Stone FOIA Docs
Stone FOIA Docs
Stone FOIA Docs
Department of Justice
Freedom of Information and Privacy Staff Suite 5.400, 3CON Building (202) 252-6020
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Washington, DC 20530
August 3, 2020
Matthew Topic
Joshua Burday
311 North Aberdeen, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60607
Your request for records under the Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act has been
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Kevin Krebs
Assistant Director
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From: DCD [email protected]
To: DCD [email protected]
Bcc: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
Subject: Activity in Case 1:19-cr-00018-ABJ USA v. STONE Letter(s) in Support of Sentencing
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 2:34:55 PM
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District of Columbia
The following transaction was entered on 2/11/2020 at 2:34 PM EDT and filed on 2/10/2020
Case Name: USA v. STONE
Case Number: 1:19-cr-00018-ABJ
Filer: Dft No. 1 - ROGER JASON STONE, JR
Document Number: 281
Docket Text:
"Leave to file GRANTED" by Judge Amy B. Jackson on 2/10/2020. (zed, )
Robert C Buschel
Grant J. Smith
Tara A. Campion
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District of Columbia
The following transaction was entered by Crabb, John on 2/11/2020 at 4:37 PM EDT and filed
on 2/11/2020
Case Name: USA v. STONE
Case Number: 1:19-cr-00018-ABJ
Filer: USA
Document Number: 284
Docket Text:
(Crabb, John)
Grant J. Smith
Robert C Buschel
Tara A. Campion
Uzoma Nkwonta
Good Morning,
Could you please add me to any distribution lists related to court filings or statements
regarding this matter?
John Kruzel
Legal Affairs Reporter
The Hill
b6 per EOUSA
From: White Collar Law360
To: Zelinsky Aaron (USAMD)
Subject: Ex-Theranos CEO Says Bad Blood Tests Are A "Fact Of Life"
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 3:30:34 AM
From: Heath, Brad (Reuters) <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 3:06 PM
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA >
Subject: 44.5
Hi Aaron – Just saw the notice of withdraw in Stone. I know there are restrictions, but are you able
to say whether that was your decision?
Brad Heath
202 527-9709
brad [email protected]
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From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
To: Murphy, Marcia (USAMD); Drumm, Bailey (USAMD)
Subject: FW: CNBC Inquiry, Roger Stone
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 4:04:02 PM
From: John Kruzel <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 3:06 PM
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA
Subject: Hi can you chat with me about this or give a comment?
Thanks Aaaron
John Kruzel
Legal Affairs Reporter
The Hill
b6 per EOUSA
From: Murphy, Marcia (USAMD)
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
Subject: FW: Interview request from CNN’s Chris Cuomo
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 5:01:54 PM
I have responded to all the inquiries you forwarded with something similar to the below statement. I tried to
make it clear that I was responding on your behalf, so they wouldn't think the office was preventing you from
making a statement. If you get any more, I will be happy to respond. Have a good evening. Hope you get some
rest! Marcy
-----Original Message-----
From: Murphy, Marcia (USAMD)
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 4:45 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: FW: Interview request from CNN’s Chris Cuomo
Ms. Geerlings,
Aaron Zelinsky forwarded your inquiry to me. He asked me to pass along that he will not be making any
statement beyond the Stone filing. Thanks!
Marcy Murphy
U.S. Attorney’s Office
District of Maryland
-----Original Message-----
From: Geerlings, Dylan Rose <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 4:19 PM
To: Geerlings, Dylan Rose <[email protected]>
Subject: Interview request from CNN’s Chris Cuomo
Mr. Zelinsky,
My name is Dylan Rose and I am a producer with Chris Cuomo on CNN. Reaching out to see if you might be
interested in joining Chris for an interview. Given his legal background and steadfast commitment to measured and
fact based coverage of this story Chris would be a natural fit.
Is this something you might consider? It would be an honor to have you and no anchor is better positioned to handle
this story than Chris.
Please let me know. Happy to discuss with you on the phone or to connect you off the record with Chris.
From: Polantz, Katelyn <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 3:20 PM
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA >
Subject: Urgent questions --Stone case
Hi Aaron,
We saw your resignation from the Stone case and are reporting on DOJ’s intended plan to change
the recommended sentence for Roger Stone. We’re trying to understand more about why this is
happening/what’s going on between the DC USAO and Main. Can you explain why you withdrew at
this time?
I’m on my cell phone at b6 per EOUSA if you have a moment. I also use Signal.
