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Applying What You’ve Learned

Name Yama Enrico F. Year & Section: BSA 2 A

Instructor: Mrs. Jeanrose Cuezon Date: sept 5 2022

Activity 1. Write Me In

Direction: Explain the characteristics and breeding practices of different poultry species as well as within
the same species by answering the following questions: (Your answer will be evaluated based on Rubrics
B.1 on page 8).

1. What are the taxonomical classifications of poultry species?

Chickens are classified as: order: Galliformes, family: Phasianidae, genus: Gallus (junglefowl).
Four species of junglefowl are recognized. These are: a) Gallus gallus (red junglefowl), b) Gallus
varius (green junglefowl), c) Gallus sonneratii (grey junglefowl) and d) Gallus lafayetii (Ceylon

2. Describe the type of breeds in poultry.

1. Chicken

2. Ducks

3. Turkey

4. Quail

5. Pigeon

6. Geese

7. Swan

8. Ostrich

9. Peafowl

10. Pheasant

11. Guinea fowl

3. Among poultry species, which specie(s) do you want to raise and why?
The chicken breeds because not only to have many chickens to your home but also to make
more money. Furthermore, it is important especially when you want to establish about poultry
business you are helping other people to meet their needs by selling your products to other
especially when your place is far from poultry business.
4. What are the common breeds, strains, or varieties of chicken?
a. Egg type – breeds belonging to this class are characterized by their comparatively small size.
Layers are large white eggs shell color, active, nervous in temperament, early Poultry Production
and Management maturing, non-sitters, clean legged, that is no feathers on the shank, they
have white or creamy white earlobes. The high egg producing breeds are mainly of
Mediterranean origin and the most popular are the following: Leghorns, Ancona, Minorcas,
etc.The leghorn is probably the most widely used light breeds, mature cockerels and hen weighs
approximately 2.7 kg and 1.8 kg respectively. Hens are very good layers with a highly efficiency
of feed conversion. They appear to be more heat tolerant than other commercial breeds.

b. Meat type – breeds belonging to this class are large, slow in movement, quite and gentle in
disposition. Most of the meat breeds lay brown shelled eggs. In general they are sitters and
make good mothers. Meat producing types are typified by Cornish, Jersey Black Giant, Brahmas,
etc. Mature cock of these breeds weighing an average weight of 4 to 5 kg. broiler under local
conditions – 1.2 to 1.3 kg at 28 days; 1.65 kg at 35 days; 1.8 kg 38 days.

c. General/ Dual Purpose type – birds in this class are medium size, good layers, and their
carcasses are well suited for table. They are less active than the egg breeds more so than the
meat breeds. They are layers of light brown shelled eggs. Rhode Island Red (RIR) – lays brown
eggs; New Hampshire Red and Australorp are the most popular breeds.

d. Fancy Type/Ornamentals – breeds under this class may be characterized by possessing

unusual appearance and decided beauty of plumage or form. Silkies, Bantams and Frizzle belong
to this group.

e. Fighting Class – since this sport is now legalized in the Philippines it should revolutionalize our
original vision that fighting cock breeds has no place for our study. There are groups of these
kinds of chickens now developed by national and international aficionados in this game. Since
there are no studies conducted on the breeding and raising of these game fowl, the local poultry
scientist could not profess any knowledge of what kind and what process of raising will assure a
clock to win in the fight. The popular ones are the Ruble,

5. Discuss the breeding practices and methods of mating applied in poultry.

• Chicks should be free from diseases and deformities;

• Chicks should have uniform size and color and in case of

broiler chicks should not less than 33 grams at day-old;

• For the start, a popular strain raised in the community can be

selected as it is an indication of the bird’s good performance

under exiting farm conditions;

• For broiler, choose those that have high livability and are fast

• For layers, choose those that have good egg size, high egg production and long production live.

