Learning Plan 7 8

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Date: August 26-30, 2019

Content Standard/s: The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts and underlying

principles in maintaining the tools, equipment and paraphernalia for
computer hardware servicing.

Performance Standard/s: The learner independently maintains the tools, equipment and
paraphernalia for computer hardware servicing.

Learning Competencies:

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

a. Perform safety procedures in using hand tools and equipment.

b. Follow procedures in cleaning, tightening and simple repair of hand tools, equipment and
c. Identify common malfunction (unplanned or unusual events) when using tools,
equipment and paraphernalia.
d. Follow procedures in preparing a report to property custodian.

Learning Content: Maintain Handtools, Equipment and Paraphernalia (MT)

Learning Resources: PowerPoint presentation, K to 12 TLE-Learning Module pages 26-31.
Core Values Integration: Develop knowledge, skills and attitude.

A. Motivation Technique
 The class will be shown different pictures related to the proper maintenance of
tools, equipment and paraphernalia.
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a. Why should we properly store and label the tools and equipment?
b. Where should we store small parts?

B. Transitions/Linking Statements
 Today we are going to discuss about Proper Maintenance of Hand tools,
equipment and Paraphernalia.

A. Learning Activities
 Conduct a maintenance activity on the given hand tools
1. Flat Head Screwdriver Clean and Magnetize
2. Philips Head Screwdriver Clean and Magnetize
3. Torx Screwdriver Clean and Magnetize
4. Hex Driver Clean and Magnetize
5. Needle-Nose Plier Clean and Lubricate
6. Wire Cutter Clean, Lubricate and Sharpen, if
7. Tweezer Clean
8. Part Retriever Clean
9. Flashlight Clean and Change batteries if drained
10. Multimeter Clean and Calibrate

Score Card

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Activity Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory SCORE
5 3 1
Cleaning hand tools
Magnetizing hand tools
Calibrating hand tools
Lubricating hand tools
Sharpening hand tools
Changing batteries
Storing hand tools

B. Assessment Techniques
 True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.

________ 1. All tools and equipment must be properly maintained so that

workers are not endangered.
________ 2. Preventive maintenance is the systematic care and protection
of tools, equipment and machines in order to keep them in a
safe, usable condition, limit downtime and extend productivity.
________ 3. The degree of detail to include regarding tools and equipment
maintenance will depend on the kinds of tools/equipment
________ 4. Damaged or defective equipment/tools should be tagged and
removed from service.
________ 5. Most manufacturers can provide maintenance schedules for
their equipment.
________6. Properly stored tools and equipment will be easy to find when
needed and are less likely to be lost.
________7. Use bins for storing small parts is a good practice on proper
________8. Productivity is increased because time is not lost looking for
tools, parts and equipment is one of the benefits of proper
C. Processing Questions

 Understanding the selection.

1. How do we properly store the tools, equipment and paraphernalia?
2. Who should be responsible for the good maintenance of tools and

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A. Transfer of Learning
 The students were able to perform safety procedures in maintaining hand
tools, equipment and paraphernalia.

B. Reflection Questions (PVMGO)

 What core values of the school can we relate our topic today?

C. Closure & Synthesis

In a ¼ sheets of paper;
Give the procedures in cleaning the tools, equipment and paraphernalia.

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