Thank you,
Katelyn Polantz
Reporter – Justice/courts
Cell: b6 per EOUSA
[email protected]
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
To: Jed, Adam (USADC); Kravis, Jonathan (USADC); Marando, Michael (USADC)
Subject: Fwd: Activity in Case 1:19-cr-00018-ABJ USA v. STONE Sentencing Memorandum
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 7:03:44 AM
From: [email protected]
Date: February 10, 2020 at 10:55:14 PM EST
To: [email protected]
Subject: Activity in Case 1:19-cr-00018-ABJ USA v. STONE Sentencing
District of Columbia
Docket Text:
(Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Letters of support)(Buschel, Robert)
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
To: Drumm, Bailey (USAMD); Murphy, Marcia (USAMD)
Subject: Fwd: CBS News Request
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 10:19:41 PM
Hi Mr. Zelinsky,
My name is Clare Hymes and I cover the Department of Justice for CBS News. I was
hoping to see if you would be willing to discuss your departure from the Roger Stone
case today and the nature around the department’s intervention. I’d be happy to talk
to you on or off the record, even an on camera interview if you are up for it. Give me a
call, text or signal at your convenience.
Clare Hymes
CBS News
c b6 per EOUSA
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
To: Drumm, Bailey (USAMD); Murphy, Marcia (USAMD)
Subject: Fwd: CNN / Situation Room: Aaron Zelinksy
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 9:17:06 PM
Attachments: image001.png
Senior Editorial Producer “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer”
b6 per EOUSA cell
+1-202-351-4406 work
[email protected]
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
To: Marando, Michael (USADC)
Subject: Fwd: Erik Prince
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 11:26:51 PM
Aaron –
I hope all is well. I couldn’t help but notice the article just published in the Wall Street
Journal, which suggests that the Department is on the verge of charging Mr. Prince.
What’s going on?
Matthew L. Schwartz
b6 per EOUSA
DOJ Nears Decision on Whether to Charge Blackwater Founder Erik Prince
Wall Street Journal
February 11, 2020
By Aruna Viswanatha and Julie Bykowicz
Prince could face charges stemming from his testimony to Congress about Seychelles
meeting with Putin adviser and potential arms-trafficking violations
The Justice Department is in the late stages of deciding whether to charge businessman
and Trump ally Erik Prince in an investigation into whether he lied to Congress in its
Russia probe and violated U.S. export laws in his business dealings overseas, according
to people familiar with the matter.
The investigation gathered steam in recent months with the cooperation of several
witnesses, the people said. Potential charges against Mr. Prince, the founder of the
defense contractor formerly known as Blackwater, include making false statements to
Congress and violating the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, the people said.
Investigators have been examining Mr. Prince’s 2017 testimony to Congress about his
meeting with an adviser to Russia President Vladimir Putin, the people said. The
episode was the subject of a criminal referral last April by the House Intelligence
Committee, after special counsel Robert Mueller’s 2019 report appeared to contradict
Mr. Prince’s testimony and described a different motivation for the trip than Mr. Prince
had described to Congress.
The Justice Department told the committee in a Feb. 4 letter it would “refer” the
request for an investigation “to the proper investigative agency”—though it was
already looking at the matter, the people said.
The inquiry is also looking at Mr. Prince’s attempts to supply aircraft outfitted with
weaponry to other countries. He made a pitch to the United Arab Emirates for such a
contract in 2017, according to people familiar with the matter. It couldn't be
determined whether the pitch was successful.
A representative from the U.A.E. embassy in Washington didn’t respond to a request
for comment. The FBI is examining whether Mr. Prince obtained the appropriate export
licenses in that business, the people said.
An attorney for Mr. Prince, Matthew Schwartz, said: “There is nothing new here,”
adding that Mr. Prince had “cooperated completely” in Mr. Mueller’s investigation.
“Erik Prince’s House testimony has been public for more than a year,” Mr. Schwartz
After Mr. Trump’s 2016 election, Mr. Prince met in the Seychelles with Kirill Dmitriev,
who runs Russia’s sovereign-wealth fund and has described himself as a close adviser
to Mr. Putin.
Speaking to lawmakers in November 2017, Mr. Prince described the meeting as a brief,
unplanned encounter at a hotel bar while he was in the Indian Ocean archipelago on
other business.
Mr. Prince said then that he went to the Seychelles to meet with potential customers
from the U.A.E. “After the meeting, they mentioned a guy I should meet who was also
in town to see them, a Kirill Dmitriev from Russia, who ran some sort of hedge fund,”
Mr. Prince said at the time.
But Mr. Mueller’s team in its report described the episode unfolding differently.
