Perceived Parental Support and Students' Coping Mechanism: Correlates of Perceived Well-Being

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Perceived Parental Support and

Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates

of Perceived Well-being


Perceived Parental Support and Students' Coping

Mechanism: Correlates of Perceived Well-being

A Proposal Project Presented to the Faculty of the

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Track
of the Senior High School Department
of Becuran High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course

Practical Research 2

Hernandez, Jayseph Luke V.

Villanueva, Justine G.
David, Arden M.
Guinto, Jayvee

January, 2023

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Parental Support and
Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


Parents are the ones who are with their children from the very beginning of

their lives. They can significantly influence their children’s health behaviors along

with their home environment (Rhodes et al., 2019). Parental support refers to the

emotional support that parents provide to their children. Parents who are emotionally

supportive provide their children with a sense of safety and security, and can help

them to feel loved and valued. providing emotional support and guidance (Roy &

Giraldo-García, 2018). In many cases, parental support is important for children to

grow and develop into healthy, well-adjusted adults. The relationship they create with

their parents and the dynamics of their family as a whole has a significant impact on

the healthy development of children and adolescents (Botelho Guedes et al., 2022).

A coping mechanism is a psychological strategy that a person uses to deal

with stressful or difficult situations (Miranda et al., 2019). Coping mechanisms can be

either healthy or unhealthy, depending on how they affect a person's mental and

emotional well-being (Zina, 2019). Some examples of healthy coping mechanisms

include talking to a trusted friend or family member, engaging in physical activity, or

practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation (Frimpong et al.,

2022). On the other hand, unhealthy coping mechanisms might include excessive

alcohol or drug use, self-destructive behaviors, or avoidance of the problem

altogether (Rodriquez, 2017). From the outside, this could appear as a need for a

crutch to help with emotional discomfort, such as alcohol, food, drugs, sex, or

anything else that offers a momentary reprieve from unpleasant feelings. Substance

use disorders frequently have this characteristic (Scotti, 2022). The

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Perceived Parental Support and
Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


problem is that a lot of these unhealthy coping mechanisms only offer momentary

respite or pleasure. They are temporary solutions that stall the underlying struggle

rather than resolving it (Seaver, 2022). Oversleeping is a technique for relieving life's

stress. The issue is that the tension is still present when you wake up and will only get

worse if you don't address it (Palmieri, 2021). Some people may turn to starvation,

cutting, or other urgent self-harm under highly stressful situations to feel more in

control of their circumstances. Serious physical and mental health issues may result

from this (Hetrick et al., 2019). The key is to find coping mechanisms that help you to

manage stress and difficult emotions in a healthy way. Emotional coping mechanism

skill benefits you in processing and working through unwanted or painful emotions

and reactions. In other words, this method assists you in managing your emotions

rather than external circumstances (Raypole, 2020). Coping usually entails adjusting

to or tolerating negative events or realities while maintaining a positive self-image

and emotional balance. Coping occurs in the context of perceived stressful life

changes. Psychological stress is frequently associated with negative life events such

as the loss of a job or a loved one (Pandey et al., 2022).

You may have never felt anything like this before. It is beneficial to speak

with someone you love and trust. It can also help you focus on and appreciate the

important things in life when you are very ill (Suttie, 2021). The purpose of this study

is to find out if parental support and coping mechanism are somehow related with the

students’ well-being.

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Perceived Parental Support and
Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


Parental support or involvement refers to a range of parenting concepts and

behaviors that parents adopt to promote the cognitive, emotional, and social

development of their children (Ma et al., 2023). Effective parental involvement is

important to promote the physical, mental, and academic development of adolescents

(Gomez et al., 2017). Parental support is vitally necessary for a child's healthy

cognitive development because a child's attachment to his or her parents have a direct

impact on their cognitive performance (Labs, 2021). This study examined the effects

of mother-only and father-only parenting on the cognitive development of children at

24 and 36 months. However, when both parents were present, children had

significantly higher cognitive scores than those with just one parent. This suggests

that both mother and father parenting are important for optimal child cognitive

development (Ryan et al., 2019). Every adolescent experiences many stages of social

development. The majority of how kids learn social skills is through schools and at

home (Roy et al., 2018). Children's emotional development and social development

are interconnected (Boonk et al., 2018). Parental involvement has a positive effect on

the mental health of students. The study revealed that students who had parents who

were actively engaged in their academic pursuits had lower levels of depression,

anxiety, and stress (Radwan et al., 2021).

Support may vary according to the age of the child; adolescence is a

challenging time of transition old at this stage, there is a gap between the

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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


physical maturity of the adolescents and the corresponding privileges and social

responsibilities (Doherty et al., 2021). Being a supportive parent means having your

child’s best interests at heart but also being present, involved and helpful (Mahuro et

al., 2016). Because of today’s system it further highlighted the importance of parental

whereas parents have to join the front-line teaching and learning process (Winthrop et

al., 2020).

Parental availability refers to the amount of time that parents can spend with

their children (Hernández et al., 2020). Parents should strive to make themselves

available to their children whenever possible (Coyne et al., 2020). This can be

measured in terms of the number of hours of physical presence, the amount of time

that parents spend talking to their children, and the overall quality of the parent-child

relationship (Bringolf-Isler et al., 2018). Students are considered to have paternal

availability when a father figure is present and actively involved in their lives. (Llego,

2022). Emotional well-being can benefit from parental involvement, including

maternal availability (Kammermeier, 2021). Parental availability can also refer to the

extent to which parents are emotionally available to their children and respond to

their needs (Spinelli et al., 2020). Ultimately, having two parents available can help

children live a healthy and successful life (Fraser, 2020). According to research,

parental availability is favorably related to child outcomes including academic

success and mental health. (Parmar et al., 2022). An improvement in adolescent

wellbeing is linked to parents' warmth, supportive parenting, and total parental

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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


participation. Being actively involved with your child's school and community is

what is meant by parental involvement (Keizer et al., 2019).

