Verb Dan Adverb Nya
Verb Dan Adverb Nya
Verb Dan Adverb Nya
A. Background
English is a universal language that is used and studied by all
countries in the world. When someone is just learning English, they may be
confused in understanding English verbs. Verbs in English have a verb
definition. Just like the Indonesian language, in English also recognize the
name of the verb or verb. Of course, in one sentence it has one verb. Because
the terms of the sentence or sentence are at least consisting of a subject and a
verb. There is a subject (doer) and there is a verb (verb or activity) that is done
by the actor/subject. Learning about the parts of speech is the first step in
grammar research just as learning the letters is the first step to being able to
read and write. From studying the parts of speech we begin to understand the
use or function of words and how words are joined together to make
meaningful communication. To understand what a part of speech is you have
to understand the idea of putting similar things into a group or category.
1.Defenition Verb
Did you know? The word ‘verb’ comes from Latin verbum, meaning
‘word’. Ancient Greek and Roman grammarians considered the verb to be the
most important word in a sentence. A verb is a word that either describe an action
or an event (what someone or something does) or else helps to describe a state or
a condition (what someone or something is or is like). According to Merriem-
Webster, a verb is a word that shown an action, behavior, or event experienced by
the subject.1
2. Function of Verb
Verb take on different functions. Generally we think verb as ‘main verb’.
However, verbs can also serve as helping auxiliary verb.
a). Verb sentence, sentences whose ordinary verb are not member of BE
(am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being), example;
2). Bella has arrived here just now. (arrived is not a member of BE)
b). Nominal sentence are sentences whose ordinary verb are in the form of
BE, for example:
3). We are not student. (be = BE members)2
B). Auxiliary does not have a specific meaning in its use, the existence of this
verb is intended to assist in the formation of tenses. And in series of verb,
auxiliary occupies the part before the last verb, for example:
Each student is writing a composition. Lea, Andi, Koncoro have been
playing basketball for an hour. So, they fail the test
3. Type’s of Verb
The part of speech that expresses existance,action,oroccurance i most
languages types of verbs.
Below are several types and forms of verbs are very important for us to know in
learning English, including.
A). Action Verb
Action Verb is a verb that is used to declare activity (activities), process,
momentary action Action verb is a verb that expressed about what is done by the
subject in the sentence Action verb is a typeul verbs are most casily recognized
from other verbs.
To recognize the action verb you just need to know whest subject do,
a.Hannah is walang her car (Hannah was painting the wall of her room)In this
sentence, Hannah serves as subject ad verb are warshing
b. My sister is drinking a cup of tea (My sister was drinking a cup of tea)in this
sentece ,my sister server as subject and verb wash drinking.
Grouping action verbs view weather or not a verb requiring coplement the
subject can be divided into two types of transitive verbs and intransitive verbs.
1). Transitive verbs
Elaine Walker, Grammar Practice, ( Malaysia: Pearson Reducation Limited), page: 16
Transitive verbs many we encounter in everyday life, which are as follows
enjoy. find, make, love, like, buy, sell, eat.etc. We can use the example sentences
- He enjoyed the movie (He enjoyed the film)
- Donita loves playing the drums (Donita love playing drums).
- She is drinking a cup of tea (He was drinking a cup of tea). 3
2). Intransitive verbs
Linking verb is a verb that serves as a link between the subject with a
complementary subject/subject complement (complement that describe the
subject), the location of the subject complement (subject complement) can be a
noun, pronoun, adverb, adjective, which includes linking verbs are: am, is, was,
were, be, become, seem, been, look, smell, keep, stay, sound, feel, etc.
-My neighbours sound very angry. (The sound of my neighbours very angry) In
the above sentence explains very angry My neighbours.
-Rama and Sinta are hardworking students. (Rama and Sinta is a hardworking
Ananda meisarah , English book 1,h.8
In the above sentence hardworking students describe Rama and Sinta. There are
some verbs in linking verb that can also serveas an intransitive verb, thus requing
the object. The verbs are look, feel, smell, turn, taste, etc.
Regular verb adalah kata kerja yang dapat berubah ubah sesuai dengan bentuk
tense dan perubahan bentuk kata kerja itu secara teratur.Regular verbs ,yang
dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut “kata kerja beraturan “adalah kata kata kerja di
mana bentuk verb 1 keverb 2 atau ke verb 3 berubah dengan menambahkan
imbuhan -ed atau hanya dengan menambahkan imbuhan -ed saja jika perutnya di
akhir dengan huruf e.