A Lebanese-American businessman, George Nader, who pleaded guilty in Virginia
federal court in January to charges including possessing child pornography, approached
Mr. Prince about Mr. Dimitriev in early January 2017 and said the Russians were
“looking to build a link with the incoming Trump Administration,” the report said.
Mr. Nader suggested that, in light of Mr. Prince’s relationship with transition team
officials, the two could meet, the report said. Mr. Prince didn’t have a formal role with
the Trump campaign but talked to campaign chairman Steve Bannon and sent him
unsolicited policy papers, according to his congressional testimony.
Mr. Prince is the brother of Education Secretary Betsy Devos.
Mr. Nader also faces a separate, unresolved federal criminal case that accuses him of
conspiring to provide more than $3.5 million in illegal campaign contributions to
political entities supporting Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election. He has pleaded not
guilty in that case.
Mr. Prince has a long history in the Middle East and did business with the United Arab
Emirates before 2011, which he described in his congressional testimony as consulting
on “how to make the country safer.”
One of Mr. Prince’s previous companies, Academi LLC, previously called Blackwater
Worldwide, entered into a deferred prosecution agreement in 2012 to resolve criminal
charges that it violated export laws by not obtaining appropriate licenses for services
that included providing ammunition and body armor to Iraq and Afghanistan as well as
military training to Canada. The firm had also submitted a proposal to provide security
services to Sudan for which it didn’t get an export license, which was required in part
because the proposal included technical data related to the intended work.
The company was renamed after Blackwater security guards were involved in a 2007
shooting in Baghdad that resulted in the death of more than a dozen unarmed Iraqi
civilians. One of the guards, Nicholas Slatten, was sentenced to life in prison last year
after he was convicted of murdering the driver of a stopped car.
Mr. Prince has faced questions before about his work brokering the sale of aircraft
outfitted with military capabilities. In 2015, the law firm King & Spalding conducted an
investigation for security firm Frontier Services Group, where Mr. Prince was chairman
of the board, and prepared a report, which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. It
found Mr. Prince might have tried to broker such a sale without the appropriate
Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray supervised the team of
attorneys that made the finding, which was first reported by news website The
Intercept in 2018.
—Dion Nissenbaum and Siobhan Hughes contributed to this article.
Write to Aruna Viswanatha at [email protected] and Julie Bykowicz at
[email protected]
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“The Department finds seven to nine years extreme, excessive and
grossly disproportionate," the source said, adding the DOJ will clarify
its position on sentencing later today
Can you confirm / comment?
John Kruzel
Legal Affairs Reporter
The Hill
b6 per EOUSA
John Kruzel
Legal Affairs Reporter
The Hill
b6 per EOUSA
From: Kravis, Jonathan (USADC)
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD); Jed, Adam (USADC); Marando, Michael (USADC)
Subject: Fwd: memo
Date: Monday, February 10, 2020 2:02:02 PM
Attachments: b5 per EOUSA
J.P. Cooney
Fraud & Public Corruption Section
U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia
555 Fourth Street, NW (Fifth Floor)
Washington, D.C. 20001
Office: 202-252-7281
Cell: b6 per EOUSA
From: Wise, Leo (USAMD)
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
Subject: (b) (5)
Attached is a rough redlined draft. Also attached is the case b5 per EOUSA
b5 per EOUSA
b5 per EOUSA is also attached.
Leo J. Wise
Assistant United States Attorney
United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Maryland
36 South Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 209-4909 (desk)
b6 per EOUSA (cell)
From: White, Neil (USAMD)
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
Cc: Nichols, Roann (USAMD)
Subject: FW: Urgent Request
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 12:59:57 PM
Attachments: Zelinsky Withdrawal Motion Draft February 11.pdf
b5 per EOUSA
Jon briefed me about this earlier today. I tried calling you and I am happy to chat this afternoon. I
can be reached at b6 per
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA >
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 12:50 PM
To: White, Neil (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA >; Sippel, John (USAMD) b6 per EOUSA
Subject: Urgent Request
Dear Neil and John,
Sorry to bug you with an urgent request.
Quick background:
b5 per EOUSA
From: Aaron Zelinsky
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
Date: Monday, February 10, 2020 7:49:53 AM
Attachments: Zelinsky Withdrawal Motion Draft 2.docx
Aaron Zelinsky
b6 per EOUSA
of President Trump, after senior Justice Department officials intervened to
recommend a more lenient sentence for Mr. Stone, who was convicted of
impeding investigators in a bid to protect the president.
You received this email because you signed up for’s Breaking News Alerts.
To stop receiving these emails, unsubscribe or manage your email preferences.
