becoming a cherished part of its setting?
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The Bow Idea Store has transformed library usage and the take up of
adult learning since it opened in May 2002. Until then, only 16% of
residents used their local library. Now, three times as many people in
the Bow area use the Idea Store than the previous library facilities.
high street retailing than the traditional library. Users can explore the
Internet, read newspapers and magazines in the Idea Store Café, learn
the sofas.
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building into the town’s library. Originally a house, and later a police
station, the last use of the building was as the town’s fire station.
open plan ground floor and galleried first floor. It was awarded the
Public Libraries Group (of CILIP) Public Library Buildings Award 1999 for
business operating costs. It covers impact on the natural environment and issues
as well as all those things that the occupier must do to maintain the internal
environment, keep it clean and maintain the fabric internally and externally.
● Day to day, the building should be easy to clean, maintain and operate due to its
finishes, layout, structure and engineering systems. The design of the building
should respond to the site microclimate and should minimise carbon dioxide
emissions and the energy consumed for lighting, heating, cooling and ventilation.
the building.
In the longer term the building’s finishes and components should be durable
and resist wear and tear, and be easily replaced when necessary. To minimise
are likely to change over its lifetime. The technologies it contains will change
requirements without major alterations where possible – and adaptable, that is,
particularly with regard to ease of construction and safety. The building should
be designed for minimum waste and energy use during construction. Water
should be conserved and strategies for potential pollution from the construction
during and after construction. The design should take account of ease of
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Key Questions
Possible Metrics
1. Will the building be energy efficient?
15. Has the project been carried out under the Considerate Contractors Scheme?
Value Metrics
● Annual cleaning, energy and
maintenance costs per unit
● Frequency and cost of periodic
maintenance per unit area
● BREEAM or equivalent
● Total Occupancy Cost
compared with benchmarks in
Total Occupancy Cost Survey
● Result of PROBE survey (Post-
occupancy Review of Buildings
and their Engineering)
● Constructing Excellence
Environment KPIs
● DEFRA’s Framework for
Sustainable Development on
the Government Estate
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public garden. The metal roof houses solar panels which provide hot
water, while the south-facing top storey has a strip of windows running
along its whole length, providing excellent light for those working in the
office. These are sheltered from excessive heat gain by projecting eaves
rather than air conditioned. High insulation levels and the use of
concrete planks to store and circulate heat and ventilation are employed
needs. This has produced predicted energy costs of £5,000 per year,
rather than the £23,000 per year which would be expected for a
vice-versa. It also addresses compliance with legislation through the project life
affected in some way by it and so has an interest in influencing it. They may or
project, are very important in ensuring that the building satisfies stakeholder
requirements. If third parties are consulted too late in the construction process,
down’ period, and on-going while the building is in use is very important to
the community.
● The use to which the building will be put may require conformity to specific
statutory requirements.
● General Health and Safety issues are the responsibility of all the project team,
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Key Questions
Possible Metrics
1. Have the design team consulted widely with stakeholders and taken their views
into consideration? Have tools such as DQI been used to assess how well
● Public surveys
stakeholder requirements have been met? Are feedback mechanisms in place
● Ease of achievement of
to ensure ongoing consultation with stakeholders/users?
planning consent
2. Does the building comply in all respects with statutory requirements including
● Use of Construction Industry
planning, building and other regulations?
KPIs and DQIs
3. Has the client appointed a competent Planning Supervisor?
● Accident rates
4. Is the guidance given in OGC’s Procurement Guide number 10 – Achieving
● PROBE survey results
● ‘Soft Landings’ process in use
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elevated walkway along a sheer face of the Torrs Gorge in the Peak
District National Park. The complexity of the site – above a fast flowing
engineering response.
The lack of good and continually safe site access, the very limited
working space and the fast flowing water meant that minimisation of
into account cost as well as the value added through good design. It may be used
good value.
1. Establish the project specific value drivers with the project team.
2. Weight the importance of the value drivers to the client and end users (this must
be done with the client and end users rather than the design team, but the
3. Agree, with the client and the project team, the metrics for each value driver and
4. Establish the limits for each metric (the lower limit being the lowest acceptable
and the upper limit being that which will deliver excellence). Use these limits
5. Establish consensus within the team on the current predicted performance level
6. Calculate the value score using each measure by multiplying the weighting by
the performance level (this also provides a good indication of where to apply
Value Index
Repeat at
Key milestones
Bad End Good End
1. Maximize business
2. Ensure effective
project management
Page 37
and delivery
4. Impact positively
on the locality
5. Minimise operation
and maintenance
costs, and
environmental impact
6. Comply with third
party requirements
Guide to value for money: Total Value Index >850 Excellent >750 Good >500 Room for improvement >350 Requires improvement
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2. Ensure effective project 15 Gateway 3 Review was critical of the Judged in middle of
management and delivery rigour of risk and value management range, say 5/10
3. Achieve the required financial 20 Cost plan currently indicates £18.5m Yardstick £15m with
performance allowances for about
4. Impact positively on the 10 Stunning external looks conveying a Judged very good, say
locality very dignified image 8/10
5. Minimise operation and 15 Innovative naturally ventilated BREEAM Rating
maintenance costs, and courtrooms are expensive to build but Excellent.
environmental impact inexpensive to operate.
6. Comply with third party 10 Proposals well received at presentation Judged good, say 7/10
requirements to public. Planners very supportive.