Single parent households are typically associated with a number of challenges

in regards to parental availability, including financial constraints, time demands, and

emotional strain (Stack & Meredith, 2017). Studies have found that single parent

households have less available time to spend with children than two-parent

households (Livingston, 2018). Single parents often experience increased levels of

stress and depression, which can lead to less engagement with their children (Single,

2019). Despite the challenges associated with single parent households, recent

research has found that single parents can still be effective caregivers in terms of

providing a secure, supportive, and loving environment for their children (Vyskocil,

2018). Research has found that single parents can still provide their children with the

same level of support and guidance as dual-parent households (Watt et al., 2019).

Additionally, research has suggested that single parents may be more likely to be

emotionally available and accessible to their children than two-parent households

(Adegboyega, 2019).

Studies have also shown that single parent availability is associated with improved

well-being in children in many areas (Casey, 2022). Single parent availability has also

been linked to higher levels of trust, communication, and a stronger bond between

parent and child (Li, 2016). Additionally, research suggests that single parent

availability can provide children with a sense of security and a consistent

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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


source of emotional support (Rousou et al., 2019). However, there is not always a

positive correlation between single parent availability and well-being in children. In

some cases, the availability of a single parent can lead to increased stress and anxiety

in the child (Whitfield, 2020). Therefore, it is important to consider the individual

needs of each child when examining the effects of single parent availability on their

well-being. An improvement in adolescent wellbeing is linked to parents' warmth,

supportive parenting, and total parental participation. Being actively involved with

your child's school and community is what is meant by parental involvement (Axford

et al., 2019).

Having both parents available also allows children to have more access to

resources and opportunities, such as quality education and extracurricular activities

(Li et al., 2018). Having both parents can help children develop a sense of

responsibility, respect, and resilience (Chung et al., 2019). Children's education is

connected with parental availability. Wherein, it is a critical component of the child's

overall functioning to their academic success (Jaiswal et al., 2017). Single moms

hard on finance but if they have money and opportunity to work flexibly and

autonomously, the means to pay for consistent, dependable daycare, a safe and large

place to live (Vincent, 2017). They can also help them develop strong social skills,

encourage their academic success, and provide them with a sense of identity and

purpose in life (Genadek et al., 2017)

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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


According to a study published by (Children Living with Neither Parent |

KIDS COUNT Data Center, 2021), the percentage of children aged 0-17 years with at

least one parent available to them had declined from 84.2% in 2015 to 81.8% in 2017.

The study found that the percentage of children with two parents available declined

from 65.3% in 2015 to 62.9% in 2017. The study also revealed that the percentage of

children with a single parent available decreased from 18.9% in 2015 to 18.9%.

Separated parents may have a negative impact on the availability of parenting for

their children (Nusinovici et al., 2018). Research has shown that parental availability

is lower in families with separated parents, as compared to those with two-parent

households (Cao et al., 2022). This may be due to the fact that separated parents often

have more limited time with their children and have to juggle multiple commitments

(Pedro-Carroll, 2020). Separated parents may also have difficulty agreeing on

parenting styles or may be unable to coordinate their parenting responsibilities

(Styles, 2017).

Parental support can be deliver through hugs or even a pats on the back for

comfort, as well as listening and empathizing to children (Scott, 2020). Support is the

foundation of strong bonds with friends, family members, and other close confidants

(Morse, 2022). Even just sitting side by side, holding hands, hugs and not talking, has

a big helped (Cirino, 2018). Holding hands or hugging. Teenagers who get these

types of attention may feel loved, supported, and secure (Daniels, 2020). The stability

and sense of support that can be offered by holding a student's hand can be very

reassuring for those who are anxious or worried (Bartlett, 2020). Studies
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of Perceived Well-being


have shown that when children feel bonded to their families, they are more likely to

have better academic and social outcomes, and better physical health (Lansford et al.,

2018). Virginia Satir once said, “We need 4 hugs a day for us to be mentally stable.

We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. Approximately 12 hugs are needed for an

individual to grow (Walker et al., 2019). Physical actions have the potential to release

oxytocin, a hormone linked to emotions of warmth and closeness, which can help to

lessen stress and anxiety (Santos-Longhurst, 2018). Scientists say that giving another

person support through touch can reduce the stress of the person being comforted

(Porter et al., 2017).

Parents' physical support is classified as a basic need. According to (Howard

et al., 2019), parents physical support had significant predictive relationships with

academic success. For students to be active and engaged learners, it is important that

their basic needs are met. Considering the importance of parents’ physical support

and involvement in school activities, parents are directly making a positive impact on

a successful educational system (Đurišić et al., 2017). Study conducted by (Erdener et

al., 2018), investigated the correlation between parental involvement and student

well-being. The participants reported feeling more connected to their parents and felt

that their parents were more supportive of their needs and concerns. This was

associated with an overall increase in students’ sense of wellbeing. Majority of the

parents in turkey agreed that parental support is undoubtedly beneficial for students'

academic progress and behavioral issues (Kurtulmus, 2016).

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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


Researchers have said that having a physical support system has many

positive benefits. It includes higher levels of well-being and longer healthier life.

