Mathematics I en Chapter 2
Mathematics I en Chapter 2
Mathematics I en Chapter 2
2.1 Limits
To determine the behavior of a function f as x approaches a finite value c, we use the
concept of limit. We say that the limit of f is L, and write limx→c f (x) = L, if the values
of f approaches L when x gets closer to c.
Definition 2.1.1. (Limit when x approach a finite value c). We say that limx→c f (x) = L
if for any small positive ϵ, there is a positive δ such that
|f (x) − L| < ϵ
1. We say that L is the limit of f as x approaches c from the right, limx→c+ f (x) = L,
if for any small positive ϵ, there is a positive δ such that
|f (x) − L| < ϵ
|f (x) − L| < ϵ
We can also wonder about the behavior of the function f when x approaches +∞ or
Definition 2.1.4. (Limits when x approaches ±∞)
1. limx→+∞ f (x) = L if for any small positive ϵ, there is a positive value of x, call it x1 ,
such that
|f (x) − L| < ϵ
whenever x > x1 .
2. limx→−∞ f (x) = L if for any small positive ϵ, there is a negative value of x, call it x1 ,
such that
|f (x) − L| < ϵ
whenever x < x1 .
f (x) > M
3. lim x3 − x2 = ∞, because the leading term in the polynomial gets arbitrarily large
for large values of x, but lim x3 − x2 = −∞ because the leading term in the poly-
nomial gets arbitrarily large in absolute value, and negative.
4. lim = 0, since for x arbitrarily large in absolute value, 1/x is arbitrarily small.
x→±∞ x
5. lim does not exists. Actually, the one–sided limits are:
x→0 x
lim = +∞.
x→0+ x
lim = −∞.
x→0− x
The right limit is infinity because 1/x becomes arbitrarily large when x is small and
positive. The left limit is minus infinity because 1/x becomes arbitrarily large in
absolute value and negative, when x is small and negative.
6. lim x sen x does not exist. As x approaches infinity, sen x oscillates between 1 and
−1. This means that x sen x changes sign infinitely often when x approaches infinity,
whilst taking arbitrarily large absolute values. The graph is shown below.
0 20 40 60 80 100
x , if x ≤ 0;
7. Consider the function f (x) = −x2 , if 0 < x ≤ 1; limx→0 f (x) = f (0) = 0, but
x, if x > 1.
limx→1 f (x) does not exist since the one–sided limits are different.
8. lim does not exist, because the one–sided limits are different.
x→0 x
|x| x
lim = lim = 1,
x→0+ x x→0+ x
|x| −x
lim = lim = −1 (when x is negative, |x| = −x).
x→0− x x→0− x
In the following, lim f (x) refer to the limit as x approaches +∞, −∞ or a real number
c, but we never mix different type of limits.
3. Product: lim f (x)g(x) = (lim f (x))(lim g(x)).
f (x) lim f (x)
4. Quotient: If lim g(x) ̸= 0, then lim = .
g(x) lim g(x)
Teorema 2.1.7 (Squeeze Theorem). Assume that the functions f , g and h are defined
around the point c, except, maybe, for the point c itself, and satisfy the inequalities
lim f (x) = L.
Example 2.1.8. Show that lim x sen = 0.
x→0 x
Solution: We use the theorem above with g(x) = −|x| and h(x) = |x|. Notice that for
every x ̸= 0, −1 ≤ sen (1/x) ≤ 1 thus, when x > 0
−x ≤ x sen (1/x) ≤ x,
f (x)
2.1.2 Techniques for evaluating lim
1. Use the property of the quotient of limits, if possible.
x2 − 9 (x − 3)(x + 3)
lim = lim = lim (x − 3) = 0.
x→3 x + 3 x→3 x+3 x→3
√ √ √
1− 1+x 1− 1+x 1+ 1+x −x −1 1
lim = lim √ = lim √ = lim √ =− .
x→0 x x→0 x 1+ 1+x x→0 x(1 + 1 + x) x→0 1 + 1 + x 2
3. If f (x) ̸= 0 and lim g(x) = 0, then either lim fg(x)
does not exist or lim fg(x)
= +∞ or
4. If x approaches +∞ or −∞, divide the numerator and denominator by the highest
power of x in any term of the denominator.
Example 2.1.10.
1 2
x3 − 2x x − x3 0−0
lim 4
= lim 2 = = 0.
x→∞ −x + 2 x→∞ −1 + 4 −1 + 0
sen 3x {z=3x} sen z sen z
2. lim = lim z = 3 lim = 3.
x→0 x z→0
z→0 z
2.2 Asymptotes
An asymptote is a line that the graph of a function approaches more and more closely until
the distance between the curve and the line almost vanishes.
Definition 2.2.1. Let f be a function
(1 + x)4
lim = +∞
x→1± (1 − x)4
On the other hand
(1 + x)4 (1/x + 1)4
lim = lim =1
x→+∞ (1 − x)4 x→+∞ (1/x − 1)4
3x3 − 2 2
lim 2
= lim (3x − 2 ) = ±∞
x→±∞ x x→±∞ x
thus, there is no horizontal asymptote. Let us study now oblique asymptotes:
3x3 − 2
f (x) 2
a = lim = lim = lim 3 − 3 = 3,
x→±∞ x x→±∞ x3 x→±∞ x
3x − 2 2
b = lim (f (x) − 3x) = lim − 3x = lim − 2 = 0.
x→±∞ x→±∞ x2 x→±∞ x
2.3 Continuity
The easiest limits to evaluate are those involving continuous functions. Intuitively, a func-
tion is continuous if one can draw its graph without lifting the pencil from the paper.
