Introduction To Criminal Justice System Reviewer
Introduction To Criminal Justice System Reviewer
Introduction To Criminal Justice System Reviewer
Formal law- because it exist by the virtue of law
Low enforcement
INFORMAL- because we are all the same in this field, we can find here all the people.
2. Armorer- imbakan ng mga baril o bala, ng mga materials in case of wars, yung mga may hawak na fire
3. Bailiff: Courtroom security officers are called bailiffs. Incase of hearings,
4. Bike Patrol: Cops on bicycles
5. Border Patrol Agent- boarders from island to island (incase if my mga pinapasok na contramando, mga
smuggled firearms or commodities mga sibuyas, asukal, bigas and etc. dinadaan under the table or
walang tamang proseso)
6. Chief: The chief of police or sheriff is the top executive in a law enforcement agency
7. Code Enforcement – they are crimtographer those who are using code numbers applicable in
indigence operation
8. Officer Correctional Officer- mayroon ng mga jail sa loob ng station at mga temporary detainees ang
binabantayan nila
9. Crime Scene Investigator
10. Crisis Negotiator- kapag may nangyreng hostage, the aim of this is to save both of them the suspect
and the victim.
11. Defensive Tactics Instructor
12. Detective: Detectives investigate crimes that are more complex or prolonged than patrol officers or
deputies can handle. (rape with homicide. Illegal recruitment, prostiture, they are also detecting
pornographic shows)
13. Evidence Technician – in charge of evidences that collected from the crime scene
14. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician (EOD): EOD technicians respond to scenes where a bomb or
other hazardous explosive devices is located.
15. Field Training Officer- monitoring and supervising the place
16. Forensics Analyst: A forensic analyst, sometimes called a criminalist, performs a scientific
examination of evidence seized by law enforcement officers in the field. Instrumentration application.
19. Instructor: A career in law enforcement entails frequent training in new techniques and policy and
refresher training in old ones. Most instructors are drawn from the ranks of the agency, or “borrowed”
from other local departments.
20. Investigator
21. Jailer
22. K-9 Officer: K-9 (canine) officers serve as handlers for their specially trained dogs
23. Narcotics Officer- buy bust operation. R.A 9165
24. Patrol Officer-
25. Probation and Parole Officer-
26. Police Officer
SECTION 3. A “criminal complaint” is a self-contained charge that sets forth the sufficient facts that,
with reasonable inferences, allow a person to reasonably conclude that a crime was likely committed and
that the suspect/defendant, is likely culpable.
A sworn statement is prepared by someone who wishes to file a legal complaint and signed by him/her
A complaint is a sworn written statement made to a court or magistrate that a person has been guilty of
a designated offense.
SECTION 4. RULE 110 (RRCP) Information defined – an information is an accusation in writing
charging a person with an offense, subscribed by the prosecutor, and filed with the court.
Criminal justice information means information that is collected by criminal justice agencies and that is
needed for the performance of their legally authorized and required functions, such as criminal history
record information, citation information, stolen property information, traffic accident reports, wanted
PD 911 (PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION) – all complaints shall be accompanied by statements of
the complainant and his witnesses as well as other supporting documents. The statements of the
complainant and his witnesses shall be sworn to before any fiscal or state prosecutor or before any
government official authorized to administer an oath.
The main objective of P.I is to hasten the investigation of criminal complaints involving grave offenses
punishable by death, life imprisonment, reclusion temporal, prison mayor or case cognizable by the
criminal courts.
1. Upon submission of the complaint’s affidavit and documents, the investigating fiscal or state
prosecutor shall immediately determine if there is a probable cause to conduct P.I
2. If no such cause exists, he shall dismiss the complaint but if there is a probable cause, he shall
notify and require the person charged to submit his affidavit and those of his witnesses within
10 days.
3. If no such affidavits are submitted or the person charged does nor appear, the investigation shall
proceed without him.
4. On the basis of the affidavits and documents submitted by the parties, the fiscal or state
prosecutor shall decide within ten days whether a crime has been committed and the person
charged is probably guilty thereof,
5. He shall furnish the parties copies of his resolution briefly stating his findings of facts and the
law supporting his decision
6. If he believed the person charged is probably guilty of the crime, he shall immediately file the
information in the court. Otherwise, he shall dismiss the complaint, unless there are some
matters he wishes to be clarified
7. In such a situation, he shall ask the parties and their witnesses clarificatory questions. Parties
cannot ask questions; they only submit their questions to fiscal who shall decide whether to
propound the questions or not.
8. Without the approval of the Provincial Fiscal or Chief State Prosecutor, an Asst Fiscal or State
Pros cannot file information in court or dismiss a case investigated by him.
9. The provincial fiscal/state prosecutor himself may file the proper information or direct
another Asst Fiscal to do so, if he reverse a recommendation to dismiss a complaint
10. PD 911 also empowers the section of justice to review resolutions of Provincial Fiscal or CSP
without taking another investigation.