Having a physical support system has also been proven to reduce depression and

anxiety and reduce stress (Hood, 2022). Encouragement, joining, watching, and

talking about physical activity were associated with adolescents’ physical activity

levels (Kääpä et al., 2022). Better adolescent school adjustment has been associated

when it comes to parenting (Fuentes et al., 2019). Permissive or Indulgent parents are

warm and responsive. According to (Dewar, 2022), Being an affectionate parent

secures the attachment or closeness to children and protects them from toxic stress.

Physical support that is given by the parents are one of the most important

facets of well-being (Kansky, 2018). (Thomas, 2017), indicates that family bonding is

an important factor in children’s overall health and wellbeing. In late adolescence,

teens report feeling the greatest levels of support and also perceiving the greatest

amount of positive relationship with their parents (Parent-Child Relationship, 2018).

Potential mechanism that explains the well-being and physical support link is felt

understanding. The feeling of having someone for you and feeling understood by

others is generally associated with higher well-being (Reis et al., 2017). The impact

of feeling understood may be particularly salient for well-being, relationship

satisfaction, and conflict management (Gordon et al., 2016). Active parental

involvement in the child’s day-to-day life is regarded as a beneficial foundation for

better social and academic skills. (Ancell et al., 2018).

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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


One important in promoting factor of parental emotional support within the

home environment is the quality of interaction between parents and their children.

According to (Vandenbroucke et al., 2017), better mental health can be achieved with

quality interaction it can lighten your mood and make you feel happier. Conversation

assists us in maintaining our relationships with one another. Family bonding can also

help support children’s emotional development (Lara & Saracostti, 2019). Family

bonding can also help support children’s emotional development (Wall, 2017).

Spending quality time together and engaging in meaningful conversations can help in

giving emotional support (Cano et al., 2018). Parents also strive to create a safe

environment where children feel comfortable to express themselves (Ruch et al.,

2016). Positive sense of self-esteem in adolescents can give them emotional support

(Brummelman et al., 2017). It certainly helps children gain confidence in having

conversations with other people (Tankersley, 2022). Filipino students expressed their

gratitude to them; for giving parental motivational support (Valdez et al., 2022). 40%

of the United States provide emotional support to their children (Cabrera et al., 2018).

Parental Emotional support from family members is important in fostering

positive academic outcomes (Roksa & Kinsley, 2018). Emotional support is very

important for students’ social functioning and well-being. Parents play a prominent

role in how children develop emotion regulation (Havighurst & Kehoe, 2017). A

2022 study found that promoting and building emotional support for all students is an

important protective factor for dealing with stressful situations (American

Psychological Association, 2022). According to APA’s 2022 Stress in

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of Perceived Well-being


America survey, stress undermines health and well-being, and strains in relationships

with family members are an especially salient type of stress. Emotional support

provides a resource for coping with the detrimental impact of stressors on well-being,

and support may also promote well-being through increased self-esteem (Thomas et

al., 2022). A high level of emotional support is the principal institution and pillar that

works to promote students’ emotional development (Atoum et al., 2018). Emotional

support is any form of support that helps someone cope with their feelings and

emotions. Emotional support given to a student can profoundly influence their well-

being across the life course (Bangerter et al., 2017).

Parental emotional support is beneficial for academic outcomes as it promotes

emotional well-being and facilitates greater student engagement (Kiyama et al, 2018).

24% of the variation in academic socialization and 36% of the variation between

children’s academic performance and parental involvement in their schooling (Park et

al., 2018). In Abraham's case the results of Maslow's hierarchy show that students

frequently receive encouragement from their parents (Moneva et al, 2020). The

relationship between parents and children fosters the child's emotional well-being.

Every child and parent can cherish and develop this special bond (Christian et al.,

2017). The study results also indicated that the influence of parental support depends

on the type of parent-child relationship. Furthermore, the study suggested that

parental support is essential for the emotional well-being of university students

(Wong Siew Yieng et al., 2020). This study reviewed 31 studies that examined the

association between perceived parental support and mental health. The

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of Perceived Well-being


results of the meta-analysis showed a significant and positive correlation between

perceived parental support and adolescent well-being and academic (Yau et al.,

2021). Majority of the parents agreed that parental support is undoubtedly beneficial

for students' academic progress and behavioral issues.

Verbal reassurance is an important method of providing support to students.

According to research conducted by (Salvatore et al., 2018), verbal reassurance is a

form of parental communication that has been studied in a variety of contexts and has

been found to be beneficial for both parents and children. Verbal reassurance is the

act of providing comfort and support to someone through the use of words (Akyirem

et al., 2022). Boost their confidence, or alleviate their worries (Lindegaard et al.,

2017). It can involve giving compliments, offering encouragement, or providing

understanding and empathy (Cekaite, 2017). Parents who offer verbal reassurance to

their children found to have a more secure and trusting relationship with their child

(Lebowitz et al., 2020). Researchers examined the impact of verbal reassurance on

the well-being of students in a variety of contexts. The study found that when

students were provided with verbal reassurance, they experienced increased feelings

of safety and security, as well as improved psychological well-being (Bush et al.,

2021). A study conducted by (Anderson et al., 2021), found that verbal reassurance

correlated positively with psychological well-being. Participants in their study who

had higher levels of verbal reassurance reported higher levels of psychological well-

being. (Aremu et al., 2018), found that verbal reassurance can be a useful tool in

counseling, as it can help to reduce anxiety, increase self-confidence.

