Crsci 1100 Exer 1
Crsci 1100 Exer 1
Crsci 1100 Exer 1
Exercise No. 1
The Philippines is predominantly an agricultural country. Most Filipinos directly or indirectly
depend on agriculture for their livelihood. The agriculture sector, consisting of the Crops,
Livestock, Poultry, Fishery and Services sub-sectors, accounts for about 20% of the country’s gross
domestic product. Among these sub-sectors, the Crops sub-sector accounts for about 50% of the
entire sector’s contribution to the economy.
According to the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics, the following are among the major crops in the
Philippines: rice, corn, coconut, sugarcane, banana, coffee, mango, and abaca. The centers of
production of these crops differ. For example, bananas are a major crop in Region XI (Davao
provinces) but not in Region III, where rice is the major crop. There are also provinces where the
main crop is not a major crop in the country.
At the end of the exercise, the student will be able to:
A. On a blank map of the Philippines (Figure 1) with the regional boundaries indicated, write the
name of each region near the margin of the map, connected to the region by an arrow. Space
the names of the regions along the margin of the map in such a way that all regions will be
accommodated. Under the name of the region, write the top five crops of the region based on
area planted. Mount the map on the black side of a one-fourth-size illustration board and cover
it with plastic sheet. On the back of the illustration board, write your name, laboratory time and
day, name of laboratory teacher, and the title of the exercise.
B. Fill up Table 1a. The only allowed source of information is Philippine Statistics Authority or
CountryStat (PSA) through its website. Information from other sources will be invalidated.
List the top five crops in order from highest to lowest.
C. Fill up Table 1b. The only allowed source of information is the Philippine Statistics Authority
or CountryStat (PSA) through its website. Information from other sources will be invalidated.
In the first column, list in order from highest to lowest the top ten crops in the Philippines based
on hectarage.
D. Fill up Table 1c. The only allowed source of information is the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) through its website. Information from other sources will be invalidated.
The first column should have the same entries as that of the first column in Table 1b.
E. Fill up Table 1d. The only allowed source of information is the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) through its website. Information from other sources will be invalidated.
Table 1b. Major crops and the top four regions and top four provinces growing the crops
(hectares) (CropStat of the Philippines, 2010-2014)
Crop #1 #2 #3 #4
Hectares- 26,710.13 14,218.22 10,920.00
annual Hectares- Hectares- Hectares-
Abaca annual annual annual
Province Catanduanes Northern Samar .Leyte Davao Oriental
and area
24,734.69 8,250.00 7,008.00
Hectares- 12,040.00 Hectares- Hectares-
annual Hectares- annual annual
Table 1c. World production of the top ten crops of the Philippines
Top-five producing countries and their hectarages Rank of
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 and
India Bangladesh Thailand 8th -
China Indonesia
42,964,98 11,385,953 8,677,627 4,804,497.
Palay 30,449,860 ha 14,275,211 ha
0 ha ha ha 59 ha
Banana China
India Tanzania RANK 8TH
Brazil China (Mainland)
924,000 354,062 ha 186,460 ha
453,273 ha 360,083 ha 345,040 ha
9,970,958 1,136,199 10TH
5,159,219 ha 1,495,417 ha 1,260,291 ha
ha ha 420,229 ha
Rubber Indonesia RANK
Thailand Malaysia Vietnam China
3,692,352 12TH
3,352,513 ha 1,137,140 ha 752,160 ha 746,000 ha
ha 239140 ha
Cassava Nigeria Cote’ D’
Congo Thailand Brazil RANK
9,085,736 1,093,246
5,604,580 ha 1,466,175 ha 1,205,829 ha 24TH
ha ha
Table 1d. Top ten crops in the world and the top five (in hectarage) countries producing each of
Top-five producing countries and their hectarage Rank of the
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Nigeria Thailand Brazil Cote’ D’
Congo RANK 24TH
Cassava 9,085,736 1,466,175 1,205,829 1,093,246
5,604,580 ha 1093246 ha
ha ha ha ha
United States India
China Brazil Ukraine RANK14th
32,717,000 10,000,000
Maize 43,000,000 22,700,000 8,900,00 2,525,477.25
ha ha
ha ha ha Ha
Tanzania RANK 8TH
Plantains India Brazil China (Mainland)
354,062 ha 186,460 ha
924,000 ha 453,273 ha 360,083 ha 345,040 ha
Russia Turkey Canada Spain
Barley 7,834,300 3,082,990 3,007,000 2,514,560 NO RANK
5,491,009 ha
ha ha ha ha
India Indonesia Bangladesh Thailand 8th -
42,964,980 14,275,211 11,385,953 8,677,627 4,804,497.59
Rice 30,449,860 ha
ha ha ha ha ha
Sudan Nigeria India Niger 100th
Sorghum 7,000,000 5,700,000 4,500,000 3,700,000 Philippines
.ha ha ha ha 99.27 ha
Statista. (2022, July 27). Top countries based on production of milled rice 2020/21.
Dufalla, J. (2016c, July 12). Agricultural Overproduction and the Deteriorating Environment. E-
International Relations.
Inkey, M., & Inkey, M. (2020, July 16). Chinese banana plantations bring work and pollution to