Hence, f is discontinuous at c if either f (c) is undefined or limx→c f (x) does not exist
or limx→c f (x) ̸= f (c). Moreover, we can define one-sided continuity of f at c,
1. Sum. f + g.
2. Product by a scalar. λf , λ ∈ R.
3. Product. f g.
2.3.2 Limit y continuity of the composite function
Teorema 2.3.3. Let f, g be functions from R to R and let c ∈ R. If g is continuous at L
and limx→c f (x) = L, then
lim g(f (x)) = g(lim f (x)) = g(L).
x→c x→c
If the function f is continuous at c, then, calling L = f (c) the result above becomes:
Corollary 2.3.4. Let f be a continuous function at c and g continuous on f (c). Then ,
the composite function g ◦ f is also continuous at c.
Example 2.3.5. Compute the following limits:
ln (1 + x)
lim = lim ln (1 + x)1/x = ln lim (1 + x)1/x = ln e = 1.
x→0 x x→0 x→0
Note that the function ln (·) is continuous at e, then we can apply 3.3.4.
ax − 1
z z
lim = lim ln (1+z) = ln a lim = ln a.
x→0 x z→0 z→0 ln (1 + z)
ln a
We have used the substitution z = ax − 1, so that x = ln (1 + z)/ ln a, and we have
used the value of the limit computed before.
It can be shown that neither f (x) is continuous nor f −1 (x), which coincidentally happens
to be the same f .
This will not be the case should the function f (x) be continuous, as the following theorem
Solution: The function arctan = tan−1 is continuous from what we just have seen
above. Then applying theorem 3.3.3:
x2 + x − 2
x +x−2
lim arctan = arctan lim
x→1 3x2 − 3x x→1 3x2 − 3x
(x − 1)(x + 2)
= arctan lim
x→1 3x(x − 1)
= arctan lim
x→1 3x
= arctan 1
= .
Teorema 2.3.9 (Bolzano’s Theorem). If f is continuous in [a, b] and f (a) · f (b) < 0, then
there exists some c ∈ (a, b) such that f (c) = 0.
Example 2.3.10. Show that the equation x3 + x − 1 = 0 admits a solution, and find it
with an error less than 0.1.
Solution: With f (x) = x3 + x − 1 the problem is to show that there exists c such that
f (c) = 0. We want to apply Bolzano’s Theorem. First, f is continuous in R. Second, we
identify a suitable interval I = [a, b]. Notice that f (0) = −1 < 0 and f (1) = 1 > 0 thus,
there is a solution c ∈ (0, 1).
Now, to find an approximate value for c, we use a method of interval–halving as follows:
consider the interval [0.5, 1]; f (0.5) = 1/8 + 1/2 − 1 < 0 and f (1) > 0, thus c ∈ (0.5, 1).
Choose now the interval [0.5, 0.75]; f (0.5) < 0 and f (0.75) = 27/64 + 3/4 − 1 > 0 thus,
c ∈ (0.5, 0.75). Let now the interval [0.625, 0.75]; f (0.625) ≈ −0.13 and f (0.74) > 0 thus,
c ∈ (0.625, 0.75). The solution is approximately c = 0.6875 with a maximum error of 0.0625.
The previous theorem, known as Bolzano’s Theorem can be generalized for every inter-
mediate value between f (a) and f (b), since it is proved in the following theorem.
Notice: An intermediate value means any real number k with f (a) < k < f (b) or
f (b) < k < f (a).
Proof. Consider the function g(x) = f (x) − k. Then, g(a) < 0 < g(b) or g(b) < 0 < g(a).
Applying Bolzano’s Theorem to the function g, there is xk ∈ [a, b] such that g(xk ) = 0.
Similarly, there exists a xk ∈ [a, b] such that f (xk ) = k.
The following result is very useful when you are trying to find the image of a continuous
Notice: J does not always satisfy the same properties of the interval I.
Example 1: f (x) = 1/x is continuous on the bounded interval I = (0, 1], but J =
Im(f ) = [1, ∞) is not bounded.
Example 2: f (x) = 1/x is continuous on the closed interval I = [1, ∞), but J = Im(f ) =
(0, 1] is not closed.
Nevertheless, if the interval I is compact, ie: it is closed and bounded, then J is also
This last result is called Weierstrass’ Theorem, and it is the most important of chapter
The theorem asserts that a continuous function attains over a closed interval a minimum
(m = f (c)) and a maximum value (M = f (d)). The point c is called a global minimum of
f on [a, b] and d is called a global maximum of f on [a, b].
Example 2.3.14. Show that the function f (x) = x2 + 1 attains over the closed interval
[−1, 2] a minimum and a maximum value.
Solution: The graph of f is shown below.
−2 −1 0 1 2 3
We can see that f is continuous in [−1, 2], actually f is continuous in R, and f attains
the minimum value at x = 0, f (0) = 1, and the maximum value at x = 2, f (2) = 5.
– Take I = (0, 1] and f (x) = 1/x; f is continuous in I, but it does not have global
– Take I = [0, ∞) and f (x) = 1/(1 + x); f is continuous in I, but it does not have
global minimum, since limx→∞ f (x) = 0, but f (x) > 0 is strictly positive for
every x ∈ I.
x, if 0 ≤ x < 1;
The function is not continuous. Take I = [0, 1] and f (x) = ; f
0, if x = 1.
has a global minimum at x = 0, but there is no global maximum since limx→1 f (x) = 1
but f (x) < 1 for every x ∈ I.