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of Perceived Well-being


(Valdés-Cuervo et al., 2022) Verbal reassurance is a powerful tool for improving

physical and mental well-being, with research showing that it can have a positive

effect on both physical and mental health. The study was conducted using a sample of

86 mother-child dyads with children aged 4-7 years old (Liao et al., 2021). The

researchers found that the presence of parental verbal reassurance had a significant

effect on the child's emotional reactions to stressful experiences. Specifically, the

presence of parental verbal reassurance reduced the child's negative emotions and

increased their positive emotions in response to the stressful situation (Hattangadi et

al., 2020). One study, published in the journal Health Psychology in 2017, found that

verbal reassurance was associated with a decrease in physical and psychological

distress (Moon et al., 2017). This finding was replicated in a 2020 study, which found

that verbal reassurance from parents was associated with greater life satisfaction and

fewer depressive symptoms (Kamp et al., 2020). Another 2020 study found that

verbal reassurance was associated with improved well-being among students,

including lower levels of stress and anxiety (Lee et al., 2020).

Parents providing verbal reassurance, calmness, gentleness, and

supportiveness to their children is an important aspect of parenting. Recent studies

have found that these qualities can have a positive influence on the overall social and

emotional wellbeing of children (Papalia & Olds, 2017). Indeed, research has shown

that when parents provide verbal reassurance, it can increase a child’s self-esteem and

self-confidence (Couples Counseling - the Relationship Center, 2021). Furthermore,

studies have found that when parents display calmness and gentleness
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of Perceived Well-being


when interacting with their children, children are more likely to learn to self-regulate

their emotions (Green et al., 2019). Verbal reassurance can increase a child’s sense of

self-worth by as much as 82% (Dealing with Children’s Distress | Better

Relationships, 2022). Additionally, parental supportiveness has been linked to lower

levels of anxiety and depression in children (Griffith et al., 2019). These findings

suggest that providing verbal reassurance, calmness, gentleness, and supportiveness

to children can have beneficial effects on their social and emotional development.

Furthermore, verbal reassurance from parents can help to reduce the feeling

of helplessness and insecurity, especially among students who are struggling with

their studies (Fu et al., 2017). The research conducted by (Campbell et al., 2017)

found that verbal reassurance given in a supportive and comforting manner was more

effective than reassurance given in a more directive or controlling manner. Thus, it is

important for parents to be aware of the context in which they are offering verbal

reassurance to their children in order to maximize the effectiveness of the

reassurance. In addition, verbal reassurance is an important form of parental

communication that can help to promote secure and trusting relationships between

parents and children (Wallwork et al., 2022).

Physical expression of affection is the unconditional love and acceptance that

a parent has for their child (Li, 2021). It is often described as a kind of selfless

devotion that transcends any other type of love and it is usually strong and enduring

and can even extend beyond the child's life (Cline & Fay 2020). Physical

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of Perceived Well-being


displays of affection are actions or gestures that indicate love or affection for another

person. These deeds can support the development and reinforcement of emotional

bonds within relationships (Gonsalves, 2022). Though some teenagers may prefer less

physical contact as they mature and grow more autonomous, it's crucial for parents to

be aware of their children's comfort level with physical affection (Witmer, 2022).

Physical affection helps children feel more connected to their parents and create a

bond of trust and understanding (Mäkelä et al., 2018). Physical affection can also help

children feel more connected to their parents and create a bond of trust and

understanding (Lieberman et al., 2018). According to (Co, 2021), physical expression

of affection between parents and their children is an important factor in a child’s

development. (Rapee et al., 2022). A loving hug or kiss can help soothen a child's

fears and worries and remind them that they are loved and supported. This can help

them form healthy relationships with their peers and provide them with a strong

foundation of emotional intelligence (Pryde & Jahoda, 2018).

Study found that the primary means of communicating with a child is through

touch such as hugs, pats on the back, and high-fives, can also help to boost self-

esteem and create a sense of trust and connection between parent and child. (Narvaez

et al., 2019). In 2020, the American Psychological Association conducted a study to

examine the impact of physical affection on the mental health of children. The study

found that physical affection from parents can help to reduce stress and anxiety in

children, as well as improve their self-esteem (Brummelman et al., 2020). Physical

expression of affection receipt promotes relational, psychological, and

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of Perceived Well-being


physical well-being between parents and their children, and was associated with

higher levels of empathy and prosocial behavior in children (Jakubiak et al., 2017).

Physical affection from parents can provide a sense of security and comfort for

children, especially during difficult times (Sciaraffa et al., 2017).

Studies also found that physical affection was linked to improved academic

performance in children. Additionally, physical expressions of affection can help to

reduce anxiety and stress in students, as well as improve their academic performance

(Kahu et al., 2018). The positive correlation between parental affection and a child’s

wellbeing. Wherein children experience more affection from their parents having

higher self-esteem and lower levels of anxiety (Sandi Schwartz, 2020). Parental

affection impacts a child’s happiness, highlighting how parental practices and the

quality of the relationship can affect outcomes (Breiner et al., 2016). According to

(Fragkos & Crampton, 2020), children should be allowed to develop empathy for

others and prosper as much as possible in their life

Well-being is a state of physical, mental, and social health in which an

individual is able to function at their optimum level and experience a sense of

happiness and contentment (Michalos, 2017). It involves having the resources and

conditions necessary for a happy and satisfying life, such as good physical and mental

health, strong social networks, meaningful work, and financial stability. The hedonic

and eudaimonic experiences of happiness and satisfaction are referred to as a person's

sense of well-being, Recent studies have suggested that individual

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of Perceived Well-being


characteristics, such as personality, can have a significant impact on well-being

(Abdullahi et al., 2020). The quality of students' social lives is referred to as the social

dimension of their well-being. It covers relationships amongst students (López et al.,

2021). Students' feelings regarding their social lives in and out of school, as well as

their family, peers, and teachers (Govorova et al., 2020). The main indicator of

adolescents' social well-being is their sense of belonging at school (Gökmen Arslan,

2021).  While the cognitive dimension of students' well-being refers to the cognitive

underpinnings required for students to actively participate in school (Alrashidi et al.,

2016). Interventions focused on parental reflective function may promote parents’

abilities to regulate their feelings and behaviors toward their children and buffer the

impact of chronic stressors on children’s development by nurturing high-quality

parent-child interaction (Letourneau, 2020).