11. If the secretary of Justice believes that the person charged is not guilty of the crime, he can order
any Asst Fiscal to move for the dismissal of the case in like manner, he can order the filing of
the proper information of he believes that the person charged is probably guilty of the offense.
1. Provincial or City fiscal and their Ass’t
2. National and regional state Prosecutors
3. Other offenses who are authorized by law such as; COMELEC/OMBUDSMAN
1. Performs perhaps the most important role in the administration of justice.
2. The centerpiece of the 5 pillars
3. The arbiter of justice
4. The front line defender of democracy, freedom and human dignity.
5. It is a board or tribunal which decides a litigation or contest.
6. It is an or body in which judicial power is vested
The final determination of innocence or of guilt is done by the Judicial Component (the courts) through
the adjudication of criminal cases.
Suffice it to say that, in the context of the Criminal Justice System, after a suspect has passed through the
prosecution Pillar, he is sent to the proper court of justice which shall belabor itself in determining either
innocence or guilt.
COURT- a gov’t institution that decides a case according to the existing law or the laws of the land. It
adjudicates legal dispute between citizens and the gov’t, the basic function is to determine the innocence
or guilt of the person accused of a crime and to impose punishment on those found guilty
Judges play among many roles:
1. They interpret the law,
2. Assess the evidence presented, and
3. Control how hearings and trials unfold in their courtrooms. Most important of all, judges are
impartial decision-makers in the pursuit of justice.
Judges provides the following:
Trials – bench trial refers to the type of trial that does not involve a jury but is conducted by the judge
- KP system was advocated as early as 1976 when supreme court chief justice Fred Ruiz Castro
proposed the “Neighborhood Paralegal Committee” which served as the basis of the KP law.
- This law has intended to give full recognition of the time honored tradition of amicably
settling disputes among family and barangay members at the barangay level without judicial
-complaint + payment of filing fee
-punong barangay
-pangkat tagapagkasundo
-Issuance of summons
This pillar undertakes the reformation of offenders. The rehabilitation of offenders is aimed towards their
eventual assimilation into society.
Correction- is that branch of the administration of criminal justice charged with the responsibility for the
custody, supervision and rehabilitation of the convicted offender.
Jail- institution of the confinement of persons who are awaiting final disposition of their criminal cases
and also for the service of those convicted and punished with shorter sentences, up to three years
Prison- institution for the confinement of persons who have been convicted by final judgement by the
court in which the penalty is more than three years
CORRECTION- correction is among the five pillar of CJS and patterned from the system of united
states and great Britain. Originally, the third component was penology but due to modern and democratic
trends in the field of criminal justice, it was changed to Correction. Thus, correction evolved from
1. Lock-up jails – is a security facility, common to police stations, used for temporary confinement
of an individual held for investigation.
2. ordinary jails – is the type pf jail commonly used to detain a convicted criminal offender to
3. Workhouses, jail farms or camp – a facility that houses minimum custody offenders who are
serving short sentences or those who are undergoing constructive work programs. It provides full
employment of prisoner, remedial services and constructive leisure time activities.
WARDEN- Head of local jails (RA 9263)
SUPERINTENDENT – Head of Bureau of Corrections
a. Community-based corrections- comprise all correctional activities that take place outside the
institution and includes probation, parole, and other programs outside prison walls.
b. Institutional-based corrections- refers to those agencies and institutions responsible for
maintaining physical custody of an offended and includes juvenile halls, camps, and prisons.
BUREAU OF JAIL mgt and penology- DILG
After convicts has passed through the correction component – either by full service of the term of
imprisonment imposed on them or by parole and by pardon- they revert to the community and either lead
normal lives as law abiding citizen in their barangay or regrettably commit other crimes and thus go back
through the same stages of the Criminal Justice System
To those who has knowledge in law are expected to cooperate with law enforecers and investigations by
reporting crimes and giving evidence against the offenders
“The process in a community by which a crime is investigated and the person(s) suspected fo the
commission thereof is/are taken into legal custody for prosecution in court and for punishment, if found
guilty, with provisions being made for the correction and/or rehabilitation of the offenders to ensure
renewed assimilation into mainstream society after service of sentence”
The community has the responsibility to participate in Law enforcement activities by being partners of
the police officers in reporting crime incidents and helping in the arrest of the offender.
Community can help in crime control and prevention. Strengthening neighborhoods helps prevent
crime. Local communities that have strong bonds and where people know each other are generally les
prone to experience crime. Enhancing social capital or the relationships between people can be beneficial
in protecting people from cirime.
ROLE OF THE COMMUNITY, being part of an engaging community gives us a sense of belonging. It
enables us to share personal relatedness and support perpetual growth of each other, ourselves and our
Cultural and educational rights