Bad End Good End
Weight% Value
1. Maximize business 30 DQI 1 (3) 10
effectiveness 90
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procurement route, Departments should consider the HMT report ‘PFI: Meeting the
Investment Challenge’. This suggests that construction projects whose capital cost
does not exceed £20m are not likely to achieve value for money under the PFI route.
Traditional procurement routes should only be used if they demonstrably add value
central process in procurement. For PFI projects the Government will institute a new
assessment of the potential value for money of procurement options when overall
investment decisions are made; reform the Public Sector Comparator (PSC) (an
alternative route may still be chosen); and set up a final assessment of competitive
interest in a project.
Where the public sector contracts to purchase quality services, with defined
outputs from the private sector on long-term basis, and including maintaining
Prime Contracting
Using a single contractor to act as the sole point of responsibility to a public sector
client for the management and delivery of a construction project on time, within
budget (defined over the lifetime of the project) and fit for the purpose for which
it was intended, including demonstrating during the initial period of operation that
Using a single contractor to act as the sole point of responsibility to a public sector
client for the design, management and delivery of a construction project on time,
1. Sign up to and implement Clients’ Charter, including KPIs. Sign up to and implement DQIs.
3. Use integrated procurement routes (PFI, Prime Contracting or Design & Build) for new property and construction projects,
based on a best value for money approach.
5. Implement the recommendations of the joint CABE/OGC Report “Improving Standards of Design in the Procurement of Public
Projects” on all new projects.
9. Report annually to OGC on value for money gains on property and construction projects.
10. All departments, their agencies and NDPBs involved in grant funding should review their procedures for ensuring property
and construction projects achieve best value for money.
11. All clients with an annual spend of over £0.5 million on property and construction projects, including rent, maintenance and
refurbishment, should sign up to Achieving Excellence.
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for improving the design quality of building and infrastructure projects procured by the public sector. The recommendations are:
1. Every public sector client undertaking one or more capital projects above an agreed threshold should appoint a senior design
2. All Departments should also have in place clear procedures to ensure that schemes that do not achieve an acceptable level
of design quality do not receive public funding and do not proceed until they do.
3. Government Departments should repeal or update procurement guidance to bring it into line with the Government’s policy
4. OGC should keep under review in its Gateways and Project Review Group processes, and in Departmental review processes, how
design issues are addressed, to ensure that the design process is properly managed within the procurement process, including:
● the use of appropriate design advice
● the benchmarking of design standards
● the evaluation of design quality
● endorsement and approval processes.
5. Departments should ensure that clients adopt an appropriate mix of minimum design standards or quality thresholds, outputs
and desired outcomes, within their project specifications, sufficient to reflect and protect the legitimate interests of the public
6. Within their design action plans, Government Departments should demonstrate how they will devote appropriate time, training,
research, resources and expertise to individual construction clients falling under their responsibility, including design
management issues.
7. Departments should ensure that clients use PFI only where it offers best value for money, taking account of a properly
constructed and realistic Public Sector Comparator which reflects current best practice and conformity to all relevant
8. CABE (and OGC) should publish specific guidance on involving users of buildings in the procurement process, including the
design stages.
9. Public sector clients procuring project bundles under a single contract should demonstrate to the satisfaction of the relevant
Department and, where applicable, the Gateway process and Project Review Group, how they will address the design challenges
10. CABE and OGC should investigate further the benefits and demerits of the use of design exemplars in real cases, wherever
11. Departments should ensure that clients are signalling the importance of design quality as a project selection criterion from the
outset of the selection process through the documentation, in the weighting given to design and design capability in the bid
evaluation criteria, and finally in the development of contractual documentation and sign-off procedures.
Construction Design and Management Regulations (CDM): These regulations require a client to appoint a planning supervisor
to check that construction, site and project Health and Safety are taken into account throughout the planning and design phases
Design Quality Indicator (DQI): An online tool that allows design quality to be evaluated at all stages of the construction process
from inception through to post occupancy analysis. Using an on-line questionnaire, DQIs allow everyone involved in a project,
from construction and design professionals to users and visitors, to give an opinion on design quality.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI): The measure of performance of an activity that is critical to the success of an organisation
or project, KPIs can be used by organisations to benchmark their performance against the rest of the industry or sector. KPIs
can form the basis of a more comprehensive set of performance measures. Regular measurement using appropriate KPIs enables
an organisation to set and communicate its performance targets, and to measure whether it is achieving them.
Senior Responsible Owner (SRO): The senior manager in the business unit that requires the project who has status and authority
to provide leadership.
Whole-Life Costs (WLC): The full costs of all the parts that go to make up a building, including initial capital costs, replacement
costs, maintenance and repair costs. Sometimes referred to as life cycle costs.
PROBE Survey: First published in “Building Services – the CIBSE journal” from 1995 to 2002, it aims to provide a rounded
understanding of how a building performs, and what its occupants and managers think of it.
Office Productivity Network: An information resource for managers of office-based businesses to improve the productivity of their
Total Occupancy Cost Code: The Occupiers Property Databank (OPD) International Total Occupancy Cost Code defines costs and cost
ratios for most standard types of property such as offices, retail, factories and warehouses.
Total Occupancy Cost Survey: An annual survey conducted by consultants Actium Consult and CASS Business School, with input from
a range of facilities services providers. It captures and validates the latest office occupancy cost data against cost definitions, to
allow users to measure the real cost of office occupation and enable effective comparison.
‘Soft Landings’ Process: An approach designed to smooth the transition leading up to handover of the building, and on into
beneficial use. It concentrates on “aftercare” services by extending design and building team duties for up to three years after
practical completion.
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Davis Langdon & Everest
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