It includes students' ability to use Academic knowledge to solve problems

independently or in collaboration with others, as well as high-order reasoning skills,

such as critical thinking and the ability to confront ideas from multiple points of view

(Alsaleh, 2020). The physical dimension of students' well-being relates to their health

and their commitment to leading a healthy lifestyle taking care of your body to keep it

healthy today and in the future (Stoewen, 2017).

Specifically, research has indicated that certain personality traits are

associated with higher levels of life satisfaction and overall well-being (Park & Park,

2019). Social support has been linked to well-being as it can provide a

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of Perceived Well-being


sense of security, support, and connectedness (Farriol-Baroni et al., 2021).

Additionally, being physically active has been shown to have positive effects on well-

being, as it can reduce stress, improve mood, and promote healthy lifestyle habits.

The environment has been suggested to be a major contributor to well-being. Studies

have indicated that living in a safe and supportive community can have positive

effects on physical and mental health (Jimenez et al., 2021). Students with higher

well-being are more likely to stay in school, graduate, and be successful in college

and beyond (Yu et al., 2018). Researchers from the University of Zurich conducted a

study to examine the relationship between individual well-being and physical activity

and the results where higher with students who has great amount of well-being

(Schlomann et al., 2019).

Coping is the process of handling internal and external stressful situations in o

rder to lessen stress (Algorani EB, 2022). According to (de la Fuente et al., 2020),

Finding out to what extent people can combine various coping mechanisms and what

adaptive effects this flexibility. Coping mechanism can be in many various ways.

Sometimes it may be good or bad (Silverman, 2021). Any maladaptive coping

mechanism will backfire or worsen issues rather than solving them (Kristenson,

2022). A poor, unhealthy, ill, or harmful coping mechanism is one in which the

behavior does not permanently cure the issue and may even make things worse.

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of Perceived Well-being


Short-term use of unhealthy coping mechanisms may provide the impression that they

are worn out and stress.

One of the bad coping habits is cognitive avoidance. It is the deliberate effort

to direct your attention away from upsetting ideas or memories. Being around anyone

who isn't always and completely optimistic. Is actuality a coping mechanism (Sagui-

Henson, 2017). Over-preparing for work or school and striving for perfection can also

be used as a sort of protective avoidance. Delaying a feared action or event in an

effort to prevent risk (Sharma, 2022). Avoiding negativity rather than a way to live a

sanctimonious life (Lebow 2022). Situations that make you feel triggered by other

people, places, things, or activities is referred to as situational avoidance. This is a

recognized sign of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), just as avoiding crowds in

public places or going outside during holiday fireworks displays is for a soldier

suffering from PTSD (Breches, 2020). For adolescents who have experienced trauma,

physical displays of affection like embracing or holding hands might be challenging.

Trauma can make people uncomfortable or bring back painful memories, making it

difficult for them to interact physically (Mitts, 2019).

Healthy distraction, adolescents can find healthy ways to distract themselves

from stress and negative emotions, such as listening to music, reading, exercising,

playing an instrument, or engaging in an activity they enjoy. (Biegel, 2017).

Expressing feelings, encouraging adolescents to express their feelings in healthy

ways, such as through journaling, talking to a trusted adult, or engaging

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in art therapy, can help them cope with stress (Morris et al., 2017). In the study from

Marais (2022), there are a few ways of emotion-focused coping that can help a person

overcome challenges and build resilience, such as meditation, positive thinking,

reframing, journaling. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga, can help

adolescents become more aware of their thoughts and feelings and better manage

them (Ramasubramanian, 2017). Self-awareness and reflection are essential

components of emotion-focused coping. Recognizing how you're feeling in reaction

to a difficult scenario and relieving yourself of the stress it gives you are the

objectives (Bhtg, 2022). Seeking support: Adolescents may benefit from talking to

their parents, teachers, or counselors about their problems. They may also find solace

in talking to peers who have similar experiences (Ferow, 2019). Building resilience:

Developing resilience can help adolescents cope with stress and adversity by

developing a positive outlook, identifying their strengths, and learning to problem-

solve (Holdsworth, 2018). Art, music, and writing can be therapeutic and allow

adolescents to express themselves in a way that they may not be able to do in words.

(Spooner et al., 2019).

Talking to a trusted adult or friend is a great coping mechanism for addressing

difficult emotions. Having someone to talk to can provide emotional support and

understanding, and can help you better understand and process your feelings

(Chaizuran et al., 2020).  Guidance from a close friend or love one is essential. There

are many health outcomes such as lower despair, suicidal ideation, and anxiety, as

well as better selfcare (Roach, 2019). Joining a support group with peers
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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


who are dealing with similar issues can be a very useful and effective coping

mechanism. (Mayo Clinic 2022). Deep breathing and visualization are two yet simple

coping mechanisms that can help you manage stress and anxiety (Troutman et al.,

2022). Physical activity is considered one of the most effective ways to relieve stress.

