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This study explored head lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., Asteraceae) production in a non-circulating
hydroponic system under the climatic conditions of Biliran, Philippines. One-sample t-test
was used to compare the experimental yield of head lettuce with the reported average yield
of 3 kg/m2 in lettuce growing areas of the Philippines under the conventional production
system. Result revealed that the experimental marketable yield of 2.92 kg/m2 is comparable
to the reported average yield of lettuce. Preliminary result indicates the possibility of head
lettuce production in a non-circulating hydroponic system under the outdoor environment of
Biliran, Philippines.
Keywords: head lettuce, SNAP hydroponics system, Biliran, vegetable production, warm climate
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Journal of Society & Technology Pelesco & Bentor, Jr.
temperature and did found out that quality applicability in isolated areas such as island
lettuce growth could be attained even at villages without any conventional power
elevated temperatures when the optimal pond source. SNAP hydroponics utilizes passive
or root temperature is 240 C. Senillo (2004), aeration system and does not need any pump
using a non-circulating hydroponic system to circulate the nutrient solution on the roots
successfully raised head lettuce inside the of the plants.
screen house of the Visayas State University Used Styrofoam boxes of imported grapes
in Baybay, Leyte, Eastern Visayas. having an inside dimension of 56.0 cm length
As a cool-season crop, most studies have by 35.5 cm width by 9.0 cm deep were
been conducted on head lettuce in warm utilized as the hydroponics growing boxes.
regions under controlled greenhouse Transparent plastic bags measuring 20 inches
conditions. Not much published information is x 30 inches were used as liners of the growing
available on the performance of head lettuce boxes to hold the nutrient solution.
in hydroponics under a warm climate such as The seedling plug which was used to hold
in Biliran. In this study, a field experiment the aggregate material and to serve as plant
was conducted to assess the growth and yield anchorage was an 8-ounce styrofoam cup with
of head lettuce under Biliran condition. The 8 equally spaced holes in the corner of the
yield of head type lettuce in hydroponics bottom. The top cover of the growing box
under Biliran outdoor condition was compared was provided with 8 holes enough to fit and
to the established yield in traditional head hold the top of the seedling plug. In this
lettuce-growing areas in the Philippines. study, sterilized coco coir dust was used as
the aggregate material. Figure 1 shows the
schematic detail of the growing box. At 8
Materials and Methods plants per growing box, the system has a
planting density of about 40 plants/m2 .
Study Site and Climatic Condition
A transparent UV-stabilized plastic roofing
The study was conducted inside the campus was provided primarily to shield the
of Naval State University-Biliran, Biliran hydroponic system from rain. The support
Province (110 28’30”N, 1240 28’08 “E) from structure is made of bamboo and has a floor
February 1 to 28, 2013. The site was free area of 30 sq. meters (10 m length x 3m
from any obstructions and was open to width). The structure is open at the sides to
sunlight anytime of the day. During the allow free circulation of air towards the plants
period of experiment, the climatic condition (Figure 2).
of Biliran is relatively dry with daytime
temperature that ranges from 240 C in early Planting and Harvesting
morning to 320 C in the middle part of the day. Procedures
Iceberg variety of head lettuce was used as
The hydroponics System
planting material in this study. Lettuce seeds
The study used the SNAP hydroponics were sown on a styropor seedbed containing
system, a non-circulating hydroponics system 1-inch thick coco coir dust. The seedbed was
developed by the Physiology Laboratory of the kept moist by watering it with tap water. The
Institute of Plant Breeding in the University seedlings were allowed to grow for 12 days
of the Philippines Los Baños College, Laguna inside the protective structure before
and the Bureau of Agricultural Research of transplanting to individual growing cups or
the Department of Agriculture (Santos and seedling plugs. Twelve days after sowing, the
Ocampo, 2002). SNAP hydroponics system emerged seedlings have already developed 3
was chosen because of its simplicity and leaves.
Journal of Society & Technology Pelesco & Bentor, Jr.
Journal of Society & Technology Pelesco & Bentor, Jr.
Journal of Society & Technology Pelesco & Bentor, Jr.
Figure 6: Freshly harvested lettuce in the electronic platform balance [(a) total
biomass, (b) roots, (c) marketable part]
Journal of Society & Technology Pelesco & Bentor, Jr.
Journal of Society & Technology Pelesco & Bentor, Jr.
sensory evaluation of the fresh lettuce was not Resources. Hort.Sci. (Prague), 35(3):113–
covered in the experiment. 129.