The New York Times Company, 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10018
Begin forwarded message:
Seeing this from a Fox News producer: The DOJ is changing its
sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, according to a Senior
DOJ official.
John Kruzel
Legal Affairs Reporter
The Hill
b6 per EOUSA
John Kruzel
Legal Affairs Reporter
The Hill
b6 per EOUSA
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
To: Metcalf, David (USADC)
Subject: RE: I"m back in my office
Date: Monday, February 10, 2020 2:07:50 PM
b6 per EOUSA
What would you like to discuss? I am a bit busy because of Stone sentencing memo (as I’m sure
you’re aware) and I b6 per EOUSA
From: Metcalf, David (USADC) <b6 per EOUSA
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2020 2:06 PM
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA
Subject: I'm back in my office
If you actually want to talk, let me know. b6 per EOUSA
David Metcalf
b6 per EOUSA
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
To: Stuart Sears
Subject: Re: Panel Discussion on April 2, 2020 at the Cosmos Club, Washington DC
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 10:36:59 PM
Hi Stuart,
b5 per EOUSA
Thanks for the kind invitation.
Be well,
b6 per EOUSA
Stuart A. Sears
b6 per EOUSA
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) b6 per EOUSA
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020 1:53 PM
To: Stuart Sears b6 per EOUSA
Subject: RE: Panel Discussion on April 2, 2020 at the Cosmos Club, Washington DC
Hi Stuart,
No problem. b5 per EOUSA
From: Stuart Sears <b6 per EOUSA
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020 12:57 PM
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA
Subject: RE: Panel Discussion on April 2, 2020 at the Cosmos Club, Washington DC
From: Budlow, Paul (USAMD)
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
Subject: RE: Presentation Skills for Training and Trial, March 31 - April 2
Date: Monday, February 10, 2020 9:01:24 AM
Paul E. Budlow | Assistant U.S. Attorney |District of Maryland (Northern Division) |36 South Charles Street, 4th Floor | Baltimore, Maryland 21201
410-209-4800 (main office) | b6 per
EOUSA (direct) | 410-962-3091 (Fax)
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) b6 per EOUSA >
Sent: Friday, February 7, 2020 11:06 AM
To: Budlow, Paul (USAMD) b6 per EOUSA
Subject: RE: Presentation Skills for Training and Trial, March 31 - April 2
b6 per EOUSA
From: Budlow, Paul (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA
Sent: Friday, February 7, 2020 11:03 AM
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) b6 per EOUSA
Subject: RE: Presentation Skills for Training and Trial, March 31 - April 2
The DC course is here:
Liberty Square Building, Room 7222 (450 5th Street NW, Washington, DC 20530
Paul E. Budlow | Assistant U.S. Attorney |District of Maryland (Northern Division) |36 South Charles Street, 4th Floor | Baltimore, Maryland 21201
410-209-4800 (main office) | b6 per EOUSA ) | 410-962-3091 (Fax)
From: b6 per EOUSA (USANAC) [Contractor] b6 per EOUSA
Sent: Friday, February 7, 2020 10:34 AM
To: Duncan, Elizabeth N. (TAX) b6 per EOUSA ; Brown, Jacqueline (ENRD)
b6 per EOUSA
>; Eaton, Shana (NSD) b6 per EOUSA ; Hayes, Kelly (USAMD)
< b6 per EOUSA
; Funsten, Allegra (NSD) < b6 per EOUSA
; Daly, Michael (NSD)
b6 per EOUSA
(USAEO) [Contractor] b6 per EOUSA
>; Kent,
Rodney (NSD) < b6 per EOUSA
>; Snead, Jacqueline Coleman (CIV) b6 per EOUSA
From: Kravis, Jonathan (USADC) <b6 per EOUSA
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 2:55 PM
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA
Subject: Send me your notice?
Jonathan Kravis
Deputy Chief, Fraud and Public Corruption Section
U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
To: Kravis, Jonathan (USADC)
Subject: RE: Send me your notice?
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 2:55:18 PM
Attachments: Zelinsky Withdrawal Motion Draft February 11.docx
b5 per EOUSA
JP approved this yesterday. If you see any typos, let me know!
From: Kravis, Jonathan (USADC) <b6 per EOUSA
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 2:55 PM
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA
Subject: Send me your notice?