It is an effective method to deal with stress, anxiety, and sadness. Regular exercise

can aid in the release of endorphins, which are brain chemicals that have anti-anxiety

and mood-enhancing properties (Jamias 2019). Additionally, physical activity has

been emphasized in the literature as a crucial, modifiable lifestyle behavior for brain

development and function (Ejiri, et al., 2021). The American Heart Association

advises engaging in 150 minutes or more of moderate aerobic exercise per week.

They advise doing 30-minute workouts five days a week or more. Three 10-minute

workouts can be virtually as effective as one 30-minute workout if you're short on

time (Madell, 2020). Since walking is an aerobic activity that is suitable for

practically everyone, feeling better may be as simple as putting one foot in front of

the other (Myers & Young, 2021).

A person can process and get through unpleasant or painful feelings and

reactions with the aid of emotion-focused coping techniques (Ben-Zur, 2020).

Emotion-focused coping is typically described as attempting to control upsetting

emotions, whereas problem-focused coping is making changes to the problematic

person-environment interaction (Chen, et al., 2017). According to (Cuncic, 2022),

Being present entails paying attention to the speaker with all of your senses (sight,

sound, etc.). listening to what the person is telling you is enough for a
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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


person to emotionally cope with their problem (Natoli, 2018). Especially Some of the

most emotionally challenging years of our lives can be those spent as teenagers

(Hunter, 2018). Emotional coping has to do with the psychological well-being of

students. A study by (Salimzadeh et al., 2021) found that those who used more

constructive emotional coping strategies (e.g., problem-solving, seeking social

support) experienced better psychological well-being than those who adopted

avoidance strategies (e.g., denial, avoidance, rumination). According to the

(American Psychological Association, 2020), it was found that students' ability to

cope with emotional stress is linked to the quality of their relationships with their

parents. The stronger relationships with parents serve as buffers for students when

dealing with negative emotions (Smith, 2022).

Studies have found that students typically use a variety of strategies to

manage their emotions, including problem-focused strategies such as restructuring,

problem-solving, and self-talk, and emotion-focused strategies such as relaxation,

distraction, and positive reappraisal (Freire et al., 2020). Students have identified five

emotional coping strategies most commonly used by students, such as calming down,

seeking support, reframing the situation, problem-solving, and self-care

(Stanisławski et al., 2019). One of the coping mechanism are Supporting people

through emotional discomfort also includes physical gestures in order to help them

(Raypole, 2021). Physical coping mechanisms are techniques we might employ to

physically convey our emotions. Children will replace hitting, shoving, kicking, etc.

by employing these coping mechanisms (Chelsey, 2020). Through the

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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


induction of a positive mood, leisure-time physical activity can promote effective

problem-focused coping. Additionally, a growing body of research points to the

benefits of physical activity in lowering stress reactivity and boosting resilience

(Faulkner, 2020). Students who need to physically express their anger can do so with

the aid of physical coping techniques, which also enable them to do so without being

hurtful or destructive (Tordjman, 2022). It can be non-verbal by hugging a person

(Villines, 2022). 404 people were interviewed in Pennsylvania, about their conflicts

and the hugs they received and ended up giving positive adoption (Li, 2016).

Emotional support is very important for students’ social functioning and well-

being. There are coping mechanisms we may teach our teens to help them deal with

this distress. These actions can convey a great sense of empathy and support for

young teens' ability to cope and regulate their feelings more skillfully, even in the

most trying of circumstances (Millacci, 2017). Parents play a prominent role in how

children develop emotion regulation (Hajal et al., 2017).

A hug can make a student feel better, approximately 47% for boys and 65%

for girls (Carlson, 2019). There are individual differences in how people deal with

stress, and research has shown how various coping mechanisms affect well-being and

the quality of life at work. (McFadden et., 2021). (Çevik & Ali Yıldız, 2017),

investigated the role of perceived social support and coping strategies in moderating

the relationship between stress and emotional well-being. The results showed that

perceived social support and active coping strategies (e.g., problem-

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of Perceived Well-being


solving) had a positive effect on emotional well-being, whereas passive coping

strategies (e.g., avoidance) had a negative effect (Butler et al., 2018) The results of

the review indicate that emotion-focused coping strategies, such as emotional

expression and emotional regulation, are most strongly associated with emotional

well-being. In addition, problem-focused coping strategies, such as problem solving

and seeking social support, are also associated with well-being (Freire et al., 2020). It

was found that the use of adaptive coping strategies (emotion-focused, and

mindfulness) was associated with better well-being (Haider et al., 2022). Various

studies conducted in the last few years have investigated the relationship between

coping mechanisms and well-being of students (Wu et al., 2020).

A 2022 meta-analysis conducted by (Rahrig et al., 2022) aimed to identify the

correlations between coping strategies and well-being. This meta-analysis included a

total of 33 studies from 2007 to 2018, with a total sample size of 13,848. The results

of the meta-analysis showed that problem-focused coping was positively associated

with well-being, whereas emotion-focused coping and avoidance were negatively

correlated with well-being. Overall, coping mechanisms appear to be positively

correlated with the well-being of students. When students have effective coping

mechanisms in place, they tend to have higher levels of well-being. This is likely due

to the fact that students are better equipped to handle stress and difficult emotions

when they have effective strategies to rely on. Additionally, having effective coping

strategies can help students manage their emotions and build resilience which can

contribute to better overall well-being.

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of Perceived Well-being


Theoretical Framework

This study is supported by Parenting Style and Well-Being Among

Adolescents theories. Wherein, studies found that parental support is associated with

greater emotional well-being in adolescents, and that coping strategies also play a

moderating role in this relationship. (Abidin et al., 2022)

This study is supported by The associations between perceived parental

support, emotion regulation strategies and adolescent emotional well-being. Studies

found out that perceived parental support was associated with better well-being in

adolescents, and that emotion regulation strategies played a mediating role in this

relationship (Van Meter et al., 2019).

