Criminology Keywording Terms in LEA Sanuel 1
Criminology Keywording Terms in LEA Sanuel 1
Criminology Keywording Terms in LEA Sanuel 1
Josue 2:1-21 - 2nd history of Intelligence recorded in Holy Bilble. The life Rahab harlot of Jericho.
Judges 16 - 3rd history of Intelligence recorded in Holy Bible.Life of Samsun and Delilah.
Napoleon Bonaparte - " One spy in right place constitute 20 000 of armed men in the field"
Women - Dangerous Informant / They can use their beauty and charm to obtain Information.
Informer - Person who give information in exchange of money or reward.
Confidential Informant - Person who gives information on condition that their true identitu must not
be revealed.
Random foot patrol - A patrol used to check dark alleys and establishments.
Horse Patrol - A patrol uses in grasses field or also known as Mounted Patrol.
Close Tail - Type of surveillance where the subject is aware that he is under surveillance.
Discreet - Type of surveillance where the subject is not aware the he is under surveillance.
Double Agent - After being Burnt out he can manage to get back in the said place being surveyed.
Top Secret Matter - Which would not cause damage to national security. Color Green.
Organizing - Dividing of personnel into specific designation for the effectivity and Effeciency.
Frankpledge - Tythingman.
Politiea - Greek term of " Police " means Government of the city.
Polis - Greek term of "Police" means City-State
Calamity/disaster - Vulnerability.
Criticality - Security.