Jonathan Kravis
Deputy Chief, Fraud and Public Corruption Section
U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
To: Kravis, Jonathan (USADC)
Subject: Re: Stone sentencing memo
Date: Monday, February 10, 2020 4:30:12 PM
On Feb 10, 2020, at 4:22 PM, Kravis, Jonathan (USADC) <b6 per EOUSA > wrote:
On Feb 10, 2020, at 4:22 PM, Kravis, Jonathan (USADC) <b6 per EOUSA > wrote:
> On Feb 10, 2020, at 4:22 PM, Marando, Michael (USADC) <b6 per EOUSA > wrote:
> Counsel, the attached documents were filed with the Court under seal today.
> -Michael
> [cid:[email protected]]
> Michael J. Marando
> Assistant United States Attorney
> Fraud and Public Corruption Section
> U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia
> 555 4th Street NW, Room 5241
> Washington, D.C. 20530
> 202-252-7068
> <19-18SealedAttachmentA AZ redactions.pdf>
> <19-18SealedAttachmentA AZ redactions_Redacted.pdf>
> <19-18SealedOrder_Proposed AZ Redactions.pdf>
> <19-18SealedOrder_Proposed AZ Redactions_Redacted.pdf>
> <Joint Submission re Redactions.pdf>
> <image001.png>
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
To: White, Neil (USAMD)
Cc: Nichols, Roann (USAMD)
Subject: RE: Urgent Request
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 1:13:51 PM
Jon briefed me about this earlier today. I tried calling you and I am happy to chat this afternoon. I
can be reached at b6 per
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 12:50 PM
To: White, Neil (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA ; Sippel, John (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA
Subject: Urgent Request
Dear Neil and John,
Sorry to bug you with an urgent request.
Quick background:
b5 per EOUSA
b5 per EOUSA
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
To: White, Neil (USAMD)
Cc: Nichols, Roann (USAMD)
Subject: RE: Urgent Request
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 1:04:34 PM
Jon briefed me about this earlier today. I tried calling you and I am happy to chat this afternoon. I
can be reached at b6 per .
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 12:50 PM
To: White, Neil (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA ; Sippel, John (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA
Subject: Urgent Request
Dear Neil and John,
Sorry to bug you with an urgent request.
Quick background:
b5 per EOUSA
b5 per EOUSA
From: Cooney, Joseph (USADC) <b6 per EOUSA >
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 3:00 PM
To: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD) <b6 per EOUSA
Cc: Kravis, Jonathan (USADC) <b6 per EOUSA ; Marando, Michael
(USADC) < b6 per EOUSA ; Jed, Adam (USADC)
< b6 per EOUSA
b5 per EOUSA
Counsel the attached documents were filed with the Court under seal today.
Michael J. Marando
Assistant United States Attorney
Fraud and Public Corruption Section
U.S. Attorney s Office for the District of Columbia
555 4th Street NW Room 5241
Washington D.C. 20530
From: Steven Brill
To: Jed, Adam (USADC); Kravis, Jonathan (USADC); Marando, Michael (USADC); Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
Cc: Rachel Brill b6 per EOUSA
Subject: USA v. Roger Stone
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 3:41:41 PM
Attachments: image001.png
Aaron Zelinsky
b6 per EOUSA
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
To: Marando, Michael (USADC)
Subject: Zelinsky Withdrawal Motion Draft Final.docx
Date: Monday, February 10, 2020 1:25:45 PM
Attachments: Zelinsky Withdrawal Motion Draft Final.docx
Dear JP,
Pursuant to our conversation yesterday and your approval of this filing yesterday, I am now filing the
attached withdrawal from the Stone case and resigning as a SAUSA in DC.
From: Zelinsky, Aaron (USAMD)
To: Kravis, Jonathan (USADC); Marando, Michael (USADC); Jed, Adam (USADC)
Subject: FW: Corrupt Whores >> Jonathan Kravis+Michael Marando+Timothy Shea+Adam Jed+Aaron Zelinsky << Are
Pure FuckingEvil
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 9:50:03 AM
I’ll draft a response. Good news- we know the U.S. Attorney won’t get this threat because he doesn’t
use email.
From: b6 per EOUSA
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 9:14 AM
To: b6 per EOUSA Marando, Michael (USADC) <b6 per EOUSA >; Shea,
Timothy (OAG) b6 per EOUSA v>; Jed, Adam (USADC) <b6 per EOUSA >; Zelinsky, Aaron
(USAMD) < b6 per EOUSA >
Subject: Corrupt Whores >> Jonathan Kravis+Michael Marando+Timothy Shea+Adam Jed+Aaron
Zelinsky << Are Pure FuckingEvil
The entire country knows this is partisan non-sense yet you heartless evil cunts
Do you whores ever ask yourselves: Am I making the world a better place? The
answer is you are making it much worse.
When did each of you lose all moral grounding to become cold-heartless whores?
b6 per