DLL g10 Q3W4
DLL g10 Q3W4
DLL g10 Q3W4
(Subject Matter) Characteristics and Classifications Methods in preparing sauces Prepare Sauces
of Sauces Thickening Agents Long test
A. Review Previous Lessons The teacher will ask questions The teacher will ask questions The teacher will ask the class about
regarding their acquired knowledge on regarding their acquired knowledge the previous lesson. The teacher will
the previous lesson. on the previous lesson. formulate rubrics with
the students
B. Establishing purpose for the The class will observe the picture of The teacher will ask the class to
Lesson (Motivation) sauces posted on the board name the elements presented on the The teacher will ask the class about
table. their assignment. The teacher will explain
1. Cornstarch the criteria for the activity
2. Flour
3. Oil
4. Clarified Butter
5. Margarine
C. Presenting examples /instances of What is sauces? The class will give their prior
the new lessons What is the difference between understanding on the relation of The class will determine whether the The teacher will set rules
Sauces, Gravy and Dips? those elements on the word practice of the person they
thickening agents. interviewed is correct or not.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to . Each learner will answer the Formative test
Formative Assesment 3 (activity FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT formative assessment. a. Fill out the table of ratios of
after the lesson) Directions: Identifying statement about Identification ingredients Presentation of output
the lesson. (Direction: Identify the b. Fill in the blanks about the
(answers will be written on their ingredients used on the given roux)
principles in preparing
G. Finding Practical Applications of Does sauces can be possible to make Asking questions
concepts and skills in daily living What is your realization after the Evaluation of the output
(application) discussion of our topic today? w/o the presence of thickener?
H. Making Generalizations & The learner will write their The teacher ask the class about their What have you learned today?
Abstractions about the lessons understanding of the topic presented acquired knowledge in today’s lesson.
in the given format. Housekeeping
What I have learned from the lesson
I. Evaluating Learning Short quiz! Long test
(assessment/test) The teacher will give a post test Directions: Identify the types of
thickening agents used in the
preparation of given sauces.