6. How are modern strains developed? What are their bases of selection?
Choosing the breeds with Single Comb White Leghorn Pure breed however are rarely used to date in
modern poultry enterprise. The White Leghorn (WL) may be considered as an exception. In a way it
is still a pure breed, but at the same time it is divided up in numerous groups of crossbreed, formed
by the crossing of lines or strains within the breed. These hybrids, often also called strains, are
produced and sold by a very limited number of breeding companies, to poultry farm in almost every
country of the world.

These are bases selection

Health and vigor – increase hatchability and lower mortality:

bright prominent eyes, bright red comb and wattles, bright

pigmentation of shanks and glossy feathers, healthy and active;

• Body conformation – well- balanced/ proportioned, broad

back and full breast. It should be sufficiently long and deep ,

the depth increasing towards the rear;

• Size – WL 1.36 kg and dual 1.82 kg (female weigh between 8-10


• Color – be selected if you intend to sell the chicks to other


• Head – medium size with a beak that is short, stout and well-

curved and face should be bright red

• Wings and tail – well- developed with the secondary and primary

feathers nicely set; tail should be of medium length and must be

proportionally set in each sex.

• Shank and Toes – hocks should stand straight and set well apart;

toes should be well spread

• Combs – in SC WL, the comb of a laying female lops to one side,

while the male straight

• Egg performance (female)- records of parents

7. How have semen collection and artificial insemination been done in poultry?
in poultry, depending on the objectives and goals of the farm or laboratory, there may be intervening
steps such as semen dilution, storage, and evaluation. Artificial insemination is practiced extensively
with commercial turkeys. This is primarily the result of selective breeding for a heavier and broader-
breasted commercial turkey and the consequent inability of toms to consistently transfer semen to the
hen at copulation. The broiler industry has not adapted AI to the extent of the turkey industry but it is
occasionally used in pedigree lines and in regions where labor is relatively cheap. To grasp the
magnitude of AI in the turkey industry compared to that of livestock, a hypothetical flock of 500 breeder
hens inseminated with 100 μL of diluted semen (1:1) twice the week before the onset of egg production
and once weekly thereafter for the 24 wk of egg production would entail 13,000 inseminations using 650
mL of semen. It should be apparent with these numbers, semen collection and hen inseminations are
labor intensive as each male and female must be handled each week.
Name: _______________________________________ Year & Section: __________________

Instructor: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Activity 2. Appraising

Direction: Evaluate the genetic groups of chickens, ducks, quails in the Philippines, please mention their
distinctive characteristics.

Genetic Group of Chicken in the Philippines

Physical Features and Distinctive Characteristics


Banabang Kalabaw is one of the recognized native chicken breeds in the Philippines predominantly
raised in Quezon and Batangas provinces. The hen has black plumage color, yellow laced hackle, and
grey shanks. Banaba chickens have an average egg weight of 40 g


The adult male 'Bolinao' has a predominantly red plumage with black breast and tail feathers. The hackle
feathers are bright orange. The feet range in color from slate to gray and have usually straight spurs. The
earlobes are bright red.


Unique to Camarines is its yellow-orange plumage with barred pattern. Darag and Boholano roosters
have predominantly red plumage, though if in terms of shank color, Darag roosters have gray while most
Boholano roosters have white shanks.


It has long legs, a larger body, and head than other local breeds, and an elongated neck. Unfortunately,
Paroakan chickens are farmed mainly for their use in local sports, especially cockfights, rather than as a
food source. They are usually black, but can also have reddish feathers.

Genetic Group of Ducks in the Philippines

Physical Features and Distinctive Characteristics

Philippine Mallards
Male Mallards have a dark, iridescent-green head and bright yellow bill. The gray body is sandwiched
between a brown breast and black rear. Females and juveniles are mottled brown with orange-and-
brown bills. Both sexes have a white-bordered, blue “speculum” patch in the wing.

Khaki Campbell

Khaki Campbell Ducks are medium-sized domestic ducks that are light brown in color. Males have darker
brown heads, necks, backs, and tails. Females are uniformly light brown in color. Both the male and
female have brown feet and a greenish-colored bill.