According to (MacPhee et al., 2015), found that parental support is associated

with greater resilience in youth, and that this relationship was mediated by the use of

adaptive coping strategies

This theory is supported by research which has shown that parental support

and positive parenting can help children and adolescents cope with stress and manage

their emotional well-being. Additionally, the use of coping mechanisms such as

problem-solving and active coping strategies can also help children and adolescents

manage their emotional well-being. These strategies can help children

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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


and adolescents learn to effectively regulate their emotions and reduce stress (Shah et

al., 2020). Research has shown that parental support can provide a sense of security

and safety, which can help individuals develop resilience in difficult times (1).

Additionally, having effective coping skills can help individuals manage stress and

anxiety, leading to better mental health outcomes (2). Therefore, it is likely that both

parental support and effective coping skills can contribute to improved emotional

well-being (Compas, 2001).

Conceptual Framework

1.How may the profile of the • Data gathering Significant relationship
participants be describe in • Conducting survey between perceived parental
terms of: • Analysis and support and well being
 Age collection of the data
• Results Significant relationship
 Sex
between coping mechanism
2. Perceived Parental Support and perceived well being
and Students’ Coping
Mechanism: Correlates with
Perceived well-being

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The Input-Process-Output (IPO) will be utilized in this study. In the Input

section the dependent variable of this study is perceived parental support and

independent variable is coping mechanism. For the process, the

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of Perceived Well-being


researchers will be utilizing survey questionnaires. And lastly, the output of this study

is the significant relationship between perceived parental support and perceived well-

being. Coping mechanism and perceived well-being.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to assess senior high school students Perceived

Parental Support and Students' Coping Mechanism: Correlates of Perceived Well-


1. How may the profile of the participants be described in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

2. How can the participants' perceived parental support be described in terms


2.1 Parental Availability

2.2 Verbal Reassurance

2.3 Physical Expression of Affection

3. How can the participants perceived well-being be described

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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


4. What are the coping techniques that the participants can identify

5. Is there a significant relationship between the participants' perceived

parental support and well-being?

6. Is there a significant relationship between the participants’ perceived

coping mechanism and well-being?

Significance of the Study

The study’s findings will be beneficial to the following:

To the Students.

This study will give students the benefits of having support from various

kinds of people especially parents. A student will be more self-aware, allowing

him or her to take proactive control of their learning. It is critical that parents and

children can communicate openly and effectively with one another.

To the Teachers.

This study can aid teachers in understanding the well-being of a student. A

positive relationship between students and teachers in an effort to gain trust and

respect from each other. It is important that the teacher knows what is going on

with the students' life. Having another source of support system apart from

parents, and teachers can effectively affect the well-being of a student.

To the Family.

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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


This study can give insights to families on having support toward each other

especially emotional support. Without this emotional intimacy family contact

becomes a burden. Because no one is comfortable spending that much time with a

stranger. Therefore, openness to parents is hard, and getting support from them is

very little.

To the Future Researchers.

The study's findings can be used as a guide for future researchers who want to

conduct additional research on the same topic as this one. This research will give

them background information.

Scope and Delimitations

This study requires at least one month duration of data gathering to have a

comprehensive result and analyze the data. This must be conducted within the school

premises of Becuran High School. The study will involve 111 senior high school

students of Becuran High School to be called as the research participants. The

questionnaire to be used in the data gathering methods of this study will be printed

out survey questionnaires aimed at evaluating the Perceived Parental Support and

Students' Coping mechanism particularly grade 11 and 12 students during the

academic year 2022-2023 correlates to their Perceived Well-Being Only the

perceptions of the students shall be evaluated and identified in this study.

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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


Research Methodologies

Research Design

This study will be using a quantitative descriptive correlational design.

According to Sousa (2007), descriptive correlational studies describe the variables as

well as the natural relationships that exist between and among them. In this study, the

variables perceived parental support will be correlate with perceived well-being.

While Coping mechanism will also be correlate with perceived well-being.

Participants of the Study

The participants of the study will be one hundred and eleven (111) Senior

High School students from Becuran High School. The sample size has a .05 margin of

error utilized by using the G-POWER application and a confidence level of 95%

determined by using an online website (

Sampling Method
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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


The researchers will be using Purposive sampling, also known as judgemental

sampling, depends on the researcher's judgment when finding and selecting

individuals, cases, or events that can provide the utmost information to accomplish

the study's objectives (Nikolopoulou, 2022).

Research Instrument

The researcher will be utilizing survey questionnaires for senior high school

students. The questionnaires will consist of five parts and will have 24 item

questionnaire. The first part is the demographic profile of senior high school students.

The second part is the perceived parental support and is subdivided into 4 parts:

Demographic Profile, Parents' Availability, Verbal Reassuarnce, Physical Expression

of Affection, Coping Mechanism and the last part is Perceived well-being which will

be reflected in their self-assessment on a given set of indicators.

In this study, the Likert scale will be utilized and will consist of 4 point rating.

Each response will be described as: (1) Strongly Disagree (SD), (2) Disagree (D),

(3)Agree (A), (4) Strongly Agree (SA).

Data Collection Procedure

The researcher will send a letter of request to the students. This will inform

them about the study’s purpose. They have the freedom to participate or not. The

participant will be given enough time to respond. All private information including

the participants' identity will be valued.

