DLL g8 Q3W4
DLL g8 Q3W4
DLL g8 Q3W4
(Subject Matter) System of Measurement Electrical Symbols Electrical Signs Electrical Signs and
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Curriculum Guide K-12 MELC’s p. 443 K-12 MELC’s p. 443 K-12 MELC’s p. 443 K-12 MELC’s p. 443
2.Learner’s Materials Pages EIM pp. 59-61 EIM module 2 EIM Module 2 EIM module 2
3.Textbook Pages EIM pp. 80-81 EIM pp. 82-84 EIM pp. 52-54
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) Portal)
B. Other Learning Resources
Tv, Laptop, Activity Sheet Tv, Laptop, Activity Sheet Tv, Laptop, Activity Sheet Test Questions
A. Review Previous Lessons The teacher will conduct a review The teacher will ask questions about The teacher will ask the class about
about the previous lesson. the lesson yesterday. the previous lesson.
B. Establishing purpose for the The teacher will ask the class about the
Lesson (Motivation) manner they do when measuring. The students will observe the The students will observe the
a. Do you used measuring pictures shown on the board. pictures shown on the board.
b. Do you use your body parts?
C. Presenting examples /instances of Pre-test 1.Which among the picture is 1.Which among the picture is
the new lessons Directions: Write the equivalent value symbols? symbols?
of the given unit. 2. How can you say that the picture is 2. How can you say that the picture
_______ 1. 1cm is _____ mm a symbol? is a symbol?
_______ 2. 1 yard is _____ inches
_______ 3. 1dm is _____ cm
_______ 4. 10mm is _____ cm
_______ 5. 1foot is _____ inches
E. Discussing new concepts & Group Activity! Pick and Match Activity! Pick and Match Activity!
practicing and concern to new skills
#2 Answering the given guide question. The teacher will call a student to The teacher will call a student to
1. What are the 2 system of name each symbol based on the word name each SIGNS based on the word
measurement? presented on the board. presented on the board.
2. Define each
3. What are the units of
measurement for each
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Group 1 and 4 Individual Drawing Activity! Individual Drawing Activity!
Formative Assesment 3 (activity Directions: Write the correct unit Each learner will draw and label the Each learner will draw and label the Checking and Recording
after the lesson) abbreviation of the following: electrical symbol. electrical SIGNS. of test
_______ 6. Centimeter
_______ 7. Meter
_______ 8. Decimeter
_______ 9. Yard
_______10. Feet
Group 2 and 3
Directions: Convert the following:
1. 10 feet = ________cm
2. 70 cm = ________mm
3. 15 inches = ________ ft
4. 5 meters = ______ yard
G. Finding Practical Applications of How important for you as a student to What is your advantage if you have What is your advantage if you have
concepts and skills in daily living learn the conversion of measurement? learned on how to interpret electrical learned on how to interpret
(application) symbols? electrical symbols?
H. Making Generalizations & The learner will write their The learner will write their
Abstractions about the lessons What have you learned today? understanding of the topic presented understanding of the topic
in the given format. presented in the given format.
What I have learned from the lesson What I have learned from the lesson
is_______________. is_______________.
I. Evaluating Learning Short quiz! Short quiz!
(assessment/test) Asking questions LONG TEST
VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who requires
additional acts.for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
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