Irregular verb adalah kata kerja yang mempunyai fungsi sama dengan reguler
verb tetapi perubahan bentuk kata kerja ini secara tidak teratur. Ireguler verbs
(kata kerja tidak beraturan ) adalah kata kerja yang perubahan dari verb 1 ke verb
2 atau ke verb 3 tidak dengan menambahkan imbuhan atau D kata-kata kerja ini
berubah secara tidak beraturan mengingat jumlahnya yang sangat banyak dan
sebagian besar merupakan reguler yang diperlukan dihafalkan adalah irregular
Cut – cut- cut
1). Infinitive
Inivinitive adalah verbal yang berbentuk kata kerja dasar atau kata kerja bentuk
pertama yang belum mengalami perubahan bentuk dalam arti belum ditambah
dengan akhiran s /es,d/ atau ing menurut bentuk atau cara penulisannya infinitive
dibagi dua yaitu:
To go Go Pergi
To smoke Smoke Merokok
To play Play Bermain
Baik yang reguler atau irreguler maupun yang transitive atau intransitive
kata kerja bentuk kedua ini secara khusus dipakai dalam kalimat lampau ( simple
past tense)5. Verb bentuk kedua digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu peristiwa
yang telah terjadi di masa lampau.Verb ini tidak dapat digunakan dalam bentuk
Ibid, h.10
kalimat yang lain jadi jika anda akan menuliskan peristiwa yang terjadi di masa
lampau gunakanlah kata kerja bentuk kedua ini contohnya:
Past participle atau sering juga disebut kata kerja bentuk ketiga adalah kata
kerja yang digunakan untuk membentuk kalimat pasif atau (passive voice),present
perfect tense, past perfect tense,past perfect tense dan bentuk-bentuk kalimat
lainnya untuk membentuk kata kerja past participle ini,semua ketentuan yang
berlaku dalam pembentukan kata kerja bentuk lampau juga berlaku untuk
membentuk past participle sedangkan bentuk yang tidak beraturan juga
mempunyai bentuk tersendiri dimana sebagian besar mempunyai bentuk yang
sama dengan bentuk lampau nya.
Ibid, h.11
Adverb juga di definisikan sebagai kata yang menjelaskan kata kerja (verb),
kata sifat (adjective), kata depan (preposition) dan katalainnya kecuali kata
benda (noun) dan kata ganti (pronoun).
Contoh :
a. I am working now.
2. Types of Adverb
a. Adverb of Time.
I’am stydying English now. (Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggris sekarang).
b. Adverb of Place.
Merupakan kata keterangan yang menunjukkan tempat terjadinya suatu
perbuatan, tindakan atau peristiwa tersebut. Contoh : above (di atas), back (di
belakang), below (di bawah), around (sekeliling), here (di sini), somewhere (di
suatutempat), everywhere (dimana-mana), there (di sana),dsb.
c. Adverb of Manner.
d. Adverb of Degree.
1) She is very pretty girl. (Ia seorang gadis yang sangat manis).
e. Adverb of Frequency.
1)adverb of quantity.
Andi always drinks milk every night. (Andi selalu minum susu setiap malam).
Contoh : once (sekali), twice (dua kali), thrice (tiga kali), half ( setengah),
twofold (dua kalilipat), dsb.
He eats twice every day. (Iama kan dua kali tiap hari).
f. Adverb of Affirmation.
Of course she can speak English. (Tentu ia dapat bicara bahasaInggris).
g. Interrogative Adverb.
Contoh :
h. Relative Adverb.
Contoh :
Merlin Dai, “Adverb”
merlin-dai.html?m=1 (diakses pada 4 april 2022, pukul 20.15)
A. Conclution
Verb is a word that shown an action, behavior, or event
experienced by the
subject. verb is usually located right behind the noun/pronoun that is the
subject. In Indonesian, verbs are commonly referred to as "Kata Kerja".
However, there are verbs in English that cannot stand alone, or require other
sentences to be understood.
There are many types of verb for example are transitive verbs,
intransitive verbs, finite verbs, linking verbs, regular verbs and irregular verbs.
In addition to having several types of verbs, verbs also have several functions,
namely as auxiliary verbs, modal verbs, phrasal verbs, linkin verbs, action
verbs, transitive verbs, invites verbs, and causative verbs.
B. Suggestion
From the material that has been discussed, it is hoped that it can
increase knowledge for both writers and readers. We hope that the input from
readers can even add information to us, either directly or indirectly. Hopefully it
can add knowledge for us.
Daftar Pustaka
Dai, Merlin (2015,15 November) “Adverb”. diakses pada 4 april 2022, pukul 20.15
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