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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


Ethical Consideration in the Conduct of the Study

All the sources and references in this research paper gives proper credits and

citations in order to maintain intellectual honesty; rest assured by the researchers. To

ensure the safety of the participants, their provided private information and identities

were kept in strict confidence and won’t be disclose to others as part of the disclosure

agreement between the researchers and the participants.

The researchers’ participants thought of how their responses are utilize, and

by that, it will be up to them if they are willing to participate. Furthermore, the

researchers guarantee that the participants are not pressured nor forced into taking and

responding to the survey questionnaires, that their right to refuse as participants of

this study is maintain, and that their privacy and personal life are protected. Finally,

the researchers would retain their professionalism by avoiding asking participants

non-research-related questions.

Statistical Treatment

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of Perceived Well-being


Statistical treatment of data is essential to analyze and ensure that data is

available in the correct format. Gathering raw data is just one aspect in the conduct of

the study. Data organization is also significant for drawing of meaningful

conclusions. These statistical techniques enable to identify any errors that may occur

in the investigation, and to uncover relationships between variables. Inferential

Statistics is implemented in this study, particularly frequency distribution, percentage,

arithmetic mean, and pearson correlation.

Frequency is defined as the repeated time of an occurrence (Cherry, 2021).

Percentages are calculated by dividing one value by another and converting the result

to one hundred (GDPR Guidelines BYJU'S, 2021). This has been utilized in the study

in presenting the age and sex of senior high school students.

Mean is a measure of the central tendency of a data set, which is determined

by taking the sum of all values in the data set, and then dividing that sum by the

number of values in the data set (Bhandari, 2022). This has been utilized in the study

to identify and describe the perceived parental support, coping mechanism and

perceived well-being of the participants based on the indicators in the given


Pearson correlation is a statistical technique used to measure the strength of

the linear relationship between two variables (Schober et al., 2018). This has been

utilized in this study to test if there is a significant relationship between perceived

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Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


parental support of senior high school students and their coping mechanism correlates

with their perceived well-being.


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Appendix A: Perceived Parental Support and Students' Coping Mechanism:

Correlates of Perceived Well-Being Survey Questionnaire


We are student researchers from Becuran High School STEM 12-Jonah, and we

would like you to participate in our study entitled "Perceived Parental Support and

Students' Coping Mechanism: Correlates of Perceived Well-being". The objective of

the study is to determine how the perceived parental support of senior high school

students can be described in terms of their parents' availability, verbal reassurance,

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 75

Perceived Parental Support and
Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


and physical expression of affection that they receive, and to gain insights on what

coping techniques students use and how this correlates to their perceived well-being.

Your opinion about this survey will be taken with confidentiality as it will be for

research purposes only. We highly encourage you to answer the survey with honesty

to fulfill the purpose of the study.

Name (Optional): ________________________________

I. Demographic Profile: Please answer the following items.

1. Age: ___________

2. Sex: ____________

II. This section will measure your perception on parental support based on
specific areas or sub-variables. In the table below, check the box which
corresponds to your answers on the presented statements. Answer the
following using the corresponding numerical value:
4= Strongly Agree

3= Agree

2= Disagree

1= Strongly Disagree

Parental Availability
(SA) (A) (D) (SD)

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 76

Perceived Parental Support and
Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


4 3 2 1
1. My parents find time for us
to communicate
2. My parents and I value our
free time activities together
3. My parents have been
supportive in helping me
with my problems.
4. My parents are willing to
listen to my problems.
5. My parents are able to
provide the guidance I need.
6. My parents are regularly
involved in important events
in my life

Verbal Reassurance
(SA) (A) (D) (SD)
4 3 2 1
1. My Parents tell me
encouraging words when I
don’t feel confident
2. They tell me to keep going
when I am doing well
3. When I struggle with
something, my parents tell
me that I'm capable of
overcoming any challenge
4. My parents express empathy
when I'm feeling upset.

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Perceived Parental Support and
Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


5. When I make mistakes, my

parents tell me that it's okay
and that I can still do better
next time.
6. My parents encourage me to
try new things and explore
my interests

Physical Expression of Affection

(SA) (A) (D) (SD)
4 3 2 1
1. I received warm hugs when I
am upset
2. My parent shower me with
kisses for reassurance
3. My parents give a pat in the
back to give comfort
4. My parents hold my hand
when I feel scared
5. I get a pat on the head when
I've done a good job

III. Identify which of the following coping techniques do you use. You may
choose more than one.

 Meditating
 Journaling
 Exercising
 Self-Pampering
 Eating-healthy
 Taking a vacation

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 78

Perceived Parental Support and
Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


 Getting enough sleep 6-8 hours of sleep

IV. This section will assess your well-being. In the table below, check the box
which corresponds to your answers on the presented statements. Answer
the following using the corresponding numerical value:
4= Strongly Agree

3= Agree

2= Disagree

1= Strongly Disagree

4 3 2 1
(SA) (A) (D) (SD)
1. I enjoy spending time alone
2. I find joy in what I do
3. I can regulate my emotions
in difficult situations
4. I am able to handle stress
5. I have a sense of inner peace
6. I am able to maintain a
positive attitude

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Perceived Parental Support and
Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


7. I am able to recognize when I

need help

Appendix B: Reliability of Questionnaire

Reliability of Parental Availability

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.845 6
Reliability test results for parental support on parental availability.

Reliability of Verbal Reassurance

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.813 6

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 80

Perceived Parental Support and
Students' Coping mechanism: Correlates
of Perceived Well-being


Reliability test results for parental support on verbal reassurance.

Reliability of Physical Expression of Affection

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.915 5

Reliability test results for parental support on physical expression of affection.

Reliability test results for students well-being.

Reliability of Well-being

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.795 7

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 81

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