Adult Pekin ducks weigh between 8 and 11 pounds (3.6 and 5 kilograms) in captivity. They are
characterized by a yellow bill and creamy white plumage, with orange shanks and toes. The ducks have
an upright carriage and a peculiarly upturned rump. Their plumage is mostly white sometimes with a
yellowish tinge.

Genetic Group of Quails in the Philippines

Physical Features and Distinctive Characteristics

Barred Button-Quail

The Philippines Barred Button-Quail is a species of bird in the Turnicidae family. It is endemic to the
island of Philippines. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland.

Chinese Quails

this breed is commonly raised in the Philippines and is characterized by dark brown feathers mixed with
white and gray. Japanese Taiwan quails are used for egg-laying purposes but compared to the Japanese
Seattle, the quails' body and eggs are smaller.

Japanese Quails

they are dark brown with buff mottling above and lighter brown underneath. They have a whitish stripe
above the eye on the side of the head. Legs are orangish-gray to pinkish-gray as is the beak
Activity 3. Identifying
Direction: Identify the species, breeds, varieties, and strain as well as physical features and
distinctive characteristic’s, origin or chicken, ducks, quail, turkeys, and other species, include
also the type of production either egg or meat.
Species/ Breeds/ Physical Features and Distinctive Characteristics
Varieties/ Strain
Chicken Chickens have a squat and rounded appearance. They stand less than
70 cm (27.6 inches) tall and weigh approximately 2.6 kg (5.7 pounds)
on average. Males (called cocks or roosters) and females (hens) are
known for their fleshy combs, lobed wattles hanging below the bill,
and high-arched tails.
ducks Ducks have a compact body that is efficient for streamlined swimming
and preserving body heat when immersed in water. Their legs are
typically set far back on their body, which makes them ungainly on
land but gives them more power when swimming and diving.
turkey It has a large, fan-shaped tail; long, stocky pink or gray legs; short,
rounded wings; a bare head and neck and a small, down curving bill.
The wild turkey has iridescent bronze body feathers and black and
white bars on its wings.
quail Quails are distinctive due to the combination of their stocky bodies and
long, pointed wings. Their upperparts are brown, streaked and barred
with buff, while their underparts are a warm buffy orange.
pigeon Pigeons are gentle, plump, small-billed birds with a skin saddle (cere)
between the bill and forehead. All pigeons strut about with a
characteristic bobbing of the head. Because of their long wings and
powerful flight muscles, they are strong, swift fliers.
geese These birds are quite large, and have long necks and moderately
flattened bills. Their necks are longer than those of ducks, but not quite
as long as those of swans. Geese vary in color, and some species are
pure white while others are grey, brown, or nearly black.
swan Swans have elongated, curved necks. Swans have streamlined bodies,
and their feet are webbed. A swan has about 25,000 feathers in its
ostrich Ostriches are large, flightless birds that have long legs and a long neck
that protrudes from a round body. Males have bold black-and-white
coloring that they use to attract females. Females, on the other hand,
are light brown. Ostriches are bigger than any other bird in the world.
peafowl Peacocks are a type of large pheasant known for their beautiful colored
feathers. Their tail feathers, also called coverts, make up more than 60
percent of the birds' total body length, with only males having the
colorful blue and green iridescent feathers.
pheasant Common pheasants are medium-sized birds with deep, pear-shaped
bodies, small heads and long, thin tails. They are sexually dimorphic,
with males being more colorful and larger than females. Males have
spectacular, multi-colored plumage with long, pointed, barred tails and
fleshy red eye patches.
Guinea fowl About 50 cm (20 inches) long, the typical form has a bare face, brown
eyes, red and blue wattles at the bill, black white-spotted plumage, and
hunched posture. It lives in flocks and walks about on the ground,
feeding on seeds, tubers, and some insects.
Activity 4. Relating the variety or strain of Chicken

Direction: Relate the variety or strains on their commercial companies, purpose of type of
production and country of origin.

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