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Teak Plantation-A Potential Source of Income Generation

Article  in  Popular Government · October 2013


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4 authors:

M. L. Dotaniya Vasudev Meena

Directorate of Rapeseed -Mustard Research ICAR-Directorate of Rapeseed and Mustard Research Bharatpur


Manju Lata Hari Prakash Meena

University of Rajasthan ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds research, Hyderabad (Formerly: Directorate of Oi…


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Popular Kheti
Volume -1, Issue-3 (July-September), 2013
Available online at www.popularkheti.info
© 2013 popularkheti.info

Teak Plantation-A Potential Source of Income Generation

M. L. Dotaniya*, V. D. Meena, Manju Lata1 and H. P. Meena2
Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal, 1Rajasthan University Jaipur,
Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad
*Email of corresponding author: [email protected]

Teak (Tectona grandis) is the most important timber tree of India fetching higher prices due
to its quality timber. The best quality teak growing areas in India are in the central parts of
the country. Teak starts yielding its quality wood at the age of 20 years.

Introduction many countries in Africa and the Caribbean.

Teak (Tectona grandis) is the most Burma accounts for nearly one third of the
important timber tree in India especially for world's total teak production. It has also
furniture making. The species belongs to been introduced in countries like Sri Lanka,
family Lamiaceae and locally known as Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia,
Sagwan. It fetches higher prices due to Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Ivory coast,
quality of timber. It can be grown in all parts Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, West Indies,
of the country except dry western zone. Honduras and Panama. In India, it is
Mostly it prefers a deep, fertile, well-drained naturally distributed mainly in the
deep alluvial soil. The sandy soil is peninsular region, but has also been planted
considered to be the best soil texture for this in non-traditional areas in northern and
tree. It fails to grow in the soil with pH northeastern states. The best quality teak
below 6.5. Mr. Chatu Menon of Malabar growing areas in India are in the central
(Kerala) is known as the father of teak parts of the country, hence the brand name
plantation in India. He had raised more than CP Teak was assigned to the top quality teak
a million teak plants in Kerala during produced from the present state of Madhya
1842 – 1862 (Parameswarappa, 1995). Pradesh. It is one of the most important
hardwoods of the world and used for
furniture, cabinet making, various grades of
The distribution of teak is largely affected
plywood, paneling, all types of construction,
by climate, geology and soil of a particular
poles, piles, ship building and other
region. At global level distribution of teak
plantation naturally occurs in all corners. It
is native to south and Southeast Asia, mainly Climate
India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Teak plant is an important tree of humid
Burma, but is naturalized and cultivated in regions, but it prefers moist, warm tropical

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Dotaniya et al., 2013, Pop. Kheti, 1(3): 61-63

climate. It can withstand extremes of of fertilizer (in the month of August &
temperature (13-44oC), but more profuse September) @ 50 g per plant of NPK
growth observed between 13-17oC. It grows (15:15:15) may be provided every year up to
well in rainfall zone of 1200-2500 mm. three years. Irrigation should be mostly
Planting of teak forest depend on area as applied during stress period which boosts
well as type of planting e.g. block or bund the growth of the plants. Teak is very
planting. The optimum spacing for block sensitive to poor drainage.
planting is 2 x 2 m accommodating 2500
Disease, Insect and Pest
plants per ha. On a similar basis, the spacing
A range of insect, pest and diseases caused a
of plants can be kept at 2 m in rows, in bund
significant loss to the farmers. It reduced the
plantations. The minimum planting area for
wooden quality of teak as well as market
block plantation should be 0.2 ha or 500
price. Teak defoliator & skeletoniser
trees per unit. Poor germination limits the
(Hyblaea puera and Eutectona machaeralis)
germination percent of teak, because of hard
cause extensive damage to young
and thick cover on seed. Use of acid
plantations. Root rot due to Polyporous
treatment, alternate soaking & drying,
zonalis is also common in the plantation.
mechanical method and the use of cow dung
Pink disease fungus causes cankers and bark
slurry treatment enhanced the germination
flaking. Powdery mildew caused by Olivea
rate. Germination takes place within 30-40
tectonae & Uncinula tectonae leads to
days. The germination percentage varies
premature defoliation. It is thus necessary to
from 60 to 80%. Select healthy planting
undertake prophylactic and control measures
stocks for teak cultivation.
to ensure good health of the crops. Fresh
Planting Method leaf extracts of Calotropis procera, Datura
metal and Azadirachta indica were found to
Select healthy planting stocks planted at 2m
be most effective against teak skeletonizer.
x 2m, 2.5m x 2.5m or 3m x 3m plant to plant
Use of these type eco-friendly insecticides
distance. It can also be raised along with
which are harmless and have pollution free
agricultural crops at a spacing of 4m x 4m or
implications on the environment.
5m x 5m. For this 45 x 45 x 45 cm sizes pit
should be filled with the mixture of FYM,
Fertilizers and soil. Weeding may be carried
out @ 3 operations in the first year, 2
operations in second year and one operation
in the third year. First thinning in a 7th / 8th
year and second thinning in 13th / 14th year
should be done. The best planting season is
monsoon; preferably after the first shower.
Debudding in the initial years may be done
to improve the quality of timber. Two doses

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Dotaniya et al., 2013, Pop. Kheti, 1(3): 61-63

Yield and Income areas. Its timber used for quality

In general, first quality teak yields at 20 furniture’s, can enhance the profit to the
years of age, when the average diameter is farmers. Initially cost is more, but after
27.2 cm and average height is 23.2m. If the seventh year’s onward it starts to give some
number of trees per acre is 102, the total returns. It also conserves soil fertility and
yield of stem timber is 28.04 m3. It is said reduced nutrient losses from the field. It also
that plantation teak grows slowly after an
acts as a wind break. Thus, Teak plantation
age of 15 years and besides the strength is
is a good source of income with crop
not as good as in the case of naturally grown
teak. But roughly it takes 20-30 years to production.
produce reasonably good quality timber
starting from seventh years onwards which
can fetch a good market price.
Conclusion Parameswarappa S. 1995. Teak - how fast
Teak plantation gives a better yield as well can it grow and how much can it pay?
as reduced the soil erosion in high rainfall Indian Forester, 121(6): 563-565.

Popular Kheti ISSN:2321-0001 63

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